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: 26th February 2015


: Advanced


: 5 Atom


: 8.00 a.m. to 8.30 a.m. (30 minutes)


: 30 pupils (17 boys, 13 girls)


: World of Self. Family and Friends


: Unit 10- Unity in Diversity

Focal skill

: Reading

Other skill

: Listening, speaking and writing.

Curriculum Specifications

2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases and sentences

(a)linear texts
2.3.1 Able to read for information and enjoyment with

Learning outcomes

: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

1. Read and do shared reading of a linear text with correct
pronunciation, stress and intonation.
2. Answer comprehension question by completing the text.

Previous knowledge

: Students have learned about variety of culture.

Teaching aids

: Laptop, speaker,A3 size paper , pictures.



(3 minutes)

1. What am I wearing?
Suggested question:
1. What am I wearing right
2. Who wears this
3. What are they
1. Shared reading
Suggested question:
1. What do you think is
the title of the text?
2. Can you name some
of the celebrations in
the text you just

(7 minutes)

(10 minutes)

1. Get the facts straight!

*see appendix for


1. Teacher comes into
class wearing an Indian
traditional clothes.
2. Teacher asks student
what he is wearing.
3. Teacher talks about
celebration in Malaysia.

3. Teacher project the

text on the board.
4. Teacher reads the
article and pupils will
5. Teacher asks
question about the

1. Teacher divides the class

into 4 groups.
2. Teacher distributes A3
size papers to each
3. Teacher asks for the
leaders to pick an
envelope randomly.
4. Teacher reads the
instructions clearly.
5. Pupils complete the task by choosing the suitable answers from the
envelope and rewrite the
text and the answers on
the A3 size papers.
6. Teacher monitors each
group while they doing the
7. Pupils present their
presentation and teacher

Generating ideas
Visual Spatial
Teaching aids:
- Teachers

Teaching aids:
Projector and
and opinions.
- Cooperation
Teaching aids:
A3 paper
Marker pen
Sentence strips

( minutes)

1. Group tableau
Suggested question:
1. What do you think they
are doing?
2. What race celebrates
Suggested answer:
1 .Doing the dragon
2 Chinese
Example of pictures:


(3 minutes)

1. Recapping lesson
Suggested question:
1. Can you name the
celebration in
2. Have you been to
any of the
3. What should we do
when we visit their
Suggested answer
1. Hari Raya, Chinese
New Year, Deepavali,

corrects mistake if
Using the previous group,
pupils are needed to
make a frozen tableau
out of a picture.
Teacher calls out group
leaders to choose the
picture randomly.
Teacher explains what a
tableau is to pupils.
Pupils are given 5
minutes to discuss on
their tableau
The group go in front of
the class to act out the
picture and the other
pupils try to answer which
scene they were doing.
Teacher then asks the
tableau group who are
they and what is
happening in this picture.
Pupils are encouraged to
use things around them
as props.

1. Teacher asks question to

student to test pupils
2. Teacher ellicit moral

Bodily kinaesthetic
Working in group
Teaching Aids:

-Respect others

2. Yes
3. Respect them and
say thank you.

Text 1.
Complete the text you have just read by choosing the correct answers. Work in groups. The
first two blanks have been filled for you. Rewrite the text and the chosen answers on the A3
size paper provided.

My name is Muniandy Chinnadurai. I am an Indian.

I celebrate ________. It is also known as the
________. My mother usually lights ________.
They are lit ________. Our traditional costumes
are ____________. We go to the temple
__________. When my friends visit me during the
celebration, I serve __________.

Text 2
Complete the text you have just read by choosing the correct answers. Work in groups. The
first two blanks have been filled for you. Rewrite the text and the chosen answers on the A3
size paper provided.

Hello, my name is Antan. I lived in Sarawak. I am

_____ who lives in ____________ in Sarawak. Our
main festival is ______. It is celebrated every year
on 1st June to mark the end of the ________. Our
special foods are ________. Our traditional
costumes are called ____________________. Our
costumes are beautiful and colourful, too. There is
also during ________ Gawai Festival. The winner is
crowned as Kumang Gawai

Text 3
Complete the text you have just read by choosing the correct answers. Work in groups. The
first two blanks have been filled for you. Rewrite the text and the chosen answers on the A3
size paper provided.

My name is Akif Ukasyah. I am a Malay. I

celebrate ________. It is celebrated by the
Muslim after ____________. My father
usually lights ________ while my mother
_________. Our traditional costumes are
____________. We go to the mosque
__________. When my friends visit me
during the celebration, I serve __________.

Text 4
Complete the text you have just read by choosing the correct answers. Work in groups. The
first two blanks have been filled for you. Rewrite the text and the chosen answers on the A3
size paper provided.

My name is Long Qiu rui. I am a Chinese. I

celebrate ________. This celebration lasts for
______. My family ___________ before the
celebration started. During the Chinese New Years
Eve, a family reunion ______ will be held. Our
traditional costumes are ____________. We go to
the temple to __________. When my friends visit
me during the celebration, I serve __________
and many more.



Task 2 (ii): Peer Observation and Feedback

This group is presenting a micro-teaching for Year 2, advance learner. The language
skill chosen is language arts. The theme for this micro-teaching is World of Stories in Unit 4:

Read Me a Story. The learning outcomes for this lesson are the pupils will be able to read
the story The Tortoise and The Hare and answer WH- questions about the story orally.
Next, in groups, pupils will be able to read and arrange the story according to the sequence
of the story correctly and lastly, able to create an animal mask with teachers oral instruction.
Based on the presentation during the micro-teaching session, the activities chosen
for every stage are interesting and fun. During the set induction, teacher starts to catch
pupils attention by showing them a picture of a hare and a rabbit and asking them the
differences between the two animals. This is a good method as a starter because pupils able
to brainstorm and relating the question asked with their previous knowledge. Some pupils
might know the differences but for those who do not know, this will be a new knowledge for
them. Later, teacher shows a picture of a tortoise and the book cover of the story that they
are going to learn. This technique helps pupils to keep on focusing to the lesson and
arousing their interest to the story.
For the presentation stage, teacher reads the story and pupils followed. Teacher
used shared reading technique during the presentation stage. For the reading purposes, it is
advisable for teacher to read first for the first time so that pupils able to listen and follow how
to pronounce and enunciate the words correctly. Plus, the pupils are Year 2 and they are still
new to the language. At this level, pupils need a precise and proper exposure during the
presentation stage. Besides, the text of the story is too long. The text and the words used
must be suitable to pupils level of proficiency and language development. Quoted from, At the age of 8, pupil will be able to read age appropriate texts with ease
and begin to demonstrate competence with writing simple compositions. In this situation, the
text is quite lengthy and it must be suitable to the level of the pupils. Even in advance
learner, it is possible for some pupils who unable to follow up during the reading session due
to different level of proficiency. Besides, teacher needs to explain the story in detail during
the presentation stage because this is the stage where pupils received input from the
teacher. During this stage, teacher speaks clearly with good voice projection and used
different intonation for different characters in the story during the reading session. This helps
pupils to imitate the voice and the intonation while enjoying the reading session. The used of
ICT such as Power Point Presentation helps pupils to read and see the text clearly and see
the illustration of the text.
For the practice stage, teacher instructs pupils to rearrange the story in the correct
sequences. During this activity, some pupils make a mistake in arranging the story because
they got confused between the scenes and some of them are not remember the plots. This
happened because they only read once during the presentation stage. This is the rationale

why teacher need to read more than once. It helps pupils to clearly understand the story and
able memorise the plots. During this stage, teacher speaks too soft and the voice projection
is not clear. Due to this, pupils are not listening to teachers instruction and some of them are
talking among themselves. Here, teacher need to play an important role as a class controller
to control the misbehaviour made by pupils by stopping the misbehaviour and re-establish
positive behaviour as quickly as possible. (, 2011) Still, the activity
is interesting because it helps pupils to recall the story and helps them to improve their
critical thinking skill in sequencing the story in correct order.
During the production stage, teacher asks pupils to create an animal mask with
teachers instructions. This activity is fun yet exciting because pupils able to enjoy
themselves making a mask. Besides, it improves pupils listening skill where they need to
listen to teachers instructions. Again, class control is highlighted where there is some pupils
disturbing others. Here, the skill of withitness is applied by teacher where teacher correct
pupils misbehaviour and at the same time proceed to the activity. The ripple effect occurs
when the teacher corrects misbehaviour in one student, and this positively influences the
behaviour of other nearby students. The ripple effect is influenced by the clarity and firmness
of the correction. (Barbara Pressman, 2011)
During the closure, teacher recap lesson by asking questions. This is good for pupils
in making conclusion and recalls the lesson. In overall, lots of moral values instil through-out
the lesson. During this stage, it is advisable to do not provide any new input. This situation
happened when teacher teaches a jazz chants during the closure stage. Try to avoid from
providing any new content during the closure stage. In conclusion, this group had made an
excellent job in conducting the lesson and maintaining the smoothness of the lesson. The
activities chosen are interactive, interesting and suitable for all. Lots of improvisation can be
made for a better teaching in the future.


Task 3: Reflection
From the tasks given in this coursework, it gives a bundle of opportunities for us to
improve our teaching skill during the micro-teaching session and planning a good lesson
plan and designing the materials for the lesson. This experienced is totally valuable and a

good guidance for us. Most importantly, it helps for our preparation in this upcoming
For Task 1, every one of us need to plan a lesson plan and designing a materials for
five different language skills which are speaking and listening, reading, writing, grammar and
language arts. This task encourages us to create one interesting lesson plan while providing
effective and meaningful activities in every stage during the lesson. To prepare a good
lesson plan, we need to examine the suitability of the activities and the content. The Scheme
of Work helps us to create a suitable lesson plan and choosing proper activities in order to
achieve the learning objectives. While designing the materials for each language skills, a
rational on why the materials are chosen to improve pupils skills is provided. This helps us
to think critically and creatively. Besides, it allows us in creating, adapting the activities
based on the Malaysian context and level of the proficiency of the pupils, learning outcomes,
age and the background of the pupils.
For Task 2 (i), in groups, we are assigned to make a 30 minutes lesson plan and
carry out the lesson during a micro-teaching session. Before the presentation, our group was
discussing and planning which topic to be used and the activities related to the topics. The
topics chosen is stated in the Scheme of Work and for the activities, we used lots of
resources and make some reading to ensure our activities is suitable for Year 4 pupils. For
the set induction, we are planning to brainstorm pupils by showing them with a realia and
some pictures related to the topic. For presentation stage, our focus is reading. Therefore,
for the text, we make an adaptation from the actual text in English Textbook Year 4 KSSR
and paraphrasing the text. We decided to use shared reading because our objective is pupils
able to read the text with correct pronunciation, rhythm and intonation. Here, pupils need to
follow after teachers reading. Time constrain also the factor why we choose shared reading.
For the practice stage, our focus is writing. The idea of the activity is taken from the textbook
and we make some adaptation and changes by adding more questions related to the text
during the presentation stage. In order to maximise pupils participation, we carry out the
activity by adapting the activity suggested from internet by change it from individual task into
grouping task and in addition, we ask pupils to rewrite the whole paragraph with the correct
answers chosen and present it to the class. For the production stage, we find resources from
the internet and we chose a tableau activity. We adapt the activity suggested on the internet
to make it suitable to the topic and appropriate for the level of pupils which is intermediate.
For this activity, we assigned pupils to act out according to picture received and let others to
guess. This activity is good and new for them. They able to experience this new activity and
allows to express and enjoying themselves during the tableau activity. For the closure, we
recall the lesson and instil the moral values thorough-out the lesson.

During the micro-teaching, we divide the stages among ourselves and carry out the
lesson. As we expected, lots of thing happened and thankfully, everything went well. We
managed to control the class by correcting misbehaves made by pupils and proceed to the
lesson till the end. During the set induction, pupils get excited when teacher wore an Indian
cloth. Plus, pupils able to respond orally to the question asked by our team member and
sharing their experienced regarding to the topic chosen. During the presentation stage,
pupils are able to read the text by following teachers guidance. And before proceed to the
practice stage, teacher asked a few questions and pupils responded orally. During the
practice stage, teacher divided the class into four groups by asking them to pick a picture
from the poison box. The worksheet is distributed to each group. After reading the
instructions, teacher asked pupils to complete the task within the time given. While
monitoring the activity, teacher controlling the class by correcting those pupils who trying to
interrupt others, slacking and those who make unnecessary noise. At this moment,
withitness is applied to ensure the smoothness of the lesson. Quoted by Barbara
Pressman, Withitness encompasses multitasking, classroom awareness, alertness,
intuition, and confidenceall in a way that projects a powerful image to every student in the
classroom. During the production stage, teacher conducted a tableau activity. Pupils are too
excited and gave a good cooperation. Quoted from, tableau activity can
be an effective method for pupils who are less inclined to improvise dialogue. The still
images can also be brought to life through improvisation. During the closure, teacher recaps
lesson and instil moral values through-out the lesson.
In Task 2 (ii), every one of us is assigned for a peer observation and providing a
feedback for the group we observed. During this observation, we are able to analyse the
lesson and identify strengthens and weaknesses which can be improvised. This task allows
us to improve our lesson plan and ways to conduct the lesson. Lots of strategies and
methods can be used to ensure the smoothness of the lesson and to achieve the learning
objectives. Most importantly, pupils get valuable and meaningful input from us and they
learnt something from us. It is compulsory for us to ensure our lesson plan are suitable for
the pupils and appropriate to their level of proficiency and last but not least, pupils able to
enjoy our lesson and have fun with it. From this observation, it gives us a guideline to
improve ourselves to be a better teacher.
In conclusion, a bundle of benefits can be collected through-out this assignment.
With the advices, guidance and comments given from our lecturer, every one of us will be
able to improve ourselves and produce a good quality of lesson plan and effective teaching




1. Chitravelu, N., Sithamparam, S., & Teh, S. (2005). Chapter 4: Reading. In ELT
Methodology: Principles and Practice (2nd ed.). Shah Alam, Selangor: Oxford
Fajar Sdn.Bhd.
2. Wickham, R. (2013). Drama in The Classroom: Puppet. In Plays and Drama for
Young Learners (p. 11). Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu: Institut Pendidikan Guru
Kampus Dato' Razali Ismail.
3. Lim, E., Lee, P., & Khor, H. (2013). English Year 4: Sekolah Kebangsaan. Batu
Caves, Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.
4. Farmer, D. (2014, January 1). Still Images & Freeze Frames. Retrieved April 2,
2015, from
5. Pressman, B. (2014, October 11). Whititness in The CLassroom. Retrieved April



6. Responding to Misbehavior. (2011, November 1). Retrieved April 2, 2015, from
7. CCTS & Study Skills for Lesson Planning. (2011, January 16). Retrieved April 2,
2015, from
8. Language And Speech Development: From Birth to 8 Years. (n.d.). Retrieved






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