DTLLS Handbook

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C&G 6502

Level 5

Diploma in Education
and Training
South Essex College
Course Team:

Shirley Green
Gwendolyn Renwick
Rathi Raman

C&G 6502 LEVEL 5

Diploma in Education and Training
Course Handbook


Page 3

Course Team

Page 3

Location and Times of the Programme

Page 4

Requirements for Completion

Page 4-5

The Diploma Award

Page 6

Assignment Deadlines

Page 7-8

Assessment Requirements

Pages 9-10


Page 11


Page 11


Page 11

Programme Evaluation

Page 11

Induction Checklist

Page 12

Learner Voice

Page 13

Equal Opportunities

Page 13


Page 14-16

Useful Websites

Page 17

Useful references and journals

Page 18

C&G 6502 LEVEL 5

Diploma in Education and Training
Course Handbook

Welcome to the Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training course. You need to
read this handbook in conjunction with the City and Guilds 6502 Handbook.
Please read this handbook and then keep it in a safe place so that you can refer
back to it when you need to.
The qualification provides a development for students who have completed the
PTLLS/Level 3 Award in Education and Training course and wish to develop their
skills in managing the teaching and learning process on a course which will lead
to being a Qualified Teacher in the further education and skills Sector.
The Diploma award consists of four mandatory units and three optional units to
the total value of 120 credits. The units are offered at Level four and five. The
actual Diploma in Education and Training is awarded at level five.
Over the two years of the course you will be required to demonstrate your
competency in teaching. The different evidence methods will be explained by
your tutor in class and in your tutorials will be recorded on your individual
learning plan (ILP).

C&G 6502 LEVEL 5

Diploma in Education and Training
Course Handbook

The Course Team

The course team consists of:
Shirley Green

Course Team Leader and Assessor

Rathi Raman

Curriculum Leader/Course Tutor (01702 220414)

Gwendolyn Renwick

Professional Development Manager/Course Tutor

John Hamilton

Observation tutor

Wagdy Matta

PGCE Tutor/Observer

Danielle Brookes

Professional Development Team Administrator

(01702 220537)
Shirley can be contacted on 01268 461661 or 01702 220533 at South Essex
College or by email shirley.green@southessex.ac.uk
Rathi can be contacted on 01702 220414 at South Essex College or by email
John can be contacted by email John.Hamilton@southessex.ac.uk

Wagdy can be contacted on 01702 220533 at South Essex College or by email

Gwen can be contacted on 01702 220 682 at South Essex College or by email

C&G 6502 LEVEL 5

Diploma in Education and Training
Course Handbook

Location and Times of the Programme

The course takes place on:
Tuesday 5.30 9.30pm at the South Essex College, Thurrock Campus, Grays
High Street
Room: Area 1.14
Wednesday 5.30 9.30pm at the South Essex College, the Forum
Room: Area 1

Requirements for Completion

1. The core principle of the Diploma provision is that students be enabled to
achieve successful completion at Level 4 in the first semester and Level 5
through the duration of the course. Process and product are equally
valued, so 100% attendance is expected.
2. Continual monitoring and support is provided throughout the course; there
will be opportunities for discussion and online contact with tutors. Reviews
of progress include contributions to sessions, quality of ongoing and
submitted work, levels of attendance and plans for future progression.
Relevant issues are discussed with the group as a whole and with the
Internal and External Verifiers as appropriate.
3. For formative feedback of assignments students may submit one
typewritten draft up to two weeks before the course deadline. Every
reasonable effort will be made by the tutor to communicate with the
student but it is always the students responsibility to maintain contact with
the tutor and let the tutor know of any support needs.
4. Completed assignments should be handed in during the session on
the deadline date.

C&G 6502 LEVEL 5

Diploma in Education and Training
Course Handbook
5. Completed assignments should be handed in to the Course Team
members ensuring that the Assignment Receipt Form is completed as
indicated. This will confirm the date and time of submission.
6. A late submission must be agreed in advance with Course Tutors at least
5 days of the deadline if possible.
7. These procedures will be provided and discussed with learners at the start
of each course.

For further guidance on this matter, please see the College Assessment Policy and College
Assessment Guidelines


C&G 6502 LEVEL 5

Diploma in Education and Training
Course Handbook

Structure for Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training






Teaching, learning and
assessment in education and
Inclusive Practice





Developing teaching, learning

and assessment in education
and training
Theories, principles and
models in education









Wider professional practice

and development in education
and training
Developing, using and
organising resources in
specialist area
Action research

Minimum Core is embedded within the course.









C&G 6502 LEVEL 5

Diploma in Education and Training
Course Handbook

Assessment Deadlines
Issue date

Hand in date


W/C 15th

Task A 13/10/14

426 Teaching, learning and

assessment in education and

Task B 3/11/14
Task C 12/1/15
Task D 15/12/14
Task E 12/1/15

W/C 1st

W/C 26th January


417 Inclusive Practice

1 Draft can be submitted up until 2
weeks before due date (2/1/15)

W/C 26th
January 2015

W/C 26th May


502 Theories, principles and models

in education and training
506 Developing, using and organising
resources within a specialist area
1 Draft can be submitted up until 2
weeks before due date (13.05.15)

1st Year 1st semester

(week commencing)
26th January 2015 Hand in assignments
26th January 2015 2nd semester starts
16th February 2015 Half term
23rd February 2015 Hand-back assignments with feedback
16th March 2015 re-submissions
30th March 2015 Hand-back re-submissions with feedback

1st Year 2nd semester

25th May 2015 Hand in assignments
1st & 8th June 2015 Tutorials/preparation for 2nd year
18th June 2015 End of semester
17th June 2015 Hand-back assignments with feedback
29th June 2015 Re-submissions
6th July 2014 Re-submission returned with feedback

C&G 6502 LEVEL 5

Diploma in Education and Training
Course Handbook

Issue date

Hand in




501 Developing teaching, learning and

assessment in education and training
503 Wider professional practice and
development in education and training
1 Draft can be submitted up until 2 weeks before
due date

January 2016


505 Action research

1 Draft can be submitted up until 2 weeks before
due date

Dates to be arranged (TBA)

C&G 6502 LEVEL 5

Diploma in Education and Training
Course Handbook

The required standards are maintained through rigorous quality assurance
procedures which follows each assessment. Each mandatory unit within the
qualification will be assessed by a City & Guilds registered assessor. Quality
assurance is provided by the centre and monitored by City & Guilds external
verification systems, to ensure that the required standards are maintained.
Each assessment will be graded pass or refer. The assessments provided are
mandatory and alternatives are not acceptable. All work presented by candidates
should be word-processed.

1. Written assignments
Each unit must be submitted with a front-sheet for the appropriate level, that
has been completed with your details, details of the assignment, and signed
by you to verify that it is your own work (front-sheet is online on Moodle as a
course resource).


Word Processed
Header with your name and the unit number
1.5 line spaced
One sided
Pages numbered
Font size 12
Sans Serif Font (e.g. Arial, Verdana, MS Sans)
Correctly referenced and correctly laid out Bibliography
Consistency in format (particularly titles)
Front sheet attached (see paragraph above)

Do not place individual pages of assignment in plastic

wallets, either hole punch or one whole assignment per
plastic wallet

2. Teaching Practice Portfolio

Only one Teaching Practice Portfolio is required across the full programme.
The portfolio should be a concise log of teaching practice undertaken and
should include the candidates log of 100 hours teaching and evidence
relating to their learners, session planning, delivery and evaluation. It will
include at least eight observations of their teaching by the course team.


C&G 6502 LEVEL 5

Diploma in Education and Training
Course Handbook

3. Teaching Practice Observations

A total of eight hours over a minimum of eight occasions (minimum 30
minutes each) must be observed over the 2 years of your course. These
observations should be spaced out at intervals for developmental purposes.
It is your responsibility to email John.Hamilton@southessex.ac.uk to book
observations do this early in the term to ensure you get a suitable booking.
If John is unable to see you we will attempt to arrange an observation with a
member from the ITT Team.
Your tutor will check with you that you have booked at least two observations
by the 28th November 2014, if bookings have not been set by this date then a
member of the ITT team will view your timetable and select sessions to be
On the day of your observation you must provide your observer with a
completed rationale, lesson plan, a relevant scheme of work and copies of
resources to be used. After your observation you must reflect on the
experience and the feedback given by your observer to enable you to
complete the Evaluation form.
The observation requirements exclude the 7303 or 6302 PTLLS observation,
and mentor observations but you can use these for reflection in your
Reflective Learning Journal (RLJ).

4. Reflective Learning Journal

Candidates are required to write a Reflective Learning Journal from the
commencement of the programme, which encompasses their own learning
and teaching practice. The journal entries must provide the basis for meeting
the required assessment outcomes, so you are advised to complete one for
every assignment submitted, as well as any other reflective entries.
Candidates are permitted to use their own journal format during the course or
use Appendix 5 (online on Moodle as Course Resource).


C&G 6502 LEVEL 5

Diploma in Education and Training
Course Handbook

For information on the Appeals, please refer to link below:

Registers are kept for every session and students are expected to attend all
lessons. Please inform your tutor as soon as possible about any session that
you are unable to attend. If you miss a session, you should make every effort to
catch up with the work.

The course tutor will arrange to meet you for individual tutorials on a regular
basis. There will also be periodic review weeks which give the opportunity to
review progress and work on assignments and developmental needs.

Programme Evaluation
The programme is constantly subject to regular review, both formal and informal:
Through termly focus group meetings of tutors
Student representation on the Student Council.
Participation in cross college surveys
Periodic surveys of learners opinions on the programme (analysed in
team meetings)
Periodic review of written student feedback
End of term evaluation and periodic course reviews.
Feedback from awarding body via the External Verifier


C&G 6502 LEVEL 5

Diploma in Education and Training
Course Handbook

Induction Checklist
This checklist has been devised to ensure you are familiar with all the services and
facilities available to you as a new trainee at the College.
Induction questions
1. Have you enrolled on your programme?

do you have your
student ID card?

go to the enrolment
desk or reception.

2. Have you received information on Health and

Safety/ Fire Safety from your tutors?

If no speak to your

3. Have you got a copy of the Student Handbook and

your Programme Handbook?
4. Have you been made aware of the Academic
referencing procedures and signed the plagiarism
declaration form?
5. Have you logged on to the computer and do you
know how to use the printing facilities?
You will need your ID username and password to
do this. If you are unable to log on please contact
the helpline@southessex.ac.uk giving full details of
the problem or ring 01702 220605 or x4605 if
internal call.
6. Have you activated your college email account?
This will be used for all key correspondence
including receipting of work, results, etc so it is
essential that you check it regularly.
7. Have you provided your mentor details using the
given form?
8. Have you e-mailed John Hamilton to arrange your
first observation? (cc to tutors)
9. Have you applied for your ITT funding?
10. Are you aware of the services offered by Learner
11. Have you visited the Library?
Your student ID card is also your library card. You
will need to have it with you to access the building
and borrow books
12. Have you been told about the learner voice and
how to elect representatives?
13. Can you name your awarding body?
14. Have you found Moodle (VLE) and located key
policies and procedures relating to the course?

If no speak to your
If no speak to your
tutor or visit HE C
Please ask your
tutor to explain the
printing facilities.


speak to your
course tutor for
further information

Refer to handout

C&G 6502 LEVEL 5

Diploma in Education and Training
Course Handbook


Input from learners is valued at SEC and is part of the Quality Improvement
processes. The College is committed to listening and responding to learners in a
range of ways, including

Student representation: the programme will elect 2 representatives who

will represent the group in meetings with the ITT Team. These will be held
at least once a semester to facilitate feedback from the group and give
your tutors an opportunity to respond accordingly to meet the needs of the

Course evaluations at the end of each semester will give you the
opportunity to provide feedback on course units.

Student surveys: You will also be asked to complete college and national
student surveys in the course of the year; these give valuable feedback to
the team, the College and wider stakeholders regarding your learning

The College aims to create and maintain the conditions whereby learners and
staff are treated solely on the basis of their merits, abilities and potential,
regardless of ethnic or national origin, disability, gender, age or other distinction.

It is the responsibility of all staff and students to help make these policies work.
The Diploma team works within all of the College Codes of Practice and policies
and strives to ensure that all students have the same chance to do well on the
For further information on this subject, please refer to the Equality and Diversity section on the College
website or the College Handbook.




C&G 6502 LEVEL 5

Diploma in Education and Training
Course Handbook


The College has a very clear policy on plagiarism and referencing. Students are
required to reference their sources properly, and failure to do so can result in an
academic offence. When submitting any piece of work you will be required to
acknowledge any assistance received or any use of the work of others. This
applies to all academic material used in written and visual media. You will be
introduced to referencing and plagiarism during your induction and your lecturers
will explain how to reference and provide guidance on following the
recommended Harvard system. You will also be told about Turnitin and how
this is used by the College to check for plagiarism in submitted work. You will be
asked to sign a declaration to confirm that you have read and understood the
policy on plagiarism and referencing.

Plagiarism is a very serious academic offence. However, more often than not it
results from misunderstanding rather than a deliberate intention to cheat. Many
students simply do not understand what plagiarism is. Although confusion is
understandable especially at the beginning of your study, ignorance will not be
accepted as an excuse or as a defence against an accusation of plagiarism. You
must therefore make sure that you understand what plagiarism is, what the
penalties for plagiarising are and how you can avoid it.

What is plagiarism?
Plagiarism means reproducing the words or presenting the ideas of other writers,
without citing them by name and referencing your sources (in effect, presenting
such work as if it is your own). Plagiarism is intellectual theft and is regarded very
seriously. You will be plagiarising if you:

copy someone else's work and pretend that it is your own

copy sections of someone else's work and just change the odd word or
submit the same piece of work for two different assignments, even if they
are for different modules

There are 2 main forms of plagiarism:

This is the most obvious form, although there are different ways and
degrees (and hence scope for misunderstanding). The following all


C&G 6502 LEVEL 5

Diploma in Education and Training
Course Handbook
constitute plagiarism:

Using somebody elses exact words (whether in large chunks or just

individual sentences or phrases) without acknowledgement.

Using somebody elses words with only minor amendments (e.g.

simply substituting individual words for your own) without

Using somebody elses arguments or ideas (even in your own

words), without acknowledgement.

Any report or assignment submitted must be entirely your own unaided

writing and should not contain any elements of writing cut and pasted from
other documents, whether written by your colleagues or sourced from third
parties or the web, except with explicit acknowledgement of the source.
Material that you research can be presented with explicit
acknowledgement of the source in the following ways:

Quoting: Any directly copied text should be placed in quotation

marks (..). You should understand that you will gain no credit
for this quoted text, as it does not represent your own thinking,
hence such quotes should be used very sparingly. Under copyright
laws the maximum quote allowed is 300 words. When quoting, you
must refer to the source of your quotation, and include a page

Paraphrasing: you can use your own words to present any idea that
you have researched and want to discuss, but must refer to the
source of the idea.

Summarising: expressing in brief an idea you have read up on, but

with reference to the source of the idea.


Even when it is your own work, you will be plagiarising if you hand in
the same piece of work for more than one assignment (or a piece of
work that reproduces significant chunks of a previous assignment).
Remember: this applies to all your source material, whether you are using books,
journal articles, newspaper articles, other people's essays, visual media or web
sites. It also applies to your tutor's handouts. Check out HE C_Space for more
information on avoiding plagiarism. There are some excellent resources to help


C&G 6502 LEVEL 5

Diploma in Education and Training
Course Handbook
At the beginning of your course, you will be required to sign a declaration to
confirm that all coursework and answers to examination questions produced will
be your own work and that where you report the work of other people, you will
fully reference this work, regardless of its source.

Its your responsibility

Most occurrences of plagiarism occur unintentionally, either because students
are unclear about what it really means, or as a consequence of poor study skills.
However, the responsibility for understanding what constitutes plagiarism and for
avoiding it rests with YOU.
The College has access to an electronic plagiarism service provided by JISC
Turnitin which can be used to help you identify any instances of plagiarism in
your own work so that you will be able to rectify it. You will be given a handout
on how to use Turnitin.


C&G 6502 LEVEL 5

Diploma in Education and Training
Course Handbook

Useful Websites
You will be given the centre number and password by your tutor for this website.
Data protection act.
Children Act 1989.
National Association for Special Educational Needs.


C&G 6502 LEVEL 5

Diploma in Education and Training
Course Handbook

Useful References All available in the college Library on the first

Curzon, L.B. (2009),Teaching in Further Education. London. Continuum
International Publishing Group.
Scales, P. (2008), Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector. Maidenhead. Open
University Press.
Daines, J., Daines C. & Graham, B. (2009), Adult Learning, Adult Teaching.
Nottingham. Welsh Academic Press.
Gravells, A. (2009), Delivering Adult Learning. Exeter. Learning Matters.
Petty, G. (2009), Teaching Today. Cheltenham. Nelson Thornes.
Wilson, L. (2009), Practical Teaching, A Guide to PTLLS & DTLLS. Hampshire.
Delmar Cengage Learning


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