Pixelmon Becáp Ererer Allows Some Wild Pokemon To Aggro On

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# Configuration file

# afkhandler
# Settings for controlling autobattler for AFK players
afkhandler {
# Sets the time (in seconds) before a player in battle is declared to be AFK
and the autobattle code takes over for them
I:"AFK Activation Time Length"=90
# Sets the time (in seconds) that the autobattle code allows for AFK player
to move once autobattle is active, before selecting a move itself
I:"AFK Activation Turn Time"=15
# Have autobattle take over if player is AFK during a battle, activates afte
r specified time period and gives specified time for each turn after that
B:"AFK Handler Active"=false
# breeding
# Settings for breeding behavior
breeding {
# If disabled, prevents crafting of Ranch Blocks
B:"Allow crafting of Ranch Blocks"=true
# If disabled, prevents placing of ranch blocks, preventing breeding from oc
B:"Allow placing of ranch blocks"=true
# Disabling this will remove the ranch expansion item from the game
B:"Allow ranch expansion"=true
# If enabled, random eggs from ditto-ditto breeding might contain legendarie
B:"Allow random BREEDING eggs to have a chance to be a legendary"=false
# If enabled, random eggs from /pokegiveEgg might contain legendaries.
B:"Allow random SPAWNED eggs to have a chance to be a legendary"=false
# Number of stages to go through before breeding occurs (1-5)
I:"Number of breeding levels"=5
# Sets the number of steps per egg cycle, lower numbers hatch eggs faster
I:"Steps per egg cycle"=255
# Control speed of breeding based on the blocks set in the area, if false wi

ll set breeding speed to 1.0x

B:"Use breeding environments"=true
# Number of ticks till the breeding level goes up by 1
I:"World ticks till breeding level increased"=18000
# database
# Settings for re-routing the pixelmon saving system into an external database
database {
# Put the connection string for the external database in the form jdbc:dbtyp
S:"Connection string"=jdbc:h2://
# Enable this to change the save system over to a database specified in the
connection string property, only h2 and mysql currently supported
B:"Save to external database"=false
# general
# General settings for the world
general {
# Allow player to throw pokeballs from hotbar, if false pokeballs can only b
e thrown in battles
B:"Allow Capturing Outside of Battle"=true
# Allows players to make rare candies by crafting (Serverside option)
B:"Allow Crafting of Rare Candy"=true
# Allows the 17 types of Gems to be dropped by bosses
B:"Allow Gem Boss Drop"=false
# Allows the 17 types of Gems to be crafted by players
B:"Allow Gems to be crafted"=true
# Determines if player vs player battles give pokemon experience, no EXP gai
n in PVP when false
B:"Allow PVP Experience"=true
# Allow players to plant apricorns/berries in the ground
B:"Allow Planting"=true
# Permits bosses to drop ranch area upgrades
B:"Allow Ranch Upgrade Boss Drop"=true

# Allow players to ride pokemon. If false no pokemon can be ridden. (Server

side option)
B:"Allow Riding"=true
# Allow random generation of structures such as Pokecenters, Shrines, and ot
her buildings if true
B:"Allow Structures to Spawn"=true
# Determines if player vs trainer battles give pokemon experience, no EXP ga
in in trainer battles when false
B:"Allow Trainer Experience"=true
# Allow the anvil to replace finished items with starting item from player's
inventory without manual placing
B:"Allow anvil autoreloading"=false
# Allow the player to nickname pokemon (not a server-wide setting, just a cl
ient setting)
B:"Allow pokemon nicknames"=true
# Allow creepers, skeletons, etc to spawn in the world - DANGER can kill you
while battling
B:"Allow vanilla mobs"=false
# Set legendary shrines to one use (false) or multiple use (true)
B:"Bird Shrines are reusable"=false
# Allow Players to use Cloning Machines to clone Mew to Mewtwo
B:"Cloning Machines Enabled"=true
# When mounted enables steering the pixelmon by looking
B:"Enable point to steer"=true
# Lets you choose to give/not give a starter to a player on join (via the pi
xelmon starter screen)
B:"Give a starter on join"=true
# Requires HM move Fly or HM move Surf on a pokemon to be able to ride it
B:"Have HM To Ride"=false
# Isi's hourglass is an item that lets you skip stages of breeding
B:"Let bosses drop Isi's hourglass"=true
# If true must be opped, if false must be in creative mode
B:"Must be opped to use spawners"=true
# Sets how far pixelmon names and levels can be seen from (client setting on
I:"Nameplate Visible Range Modifier (1=default, 2=farther, 3=far)"=1
# Allows wild pokemon to drop items like feathers, etc on death
B:"Pokemon Drops Enabled"=true
# Prints more detailed error messages to the server.log file if enabled
B:"Print Errors"=false
# Removes regular minecraft music so only Pixelmon music plays (Currently lo
cked to true in code)
B:"Remove Minecraft Music"=true

# Increases Size of Pixelmon Models in Game by 30%

B:"Scale Models Up"=true
# Allow Legendary Bird Shrines to Spawn Randomly in World
B:"Spawn Bird Shrines"=true
# Allow Haunted Jeweler Gem Shrines to Spawn Randomly in World
B:"Spawn Gem Shrines"=false
# Battle camera rotates around player if true, and is stationary if false
B:"Spin Battle Camera"=true
# The time taken before syncing to the system clock (in seconds)
I:"System time sync interval"=30
# Set Traders to one use (false) or multiple use (true)
B:"Traders are reusable"=false
# Sets Trainer Rarity, higher values spawn trainers more often, 0 spawns no
I:"Trainer Rarity (percentage 0-200)"=50
# Lets your world follow real world time or not (server's system time)
B:"Use system time for world time"=false
# Allows you to toggle which tab list you would like to use
B:"Use the Custom Tab List"=true
# Allows some wild pokemon to aggro on player and force battles, no forced b
attles when false
B:"Wild Pokemon initiate battles"=true
# Wild pokemon will have a chance based on unfavourable battle conditions to
try and flee from battle
B:"Wild pokemon can try and flee from battles"=false
# Saves Pixelmon entities to file when world saves (greatly increases savefi
le size and save time if true
B:"Write Entities To World Save"=false
# graphics
# Graphics Settings
graphics {
# Use the smd normal maps for shading pokeballs
B:"Enable smooth shading for pokeballs"=true
# Use the smd normal maps for shading pokemon
B:"Enable smooth shading for pokemon"=true
# Multiplier of the 64 distance usually used for rendering

D:"Render Distance Weight"=2.0

# Display the currently selected pokemon's attack target on the screen
B:"Show current attack target"=true
# Use the low-res (256x256) pokemon and pokeball textures
B:"Use low-res Textures"=false
# Use original pokemon textures for statues
B:"Use original pokemon textures for statues"=false
# ids
# Entity IDs for Pixelmon Entities (DO NOT CHANGE, unless you know what you are
ids {
I:"Camera ID"=202
I:"Pixelmon ID"=200
I:"Pokeball ID"=201
I:"Trainer ID"=199
# pokeloot
# Settings for controlling pokeloot chest spawns and behavior
pokeloot {
# Sets the frequency of chests spawning in world (to disable completely use
the '- Enabled' config settings)
# Minimal ~ 1 per 64 chunks, Normal ~ 1 per 32 chunks, More ~ 1 per 18 chunk
s, Extreme ~ 1 per 10 chunks
I:"Chest Spawn Rate (Minimal=0,Normal=1,More=2,Extreme=3)"=1
# Sets the Mode of all randomly spawned pokeloot chests
# FCFS = First Come First Serve, only one player can loot chest, then chests
# PL1D = Player 1 Drop, chest gives one drop per person, chest remains for o
thers to use once each
# PUD = Player Unlimited Drops, chests can be used infinitely by all players
# TIMED = Each player allowed to loot again after specified time interval (i
ndividual timers), chest remains after looting
I:"Default Spawn Mode (FCFS=0, PL1D=1, PUD=2, TIMED=3)"=0
# Allow Hidden Grottos to spawn in the world
B:"Hidden Grotto - Enabled"=true

# Allows invisible pokechests to spawn around the world randomly

B:"Hidden PokeChest - Enabled"=true
# Allows normal visible pokechests to spawn around the world randomly
B:"Normal PokeChest - Enabled"=true
# Sets Frequency that a player can reuse a timed loot chest (both placed in
creative and naturally spawned, if set to TIMED
# Time Conversions: One Hour = 3600 seconds, One Day = 86400 seconds, One We
ek = 604800 seconds
I:"Timed Loot (seconds)"=86400
# spawning
# Settings that control what Pixelmon spawn and how many spawn
spawning {
# Allow wild legendaries to spawn (besides specific event spawns)
B:"Allow Legendaries to spawn"=true
# Forces wild pokemon to despawn after a battle
B:"Despawn on Flee or Loss"=false
# This lets you choose which dimensions the pixelmon spawner will operate in
I:"Dimensions Pokemon will spawn in" <
# Displays server-wide announcement 'A Legendary Has Spawned in <name> Biome
' when legendary spawns
B:"Display global message on legendary spawn"=true
# Sets whether Generation 1 Pixelmon will be spawned or not (Pokedex 1-151)
# Sets whether Generation 2 Pixelmon will be spawned or not (Pokedex 152-251
# Sets whether Generation 3 Pixelmon will be spawned or not (Pokedex 252-386
# Sets whether Generation 4 Pixelmon will be spawned or not (Pokedex 387-493
# Sets whether Generation 5 Pixelmon will be spawned or not (Pokedex 494-649
# Sets whether Generation 6 Pixelmon will be spawned or not (Pokedex 650-719

# Sets odds of Legendary Spawning (1 in X spawns), higher values spawn wild
legendaries less often
I:"Legendary Spawn Rate"=22000
# Sets max number of flying pokemon in world at a time (higher numbers = mor
e spawns) (KEEP THIS LOW)
I:"Max number of Air Pokemon (at one time)"=2
# Sets max number of land pokemon in world at a time (higher numbers = more
I:"Max number of Land Pokemon (at one time)"=40
# Sets max number of underground pokemon in world at a time (higher numbers
= more spawns)
I:"Max number of Underground Pokemon (at one time)"=20
# Sets max number of water pokemon in world at a time (higher numbers = more
I:"Max number of Water Pokemon (at one time)"=20
# Shiny calculation uses 1/(shiny rate) to get odds of becoming shiny
I:"Shiny spawn rate"=8192
starter_settings {
I:"Level (min=5, max=100"=5
starters {
S:"1 S:"2 S:"3 S:"4 S:"5 S:"6 S:"7 S:"8 S:"9 S:"_10

First Choice"=Bulbasaur
Second Choice"=Squirtle
Third Choice"=Charmander
Fourth Choice"=Chikorita
Fifth Choice"=Totodile
Sixth Choice"=Cyndaquil
Seventh Choice"=Treecko
Eighth Choice"=Mudkip
Ninth Choice"=Torchic
- Tenth Choice"=Turtwig
- Eleventh Choice"=Piplup
- Twelfth Choice"=Chimchar
- Thirteenth Choice"=Snivy
- Fourteenth Choice"=Oshawott
- Fifteenth Choice"=Tepig

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