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Date of Birth : November 16, 1890
Place of birth : Vigan, Ilocos Sur
Father : Mariano Quirino
Mother : Gregoria Rivera
Date of Death: February 29, 1956 (aged 65)
Spouse: Alicia Syquia
Occupation: Lawyer
Religion: Roman Catholic
Young Elpidio graduated from elementary school in nearby Caoayan where he became a barrio teacher.
He received a secondary education at Vigan High School and then he went to Manila and graduated
from Manila High School.
In 1915, Quirino earned his law degree from the University of the Philippines (UP)
After graduating from the College of Law, UP, he served as a clerk in the Philippine Commission and
then as secretary to Senate president Manuel Quezon.
1919 to 1925
Member of the Philippine House of Representatives.
1925 to 1931
Member of the Philippine Senate
Secretary of Finance and then Secretary of Interior.
Member of the Philippine Independence Mission to Washington, D.C.
He was elected Senator-at-large.
World War II
Quirino refused to join the puppet government of Jose Laurel and became an underground leader of the
Filipino resistance movement against the Japanese.
He was captured and imprisoned by the Japanese military police in Fort Santiago
His wife and 3 of his children were killed during the Battle of Manila
Elected Vice-President and appointed Foreign Affairs Secretary.
6th President of the Philippines
Assumed on April 18, 1948
Preceded by: Manuel Roxas
Succeeded by: Ramon Magsaysay
Political party: Liberal Party
Elected as President of the 3rd Republic of the Philippines
Vice President: Fernando Lopez (1949-1953)
As President in 1948:
His agenda is centered on two main objectives:
1. Unity among the Filipinos through the establishment of peace and order
2. Maintanence of the peoples faith in the efficiency and sincerity of the government
As president, he was accused by many Filipinos for being extremely pro-American and even subservient
(obedient, compliant) to alien economic interests.
To maintain peace and order for the sake of national unity, he granted amnesty (official pardon, general
pardon, forgiveness) to the Huk guerillas on June 21, 1948, but this measured proved futile (useless,
ineffective, fruitless) in solving deep-rooted social injustice and exploitation inherent in the countrys
semi feudal economy.
Although Quirino saw the need for increasing the appeal for loans from the United States and
establishing controls to protect local Filipino industries and conserve natural resources, he failed to act
vigorously and sincerely in implementing drastic agrarian reforms.

Quirino was elected president in 1949, when, according to historians and news reports, widespread
terrorism and violation of legal electoral processes occurred.

Supported the establishments of several industrial plants and projects at strategic point all over the
country, thereby mobilizing its economic resources and ushering in an era of industrialization.
Burgos irrigation project in Zambales
Hydroelectric project in Lanao
Roads all over Mindanao
The cement factory in Bacnotan and La Union
Other new necessary industries which provided employment to thousands.
1. Central Bank of the Philippines
To stabilize the Philippine currency
2. President's Action Committee on Social Amelioration (PACSA )
To mitigate the sufferings of indigent families.
3. Labor Management Advisory Board
To advise him on labor matters.
4. Rural Banks of the Philippines
To facilitate credit utilities in rural areas.
5. Economic Development Corps ( EDCOR )
Under this program , all members of the Huk who will give up are given forgiveness and grant for land.
6. Import Control Law
To regulate the entry of foreign products in the Philippines.
7. Magna Carta of Labor and Minimum Wage Law
Aims to give the laborers a better life.
8. Economic Mobilization Program
To industrialize the country and give more jobs to the Filipinos.
9. Land Settlement Development Corporation (LASEDECO)
Was established to accelerate and expand the peasant resettlement program of the government. However,
due to limited post-war resources, the program was not successful.
Amnesty for the Huks
Quirino negotiated with Luis Taruc in Malacanang.
Quirino appointed Ramon Magsaysay to suppress the insurrection.
The result of this negotiation was granting Amnesty for the Huks.
Quirino-Foster Agreement
Signed by President Quirino and G. William Foster of the United States.
Under this agreement, the United States and the Philippines would cooperate to develop the economy of
the nation.
The United States would provide funds and technology while the Philippines would supply manpower.
Seven-Point Program for Social Security
1. Unemployment insurance
2. Old-age insurance
3. Accident and permanent disability insurance
4. Health insurance
5. Maternity insurance
6. State relief
7. Labor opportunity
The widespread poverty and acts of graft and corruption in some government offices also contributed to
the declining faith of the people in government.
Scandalous transactions of some government officials lowered the prestige of government.
On top of all these was the increasing threat of the Huks who burned and ransacked towns and barrios.
Quirinos bid for a second term of office in 1949 was believed to be one of the dirtiest elections held in
the country.

In the 1953 election, Quirino was defeated by one of the greatest presidents in Philippine history, Ramon
He was the first president to undergo an impeachment trial because he allegedly purchased a very
expensive Golden Orinola using government money.
Failure of government to check the Huk menace which made travel in the provinces unsafe, as
evidenced by the killing of former First Lady Aurora Quezon and her companions on April 21, 1949 by
the Huks on the Bongabong-Baler road, Baler, Tayabas.
Quirino retired to private life and died of a heart attack in February 29, 1956
I have taken the oath of office with courage and confidence, because I know that the well-springs of our
national strength are abundant and inexhaustible. Our history is the history of a growing and expanding nation,
a nation that for four hundred years has kept green its love of liberty and ever fresh its desire for progress. I
stake the success of my administration upon that record, and I ask you to draw with me upon the copious
reserves of energy and patriotism which have sustained our nation through every crisis in its history
Pres. Elpidio Quirino
December 30, 1949
"Hukbo ng Bayan Laban sa mga Hapon"
The military arm of the Communist Party of the Philippines (PKP), formed in 1942 to fight the Japanese
Empire's occupation in the Philippines during World War II.
Lead primarily by Luis Taruc, it fought a second war from 1946 to 1954 against the pro-Western leaders
of their newly independent country.
More commonly known as the Huks, it is culmination of the centuries of peasant degradation, loss of
self-respect of the poor peasants, and abject poverty.
Has its deep roots in the Spanish encomienda systemwhich developed into a system of exploitation.
Hukbalahap, began as a resistance organization against the Japanese and ended as a movement against
the government because of the widening gap between rich and poor.
Spanish Origin
Friar estates that were acquired from the people.
People were too were too ignorant to secure legal rights over their property.
50-50 division on the crops (peasants- tools and work animals)
The peasants were compelled to borrow money from his landlord at an exorbitant interest.
Losses in the cockfights meant more borrowing from the landlord. The net result was the increased
dependence of the peasant on his landlord, continued loss of self respect and income, and an abject life.
Filipino Middle Class
Initiated the reform movement which resulted in a social tension
The tension snapped when, in 1896; the masses, led by Andres Bonifacio, took to the field against the
Spanish oppressors
The Filipino upper class rushed into the vacuum created by the disappearance of the Spanish rulers.
Agrarian Unrest Under the Americans
The peasants continued to play their role of the exploited after the Revolution and through the American
Usury continued to exist under the American rule.
Paying 100% interest,
Peasant paying what he borrowed in kind, say, palay.
Peasant was forced to borrow from his landlord whether he liked it or not.
The palay was converted into money at, say, one pesos per cavan at the time the loan was made.
The Rise of Communism and Socialism
Political consciousness due to freedom

Role of tagalong novels

Banaag at Sikat by Lope K. Santos (1906)
Busabos ng Palad by Faustino Aguilar (1907)
Nangalunod sa Katihan (1911)
Ang Huling Timawa by Servando de los Angeles (1936)
Confederacion de Aparceros y Obreros Agricolas de Filipinas
Later renamed Katipunang Pambansa ng mga Magbubukid sa Pilipinas (Phil. Confederation of
tenants and Agricultural Workers)
Under leadership of Jacinto Manahan
Philippine Labor Congress (PLC)
In 1928, their representatives attended a trade conference in Canton, China which was sponsored by the
Labor Party
Affiliated itself with the Red International Organization of Labor Unions, thereby making the PLC a
communist union.
The conservative end of the communist leaders of the PLC disagreed on matters of policy.
Crisanto Evangelista
A former PLC leader and a communist, founded his Katipunan ng mga Anak Pawis ng Pilipinas
(Congress of the Philippine Workingmen)
Ruperto Cristobal and Antonio Paguia
Remained in the PLC.
Partido Comunista
Founded by Evanelista and Manahan.
Its purpose were:
To work for the improvement of living and working conditions of workers and peasants;
To overthrow the American colonial government and the establishment of an independent
Philippines patterned after Soviet Russia; and
To unite all workers.
It was outlawed by the Supreme Court.
Socialist Party
Founded by Pedro Abad Santos in 1929
It was not outlawed.

Communist leaders were pardoned, the two parties- the Communist and Socialist- merged. This
affiliation of peasants and workers of Central Luzon with a communist organization made them the most
politically sophisticated working class in the Philippines.

The Founding of HUKBALAHAP

February 1942
Meeting of peasant leaders.
Battle cry was Anti-Japanese Above All
Three Point Platformeconomic
1. Economic Phase
Development of all means of providing the people with sustenance and at the same time to
sabotage Japanese efforts.
2. Political Phase
Discrediting the puppet regime and in destroying its influence.
3. Military
Aim was to harass the Japanese and collect all sorts of arms in preparation for a vast resistance

March 29, 1942

The organization was named Hukbo ng Bayan Laban sa Hapon
Luis Taruc
Became the leader of HUKBALAHAP.
When the War Broke Out
Peasants took over the land of the absentee landlords.
Hukbalahap Sovereignty
High command imposed stricy discipline to its members.
Dayang-Dayang (Felipa Culala) was executed.
Japanese recognized Huk sovereignt in Central Luzon.
Liberation and Imprisonment
February 5, the Huks were focibly disarmed by American MPs.
Huk leaders were arrested
Philippine Civil Affairs Unit (PCAU) of the American Army
Proceeded to remove all municipal leaders elected by the Huks and replaced them with USAFFE
The Arrest of Taruc
Taruc accused the landlords of having instigated the move against the Huks in order to wreak vengeance
on them, and primarily to disorganize the Huk movement for their (landlords) benefit.
On September 23, 1945, some 50,000 peasants and workers marched to Malakanyang and demanded the
release of Taruc and his companions. Taruc was then released on September 30.
Roxas and the Huks
Asked Taruc to win the Huk over his side but Taruc refused
Started to be hostile with the Huks
It got so bad that during the Masico Affair in Laguna, a group of old and young men and women
suspected of being Huks were machine-gunned by the MPs without any warning or investigation.
Also, at Maliwalu, Bacolor, Pampanga, a group of men and women holding a party at night were fired
upon and killed by the MPs
Roxas succeded in unseating Taruc and the others in Congress due to alleged poll fraud.
Pacification Campaign
Cooperation between Taruc and other peasant leaders and Pres. Roxas to campaign for the importance of
peace and order in national rehabilitation and reconstruction.
But there was an intelligence about the liquidation of the Huk leaders.
Outlawing the Huks
March 6, 1948
Roxas declared HUKBALAHAP and the Pambansang Kaisahan ng mga Magbubukid illegal
associations (sedition-overthrowing the Government)
The Amnesty Proclamation
On June 21 then, President Quirino issued a proclamation in the presence of Taruc at Malakanyang,
granting amnesty to all leader and members of the Hukbalahap and the PKM.
Amnesty was absolute and covered crimes of rebellion, sedition, illegal association, assault, resistance
and disobedience to persons in authority.
The Breakdown of the Amensty
On August 14, Taruc left Manila on a mission of peace and to confer with his leaders over the eleventh
hour registration.
Clash between the 507th MP company and 50 Huks at Kabanatuan resulted in the resumption of the
hostilities between the MPs and the Huks.

The Murder of Mrs. Quezon

On APRIL 28, 1949, Mrs. Aurora Quezon(Chairman of the Philippine National Red Cross), her daughter
Baby, and ten others were waylaid past Bongabon, Nueva Ecija and shot dead mercilessly to their deaths
April 29,1949
Taruc made a letter to the Manila Chronicle, denying that the Huks were responsible for the crime. He
accused the government of creating national hysteria that would call for further repressive measures
against the Huks. He also admitted for the first time that the Huks objective was to overthrow the
Rumors were spread, such as the Huks could take Manila any time they wanted, and it wouldnt be long
before the Malakanyang would be in the hands of the Huks.
Gave Magsaysay the necessary funds to carry out the administrations program of rehabilitating the
surrendered Huks.
Worked day and night to track down the nerve center of the Huk Politburo, the body that executed the
decisions of the Huk Central Committee.
The arrest and incarceration of the member of Politburo led to the demoralization of the Huk rank and
file. Many surrendered and sent to Mindanao for rehabilitation. Others were imprisoned for sedition and
rebellion and serving sentence in National Penitentiary.
The arrest and incarceration of the member of Politburo led to the demoralization of the Huk rank and
file. Many surrendered and sent to Mindanao for rehabilitation. Others were imprisoned for sedition and
rebellion and serving sentence in National Penitentiary.
Was secretly appointed by Pres. Magsaysay in early 1954 as his personal emissary to Taruc.
MAY 17, 1954
After months of negotiation, Taruc surrendered to the governments. He unreservedly recognized the
authority of Pres. Magsaysay and the sovereignty of the Republic of the Philippines. He was brought to
court and sentenced to serve twelve years in prison.
MAY 1964
Jesus Lava was captured.
The Huk movement lost its BRAINS and what remained were strugglers.
Significance of the Huk Movement
Both a lesson and a fair warning to the government.
(December 30, 1953 March 17, 1957)
Third President of the Third Republic of the Philippines.
Motto: Bring freedom and progress to the barrios
First to take presidential Oath wearing Barong Tagalog
To promote Positive Nationalism he encouraged wearing Barong Tagalog at formal Occasions and the
use of Filipino Language.
One of the most charismatic president.
Idol of the Masses, champion of democracy, and freedom fighter.
Opened Malacaang for ordinary Filipinos.

Family Background
Born on August 31, 1907 in Iba, Zambales.
Exequiel Magsaysay-blacksmith
Perfecta del Fierro-school teacher
Elementary: Castillejos
High School: Zambales Academy.
College : Jose Rizal College (A.B. Commerce)
Wife: Luz Banzon
Children : Teresita, Milagros and Ramon Jr.
Political Background
1. Member of the Philippine House of Representatives from Zambales' Lone District
28 May 1946 1 September 1950
2. Secretary of National Defense
1 September 1950 28 February 1953
1 January 1954 14 May 1954
3. 7th President of the Philippines
3rd President of the Third Republic
30 December 1953 17 March 1957
November 10, 1953
Won the Presidential election
December 30, 1953
Sworn into office as the Countrys seventh Chief Executive.
Three Line Approach on Rural Problems
1. Improvement of land tenure system, supplemented by land resettlement:
2. More effective aid to tenants and small farmers in the form of (a) credit on easy terms; (b) essential
facilities, such as water and roads; and (c) technical advice on how to improve farm operations; and
3. More intensive community development with emphasis on self-help.
1. Agricultural Tenancy Act
Provides for greater protection to the tenants by granting them the freedom to choose the system
of tenancy under which they would want to work. Land for the Landless.
2. Agricultural Tenancy Commission and Court of Agrarian Relations
Whose main function is to settle satisfactorily and promptly all tenancy disputes.
3. National Resettlement and Rehabilitation Administration
Its aim was to resettle landless farmers to further implement the free distribution of agricultural
lands of the public domain, and aimed at the Huks who returned to provide them with home and
job in farming. This act covers encourages as well the migration to sparsely populated regions
pursuant to the fundamental policy of the government to promote the level of their living,
production, and employment.
4. Agricultural Credit and Cooperative Financing Administration
Through this, the farmers were given loans on credit and helps farmers in marketing their
products and in giving them warehousing facilities through their cooperatives.
5. Farmers Cooperative and Marketing Associations
Marketing associations which were organized throughout the country.
6. Presidential Complaints and Action Committee
An action line for assisting the masses and receiving people's complaints.
7. War Reparations Agreement
Provided that Japan shall give the Philippines US $800 million as war reparations, $ 550 million
of which shall be in the form of donations of equipment and machinery, technical assistance,
training and others, and the remaining $250 million for loans to private businesses.
8. Laurel-Langley Agreement

It eradicated the authority of the United States to have control over the exchange rate of the
Philippines peso, parity privileges reciprocal, extended the sugar quota. This agreement retained
the economic subservience between the U.S. and the Philippines.
9. Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO)
Established in Manila on Sept. 8, 1954 during the "Manila Conference".
An alliance of countries against the expansion communism.
10. The End of HUKBALAHAP
Luis Taruc surrendered on May 17, 1954
Benigno s. Aquino Jr. -negotiator
Problems and Controversies
Magsaysay campaign expenses paid by CIA to return favor and support American interests in
Philippines. He was known to be The American Boy
Conservatives accused him of turning the Malacaang Palace to marketplace/cockpit arena due to
unrestricted public access.
Made citizens believe that the country does everything for them due to Magsaysay partly spoiled the
masses leading to over dependence.
Death of Magsaysay
March 16, 1957, Magsaysay left Manila for Cebu City where he spoke at three educational institutions.
That same night, at about 1 am, he boarded the presidential plane "Mt. Pinatubo", a C-47, heading back
to Manila. In the early morning hours of
March 17, 1957 the plane was reported missing. By late afternoon, newspapers had reported the
airplane had crashed on Mt. Manunggal in Cebu, and that 36 of the 56 aboard were killed (the actual
number on board was 25, including Magsaysay).
Only newspaperman Nstor Mata survived.
A Country must assure for its citizen, the social and economic conditions that would enable them to live in
decency, free from ignorance, disease and want
Ramon Magsaysay on National Security.

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