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Issue # 30 DFebruary 2010

Boston Anti-
Movement Newsletter
A General Anarchist Union in the Boston Area

Ghosts in the Rubble:

Haiti’s Poverty Comes to Light
Page 6 Photo by Zoriah

Boston Protests Tea Party Tools Why the Cops

Against Gitmo Page 4 Hate Cell
Prison Page 3 Phones Page 10
BAAM Newsletter - 1
Foxboro ICE Detentions - Obama’s In This Issue
Forces Target Immigrant Workers -Protestors Call for Closing of
Guantanamo Bay Page 3
-Teabaggers Page 4
-Haiti: The Debt Toll Page 6
-Update on Tarek
Mehanna’s Case Page 7
-Whitechapel’s Community
Spaces Page 8
-Update on Greece Page 9
-Cops and Videos Page 10

Boston May Day Committee (BMDC) condemns targeting of

The BAAM Newsletter
is the monthly publication of the
immigrant workers by ICE agents and Foxboro police Boston Anti-Authoritarian
department, calls for legalization of all undocumented Movement, a general union of

workers now. 
Build May Day 2010. Boston anarchists. Our publication
n January 6, Immigration and Cus- workers as criminals. By doing this, the US aims to spread anti-authoritarian
tom Enforcement (ICE) agents and government hopes to undercut support for the ideas and practices, and to report
police officers from Foxboro, Massa- legalization of undocumented immigrants. on the social struggles of workers,
chusetts, detained 58 immigrant workers at a The Administrations has also stepped up
the persecution of workers through “quiet”
tenants, students, radicals, and
roadblock near Gillette Stadium. They target-
ed a caravan of four passenger vans traveling means, such as the massive crackdown in the others resisting the repression of the
from Providence, Rhode Island. The workers Twin Cities (Minneapolis/St. Paul) in Oc- state, bosses, landlords and banks.
had been hired to shovel snow off the seats tober, where 1,200 janitors were fired from
at Gillette Stadium where the New England their jobs as the Obama Administration fol-
Patriots football team would be playing the lows its policy to “punish” employers who BAAM Subscriptions
coming weekend. hire undocumented workers. Last year ICE In striving to make our publication
An ICE spokesperson said five of the work- deported 387,000 immigrants - the highest in sustainable, we are offering yearly
ers detained had been previously deported US history. subscriptions, sent to your door for the
but had re-entered the United States illegally. During the recent Foxboro detentions, in sliding scale cost of $12-15. We also
Those five workers face up to 20 years in perhaps one of their most cynical moves yet, provide free email subscriptions. Email
prison if convicted of the felony of re-en- ICE officials drove those they had previously Jake at
tering the country without permission after detained to work, underlying the fact that the for more information, or send checks or
deportation. The other workers were taken to bosses want to keep the supply of immigrant
well-concealed cash to:
a nearby police station where they were fin- workers coming in but with more control
BAAM c/o Boston ABC, PO Box
gerprinted, photographed, and released with over the labor supply in this time of economic
230182, Boston, MA, 02123
orders to report back to ICE to determine crisis.
their legal status in the country. Most of the They want to reserve and maintain a supply
detainees are Guatemalan immigrants living
in Rhode Island. When they were released
of super-exploited workers; a reserve army
of labor that they can tap at will. By keep- Issue Editors
federal officials offered rides to Gillette Sta- ing millions of immigrant workers “illegal,” Adrienne, Jeff Reinhardt
Issue Designers
dium for those who wanted to go to work. The they hope to intimidate them, undermine their
Boston May Day Committee condemns this self-confidence, keep them from joining and
ICE action. ICE officials said they were only revitalizing our unions, and lower the value Jake Carman, Jeff Reinhardt
targeting “fugitive aliens” and/or “criminals” of the labor power of all workers. 

but that is not fact. They’ve arrested dozens The BMDC believes and states the exact
of workers who were not “targeted” and they
sent a direct threat in their message to the mil-
opposite and welcome all immigrant workers
with or without “papers”. They are not “il-
We accept submissions for our
lions of workers who are in this country seek- legals” they are our fellow workers. This is
ing jobs and to work that they could be next. 

 why the message of the May Day 2010 rally paper! Email articles, photos,
The Obama Administration has continued is, ALL WORKERS UNITE, NATIVE AND events, letters, etc to Jake at
in its policies to raid factories, to raid im- IMMIGRANT ALIKE! 

Boston, January 17,
migrant communities, places of business, 2010. •
and private homes depicting many detained
BAAM Newsletter - 2
it houses over 2,000 prisoners, 515 of those
Protestors Call for Closing of prisoners are detained in the Control Unit, in-
cluding death row inmate Mumia Abu Jamal.
Guantanamo Bay Detention Center In addition, it primarily warehouses a colossal
amount of long term, lock down inmates un-
der the fabricated blanket excuse of “A threat
to their selves or others” status; demanding a
sensory deprivation type of situation.
“S.C.I. Greene County Lieutenant/Iraqi
Army Corporal Charles Graner participated
in and/or gave orders to the unlawful despotic
treatment of prisoners such as: depriving of
meals, beatings, depriving disability prison-
ers of their chronic disease needs; (sometimes
causing deaths), pepper spraying inmates,
electric shocks, all of this was executed by
him from late 1990s to the early 2000s. More
importantly, this is the same personnel that
utilized identical methods at Abu Ghraib
prison in the Middle East leaving the world to
watch it on film.”
Looking further south, there is an article
Sergio Reyes of Boston May Day Coalition giving a speech on the Boston Com- written by Jordan Flaherty, an ally of prison-
mon at an MLK Day rally to close Guantanamo Bay. Photo by Diana Mai. ers in Louisiana, published in January 2009,
shortly after Obama’s statement on torture,

by Jake Carman “The torture of prisoners in US custody
n January 18th, Martin Luther King end of the use of torture, the closure of Guan- is not only found in military prisons in Iraq,
Jr. Day, around 30 people gathered in tanamo Bay, and freedom for many of the Afghanistan and Guantanamo. If President
the freezing cold on the Boston Com- political prisoners held within United States Obama is serious about ending US support
mon to demand that President Obama follow prisons. Others spoke in the memory of Dr. for torture, he can start here in Louisiana.
through on his promise to close down Guan- Martin Luther King Jr. who, toward the end “The Louisiana State Penitentiary at Ango-
tanamo Bay Prison. The President had vowed of his life, championed not only peace and ra- la is already notorious for a range of offenses,
to close Guantanamo Bay—located on a US cial equality, but rights for all working people including keeping former Black Panthers
Naval Base in Cuba where hundreds of ac- and an end to the war in Vietnam. The Greater Herman Wallace and Albert Woodfox in soli-
cused “terrorists” are detained, many without Boston Stop the Wars Coalition called for the tary for over 36 years. Now a death penalty
charges or access to lawyers—within his first action and supporters, many of whom pro- trial has exposed widespread and systemic
year, which ended on January 20th. The pres- vided speakers, included the Boston May abuse at the prison. The behavior documented
ident, along with human rights organizations, Day Committee, the Boston Anarchist Black at Angola stands out both for its brutality and
have condemned Guantanamo for the use of Cross, the Socialist Party, Committee to Free for the significant evidence that it was con-
torture and countless other violations of inter- the Cuban 5, and Students for a Democratic doned and encouraged from the very top of
national human rights agreements. Society. Anarchists from BAAM, the ABC, the chain of command.
Boston protesters carried signs and ban- and the Northeastern Federation of Anarchist- “In a remarkable hearing that explored tor-
ners, and using a bullhorn, spoke directly to Communists were present. • ture practices at Angola, twenty-five inmates
onlookers, calling for an end to the wars, the testified to facing overwhelming violence in
the aftermath of an escape attempt at the pris-
on nearly a decade ago. These inmates - who
Speech from the Rally by Clara Hendricks

were not involved in the escape attempt - tes-
tified to being kicked, punched, beaten with
hile we are here today to recognize Guantanamo, but that he ends ALL torture- and batons and with fists, stepped on, left naked in
Barack Obama’s failure to follow this means the abolition of the US Prison system. a freezing cell, and threatened that they would
through on his promise to close This connection of Obama’s statements be killed. They were threatened by guards that
the torturous prison facility at Guantanamo to domestic prisons was not something that they would be sexually assaulted with batons.
Bay, it is also essential to recognize the im- was lost on our comrades on the inside. So, They were forced to urinate and defecate on
plications of his condemnation of torture, and rather than write up something new, I thought themselves. They were bloodied, had teeth
what this should mean for prisoners nation- I would share with you the words of some knocked out, were beaten until they lost con-
wide. We live in a country with the highest prisoners I know. trol of bodily functions, and beaten until they
per capita prison population in the world. We The following, written last winter, comes signed statements or confessions presented
live in a country where millions of prisoners from the International Committee to End the to them by prison officials. One inmate had
are subject every day to the same torture that Torturous Facility at SCI Greene County: a broken jaw, and another was placed in soli-
continues to occur at Guantanamo. In con- “North of West Virginia dwells a covert tary confinement for eight years.
demning torture, Obama was, in a way, con- “Guantanamo Bay” death camp opened in the “Torture and abuse are illegal under
demning the entire US prison system. So to- early 1990s. Its famous name is S.C.I. Greene both US law and international treaties to
day we must not only demand that he closes County. Stationed in Western Pennsylvania, which the US is signatory. Despite the laws
BAAM Newsletter - 3
and treaties, US prison guards
have rarely been held accountable
to these standards.”
While these two statements
just about say it all, I want to
make sure we recognize that it
is not just about SCI Greene and
Angola. It is not just about the
Angola 3 and Mumia Abu-Jamal.
These torturous conditions exist
across the country from county to
state to federal institutions. While
those we refer to as political pris-
oners often receive particularly
harsh treatment due to their ide-
ologies and beliefs, this same
treatment is just as often given to
countless others, whose cases are
not known or publicized. This is
the unknown and unspoken real-
ity for nearly 1% of the United
States population. The conditions
of torture are so widespread that
according to a court case in 1980,
they do not even violate the 8th
Amendment, as they are indeed cruel, but not Obama to follow through on his promise, we Chicopee, and across the nation. We must
unusual. They occur every day. must not forget those who are locked up in continue to strive for a day when torture is
So today, as we acknowledge the torture our backyards. Those in South Bay, in Con- truly nonexistent- and that day cannot exist
occurring at Guantanamo, and call upon cord, in Framingham, in Walpole, Norfolk, while a single prison stands intact. •

The Teabaggers’ Strategy: Obama and the Right

by Sublett
policies have proven identical to Solving both halves of their problem is
George W. Bush’s. And unlike essential for the Republicans. They have no-
Bush, Obama’s position at the body of national prominence who possesses
head of the Democratic Party, anything resembling Obama’s ability to si-
along with his immense talent multaneously promise hope, deliver the exact
as a salesman, allows him to opposite, and get away with it. A John McCa-
advance the Republican agenda in victory in the last election would have been
with almost no opposition from a disaster for the ruling class, and they face a
self-described liberals. But this similar difficulty in 2012. A Black President
unexpected windfall also pres- of Obama’s charisma, who is also willing to
ents the Republicans, or rather completely ignore moral principles in the ser-
their corporate paymasters, with vice of corporate profits, is not something to
a dilemma. How do they get be discarded just because the economy is col-
Obama reelected while pretend- lapsing. Likewise, the false conflict between
ing to oppose him? Democrats and Republicans that has kept the
Ordinarily, of course, this US public mesmerized for decades is an in-
wouldn’t be a problem. An in- dispensable tool of social control, so the GOP
cumbent President with Obama’s can’t be seen to just roll over and play dead.
Teabaggers held a rally at George Mason Uni- skills could be expected to coast Their only option is to mount an “attack” that
versity (top) to commemorate the falling of the easily to reelection regardless of looks ferocious on the surface but has no abil-
Berlin wall. Then, they left all their crap there for the competition, as Bill Clinton ity to derail Obama’s reelection bid.
did in 1996. Today, however, This is where Sarah Palin comes in. Palin,

somone else to clean up. Photo by Kenton Ngo.
the deepening economic depres- along with other unelectable far-right nut jobs
year into President Barack Obama’s sion complicates matters for the like Glenn Beck and Bill O’Reilly, have dom-
first term, it has become depress- establishment. By 2012, voters will have en- inated right-wing media coverage since the
ingly clear that he is, as Jay Leno put dured five-plus years of economic misery and election, at the expense of all 40 Republican
it, “our greatest Republican President ever.” flagrantly broken promises. Even Obama will Senators, and all the Republican governors
From warrantless wiretapping to bank bail- have a hard time getting reelected without except Mark Sanford. Palin and company’s
outs to endless war—on issue after issue—his some help from the “other side.” brand of faux-populist, crypto-racist dema-
BAAM Newsletter - 4
goguery, which carefully avoids any econom- the teabaggers widespread media coverage from the “opposition,” it makes perfect sense.
ically important issues, is now what passes via his Fox News Network, something else We don’t have to wait until 2012, though,
for the Republican platform. By contrast, any that tends not to happen to genuine grassroots to see the effects of the teabagger strategy on
mainstream Republican politician who has a movements. national policy. Having the Republicans tacit-
chance of toppling Obama, and quite a few Once one realizes that the teabaggers are a ly on his side has let Obama employ the clas-
who don’t, have been as close to invisible as giant astroturf operation, their usefulness to sic political strategy of getting the bad news
their positions allow. Mainstream political Obama and the ruling establishment becomes out of the way early, without having to worry
commentators have expressed surprise at the clearer. For one thing, they draw support unduly about his approval ratings (which in
“disarray” the Republicans find themselves away from Ron Paul and the “libertarians,” any case are well north of 50%). Consider-
in. They point to Arlen Specter, a “moderate” who, however misguided and destructive ing the sheer volume of bad news, he’s made
Republican Senator from Pennsylvania, who their ideas are, are a genuine threat to the es- good time. In less than a year Obama scuttled
was forced to defect to the Democrats to avoid tablished order. The teabaggers are also, with a global climate deal, engineered a massive
a loss in the upcoming Republican primary help from Fox News and friends, dragging the giveaway to the health insurance industry,
election, something virtually locked in a policy of bailing out
unheard of for an incumbent Wall Street whenever neces-
Senator. These commentators sary, increased US participation
are missing the point. Disarray in genocidal wars and confirmed
is exactly what the corporate the Bush administration’s policies
establishment needs from the concerning torture, illegal arrests
Republicans right now, and and government secrecy. About
Specter was a potential threat the only thing left is immigration
to Obama in 2012. Also, he is “reform,” and at his current pace
now a useful counterweight that should be wrapped up by fall
within the Democratic Party of this year.
to more liberal Senators like Here it’s interesting to note that
Al Franken. immigration, the teabaggers’ sig-
The so-called Tea Party nature issue, was saved until they
movement fits neatly into had established themselves orga-
this framework. A motley nizationally and in the media. That
collection of right-wing, will make them a better excuse
working-class white peo- Despite its claims of being a “grassroots” movement, the tea- for the package of increased re-
ple, the movement takes its baggers are funded, supported, and promoted by the infra- pression and employer giveaways
name from the Boston Tea structure of the right.. Photo by Wes Pennest. that will inevitably emerge from
Party. The “teabaggers,” as the “reform” battle. Amnesty for
they are known, have been in the media re- mainstream debate further to the right. This undocumented immigrants will be torpedoed
cently for organizing medium-sized protests means that liberals, confronted with Obama’s in much the same way the pubic option was
in Washington, DC and disrupting the town support for torture, war and global warm- during the health care debate, except with the
hall meetings on health care of last summer. ing, who might otherwise consider growing teabaggers taking most of the blame instead
Their positions include the claim that Obama a spine, are pressured to continue supporting of Joe Lieberman.
was born in Africa and is thus ineligible to the administration as the lesser of two evils. With immigration out of the way the White
be President, a demand that the government But the teabaggers’ greatest gift to the rul- House will be able to switch over to campaign
refrain from providing health care, and a ing class is their potential to divide the anti- mode, taking a harder rhetorical line with the
stand against immigration. While the teabag- Obama vote by adding a third evil to the mix. Republicans, throwing a few minor bones to
gers are presented in the corporate media as This was pointed out by the Wall Street Jour- the liberals to bring them back in line and
a spontaneous expression of working class nal in a mid-December poll, which found that otherwise shoring up a slowly dwindling base
anger, even a cursory look at their origins a hypothetical Tea Party had higher favorabil- of support. By Election Day 2012, Obama
and funding reveals that this is far from the ity ratings than either the Republicans or should be in position to sweep all 50 states
case. According to Jane Hamsher’s teabag- Democrats. Since then, a Tea Party Conven- against the GOP and Tea Party candidates and
ger timeline on, the first tion has been announced for early February at claim a “mandate” based on forty-something
protest to be labeled a “Tea Party” was orga- which Palin will be the keynote speaker. percent of the popular vote.
nized by Ron Paul supporters as a fund raiser Other speakers include Republican Repre- Noam Chomsky recently warned of the
in December 2007. Since then however, the sentative Michelle Bachmann and Republican possibility of an independent right-wing
theme has been appropriated by more main- Representative Marsha Blackburn. If you’re populist movement reminiscent of the Nazis
stream Republicans for their own purposes. noticing a pattern here, you’re not alone. A in Weimar Germany. A right-wing populist
By late February 2008 nation-wide Tea Party bunch of Republican politicians are creating movement under the control of the ruling
protests were being spearheaded by staffers a third party that can only split the right-wing elite could be even more dangerous. As we
from Freedomworks, a foundation chaired by vote, instead of working within the Republi- resist the US trend toward outright corporate
former Republican Congressman and House can party to advance views that are already fascism, the teabaggers will be worth keeping
Majority Leader Dick Armey, not exactly popular on the right. This behavior would an eye on. •
the first person that leaps to mind when you ordinarily be considered political suicide, but
think of grassroots community organizing. If for a party whose major donors (the defense, Further reading:
Armey’s involvement isn’t enough, consider insurance, and banking industries among oth-
that media mogul Rupert Murdoch has given ers) are already getting everything they want a-teabagger-timeline-koch_b_187312.html

BAAM Newsletter - 5
Haiti’s Debt Toll
Earthquake Tragedy Brings
Centuries of Imperialism to Light

by Jeff Reinhardt

s the TV screens and newspapers unless the imperial powers are stopped. France, which decimated native populations
across the US continue to show im- Besides patting the US government on the and brought slaves over from Africa.
ages of the tragedy that has befallen
back for all its “aid,” the mainstream media The Haitian Revolution, the second revolu-
Haiti, more important political analysis has
makes offensive declarations on the tragedy’s tion in the western European colonies, began
been largely overlooked as well as some of magnitude being caused by a “lack of infra- in 1791 as slaves across the region began to
the work that is being done by groups otherstructure” and “underdevelopment” in Haiti revolt against the French
than major NGO’s and the military. What (never mind Pat Robertson saying that Hai- landowners. Toussaint L’Ouverture, a for-
the mainstream media doesn’t want to reporttians signed a pact with the devil). In one Wall mer slave, led the revolution until he was
happens to be some of the most important in-
Street Journal editorial, the 7.0 magnitude kidnapped by the French and sent to die in
formation on the matter. quake that happened January 12th in Haiti a French prison. Nevertheless, in 1804 Haiti
What is most often discussed is the mon-was compared to the 7.0 magnitude quake in declared indepen-
etary support from the US. Major US papers California in 1994, where fewer than a hun- dence from France,
constantly praise the incredible fundraising
dred people died. The Journal stated, “The but was only recog-
efforts at home including the new text mes-difference is a function of a wealth –generat- nized by France in
saging fundraising, which as of Tuesday, ing and law-abiding society that can afford, 1825 upon agreeing
January 19th had reached $22 million alone.among other things, the expense of proper to pay a debt of 150
This is all well-meaning and necessary char-
building codes.” Blaming an impoverished million francs back
ity; Haiti is the poorest nation in the western
nation for being poor is appalling, but all too to the French gov-
hemisphere. Though it is a land rich in re-accepted as most of Haiti’s history has been ernment (this was
sources and human spirit, it has been plun-left out of the discussion. the annual budget
dered by western powers and it needs its own Haiti’s history is one of revolution, poverty of France in 1804,
sovereignty because the country is currently
and imperialism, and that’s just the surface. which now would be
unable to rebuild itself. Let me be clear: Haiti
Theirs is a story of people with tremendous in the billions). This
has been intentionally impoverished. This amounts of courage to fight for justice against debt was the begin-
imposed poverty has escalated the human a brutal ruling class. It is an utter condemna- ning of a new era of
death toll from the quake, and it will continue
tion of capitalism from start to finish. slavery in Haiti, mir-
Like all of the ing the young nation in permanent debt to the
Americas, the is- powerful.
land Haiti shares Fearing parallel slave rebellions, the Unit-
with the Domini- ed States refused to recognize Haiti until after
can Republic was the Civil War and set up a trade embargo. Of
home to indig- course, the US eventually bought out Haiti’s
enous peoples, National Bank in 1910, effectively securing
including the Tai- the nation’s treasury in the National City
nos, the Arawaks, Bank of New York (now known as Citibank).
and other nations In 1915, President Woodrow Wilson sent US
who lived off the troops to Haiti to stabilize the country after a
land for centuries. series of Revolutions starting in 1911 (to pro-
In 1492, Colum- tect their “investment”). The US would oc-
bus landed on the cupy Haiti until 1934, further increasing the
island and claimed debt the country owed. During this period both
it for Spain. France and the US each diverted 40 percent
French pirates of Haiti’s GDP to paying back debts, mean-
soon plundered ing the country was allowed to keep 20%.
A future of uncertainty awaits the children of Haiti, many of the coasts and in Following this, the US helped install the
whom will be recoving from injuries for the rest of their lives. 1625 it became a dictator Francois Duvalier who, with his son,
Photo from Red Cross. prized colony of ruled Haiti for 29 years. Over 30,000 people
BAAM Newsletter - 6
were murdered during the Duvaliers’ Regime layed or rerouted by the US to ensure all of sibilities for business and redevelopment.
and the country was further driven into pov- its military forces could land. So amidst the widely broadcast humanitar-
erty from the French and US debts. These are early signs of future US domi- ian aid from the US, we should question the
More recently, both Bill Clinton intentions of our military and the intentions
and George W. Bush enacted simi- of the large companies doing work there.
larly offensive strategies in dealing Then there are the relief groups—the
with one our closest neighbors. Jean- small grassroots ones—that get absolutely
Baptiste Aristide, a populist who no media coverage, but are doing good work.
spoke against neoliberal policies One group to note from the US is the Mu-
and military junta rule, was elected tual Aid Disaster Relief in Haiti organization.
in 1990. His election represented MADRIH is composed of skilled volunteers
an age-old class divide in Haiti: the from all over the US who want to provide not
poor majority supported Aristide only charity, but solidarity with the Haitian
and the rich hated him. Aristide People. Two teams are currently in Haiti pro-
was twice removed from power: viding mostly medical relief. According to the
first in 1991, by a violent military group’s website (
coup, and then again in 2004 by the they have been meeting many bureaucratic
CIA. Aristide now resides in South A “looter” is arrested for possession of a bag of obstacles to providing the help they intended
Africa, and wishes to return to his powdered milk on January 15th. Repression of to provide. They also report serious backlogs
country to help his people. The US Haiti continues as the US military takes over. in getting food to people on the streets from
has not supported this. Photo by Carole Cole/Los Angeles Times. the UN. The group is currently heading out of
What the US has done is create the capital because of a huge influx of medi-
a PR campaign using two warmon- cal personnel. Other groups doing support
gering former presidents, Bill Clinton and nation in Haiti that could reap the benefits work include the Partners In Health, Grass-
George W. Bush, as special envoys to help of what author Naomi Klein termed “di- roots International, and Pastors for Peace.
the humanitarian response. Both Clinton saster capitalism” in her book The Shock Keep an eye out for these groups and this
and Bush exploited Doctrine. US companies are gearing up to author would strongly recommend donating
Haiti and destroyed finance the rebuilding of Haiti with one to at least one of them. As Haiti attempts to
real democracy concern in mind: profit. It happened to rebuild itself, citizens of the US and other
there. When Aris- New Orleans after Katrina, it happened to countries should try and think of the best
tide was let back the countries devastated by the tsunami in long-term solution for the people of Haiti, not
into power in 1994, 2004, and it is happening in Iraq. Disasters, its rulers, not its elite, nor the rich from the
Clinton imposed human-caused or otherwise, are huge pos- rest of the world. •
harsh neoliberal
policies and forced
the leader to accept
them, effectively
Update on Tarek Mehanna Case:
opening textile
trade between the
He Still Needs Our Support
two countries and Tarek Mehanna is a 27 year old Muslim. sisters, a decision that did not sit well at all
creating a whole Highly educated, he holds a doctorate in with the FBI.
slew of sweat- pharmacy from the Massachusetts College of The FBI threatened and eventually arrested
shops, eliminating all protection for Haiti’s Pharmacy. Tarek is described by those who Tarek. He is currently being held in solitary
economy. Bush similarly treated Haiti with know him well as humble, reserved, warm, confinement, facing accusations of aiding
contempt. In 2004, along with France and peaceful, intelligent, charismatic, knowl- and abetting terrorism. All of these FALSE
Canada, he helped orchestrate a second coup edgeable, dedicated, and straightforward. He charges have been fabricated by paid FBI in-
against Aristide, effectively relocating him to is a person with strong ethical values who formants. We ask you to join us to support our
South Africa. Both men have also killed thou- refuses to compromise on them regardless of brother until he is released and home with his
sands abroad in other foreign interventions, the circumstances. It is unfortunate that these loving family.
making them war criminals; not exactly the customarily admirable traits play a role in his For more information on Tarek’s case and
best faces to represent a “humanitarian” relief current situation. what you can do to help, please visit our
effort. But the media eats it up. Several years ago, the FBI began to ap- website. FREETAREK.COM
All this points to the possibility of further proach Tarek in an effort to recruit him as an Tarek has expressed that your letters are
US military involvement in Haiti. The Penta- informant. They recognized that he was a re- what have the greatest impact on keeping him
gon is effectively in control of the island and ligious Muslim who was active in the local Is- in good spirits while in isolation. Please send
is sending 10,000 US troops including 2,000 lamic community. They knew had earned the letters of support, love, inspiration, admira-
marines to occupy the country for “security” trust and respect of many, and was a beloved tion, solidarity, and strength to him at:
reasons. The US quickly gained control of the mentor to the youth. Their objective was to
main air terminal in Port-au-Prince shortly af- secure Tarek as a tool to corroborate any FBI *Tarek Mehanna**
ter the earthquake first hit, and immediately claims or accusations against members of the ID#50660 Unit GSE-108
began letting US troops land. Reports have community that might arise, at the discretion Plymouth County Correctional Facility
surfaced that the delay of some of the most of the FBI. Of course, Tarek flat out refused 26 Long pond Road
needed medical and food supplies were de- to backstab his fellow Muslim brothers and Plymouth, MA 02360* •
BAAM Newsletter - 7
White- collective had even considered having free
music lessons on the large organ upstairs. It
opened its doors Friday to Sunday from 12-

Chapel’s 8pm. The House “promotes community with-

out consumerism” and describes itself as “a
non-profit, non-hierarchal space open to all.”
The grand opening occurred in July 2009 with
free music and food. Individuals and families
all over the city attended the event.
The London Free School Collective aims
to “confront hierarchy and inequality in edu-
cation and reclaim knowledge to develop self
reliance.” The group frequently holds week-
! ends of skill sharing and workshops. Some of

Community these classes include clothes making, radical

reading group, computers, self-defense, no-

Spaces madic kiln construction, class politics and cli-

mate change, and DIY/zine publishing. The
! workshops take place at different social cen-
as well if the collective consensually agrees. ters around London. The London Free School

Words and Photos by Kassie Carlson
One of their biggest events was called Behind Collective found its temporary home at the Non
hitechapel is an incredibly pro- Bars, held to benefit Greek anarchist prison- Commercial House on Commercial Street for
gressive area of London home to ers and to celebrate the 40th anniversary of a couple months. However, the fact that the
countless radicals and open-mind- the July 1969 anti-police riots at the Stone- London Free School Collective does not have
ed individuals. Once the home of the infamous wall Inn in Greenwich Village in NYC, where a permanent home can sometimes be benefi-
Jack the Ripper and anarcho-syndicalist writ- queers showed the world that they would fight cial. Events are held at locations all over the
er Rudolf Rocker, Whitechapel is commonly back against police targeting of queer spaces. city. Changing places encourages many dif-
known for its local bars and restaurants, but This was the first time in American history ferent communities to engage in the activities.
also as a central area for community-based where the homosexual community fought On November 30th, the rampART collec-
activism. Some of these centers included the back against the police for their frequent un- tive, The Non Commercial House and thus,
London Action Resource Center, an anar- prompted and The London Free
chist-publishing house called Freedom Press unwarranted School Collective
and a local Food Not Bombs. Whitechapel raids of any were evicted from
Anarchist Group circulates a free newsletter areas they their spaces. All three
called W.A.G. that can be seen in the hands of congregated. spaces had been fight-
locals and radicals alike. The Behind ing court cases with
One autonomous space named rampART Bars party their owners for quite
specifically caught my attention because of was an all- some time. The great-
its longevity. The collective self-describes it- day, all-night est loss of course was
self as being “one of a number of autonomous event includ- the rampART col-
spaces around London providing a non com- ing an entire lective, however all
mercial venue for a wide-range of groups and weekend of the spaces were ben-
activities.” Currently there are about 100,000 shows, a bar eficial to London’s
homes empty in London, one of the richest and a Punx growth as a popula-
cities in the world. Unlike most areas of the Picnic in the
tion. RampART held
world, squatting isn’t illegal in England or park. With most people paying donations of strong against the bailiffs and landlords for
Wales. Once someone other than their owner five dollars at the door, a three-floor building five and a half years. The building was evicted
occupies a building, the occupiers will not was stuffed to the ceiling with people spill- by forty-five police officers with chainsaws,
be evicted as long as there has been no dam- ing out the door. There’s no wonder that ram- however the collective still shouted strong:
age done to the building, they do not leave pART collective made quite a bit of money “Our energy has not dissipated. We will not
the building unattended and you agree to pay to support their cause. That night bridges be beaten!” Thus, activists have not lost any
any relevant bills. The Advisory Service for between countries were built but also within steam or strength. RampART has moved to
Squatters (ASS) is a useful resource for ram- varying social circles and communities. another location and new autonomous spaces
pART and many other autonomous spaces. Another autonomous space that opened are opening up everyday. With the London
The rampART collective is an important in London during the same time is The Non Olympics just three years away in a desperate
aspect of Whitechapel’s community. Events Commercial House. The two-floor building economy, its not wonder that the city is trying
at the building are attended by the whole is an alcohol and drug-free community space to “clean up” the best it can. The exceptional
neighborhood instead of just a single age on Commercial Street. Beautiful, mural-like dedication of activists in London’s Whitecha-
group or social group. Even the firefighters graffiti covered the walls. Large comfortable pel community proves that significant chang-
are friendly with the occupiers, especially couches lined the walls. The Non Commer- es in ideals, community structure and even
after a fire destroyed their first building next cial House offered a free store and bike shop laws can be made if we put in enough effort
door. RampART is usually a show space and as well as Spanish lessons, film screenings, and enthusiasm. •
community space, but is used by other groups discussions, and workshops. At the time, the
BAAM Newsletter - 8
Of Mo ligans: to watch and participate in the
January 20th demonstration,
the large anarchist “free” neighborhood
where the shooting took place, has no bal-
and H where anarchists and support- conies or other metal structures in the air
ers chanted anti-police and an- capable of deflecting a bullet, and the claim
ti-government slogans, and de- is highly improbable. (See Greek cartoon de-
manded that the courts accept picting the murder, left) Ballistic evidence,
the pleas of the victim’s mother which could indicate if the bullet that struck
to move the trial back to Ath- Alexis’ heart had been deflected, is key to the
ens. The march included minor verdict. The trial could last several months.
confrontations with police. Besides the January 20th march through
Alexandros’ mother, Gina Amfissa Center and to the nearby prison, and
Greece’s Trial of the Century
By Jake Carman
Tsalikian, filed multiple com- along with the ongoing high school and uni-
plaints against the transfer of versity occupations, anarchists and anti-au-

the trial to Amfissa, includ- thoritarians have intensified their “urban guer-
n January 22nd, in the remote moun- ing one to the European Court of Human rilla” campaign. This month, they blew up the
tain town of Amfissa, Greece, the Rights. In an open letter to the judges, she ground floor of the Ministry of Press, the front
trial began of Athens police officers claims the accused officers are “subjects of yard of the Greek Parliament building, burnt
Epaminondas Korkoneas and Vassilis Sara- privileged treatment.” Moving the trial, Tsa- the Kallithea, Athens offices of the governing
liotis. Korkoneas murdered 15 year old anti- likian argues, hinders the participation of key Socialist Party (PASOK) as well as the usual
authoritarian Alexandros Grigoropoulos on witnesses—such as the school-aged youth. cars of diplomats, and raided and smashed up
December 6th, 2008, and Saraliotis is being Her statements also raise questions about the the office of Deputy Justice Minister Aposto-
tried as an accomplice for encouraging the second bullet (perhaps intended for a second los Katsifaras. A new guerrilla group, calling
killing. The shooting sparked more than a victim) and the oversight of the police-con- itself the Revolutionary Organization 6th of
month of full-blown insurrection, and though duct files of the accused. Without waiting for December, after the date Alexis was mur-
it occurred in central Athens, authorities the decision of the European Court of Hu- dered, claimed the Ministry of Press bombing.
postponed the trial from December 2009 to man Rights, the Greek Courts rejected all of Labor is on the offensive. Striking work-
January 20th, 2010, and moved it 125 miles Tsalikian’s appeals. The police union also ers of the country’s second largest shoe com-
northwest from the Greek capital in hopes of protested the move to Amfissa, telling the pany, Elite, responded to threats of closure
avoiding more civil unrest. As the drama un- BBC it’s, “an insult that implies they could by occupying Elite’s main factory in Athens.
folds in quiet Amfissa, the whole of Greece not guarantee security in the Greek capital.” Civil Aviation workers also occupied their
waits and watches. The outcome could deter- When the trial finally began on January headquarters on January 21st, while a sex
mine if the ruling Socialist Party (PASOK) can 22nd, police flooded Amfissa under the pre- workers union protested for better healthcare.
regain control on the rebellious nation, or if text of protecting officer Korkoneas from In the countryside, during the lead up to the
the public continues at breakneck pace down urban guerrilla groups that have threatened trial, farmers used their tractors as blockades,
the road of uprising and rebellion. As Chris- to kill him. Bullets have even been mailed shutting down seven highways in the country
tos Fotopoulo, president of the Police Union to his defense lawyer, Kougias, who began the size of Alabama, hindering cross-country
told the BBC, “If the public believes there is the trial by claiming Alexis was involved in travel and even blocking national borders.
a fair and proper trial...then this will improve water-polo hooliganism on December 6th. These blockades were organized regionally
relations between the police and society.” Officer Korkoneas said, “The ones who re- by farmers unions from the left, as well as
On January 20th, when it was announced ally attacked were the boy and the witness. many on the right. Around the start of the
that the trial would again be postponed be- Those 16 year old boys are not normal kids trial, however, according to a report from
cause, according to AFP, “the main lawyer like mine and yours.” Tsalikia, who had to Greek anarchists, “farmers from the block-
of...Korkoneas was occupied with another be restrained by police during Korkoneas’ ades of north Greece have declared they no
trial,” 350 anarchists marched through Am- slanderous statements, testified that Korko- longer consider their official unions relevant
fissa with much public support. 15 anarchists neas shot her son deliberately, and that the and have formed an ad hoc autonomous
had traveled from Athens and nearby Lamia two officers were “monsters in the guise of council comprising of two elected members
to Amfissa on January 16th to reach out to the men.” Tsalikian claims that even after the from each blockade.” The farmers demand
townsfolk and shatter the government-gener- murder, the police “...Just left. They went that the PASOK government fulfill their
ated image of anarchists as vile terrorists. “So back to their headquarters and did not say campaign promises, and the herders union
will the hordes of barbarians come to Amfissa they had shot a child. It was like they had reinforced the blockades on January 25th. On
to flatten the city? … Are the babies in dan- killed a little mouse. These people valued January 25th, though the government held a
ger, the olive tries, animals, the kiosks, the the life of my son as much as a cockroach’s.” Dialogue on Farming at the Presidential Man-
drinkable water? The answer is no,” said the At the stand, Korkoneas stated: “I don’t sion in Athens, farmers, calling it a “circus
fliers the anarchists handed out to residents accept liability for anybody’s death...I would of a dialogue,” boycotted, remained at their
during of Amfissa at the beginning of the have stepped forward to shield anyone, in- Korkoneas (middle) on trial
week. While 400 police officers swarmed the cluding these kids. It was the outcome of a
town days before the trail, and while shops difficult moment.” Saraliotis also pled in-
responded to government scare tactics by nocent, saying, “I have nothing to do with
boarding up windows, “upon hearing that ‘an- my colleague’s actions.” Korkoneas’ de-
archists were in town,’ crowds of people came fense is based on the claim that, according
to meet them” and invite them for free drinks to the Associated Press “the boy was killed
in local cafes, said the anarchists’ statement. by a warning shot fired into the air that rico-
Locals also came out to downtown Amfissa cheted.” However, that section of Exarchia,
BAAM Newsletter - 9
snow-covered tractors, and staged a “general serfdom in Thessaly, east-central Greece.
rehearsal of total blockade.” Only a handful Lastly, a hunger strike, organized by the Ini- Photo Below: Greek farmers protest at
PASOK-controlled farm union reps attended tiative for Prisoners Rights on January 11th, their tractor blockades.
the Ministry of Agriculture’s dialogue. Trac- at the time of writing continues in Grevena
tors crippled the highways and even side prison, including more that 400 prisoners. •
streets, shut down all traffic north of Athens,
an international railway, and the Bulgarian
border. Some gave free produce to the trapped
drivers while explaining agricultural politics.
By the 26th, 5,000 tractors blocked roads,
and city buses besieged the Salonica police
headquarters and the city of Larissa, threat-
ening their own blockades. All in all, these
actions have cost the Greek state around 200
million Euros so far, and may escalate early
next month, during the 100 years anniversary
of the Kileler Uprising and the abolition of

To Wiretap the Wiretappers of state power by a state that perpetuates

much more pernicious, unwarranted wiretap-
ping against its constituents.
Monthly Events:
By Adrienne Twelve US states have such laws and while
t is an unfortunate reality that ours is a the Globe article notes as being aware of and
First and Third Monday:
culture that worships cops. Given my concerned with the issue the Massachusetts Papercut Zine Library meeting,
own manifold and multifarious experi- Civil Liberties Union and the Citizen Media 7:30pm, Contact
ences with law enforcement officials, not to Law Project at Harvard’s Berkman Center for for location
mention being a person whose attention is Internet and Society, and was penned by a
routinely directed towards the constant on- representative of the New England Center for
slaught of internet videos of cops brutalizing,
First Tuesday of Every Month:
Investigative Reporting at Boston University,
humiliating, sexually violating, and killing unlike in Pennsylvania, there is presently no BAAM public meeting, 7pm, Lucy Par-
people with little to no provocation, all more direct challenge to the validity of the law. sons Center, 549 Columbus Ave. Open
or less with impunity, I honestly don’t under- The challenge in Pennsylvania is actually meetings feature an introduction to
stand the appeal. But it seems all these videos being brought by the ACLU on behalf of Eli- BAAM, reportbacks, and workshops.
are vexing law enforcement, making them jah from Pittsburgh’s Landslide Community
frowny and very cross indeed; videos of po- Farm. In April 2009, University of Pittsburgh
lice conduct expose the lies that comprise at police busted in on him and Von as they were
Second Tuesday of Every Month:
least 80% of police reports and testimony and retrieving the excesses of capitalism from Anarchist Black Cross meeting (defense
wrest from the armed apparatus of the state a a dumpster. At issue was a 2 minute and 55 and prison abolition group), 8pm, email
smidgeon of the control that they spend their second video Elijah took with his cell phone for location.
vile lives pursuing. while the police cuffed Von and attempted to
It might be an optimistic overstatement to ascertain her identity. While she was released,
say that such documented episodes undermine
Every Wednesday:
he was charged with wiretapping. The charge
the legitimacy of the state, but videos have was dismissed in July 2009 and the ACLU
Free Radical Film Nights, 7pm, Lucy
certainly been used in court and in journalis- filed suit the following month challenging Parsons Center, 549 Columbus Ave.
tic media to dismiss lie-based cases again po- the law, just in time for September’s G20 in
lice victims. Despite the many advantageous Pittsburgh, where citizen media was not as Second Sunday of Every Month:
ends served by street videography, the Boston thoroughly pummeled as it had been during
Anarchist Black Cross tends to advise against 2pm Industrial Workers of the World
September 2008’s Republican National Con-
using video cameras, particularly those with vention in St. Paul. The same team of folks meeting. Lucy Parsons Center, 549 Co-
audio capabilities, around Massachusetts law who assembled the documentary Terrorizing lumbus Ave, Boston
enforcement for the very reason that Massa- Dissent about the RNC assembled another
chusetts law can be and has been used against documentary, Democracy 101, within five Every Friday:
videographers for recording public officials. days of the conclusion of the G20, salvaging Food Not Bombs free community
Indeed, the Boston Globe recently featured footage from broken cameras, stolen videos,
five such cases brought against individuals and arrested reporters. Because anarchists be-
meal, 3-6pm, Boston Common, Park St
in recent years under the 1968 law that was lieve in the free distribution of information, T Stop, Boston
crafted to protect the privacy of private indi- both documentaries are freely available for
viduals, rather than to institute another barrier viewing on the internet. Every Sunday:
against police accountability. It is wryly that As for us here in Massachusetts, there does Food Not Bombs free community meal,
the politically aware person regards the real- not appear to be a challenge to our law in
ity of electronic wiretapping charges brought
3-7pm Central Square Cambridge, MA
sight. Take care and exercise caution when
against citizens concerned with the exercise documenting police conduct. •
BAAM Newsletter - 10
Calendar: Get Involved
Wednesday, February 3rd Monday, February 8th Sunday, February 28th
Candlelight Vigil in support of Jason Panel on Transgendered Communities Serving Solidarity: A Night of Greek
Vassell. It has been 2 years since he was the and the Prison Industrial Complex 7pm Cuisine and Uprising. Homemade Greek
victim of a hate crime, for which he was ar- @ Dockser Hall, Room 250 at Northeastern food, culture, and inspiring information
rested. The trial continues. 7pm @ the First University. Featuring Gabriel Arkles, and about the situation in Greece. With excerpts
Churches, 129 Main Street, Northampton. Stefanie Rivera from the Sylvia Rivera Law from ZNet’s documentary “After the Greek Project, and Elizabeth Marie Rivera-Valen- Uprising.” 5pm at Lucy Parsons Center.
tine from Cambridge Cares About AIDS.
Thursday, February 4th Saturday, March 13th
Workers have no borders. This event Saturday, February 13th Self-Styled Anarchist Fashion and Craft
seeks to build unity between immgrant Greek Solidarity Planning Meeting. Par- Show. Back by popular demand! Watch reb-
workers and US-based labor movement ticipate in BAAM’s Greek Solidarity com- els strut their stuff to raise the ABC defense
by bringing together union workers, immi- mittee. Help plan upcoming events and de- funds. At the Community Church of Boston.
grant organizers and community activists. velop strategies for supporting the world’s Details TBA, check our next Newsletter.
It is part of the campaign by the Boston largest anarchist movement. 5:30pm at the
May Day Committee and its affiliates to Lucy Parsons Center, 549 Columbus Ave. Saturday, March 27th
unite workers across sectors and borders. Sacco and Vanzetti Social. Gather for a
Featuring: Dorotea Manuela -- “On orga- Sunday, February 14th cultural celebration, with food, drinks, info
nizing towards May Day” Saintless Valentines Day Dinner and about Tarek Mehanna’s case, and of course,
Camilo Viveiros -- “On the raids and ABC Fundraiser. Come eat delight- socializing. At Encuentro 5, 33 Harrison Ave.
immigrant workers (such as the Foxboro ful vegetarian food for a cause! Vegan Chnatown.
mobile raid experience) and gluten-free diets amply accommo-
Steve Early -- “On the organized labor dated. Tickets Start at $15 (everything MAY Month of Anarchy
movement and immigrant workers” over 15 will go to Justice for Jason- www. Coming out of the 9th NEAN Assembly,
At Encuentro 5, 33 Harrison Ave. 5th. Fl., Dinner includes 4 a month of anarchist and related public
Boston, Ma 02111 For more information: course meal and a drink. Ticket Deadline events and actions across the Northeast. is February 1st. To order, email boston- Specifics TBA 6PM at the Community
Sunday, February 7th Church of Boston 565 Boylston in Copley.
ABC Prisoner Support. 1pm @ The
Broad Majestic Shannon (email for direc- Tuesday, February 16th
tions: Join us for Month of Anarchy Coordinating Com-
an afternoon of prisoner support. We will mittee meeting. Help get the ball rolling
be writing letters, sending literature, doing for activities of the May Month of Anarchy!
research, and more! All are welcome! 7pm at Encuentro 5, 33 Harrison Ave,
Chinatown, on the 5th floor.

Help us save trees! (paper and money)

For a free email subscription, contact
What is Anarchism?
Jake: Anarchism is the theory and practice of a human society
organizing without hierarchy, authority and oppression. This
Contributors to this month’s issue: means that all people have equal access to the decision-
making process and to the products of their collective
-Adrienne labor. Anarchy can be described as true, direct democracy. It
-The Boston May is horizontal: i.e. workers working together without bosses,
Day Committee neighbors organizing housing and neighborhoods without
-Kassie Carlson
landlords, and people making decisions without politicians.
-Jake Carman
-Clara Hendricks There are many different ideas on how to get there and what
-Diana Mai exactly it will look like. We can talk all we want, but only a
-Jeff Reinhardt truly free and revolutionary people will be able to decide what
-Sublett their revolution will look like. So comrades, let’s get to work!

BAAM Newsletter - 11
Howard Zinn, Presente

1 9 2 2 - 2 0 1 0
With great sorrow, we mark the death of one of anarchism’s most thoughtful and productive minds, but it is with
great joy that we celebrate his contributions to the movement for true justice and freedom. We share our joy for what
he has given us with his actions and words, here in Boston and across the world. Far from being a lofty academic,
before his professorship and writing career he was a dock worker from Brooklyn who went on to fight in WWII, earning his de-
gree afterwards on the GI Bill. The following is a statement from members of the Sacco and Vanzetti Commemoration Society.
“The last time we interacted directly with Howard Zinn was June 11, 2009 when a small crew of young and old volunteers in-
vaded his personal home to record his views on the case of Sacco and Vanzetti. (See photos) Among the crew was Bob D’Attilio,
“Mr. Sacco & Vanzetti,” as Howard used to call him and Fred Clow, our very active retired photographer and member of the So-
ciety. Not long before that, Howard Zinn had lectured on the Meaning of Sacco & Vanzetti for the SVCS at the Dante Alighieri
Center, where he said that he was surprised to see so many people interested in the subject matter. Howard Zinn’s contribu-
tion to the theory of social analysis of U.S. capitalism and working class struggle will definitely outlive him and remain as a tool
to understand and change society for a long time. At the Sacco and Vanzetti Commemoration Society, we say raising our fists:
‘Howard Zinn, presente! Now and forever in the struggle!’” Howard Zinn (August 24, 1922 – January 27, 2010) will be missed.•

Photos by
Fred Clow

BAAM Newsletter - 12

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