People of Different Religions Should Not Marry

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People of different religions should not marry

-argumentative essay-

Our world is home to a variety of people, settled in their own communities, having their
plain occupations and leading their lives according to a wide range of religious beliefs. In this
respect, the great majority of people obey the laws and requirements of a particular religion
which may be restrictive in various ways. Thus, a number of religious orientations ban the
marriage between couples due to certain dogmatic beliefs. As a result of this, members belonging
to other religions have become influenced towards renouncing their marriage rights.
On the one hand, most people belonging to any religion have the right to marry and have
a normal family life. Furthermore, it is of paramount importance for all people to get married,
not only because it allows them to form a family, thus ensuring their future, but also due to the
fact that marriage is said to bind people together in a harmonious connection. From this
perspective, marriage is acknowledged as being a religious manifestation in most countries and
the people who choose this path in life become united under the law of God, paving their way to
the kingdom of Heaven.
Nevertheless, when people of different religions meet, their right to marry is often
rejected by one of the religions. This is largely attributed to the discrepancies between the degree
of morality involved in leading ones life or the requirements demanded by a particular religion.
Even so, people believe in the freedom of marriage and generally deem religion as being merely
an obstacle in the path of their love.
On balance, people who attempt to become married and belong to different religions are
constantly being rejected by the Church, their universal right being treaded upon. Hence, the
institution of the Church only encourages people of the same religion into getting married.
Moreover, people nowadays are enticed by love as well as by physical attraction as opposed to
religious orientation. Still, religion has the upper-hand in most of the situations, controlling
peoples lives and protecting their souls from eternal damnation.
In addition, the vastness of human beings who tie the knot despite their different religion
is decreasing with each passing day as a result of the incommensurable influence of the Church,
and most importantly of the family itself.
To sum up, in spite of the heavy moral responsibility that people have towards their
corresponding religious orientation, they generally tend to get married irrespective of the

constraints imposed by particular religious beliefs. If love is to be considered the most powerful
driving force in the universe, then religion is nothing more than a thorn to be removed from the
path to real happiness.

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