Do You Want To Reduce Your Supply Chain Planning

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Do you want to reduce your supply chain planning cycle times and inventory levels?

you want to automate your inventory replenishment? Do you know how a sudden
reduction of supplier capacity impacts your customers demand? Do you know how a
change in customers demand impacts your downstream suppliers? Oracle
Collaborative Planning is an Internet-based collaboration solution that rapidly and
significantly improves supply chain performance by providing advanced capabilities for
collaborative demand, supply, and inventory planning across your virtual supply chain.

Download the Oracle Collaborative Planning Datasheet

Todays collaborative planning processes are often a collection of multiple disconnected
processes. In most cases, limited collaboration with customers leads to low forecast
accuracy; low visibility to customer forecasts and supplier commits leads to holding too
much just in case inventory, increasing inventory costs; 2nd-tier suppliers that deliver
key components have no means to interact directly with you; and, indirect costs are high
because of extensive expediting and inefficient communication. The entire process has
little collaboration, requires multiple steps, and takes a long time. Oracle provides a
better way to to enable multi-enterprise planning. You can collaborate securely with your
trading partners, reduce planning cycle time, and identify and react quickly to supply
chain exceptions. By getting early visibility to your supply commit changes and making
your suppliers aware of your order forecast changes, you can quickly streamline crossenterprise planning and operations. Oracle Collaborative Planning enables you to
increase forecast accuracy, implement vendor managed and consigned inventory
processes, increase global supply visibility, reduce supply shortages, and lower
expediting cost.

Key Features:
Increase global visibility and reduce supply shortages
Share inventory levels and locations with key trading partners and pool inventory for
critical parts to reduce stock-outs and increase service levels.

Implement vendor managed and consigned inventory

Provide customer value-add services by automating customer inventory replenishment
and reduce your expediting cost by automating your replenishment with your key
suppliers. The system provides extensive and yet configurable exception management
to notify your inventory planners and buyers of critical conditions.
Reduce planning cycle time through multi-enterprise planning
Compare order forecasts and supply commits continuously and in real-time while
leveraging waterfall analysis and audit trail to measure supplier commit performance.
Quickly react to supply-demand mismatches and instantly use the latest supply data in
your supply planning process.
React quickly to supply chain exceptions
A user configurable and extensive exceptions management framework enables you to
notify your planners, buyers, and trading partners about cross-enterprise planning
exceptions, and to automate the escalation of notification if no actions are taken.

Key Benefits:

Configure to your business needs

Incremental deployment get benefits quickly without the loss of integration

Multi-enterprise collaborative planning

Global inventory and fulfillment visibility

Reduce inventory cost through responsive replenishment VMI and CMI

including consigned

Stock-out analysis

Collaborate with customers: receive customer forecast, compare to order

forecast, publish supply commits

Collaborate with suppliers and contract manufacturers: publish order forecast,

receive supply commits

Supply chain exception management: notification dashboard, configurable

exceptions, trading partner specific exception definition

Horizontal and vertical bucketed planning views

Supply chain pegging

Waterfall analysis and audit trail

Integrated with Oracle Discoverer for custom reporting

Export to MS Excel

Import from MS Excel

Reduce Inventory Cost through Responsive Replenishment

Oracle Collaborative Planning provides advanced Vendor Managed and Customer
Managed Inventory (VMI, CMI) support to enable you to automate inventory
replenishment and reduce inventory holding cost. Your trading partners receive
proactive notifications when inventory needs to be replenished. They can immediately
post the replenishment information in your system and, when using the Oracle EBusiness Suite, a purchase blanket release can be generated automatically.

Vendor managed inventory (pay-on-receipt) and consigned inventory (pay-onuse)

You can implement vendor managed inventory with both your suppliers and customers.
You can set up agreements with your partners and as the consumption of the materials
is recorded, the system can automatically send replenishment notifications, which can
automatically trigger the related order flows. Oracle Collaborative Planning also
supports consigned inventory flows with both suppliers and customers. Similar to the

previous flow, you set up your agreements, record the material consumption, and trigger
the replenishment process.

Stock-out analysis
As you share inventory levels and locations with selected trading partners you pool the
inventory for critical parts. As a result you can reduce stock-outs and increase service
levels, as you can easily find inventory and determine the best supply location when a
customer needs a critical part. Often, order policies are not reviewed until multiple
shortages occur, or it becomes apparent that excess inventory has been held for an
extended period of time. Oracle Collaborative Planning provides comprehensive stockout analysis to analyze trends per location over time and enables you to proactively
adjust order policies before problems occur.

Reduce Planning Cycle Time through Multi-Enterprise Collaborative Planning

Oracle Collaborative Planning enables you to dramatically reduce your overall supply
chain planning cycle time by pulling your trading partners directly into your planning
process. Traditionally, when collaborating with your customers and suppliers, it takes
weeks of individual planning cycles to synchronize plans and get the correct order
forecast and supply commits aligned. Incorporating collaboration in your planning
process enables you to further reduce your planning cycle time and increase the
adaptability of your supply chain.

Collaborate with customers

The typical demand planning process is inaccurate because of inflated customer
forecasts. Oracle Collaborative Planning helps you to drive towards a more accurate
consensus demand forecast by enabling key customers to directly post their forecast,
match these forecasts with your sales forecast and supply commits, and to jointly
resolve exceptions.

Collaborate with suppliers

Most companies today collaborate with their suppliers to a limited extent, often limited to
a few key tier-1 suppliers. Oracle Collaborative Planning offers a more robust process
that enables you and your suppliers to compare order forecasts and supply commits,
view exceptions for demand-supply mismatches, and analyze supplier commit
performance over time through waterfall analysis. You can react faster to suppliers
constraints and reallocate key components and make alternate sourcing decisions.
Oracle Collaborative Planning in combination with Oracle Advanced Supply Chain
Planning enables a completely integrated internal and external view of the supply plan.
For example, the output of your plan can be published to your suppliers via Oracle
Collaborative Planning directly from the Planners Workbench. The commitments from
your suppliers come back as supplier capacity that is considered as a constraint in
determining what you can produce to meet your demand based on your supplier
capabilities. In addition, planners can view both supply chain collaboration exceptions
and plan related exceptions in a single place.

Multi-enterprise collaborative planning

As more and more companies outsource more of the manufacturing process, the next
logical step in collaboration becomes multi-enterprise collaboration. Often the key
issues and constraints in your supply chain come from further down the supply chain
than your immediate suppliers. You can use Oracle Collaborative Planning to
communicate supply and demand signals across all tiers of your extended supply chain
synchronously. For example, you can decide to publish your customers order forecast to
tier-1 as well as tier-2 suppliers. This can enable them to more quickly report the
impacts, in terms of committed capacity, back to you, speeding up the overall planning
process. Similarly, you can publish your order forecast to both you tier-1 and key tier-2
component suppliers, to make sure that you can identify problems in your downstream
supply chain much earlier.

Respond quickly through Supply Chain Exception Management

Oracle Collaborative Planning provides a variety of tools to give you full visibility to the
supply-demand mismatches between you and your trading partners and how they trend
over time.

Configurable exceptions and supply chain pegging

Oracle Collaborative Planning provides comprehensive support for supply chain
exception management. You can define thresholds at various levels (items, customers,
suppliers, combinations, and more) to filter exceptions. There are many seeded
exceptions that capture typical exceptions conditions. For example, your suppliers
supply commit is less than your order forecast, or the purchase order promise date is
later than your need-by date. In addition, you can prioritize exceptions and select to
receive notifications. If the 30+ seeded exceptions are not sufficient for your business,
you can leverage the custom exception definition wizard to define the exceptions that
you need. In addition, Oracle Collaborative Planning provides supply chain pegging
capabilities to determine the impact of short (or late) supply to your end demand, and
vice versa, for you and your trading partners.

Waterfall analysis
The system supports detailed analysis of supplier commits, order forecasts, and
customer forecasts over time though waterfall analysis. You can track how your
customer forecasts change over time and compare your forecasts with your customers.
You can also track how your suppliers commits change over time and compare your
order forecast with your suppliers commits. Having complete visibility, versioning, and
audit trail, enables you to improve your collaboration process as you continue to work
with your trading partners.

Configure to Your Business Needs

Oracle Collaborative Planning is highly configurable, not only in terms of data that you
share with trading partners, but also in terms of exception event definition and the
related workflows.

Secure access through Portals

Oracle Collaborative Planning provides robust data security and leverages secure
portals to enable trading partners to only access the supply chain information that you
decided to share with them. You can define flexible security rules that govern which data

your suppliers and customers can view and enter, and which exceptions they receive at
what thresholds.

Workflow automation Reduce planner workload

Oracle Collaborative Planning makes extensive use of workflow to enable process
automation and automated corrective action. This enables you to significantly reduce
the non-value added costs of manual activity. For example, workflow notifications will be
sent when the exception engine detects supply-demand mismatches, VMI stock-outs,
forecast fluctuations, uncommitted supply, and so on.

Proven, Secure, Scalable, and Reliable Component Architecture

Oracle Advanced Plannings unique database-centric architecture enables companies
to operate business operations, 24 x 7. First, by storing all planning information in the
database, Oracle Advanced Planning leverages the built-in capabilities for locking, hot
backup and recovery, multi-threading, and materialized views, for the most secure,
reliable, and fastest response. Second, by supporting a distributed architecture, you can
deploy Advanced Planning as a component against multiple ERP source systems or in a
single instance when deploying with Oracles E-Business Suite.

Incremental Deployment Get Benefits Quickly

You can deploy all Oracle Advanced Planning products incrementally, enabling you to
start with a smaller planning footprint quickly, while still leveraging the tight integration
once all components are operational. Each additional module requires limited
incremental effort to implement since all the components share a common foundation
and work together seamlessly. If your cross enterprise collaboration poses the most
challenges to your business, you can decide to implement Collaborative Planning first.
Alternatively, you can enable it later as an add-on to your existing implementation of
Oracle Advanced Supply Planning, leveraging all of your existing setup.

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