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Precognitive Dreams & Premonitions

Part 1
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Precognitive dreams & premonitions here..

Precognitive Dreams & Premonitions

(...Continued From Precognitive Dreams & Premonitions Pt 2)

The Bible, of course, refers to precognitive dreams. There are about 15 in the old
testament - most of which helped change the course of history, and there is the one
mentioned earlier in this book of the Pharaoh who dreamed of 7 fat and 7 thin cattle.
Joseph decoded it as referring to seven years of abundance followed by 7 years of
famine - warning of future events.
Most precognitive dreams concern unpleasant things that will happen. Many of them
concern unexpected death to immediate members of a family or persons close to the
percipient. Here is such a case:
'I had a recurring dream every night for a week. In the dream my mother, who was
dead in reality, paid a visit and told me. 'You will not see Doug and Joy again. They
will not be here long'. Doug and Joy were my brother and his wife.
The dream was very disquieting and I wanted to warn my brother but my husband
told me not to be so 'silly'. Two days after the last dream I bought the local paper and
on the front page were my brother and Joy. They had been killed flying to Spain. I
had no idea they had gone on holiday.'
Other premonitions concern disasters but where the victims are not directly linked to
the percipient:
'I was in the sixth form at school when I had the first of many, many experiences of
seeing unpleasant events in advance. There was a boy in my form whom I didn't
know well and he had a younger brother also in my school. The younger brother was
about 13. One night, I had a dreadful nightmare in which I was crossing the nearby
Lough in a sailing boat with the younger boy. The boat capsized. As it sank I
extracted myself from the ropes and rigging, but I could see the young boy struggling
to free himself. I tried to free him but was unable to do so. I awoke with a terrible
sense of doom and fear.
During the day I met a friend, a lecturer at the university, who was a colleague of the
boy's father and told her of my nightmare. That evening she phoned to tell me that
the same young boy had apparently tried to cross the Lough that day in bad weather
(he was apparently a good helmsman) and his boat had capsized. The boy was
While events seem destined to happen, individuals appear to be able to take avoiding

'After having completed my apprenticeship as an aircraft engineer, I left London to

work in the midlands with a light aircraft maintenance company. One of my duties
was to fly as Observer on air tests, with our Managing Director as pilot. Air testing
can be dangerous, as the aircraft is taken to its limits such as stalling, spins and
single-engine climbs.
At first I enjoyed the thrill of flying but I soon became dogged by a recurring dream
of being sitting in the right hand seat attempting to pilot the aircraft with my boss sat
next to me, unconscious. The problem was that I could not fly the plane.
After a while the dream began to haunt me every time I got into a plane to carry out
an air test until one day my nerve went and I refused to fly.
The next air test crashed, killing both the Managing Director and the apprentice.'
An especially accurate variety of premonition identified from Dr Hearne's data is the
Media Announcement Type. This is where the premonition comes in the form of some
kind of public announcement (eg TV or radio news-flash, newspaper placard, etc) that
is dreamed or hallucinated in some way. Perhaps one in 50 reported premonitions is
of this type although many may go unnoticed because the precognitive element is not
Some premonitions seem to be of fairly inconsequential events in the percipient's life:
'I was 20 years old and had just begun a new job as an assistant librarian in
Newcastle. I dreamed that a Dutchman came into the library to ask about some
Dutch language novels. In the dream I went to the file where such requests were
kept and could not find it, but eventually tracked it down to the back room where
another assistant was dealing with it.
The next day it did happen. The Dutchman came in about his request for Dutch
novels. Instead of searching the file I went straight to my friend in the back room
who was indeed working on that request then.'
A small fraction of premonitions actually anticipate happy events.
'I had a dream of someone telling me a horse was going to win, and its name was
BEAN something. Over breakfast I asked my husband if he had heard of a horse by
that name. He said he hadn't, and we joked about it because I have never had a
dream about a horse winning and I am hopeless at picking a winner at anything. My
husband sent my son to get the daily paper. My husband said he couldn't see a horse
of that name listed.
As I sat down for a coffee at 10.30 I grabbed the paper and straight away I saw the
horse listed - BEAN BOY. I was so excited I rang my mother, my sister, my brother-inlaw and a friend, Harry, who likes a flutter. they each placed a 1 bet on the horse.
We put 20 of the mortgage money on it. The horse won (at 7 to 1). I was thrilled.'
Dr Hearne's research approach has been two-pronged. Firstly, he has obtained large

numbers of reported premonitions in order to establish categories, frequencies,

latency periods, and so on and, secondly, to investigate a few individual percipients
very closely.
Barbara Garwell, who lives in Hull, is someone whose premonitions Dr Hearne has
studied over many years. Barbara is a very sweet, sincere, Roman Catholic lady in
her 60s who has had premonitions since childhood.
She is good at assassinations. We don't mean that she's a Mafioso type - she seems
to be able to pick up on major assassinations before they happen. For example, 21
days before the killing of President Sadat of Egypt, Barbara woke from a vivid and
violent dream in which she saw some 'coffee coloured' men spray a group of
dignitaries with machine guns at a stadium. The scene seemed to be the middle east.
President Sadat was actually killed, with several others, when he was taking the
salute at a military parade in a stadium. Soldiers ran from a vehicle to the saluting
base and fired kalashnikov guns. Although Barbara could not identify the country, the
details were very accurate.
Also, in 1981 Barbara had another assassination dream - this time more symbolic - in
which some German SS men featured. A man got out of a limousine. He had a 'pockmarked' face and she 'knew' he was an ex actor. One of the SS men drew a pistol and
fired several shots at the actor, who fell.
Again, exactly 21 days after the dream, an attempt was made on the life of President
Reagan. - a former screen actor - when he was entering a limousine. John Hinckley,
the gunman, had been a member of a neo-nazi group (the National Socialist party).
Intelligent analysis of both these dreams could, in retrospect, have led to a
knowledge of what was soon to happen and to whom.
There are very many other startling premonitions that Barbara has received that are
catalogued in Dr Hearne's book Visions of the Future (Aquarian), and her own book
Dreams that Come True (Thorsons).
David Melbourne and Dr Hearne are quite sure that chance coincidence cannot
explain her premonitions. Another explanation that sceptics put forward is that she
selects only good ones to relate from many that do not come true. However, Dr
Hearne tested that hypothesis in 1981 by collecting every single premonition she had
in that year. Each was entered onto a form and sent to him. There were 52 in all. Two
blind judges, (unaware), later rated each premonition for accuracy in any events that
happened in the 28 days following. The judges also did the same for a control year,
(ie not the actual year), but they did not know which.
The premonitions for the correct year had significantly higher scores than those for
the control year. But the most interesting phenomenon was the consistent 21 day
latency period which came out in several of her major premonitions. That unexpected
factor must be important when the theory behind premonitions is gone into.

Some people who have premonitory dreams are fearful that they in some way are
causing the later disasters. We don't think that is so. Often, people recognise the
same disaster. It is not likely that they all happen to make the same event occur. It is
more likely that they passively receive the future information.
It seems that the future is being formed a few months in advance. Major events
become 'set', and can be detected by certain individuals, but the element of free will
enables people to avoid future fixed events.
The negative attitude of official orthodox science, (which probably dates from the
witchcraft era when the paranormal was linked with sorcery), is retarding the proper
advance of knowledge in mankind. In fact, science is unscientific and fraudulent in
this instance.
If a scientist were to conduct an experiment but refused to include some data
because it would not fit in with his or her own theory, that scientist would be
castigated for being unscientific. Yet that is precisely what Science does regarding
parapsychology. It refuses to face the awkward facts.
There is also a strange breed of authoritarian, censorious people who wish to
preserve the status quo - the sceptics. They seem to have a strict belief system of
negativity. Such people, of course, are scientific ostriches and do not advance science
one iota - they only hinder it. They are a liability to its progress. It is greatly insulting
and patronising for ordinary people to be told by some self-styled sceptic that what
they know happened to them didn't really happen at all.
Worrying too, is the great scandal of the scientific journals, which would not even
reply to a scientific paper sent in reporting the results of a parapsychological
Ordinary people, as distinct from scientists - who are often blinkered and limited by
their strict belief system - know that paranormal phenomena occur. The media,
particularly television, which follow people's actual interests and beliefs, have begun
to give more exposure to these areas. At one time, the paranormal could only be
discussed very late at night - along with sex - programmes on the paranormal now
occupy peak viewing times. Science is being dragged kicking and screaming into
What is the significance of premonitions? Premonitions, more than any other
paranormal phenomena, are shouting to us that our ideas of the nature of the
universe and ourselves are completely wrong. Whereas telepathy, say, could just
about be explicable within science as we know it, precognition is totally at odds with
the present scheme of things. Essentially, it provides an effect (the premonition)
before a cause (the event).
Under the rigid system of science that currently prevails such a scenario is
'impossible' and so cannot be true. The trouble is, several things that have been
'impossible' in the past have turned out not to be so. It was 'impossible' that the

earth should orbit the sun, or that other planets should exist.
'Standard realism' under which science operates is fine for everyday matters but
hardly appropriate for areas such as high energy physics or the paranormal - where
ordinary logic does not apply. According to science, premonitions cannot exist in the
physical universe. At that point science washes its hands of such phenomena.
The evidence however, tends to suggest, (only physicists and mathematicians are
foolish enough to talk about 'proving' something), that foreknowledge exists. In that
case, by science's own reasoning, the physical universe cannot exist. The only
alternative is that we live in a mind world - a mentalistic universe. Life itself is like a
great dream. This is a staggering conclusion and tremendously exciting. It can
encompass things like clairvoyance, miracles, synchronicities, coincidences,
poltergeists and the whole panoply of the paranormal - where current science can
only gape open-mouthed.
After all, when one considers it, it seems incredibly unlikely that we just happen to be
alive now, in this perfect environment, just one time round. From this new
perspective the concept of reincarnation seems most plausible. Anyone who thinks
that science has just about explained everything is totally deluded.
Whereas the stick-in-the-mud sceptics look backwards all the time and wish to
impose their scheme of thinking on others, what is needed are scientists who are
prepared to throw all existing notions away and rethink things from the viewpoint of
living in a mentalistic universe. What are its implications, predictions, hypotheses?
Are there young scientists reading this who can progress science in that way?
Consider, then, the implications if an analyst was to interpret accurately a
precognitive dream which foretold a specific disaster. If society was prepared to listen
and take some form of evasive action, perhaps many lives could be saved. Working
with the BBC's Out Of This World programme, Dr Hearne identified seven
premonitions warning of the 1995 Japanese earthquake

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