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Assalamu`alaikum and Good morning/afternoon everyone.

My mother told me that when I was a baby, she had difficulties to make people properly say my
name. Always, she had to repeat my name several times. Most of the time she needed to spell the
letters. As mysterious as it sounds, today I will unlock the mystery with you on how my name finds
its origin.
The name was first known in the 7th century in the Arab Peninsular.
The person is Abu Dzar al-Ghiffari al-Kinani. He was a man from the tribe of Ghifar. That is why
he bears the appendage of al-Ghiffari. As for myself, I might be called al-Kelantani (because I was
born in Kelantan). He was the fifth man at that time who accepted Islam.
His real name was Jundub ibn Jundah ibn Sufian. He got the title Abu Dzar, meaning the father of
the poor people because of his job before embracing Islam. He was a robber of the tribes in the
desert. He didnt rob for his own interest. He robbed to help the poor and needy people around him.
If one remembers, he was like Robin Hood renown in the Western world.
History has it that, he believed in Allah even before he met Prophet Muhammad. It is recorded that
he hid in the cover of Kaabah for thirty days before meeting Prophet Muhammad in Mecca. During
the time he didnt eat but only drank the Zam Zam water until his belly became round. Finally, he
managed to meet the Prophet after many sufferings. He got beaten badly until he became red all
over his body because of the bleeding he suffered. All this is because he wanted to meet the holy
Prophet Muhammad.
Abu Dzarr contribution to Islam is he was able to bring the whole tribe of Ghiffar to become
Muslim although he just met and learn from the Prophet for quite a short time.
Abu Dzarr used to be very obedient to the teaching of Islam. He used to be a Mufti during the time
of Caliph Abu Bakr and Umar. Abu Dzarr believed that Muslim shouldnt keep too much wealth for
their own interest. They have to spend it to those in need. Thats why Abu Dzarr was not like
ordinary people. Ironically, people didnt like his stand on wealth.
In this regard, the Prophet used to say: Abu Dzarr will walk alone, will die and will be resurrected
alone. It is not because he did something bad, but he was especially distinguished by Allah.
In my case, my parents give me the name of Abi Dzarr following an advice from a Shaykh who
chose the name for me. Probably, with the hope that the faithful spirit of Abu Dzar al-Ghiffari has
some effects on me. Deeply in my heart, I hope that the prayer is answered.
Last but not least, I hope that this brief story of a person named of Abu Dzar al-Ghiffari will shed
some light on the origin of my name.

With this I thank you.

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