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The Brilliance

to Bring-out Higher Brilliance!

For a Student,
Teacher is the
A school will never be better than its faculty
and the learning environment never better
than the teacher creating it. No amount of

And, Teaching is
Speaking .

resources, equipment or infrastructure can

compensate for a weak teaching staff.
Teachers communication abilities can make or
break an educational institution. Learning seldom
happens if the teacher doesnt command likeability,
credibility, doesnt demonstrate sincerity, passion,
and persuasiveness, and is perceived to be not
easily approachable.

Educationalists Ask:
What to do when the Teacher Education System
doesnt build the most crucial teaching success
factor - ie, Speaking?
What to do when Teacher Communication

The Whole
Investment in
Education go
Waste When
Teachers Fail to
Speak , Engage,
& Inspire.

Training programs fail to induce the most

important teaching skill - ie, Speaking?


An Espoir Worldwide Initiative.

What are the Crucial Factors that decide teachers Success in the classroom?
How do these factors depend on teachers Speaking skills?
1. The ability to clearly present
ideas, and the ability to organize
classroom activities.


6. Eliciting, Generating and usage

of student ideas.


2. Variability of media, materials,

and activities used by the teacher.


7. Justified criticism presented in a

convincing manner


3. Enthusiasm, defined in terms of

the teacher's movement, voice inflection, etc


8. Use of structuring comments


4. Task orientation or businesslike

teacher behaviours, structured routines, and an academic focus.


9. Appropriate questions in terms

of lower and higher cognitive level


5. The teacher's coverage of the

material or content in class.


10. Probing or encouraging student



(Reference: Rosenshine and Furst: Characteristics of Effective Teachers)

Why Do Traditional Teacher Communication Training

Programs Fail?
The tragedy is that our society believes anyone who
has acquired a degree in a subject can teach that subject well - even on the very next day of acquiring that
The belief is so deep-rooted that even the countrys highest
examination for lecturer selection has only Multiple-Choice
Questions! They dont test the most crucial factor that
students experience from teacher: The Speaking Skill.
No Wonder Traditional Teacher Communication Training Programs Fail, Because,

Most teachers dont see a compelling need

to attend communication training as no one
has complained about their teaching style - ever.

There is no convincing, fool-proof process to

expose teachers Unconscious Incompetence
and shortcomings of their teaching styles.

Teachers dont trust the program as they havent

seen any visible success in earlier participants,
or improvements in training methodologies.

The program never touches upon crucial issues,

therefore, never produces the deep impact that
could produce permanent improvements.

Program doesnt engage as it consists of usual

lectures, YouTube videos and PPT presentation.
There is no Do-Get feedback-Do loop.

Due to old curricula, absence of monitoring and

lack of follow-up, all teachers return to their
pre-program teaching styles after the program.

(For more information, visit

How Does Necessity Ignite

Educational Innovations?


Benefit from the unique blend of advanced learning theories and cutting-edge technologies.
How did our researchers do that?

When we realised.
When we realised that most academically brilliant
teachers fail to build credibility, they fail in
teaching, they are not even aware of their
shortcomings, and nobody dares to tell them

we innovated
we developed Worlds first Teacher Communication
Simulator. It convinces the teacher about his/her shortcomings
while interacting in realistic situations. It exposes their
Unconscious Incompetence and guides him/her through the
path of improvement with their whole-hearted participation..

When we realised that most teachers dont

have the answering reflex to respond
meaningfully on the spot, and this affects
their Comprehension & Interactive Influence
in the classroom

we included the innovative feature of realistic Impromptu

Speaking to Teacher Communication Simulator. It helps the
teacher face meaningful random and rapid questions and builds
the ability to think critically on his/her own feet, and deliver
apt responses on the spot.

When we realised that teachers

pronunciation, grammar, sentence formation,
vocabulary, phrasal verbs, idioms and
phrases etc lead to sharp criticism, and in
turn they lose respect

we introduced interactive communication enhancement

feature in our CBI-Theme based programs. It ensures Faster
Learning, Longer Retention and Quicker Recall of all English
and communication related matters including UK/US accents,
Usage of right words and Grammar structures.

When we realised that many teachers cant

engage students because they dont have
any interesting topics to discuss just
because they never had the habit of extrareading in the past

we developed worlds first Blended-learning English program,

Smart Communication through Wit & Wisdom. Through
thousands of apt stories, anecdotes, quotations and real life facts,
teachers can engage their students. It even compensates for the
lost time of not reading good books in the past.

When we realised that teachers facial

expressions, gestures and postures repulse
their students, and create an unhealthy
perception that the teachers are hostile
and unapproachable

we included the novel feature of Body-language Recording. It

helps the teacher realise their body-language while responding to
random, complex situations. This leads teachers fine-tuning
their their reflexes and enhance their likeability.

When we realised that teachers never get

true feedback, and dont believe it if
received saying the accusations are not
convincing, and that is the reason for not
initiating improvement actions

we developed the Contextual Feedback Module for the Teacher

Communicator Simulator. It presents the teacher with Timely,
Factual and Convincing feedback that are Actionable.
Moreover, these feedbacks are the basis for the teachers
customised communication development program.

When we realised that traditional teacher

communication skills development programs
dont produce permanent changes in
teaching habits

we introduced the Ingraining Feature in Teacher

Communication Simulation & Trainer, Theme-based Learning for
English Skills, Experiential Learning & Interactional Hypothesis
etc everywhere so that Teaching Excellence becomes their
Nature - Not by Memorising, But by Truly Experiencing!
(More information on innovations, visit


Interactive Hypothesis


Expereintial Learning

Content-based Instruction
Simulation Theory
Contextual, Targeted Feedback

For the things we have to learn before we can do them,

we learn by doing them.
- Aristotle (384 - 322 BC) Greek philosopher and Scientist.

How Does It Work?

Swimming can be learned ONLY by real swimming, not by attending
lectures on swimming theory. Similarly, smart teaching abilities can
ONLY be acquired by putting oneself into random, meaningful
interactions - multiple times - until the teacher masters the art, and
commands the powerful Interactive Influence.

Launch Your Institution

into Higher Orbits.
How to transform a concrete building into a home
of inspired learning?
When a new school/college opens its doors,
where does the culture come from? What makes
a school feel special to those who spend time
All answers lead to theacers talk. The teachers of
Excellent institutions command Interactive Influence.

EdXcellence Teacher Communication

Development System
is the only sure-fire program that ensures your
teachers speak , engage & inspire your students.

Therefore, EdXcellence program is a THREE-STEP process, that

engages teacher in the iteration of Do-Receive Feedback-DoReceive Feedback (Interactive Hypothesis) supported by latest in
learning theories and multi-media technologies.
One day workshop for all participants.

Step 1
Objective: The learning imperatives,
Knowledge Theories, and the best practices.
Step 2

Practice-Feedback-Practice (Flexi-Duration)
Objective: To build interaction abilities, through
meaningful talk that engage & inspire students.
Tool Used: Teacher Communication Simulator Trainer Module. (One-on-One Confidential)

Practice-Feedback-Practice (Flexi-Duration)
Objective: To build language abilities to spread
ideas, thoughts that lead to action.


Tool Used: Smart Communication through Wit &

Wisdom. (Personalized Learning Program)

Step 3

It forewarns teachers about their

professional/personal Blind Spots.
It uses Confidential One-on-One Method
for personalised analysis. Convincing
feedbacks lead to actions.
It blends Latest Learning Theories &
Advanced Technologies and deploys
them for Maximum Impact.

Monitored Interactions (Flexi-Duration)

Objective: The program produces permanent
changes - excellence becomes second nature.

Important: In Step-2 and Step-3, participating teachers upload the

impromptu captured videos. EdXcellence experts evaluate and
provide feedback, and remedial measures. Step-1 program is
conducted by EdXcellence experts.
More details on

An Espoir Worldwide Initiative

It uses Simulator Technology to create

realistic interaction situations that Engage & Educate teachers.
It uses Content-based Instruction Methodology (English through Wit & Wisdom) to Compensate for the
No-Reading Habit of the past.
More details on

The Brilliance
to Bring-out Higher Brilliance!

Developed based on Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Educational excellence and ISO-9000 quality systems at Oxford, England & Ann Arbor, Michigan, United
States. Patents applied for. Information in this brochure is for the Indian edition. To ensure your installation, contact: Espoir Technologies Private
Limited, SAARC Regional Office, 18, Shroff Suyash, Baner, Pune. Mobile: 0-98220-32929 email:

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