Galactic Free Press - 3/12/10

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We've got a rag tag Crew, MotherGod.

What has Love done for You lately? Ask not what Love can do for You, ask how muc
h You can Love.
A person who has gone through as many transitions as I have gone through, just t
his Life, they'll know They're Eternal, it just takes Them a Moment.
“Puff The Magic Dragon”
The Awakening Party is certainly on duty Now.
All the news that is the news that is the news that's fit to print. With a litt
le humorous icing. It's a piece of cake. Just like Love, you get to have your ca
ke and eat it too. I like icing with it. Extra icing.
Notice how We mentioned Israel and all this rigmarole about Israel. The people o
f Israel need to get a Life and stop taking other people's. Makes Me wonder how
much money under the table Israel is getting from the bankers to be stupid. Hope
they get paid well for it, they're being pretty stupid.
It's funny when Obama said, “Well, they call me the idiot.” That's paraphrasing
of course. I tell you Obama, we don't call you an idiot. Every once in a while w
e may call you dumb, but We still Love You.
“Wild Horses”
Rolling Stones
We call the federal government, wild horses, about ready to be broken. Then we'l
l ride them hard and put them out to pasture wet.
Here's a politician joke, why doesn't a politician shit during a parade? Cause t
hey usually have one more braincell than a horse.... or they're wearing depends.

It's fun being a Sagittarius, MotherGod, with Leo thrown in for spice. Pluto in
the 12th house, where does that go?
Course everything gets better with Change, cause when you've got enough change y
ou can go out and buy something.
A drunk walked into My Bar, fell down on the floor, and immediately fell asleep.
His Light Body got up and climbed up onto the barstool.
I asked the Light Body, “What would You like today?”
“I want those Sparkly Things I've heard about, while he's sleeping. Wouldn't wan
t to miss It.”
“Coming right up, like that on the rocks or straight up?”
Course the Light Body asked Me if it was okay if it left it's baggage on the flo
or. I said, “Go ahead, We have janitors.”
The Starships are up there chomping on the bit. Speaking of wild horses, Those r
eally are Wild.
Ever seen a Starship with a V8? Only if it had vodka in it.
Round for Everybody! They'll get to it later.
2-dimensional thought had this great idea, GMOs. Course they figured Spirit woul
dn't mind if they modified the organisms of 2d thought. Get over it! Take a quan
tum leap. Make sure Your Wings Open, otherwise it's a splat.
In their stupid ignorance, dumb and dumber went to the laboratory to see if they
could make a GMO. They pulled idiot right out of the test tube.
That's one way to destroy ignorance.
Did I ever mention the polar bears have a union? They call that the Polar Bear U
nion. The grizzlies have a union too, it's not called the Polar Bear Union. Of c
ourse the subsidiary of both of those unions is the Bear Union. Is that their la
st name? Bear? Same Family, the Bear Family. I know them well. Especially Gentle
Ben. He's a happy bear, until he got too excited. He was a gentle bear even the
n, cause he was peaceful in his heart when he was being as rowdy as hell.
A friend of mine once told me about owning his own business. He told me it was g
reat, owning his own business, cause he only had to work half-days, 12 hours...
for now. A day in the Life of the Planet, 12 hours? No, that would give them too
many days. 18 hours, that's a good number. We'll save the other 6 for the 8th d
ay. Add them up, we'll get them.
David Letterman, okay special message to David Letterman. Jay Leno has a glass j
aw, got a big boxing glove? Okay, for David Lettermen, he walks on the set with
a big boxing glove with Jay Leno's number on it. You can't miss that jaw. Pass t
hat on, he'll like that one.
It was a knock out punch! Jay went down. Letterman was standing there and said,
“Got him.” Course, Jay had a big jaw and it bounced right off the canvas and Let
terman said, “I've got this one too.” There was a POW and a head spinning, that
was a knockout punch. Jay no longer bounced off the canvas, he became part of it
Now I'm writing comic skits for TV shows. I must have recycled the coffee ground
s or something.
When I was on, should I mention that's an illuminati-run site?
Did I mention We were kicked off of there? By the way, if you really wanna know
where the disinformation is go to and tell them up theirs. Tell
them God told you that, not that they would know.
We cooked them. They had to send the gestapo after Us. We cooked the gestapo too
Love comes from the 3rd Universe, twice removed. What Universe is that Now? This
See, Humanity has a habit of reading Humanity into Everything. Good habit. Cours
e they also understand you can't read nothing into nothing. Ain't no room for th
at. Zero takes up no space. Got enough room for your zero? Okay, put that in the
bag too.
“This Train”
You don't need no baggage, this train.
You don't need no ticket, this train.
You just get on board, this train.
Of course you have to get on the train kinda like they get on the train in Ghost
, the movie.
To be a God you've gotta have a high confrontation level, especially when you're
in ignorance. That way, You can walk into ignorance and say, “Ignorance you're
doing it all wrong you stupid *bleep*.”
And ignorance walks over to the corner in a huff saying, “I really don't want to
work for nothing no more.”
Okay ignorance, get out of the corner.
Okay, Light Body, walk away from the corner please.
Light body says, “I got it. Where'd ignorance go?”
ignorance falls right through the floor.
The Planet tells me that the Planet wants to make everything really really okay
for Humanity because the Planet understands Humanity is not really ignorant. Not
Should I deflate Israel's balloon? Cause they kinda walk around there with a ch
ip on their shoulder. Okay, I'll knock the chip off their shoulder then I'll def
late their balloon. According to Creation, my favorite children is Humanity.
You can tell Israel, that when they were told they are God's Children, that was
correct. Course, that was because the people of Israel are Human Too. Would you
like a prayer board with your kaballah, or a wall?
From the same womb, does each and every aspect of Humanity pop their heads out.
Certainly doesn't come from a Gorilla's vagina, though sometimes We wonder. Sen
d in the Midwives.
You know how you get a just system for Women? You cut the congress in half and h
alf the seats go to Women and half the seats go to Men, any votes on Women's rig
hts have to go through the Women's half. Otherwise the Men's half might find the
mselves with a tampon up their noses. Both nostrils.
patriarchal... matriarchal...
Crystals say, “You know I come from My Mommy?”
The other Crystal says, “Yeah, who's Your Daddy?”
“I didn't come from My Daddy.”
“You didn't? You had to come from Your Daddy too.”
See, I had the distinct disadvantage when I came into this Life, that I was a wh
ite boy. Everybody blames everything on the white boy, the white boy didn't do i
Like I said, the only prejudice that can ever exist is the prejudice contained w
ithin belief systems. Humanity should feel honored that I consider themselves as
part of My Family. They will when they remember They're Gods.
Look how the past falls away when You're in the Present Moment.
Course, what the Angels told me was, “FatherGod, everybody cheers for the underd
og.” So I took dog, that word, and I put it in front of the mirror. What did it
say? God! It was one of those fun house mirrors.
What are the characteristics of a dog? We sent dumb, stupid, and idiot to the po
und to pick up a dog. We got a call that we had to come and pick them up because
they'd locked themselves in the cages. Don't you just Love them?
Jesus walked up to Mother Mary and asked, “What did That feel like?”
“Jesus, what did what feel like?”
“What did My Dad feel like?”
Mother Mary was just sitting there saying, “I Love Him... Jesus, you look just l
ike Him.”
Jesus said, “What do I look like?”
Mother Mary said, “Him!”
Alright Everybody, Embrace Your Sacred.
What is the half-life of uranium 234? About the length of a sneeze in God's nose
. Not even.
Whenever ignorance comes out of it's rut, the Divine Presence is there to welcom
e the Being. Just like the Light Body looked at Me, and said, “I really get tire
d of being nothing.” I said, “Well, You don't have to be nothing now. Turn Yours
elf On!”
What is it? In the Kingdom of Heaven, We don't have to have a blast, because the
suicide bombers show up, smoldering. Course they ask us where are all the young
virgins? We tell them, “You just left them behind buddy.” Then they thought the
y were in hell.
Course some of them were promised camels, the only camels we have in heaven are
the ones you smoke.
The joy meter goes WOW!
We'll tell them how much Love democracy has for capitalism. Democracy has no Lov
e for capitalism because We're All Free. Capitalism is where we're bought and so
ld. Democracy is what helps the people discover Equality. Capitalism is what, ho
w much are they worth? I sent a bid in for Humanity, they were worth absolutely
nothing on a scale from 1 to 10, I prebetted on the race. I bought Them.
How's that feel? I bought Humanity for Love. Call me sentimental if you want to.

See the Lord Gods had never seen Me before, at least not even. They looked at Me
like I was the gambling pool, that I had invested Everything in Humanity's Awak
ening and I left nothing all alone back home with dumb and stupid. I told Everyb
ody, “Idiot's watching dumb and stupid.” Idiot put dumb and stupid up on the cou
nter and said, “I wanna tune the channel now. Raise their antenna, where's the c
Why didn't I show up before all this occurred? Cause it wasn't the bottom of the
9th. What, You gotta watch the whole ballgame to show up and see how it Begins?
Bottom of the 9th bases loaded, I mean they were really packed. All of the Atom
s that made up the whole of the Living Universe were on those bases and they wer
e gonna run when they heard the Crack. They knew they were gonna hear the Crack
because ignorance was pitching.
2 dimensional thought discovered coherency. That meant that everybody in 2 dimen
sional thought was consistently dumb. Every once in a while stupid or idiot came
in and said, “I brought the birthday cake.”
“Where's the birthday cake?”
“I ate it.“ He pointed at his belly and said, “I got it in here.”
The dinosaurs looked at Us and said, “Let's go this way.” Course the dinosaurs d
idn't understand that We could understand their motives and operandi. They were
gonna go around the back and see if they could sneak up on Us. We had the saddle
s ready. 2D thought is easy to saddle and more fun to ride, especially if You've
got some spurs.
See I've got part of my Mom in Me, Love. Course, my Dad is still fighting over c
ustody of that part of Me too.
ignorance doesn't exist! How often do I have to shout that from the top of the m
ountain? Darkness, anybody got a darkness they want to show me? What it ran away
today? Long run isn't it? Getting back to the bottom of the 9th.
ignorance is on the mound, winding up. The umpire walked over and said, “Here's
the ball.”
ignorance said, “oh, I thought I already had that.”
Umpire says, “No. Play ball!”
And I was up there at plate and Being was my bat. Ignorance was trying to see Me
. The best ignorance could do was hit Me and walk Me to first base. Ignorance ha
d no clue of where the ball was going cause ignorance was pitching it. Course ig
norance was up there doing the windup and trying to fake Me out. Ignorance says,
“I'm really gonna fake FatherGod out now, cause I'm not gonna pitch the ball, I
'm just gonna pretend to pitch the ball.”
Batter up! So ignorance, with all the velocity of nothing, did one of those cart
oon wind ups. The ball was traveling at velocities that the bat didn't understan
d yet because it was just Being there. CRACK! Out of the park! Out of the Planet
! Out of the Solar System! That ball's out of Here! Of course ignorance figured
it was gonna give me the special ball, flubber, that kind of ball. Intelligent m
atter. Flubber was happy, it bubbled. Yeah for sure. Translate that one. Does an
y of this make any sense? Anybody got any change? Are those synonyms? Sound alik
e, mean different.
I did mention, whatever I go through on this Planet, Everybody's going to go thr
ough as well, so We all understand Equality.
Did I ever mention, the space police came to our diner? Cause we had too many do
nuts and the police had a donut quota. If we had too many donuts they were gonna
take them. We just gave them coffee too.
You really can't call that bribery can you? Even though it worked.
See, I was born natural Sag.
But I was wearing a badge,
and written across my badge was L.E.O. Law Enforcement Officer. I'm the original
tin man, and I'm gunning for ignorance. It's high noon on the 12th day of the 1
2th month of what year was that? The day I put a wristwatch on ignorance's wrist
so ignorance could show up at the showdown.
FatherGod, you're kinda like William Shatner aren't You? Overacting? Not really,
You had to Be there.
Angels said, “FatherGod, what time is it Now?”
“According to my wristwatch it's Now, where'd ignorance show up at?”
ignorance went a running... NANANANANA!! to ignorance. If you can't play nice yo
u have to go home. Where's darkness's home? They got one? No, they were just try
ing to take your home. It's your's, once you step foot in it its you're home. Th
e banks are just pretending they owe you that, cause they do.

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