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EGEN 102

Intro to Engineering Computations and Applications

Spring 2015

Day/Time and Room: TTh 12:40 - 1:30pm, RH 101
Instructor: Jeff Heys
Office Hours: T 11:00a - 12:00p, Th 2:00-3:00p (or by appointment)
Office: COBH 310
Phone: 406-994-7902
Teaching assistants: office hours in COBL 326
Burak Akar: M 1:00p 3:00p
Michael Venters: M 10:00a 11:00a, Th 1:30p 2:30p
Michael Vigers: M 12:00p 1:00p, T 11:00a -12:00p
Course Description: Effective methods for applying the computer to common numerical problems
encountered in chemical and biological engineering. Examples will provide a basis for more
comprehensive problems encountered in the other professional level courses.
ABET Outcomes:
An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering.
An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice.
Learning Outcomes: After completing this course, students will be able to:

Recognize and classify mathematical equations by type

demonstrate proficiency in the basics and fundamentals of programming
demonstrate ability to construct computer algorithms for implementation in Python or
another programming language
Understand basic notions and limitations of numerical computation (round-off error,
stability of algorithms, operation counts).
apply a programming language and numerical methods to a variety of problems in a
chemical or biological engineering context

Corequisite: M 171 (first semester of calculus)

Textbook: Heys, J.J., Chemical and Biological Engineering Calculations with Python, 2014.
Course Web Page: available on D2L (must be checked weekly at a minimum)
Grading: The final grade will be computed as follows:
Homework: 40% (lowest score dropped)
Midterm Exams (2): 20% each
Final: 20%
While class participation is not a requirement, it is encouraged; it may help with borderline grades.

EGEN 102

Intro to Engineering Computations and Applications

Spring 2015

There will be approximately 10 homework assignments throughout the semester (there are
15 weeks in the semester). Homework will be due at the beginning of class, and late
homework will not be accepted.
You are allowed to work with others on homework, including asking them questions when
you are stuck, but you should be careful not to work too closely. Specifically, make sure you
do your own coding and thinking. You should also be sure to write up your own unique
solutions and computational algorithms.
Students that turn in problem solutions that are exact or nearly exact reproductions of the
solutions of other students in the course will not receive any points on that homework
assignment and may be referred to the Dean of Students.
Homework solutions should be typed and all solutions and computer codes should be
turned in using the appropriate dropbox folder on D2L.
Homework Format:
It is absolutely essential that you be able to communicate clearly and write neatly if you plan
to work as a professional engineer.
Some of the homework assignments will be traditional assignments simply answer the
questions that are asked, which will typically require creating a computational algorithm.
Other homework assignments will be in the Consultant format. For these assignments,
you will be asked to think of yourself as a hired consultant that is a professional engineer and
is being hired to make an assessment of some problem or issue. For these cases, you should
submit a report to your employer (i.e., the company that hired you) that summarizes your
findings with respect to the problem or issue you were hired to address. In these cases, your
computer code will be submitted as attachments to your report i.e., computer code and
reports will be submitted to the same dropbox folder.
All computer algorithms should contain comments

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