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E-Mains 1994

1. Comment on any three of the following in not more than 200 words each:
(a) Most of the propositions that make up the body of administrative theory today
unfortunately this defect of proverbs.
(b) The postwar formulations of White and Pfeiffer reflect the new

public policy


the conception of administration as a political process.

(c) Taylor s Scientific Management already offered a

humanistic theory of motivation,

its democratic and participatory emphases, that was hardly improved on by Elton
Mayo and

Thus the endurance of organization depends upon the quality of leadership.

2. Explicate the theoretical premises of

r their concerns

New Public Administration

and show how fa

were accommodated in Public Administration.

3. (a) As March and Simon point out, there seems to exist a

Gresham s Law

of decision

(b) The distinction between line authority and professional expertness is also le
ss clear-cut in
reality than the abstract concepts of line and staff makes it appear.


4. Bring out the importance of communication in administrative organizations. Wh

at are the drawbacks
in upward communication?
5. Comment on any three of the following in not more than 200 word each:
(a) The main distinction between administration in western countries and in under
countries does not lie in differences in socio-cultural heritage but rather in t

he respective
economic environments.
(b) The administrator is a layman rather than a specialist; or at least he has ab
out him something
of the qualities of a layman.
(c) The entire process of development and nation building hinges on the effective
ness of
administrative reforms.
(d) The emphasis in most of the writings on comparative bureaucracy appears to be
on the
interaction between the administrative subsystem and the political system in whi
ch it exists.
6. Examine the view that during the last two decades Programming, Planning and B
udgeting system
and even Zero Base Budgeting have been driven out by political dissensions.
7. (a) Administrative law is not a rigid, rule-bound barrier to good management.

(b) The basic issue of administrative accountability relates to that part of Publ
ic Administration
which has something concrete to contribute towards not only policy execution but
also policy
formulation and policy adjudication.


8. Elucidate the concept of policy implementation. How does implementation asses

sment focus on the
Operation of a public policy?

1. Comment upon any three of the following in not more than 200 words each:
(a) The word


in the Preamble to our Constitution requires to be defined.

The Cabinet is not a constitutional body.

(c) The organization of the Planning Commission is in consonance with its expert

The public sector has to grow. It has a strategic importance.

2. In framing a Federal Constitution the Constituent Assembly had many models to

draw upon, but it

wisely decided to take the Government of India Act, 1935 as the basis on which t
he new Constitution
was to be framed.

Critically examine this statement.

3. (a) One weakness of the Gopalaswami plan was to identify a ministry with a min
ister s charge.
Discuss, in this context, Gopalaswami Ayyangar s recommendations regarding Secreta
(b) Although training in development administration, on the surface, appears to b
e a straight,
simple matter a close hard look reveals its manifold complexities and interrelat
ed problems.
Elucidate the statement.
4. Critically review the constitutional provisions relating to centre-state admi
nistrative relations in India
during normal times within the framework of a normative federal system.
5. Comment upon any three of the following in not more than 200 words each:
(a) As an auditor, the Comptroller and Auditor-General s functions and authority ar
e wider and
more comprehensive than those exercised by professional auditors.

(b) By virtue of his unique position as head of the official machinery and advise
r to the State
Council of Ministers, the Chief Secretary has an extremely important role to pla
y in the state
(c) Autonomy of local bodies is conditioned by state-local relations and the mana
capability of the local bodies themselves.

Corruption has been considered desirable and functional on various grounds.

6. Maintenance of law and order is a de facto concurrent subject.

connection, the

Discuss, in this

roles of the centre and the states in the law-and-order field.

7. (a) The Bengal pattern of district administration was based on the Zamindari s
ystem of land
tenure. Explain.

(b) The resource base and the social and cultural heritage of our Scheduled Tribe
population is
getting eroded through a combination of development interventions, commercial ex
and ineffective legal and administrative systems.


8. Discuss the urban anti-poverty programmes launched hi recent times to amelior

ate the poverty
situation in our urban areas.

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