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ESE616 - Industrial Automation and

Chapter 1
Introduction to Automation

Automation - greek word Auto (self), Matos (moving)

The technique, method, or system of operating or

controlling a process by highly automatic means, as by
electronic devices, reducing human intervention to a
In industrial context, automation can be defined as a
technology that is concerned with the use of mechanical,
electrical/electronic, and computer-based systems to control
production process.

Manual PCB Insertion :

Automatic PCB Insertion :

History of Automation
Automation has been introduced very early in the history of

human civilization, in the form of mechanization of tasks

with mechanical tools such as wheel, lever and pulley,
which amplify the physical capabilities of human and
Mostly applied for construction, agriculture and textile.

History of Automation
Later, natural power sources such as water, wind, and

gravity were utilized to power up machines, namely the

water wheel and windmill that can run without any
involvement of human or animal strength.

History of Automation

Thomas Newcomen invented the first commercially

successful steam engine in 1712, to pump water out of
coal mines, but not very efficient and wasted a lot of fuel.

Later in 1770s, James Watt made significant

improvements to the steam engine and became much
more efficient that helped stepped-up the pace of the
industrial revolution (1780s).

History of Automation

Industrial revolution accelerated automation. Later,

Michael Faraday, 1831 design the electric motors and
Barsanti and Matteucci, 1854 introduced internal
combustion engines.
Manufacturing became more productive with these new
automated machines.

History of Automation

Triode (vacuum tube) was invented in 1906, as the key

component for radio, telephone, radar, and television. It is
also helped in development of early computer systems.

Transistor (invented in 1947) had replaced triode as the

main electronic device, less power and a lot more smaller
in size.

History of Automation

Integrated circuits (invented in 1958), combines large

number of tiny transistors into a small chip, that
consequently increased electronic circuit performance and
reduced cost enormously.

Technology of IC has laid the path for the introduction of

the first microprocessor (Intel 4004, in 1971), which
integrates all the functions of a central processing unit
(CPU) of a computer.

History of Automation

The new technologies have allowed the introduction of

advance automatic control systems, with complicated
control functions and faster execution of calculations.

In general, automation has becomes part of our life.

Throughout the history, automation has changed the way
we are doing our work.

Purpose of Automation System

Improvement of Quality

Quality of work/service
Quality of product
Improvement of Quantity

Quantity of work/service

Quantity of product

Application and Implementation

Automation system can be found everywhere..????

Banking system

-Auto teller Machine, cash deposit etc..

-Internet banking
Fast food outlets Ordering and payment

Food serving robot, conveyor system

Online shopping ordering and payment
Hotel booking, flight booking, car rental etc

- Auto cruise system
- Navigation system

Application and Implementation

Traffic control
-Air traffic

-Ground traffic Traffic light, AES etc..

Home automation
- Electrical appliances
- Smart home
- Radar system
- Missile control

- Plant irrigation
- Animal feeder
- Fruit plucking
Industrial automation
- Raw material /unfinished product to finished product

Automation System
Element of Automation System
Automation System consist of three basic elements: Power to accomplish
the process and operate the system, a program of instruction to direct the
process, and a control system to actuate the instruction


Program of Instruction

Control System


Automation System
Power Element
An automated system is used to operate some process, and

power is required to drive the process as well as the

Main power source is electrical where it can be obtained
with reasonable cost.
The electrical power also is readily converted to alternative
power energy such as mechanical, thermal, light, acoustic,
hydraulic and pneumatic.
Can be used to power up low power equipments, e.g
computer, data transmission system..etc.
Easy to store and available at any locations (long-life

Automation System
Power for the process

Process in automation system refers to manufacturing operation.

The power form that is applied directly to the process normally
converted from electrical form.
Example of action in the process that required power
Loading and unloading the product,
Product transport between operations

bottle making

Automation System
Power for Automation
Other than the basic power requirements for the process.
Use to power up the sensors, control unit, actuate the control signals,

data acquisition and processing.

Automation System
Program of Instruction
The action performed by automated process are defined by a program
of instructions.
Each part or product made in the operation requires one or more
processing steps that are unique to that particular part or product.
The particular processing steps for the work cycle are specified in a
work cycle program.
The work cycle can be a single process or combination of multiple

Automation System
Program of Instruction
Example (process),
Consider an automated turning operation in which a cone-shaped
geometry is generated. Assume the system is automated and that a robot
is used to load and unload the work unit. The work cycle consists of the
following steps: (1) Load starting workpiece, (2) position cutting tool
prior to turning, (3) turn, (4) reposition tool to a safe location at end of
turning, and (5) unload finished workpiece. Identify the activity (ies)
and process parameter(s) in each step of the operation.

Automation System
Program of Instruction
Example (Solution),
Step (1): The robot manipulator reaching for the raw workpart, lifting and positioning the part
into the chuck jaws of the lathe, then removing the manipulator to a safe position to await
unloading. The process parameters are the axis values of the robot manipulator (which is
change continuously), the gripper value (open or close), and the chuck jaw value (open or

Step (2): Movement of the cutting tool to a ready position. The process parameters are the xand z- axis position of the tool.
Step (3) Requires the simultaneous control of three process parameters: rotational speed of the
workpiece (rev/min), feed (mm/rev), radial distance of the cutting tool from the axis of rotation.
To cut the conical shape, radial distance must be changed continuously at a constant rate for
each revolution of the workpiece. For a consistent finish on the surface, the rotation speed must
be continuously adjusted to maintain a constant surface speed (m/min); and for equal feed
marks in the surface, the feed must be set at a constant value. Depending on the angle of the
cone, multiple turning passes may be required to gradually generate the desired contour. Each
pass represents an additional step in the sequence.
Step (4) & (5) involve the reverse activities as steps (2) and (1), respectively, and the process
parameters are the same.

Automation System
Program of Instruction

At the early version of operations, the work cycles were

controlled by hardware components, such as limit switches,
timers, cams, and electromechanical relays.
There are advantages using these hardware components:
(1) Required considerable time to design and fabricate, thus
forcing the production equipment to be used for batch
production only (2) Making even minor changes in the
program was difficult and time consuming; and (3) the
program was in a physical form that is not readily
compatible with computer data processing and

Automation System
Program of Instruction

Modern controllers used in automated systems are based on

digital computers. The programs for computer controlled
equipment are contained in magnetic tape, diskettes,
compact disks (CD-ROMs), computer memory and other
modern storage devices.
Thus, the work cycle may include manual steps, where the
operator performs certain activities and the automated
system performs the rest.

Automation System
Program of Instruction
Decision making in the Programmed Work Cycle
Many automated manufacturing operations require decisions to be made during
the programmed work cycle to cope with variations in the cycle. In many cases,
the variations are routine elements of the cycle that include:

Operator interaction.

Different part or product styles processed by the system.

Variation in the starting work unit.

The program can be designed to respond to sensor or operator inputs by
executing the appropriate subroutine corresponding to the input.

In other cases, the variations in the work cycle are nor routine at all such as
failure of an equipment. Thus, the program must include contingency
procedures or modifications in the sequence to cope with conditions that lie
outside the normal routine.

Automation System
Control System
The control element of the automated system executes the program
instructions. The control system causes the process to accomplish its defined
function, which for our purpose is to carry out some manufacturing operation.
The controls can be either closed loop or open loop. A closed loop control
system, also known as a feedback control system, is one in which the output
variable is compared with an input parameter, and any difference between the
two is used to drive the output into agreement with the input.



Closed loop control system



Automation System
Control System
Open loop control system operates without the feedback loop, so no
comparison is made between the actual value of the output variable and the
desired input parameter. The controller relies on an accurate model of the effect
of its actuator on the process variable.


Open loop control system



Automation System
Control System

A (one axis) positioning system consisting of a lead

screw driven by a dc servo

A (one axis) positioning system consisting of a lead

screw driven by a stepper motor

Advantages and Disadvantages

Reason for automating
Increase labor productivity
Reduce labor cost
Mitigate the effects of labor shortages
Reduce or eliminate routine manual and clerical tasks

Improve worker safety

Improve product quality
Reduce manufacturing lead time
Accomplish processes that cannot be done manually
Reduce unit cost

Source: encyclopedia britanica

Advantages and Disadvantages

Reason for not automating
Task is too technologically difficult to automate
Short product life cycle
Customized product one-of-a-kind
Flexibility in coping with changing demand

Source: encyclopedia britanica

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