Tell Jill What You Think

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Thanks for caring enough to write to our Victorian Health Minister Jill Hennessey about
the proposed No Jab No Play legislation. This legislation would see unvaccinated
(including delay or selectively vaccinated) children banned from Victorian child care
centres and pre school age education services.

Postal Address
PO Box 6519
Point Cook Town Centre
Point Cook VIC 3030

She and other Victorian politicians need to know why YOU are opposed to this.
It is important that they hear from you, the Australian people, why coercing vaccination
or any medical procedure on anyone who is not willingly consenting is dangerous and
Here is some support to help you put your own thoughts onto paper, even though you are
busy and may not write letters regularly.
The idea is to compile one short letter every day for 7 days, starting from Monday the
28th September 2015.
If you can do this, wonderful. If you can only do one, or two letters in that week, that is
also brilliant.
Our political leaders simply need to be aware of the issues with mandatory or coerced
vaccination, and they need to hear it from YOU!
The letter/s need only be ONE PARAGRAPH long.
You will know what is important to you about the proposed legislation, and it is vital that
you communicate that. It may make writing easier if you think of the problems in topic
areas, and you may even wish to write about one of these every day if you are willing to
write more than one letter. Here are some areas of concern about the legislation that are
bothering many people.

Personal or family vaccine injury experiences. This is important, because vaccine

injury is rarely reported to the TGA (who DO want to know about it). This makes
it seem safer than it is, because no one is hearing from families of vaccine injured
people. Please tell Jill about YOUR personal experiences, or those of your family
and community, with vaccine adverse events.
The science the plethora of excellent quality research that shows that vaccines
do carry significant risk of harm and are never 100% efficacious. There IS risk,
and where there is risk there must be choice.
Australias lack of a vaccine injury compensation scheme (which is badly out of
step with international best practice).
Australias lack of proper adverse events reporting system.
Ethical problems with coercing any medical procedure.
How this policy would impact on YOUR family.
If this will prevent you from voting Labor at the next state or federal election.
Informed consent. The legal definition of consent is that it is informed and given
by an adult who is willing, never coerced.

You may wish to express completely different concerns, or one or some of these things
may be bothering you.
Some people may appreciate a little support in getting going on a letter, so here are
some ideas to help you put your thoughts on paper.

Keep it simple and to the point. One paragraph of two sentences can say
everything that you need to say. Short letters are perfect. Longer ones are great
too, but keep to the point that you are making.

Write from your own experience. For example, some people have said;

I was given the measles vaccine as a child, and I immediately developed a case of
measles! It was so severe that my parents stopped vaccinating me and my sibling.
We are immigrants, and back home we have a much smaller schedule and we are free to
choose vaccines that we think are important for us, for our kids. I just want to do that
here, in our new home.
Some of my neighbors had bad reactions to the whooping cough vaccine. One little boy
was vaccinated, and then not only caught whooping cough off his vaccinated friend, but
he also developed a severe autoimmune disorder that started a day after the vaccine. How
can you tell me that vaccines are completely safe? Who is going to tell his mum that?
And who is going to compensate people like him if parents are forced into the vaccine?
I have seen friends kids react badly to vaccines, and it made me think. I did lots of
reading then, found good quality information, dug up the vaccines product inserts and
the safety tests that were performed on them. Did you know that no drug trial HAS to be
released? They can just keep doing trials until they get a result they want and none of the

negative results ever see the light of day! Thats just dishonest, and its scary, and unless
proper safety testing is done by someone independent of drug companies, we just cant be
sure any drug or vaccine is safe, and we sure cant be forcing these things on anyone.
Saba Buttons family has lost their daughters health and future to a vaccine. CSL and
the government just blamed each other. No-one will stand by us if our kids end up like
that, unless we are wealthy enough to fight it through the courts. Im not willing to risk it
for my kids.

Use words that express your feelings and concerns.

Some words that have done this for others include; concern, disappointment, safety,
efficacy, disgust, sad, safety, best practice, risk.

Ask questions.

Ask any questions that you have about the policy and how it will affect the Victorian
A simple structure in your letter makes writing easier and helps you get your points
across clearly.
Greeting (dear Ms Hennessey, Dear Jill Hennessey, etc)
Your personal story (how you came to believe that the legislation is wrong for the
Australian people)
Reasons / points (ONE paragraph or one or two sentences, for each reason that you feel
it is wrong).
Evidence Whilst its not imperative, if you can, please put one bit of evidence to support
your statements (no blog sites, use credible sources), with each one of your reasons.
Yours Sincerely is a good way to close.
Short is great!! ONE paragraph containing your personal story, a point that concerns
you and one bit of evidence to support it is a great letter.
The MOST IMPORTANT thing of all is to TELL YOUR STORY.
Politicians need to start listening to the vaccine injured, their families and friends and
communities, to parents who want to retain the basic right to make medical choices that
are right for their families. They need to listen to the many many people who do
vaccinate but who feel strongly that informed consent must remain the basis of all
medical decision making.
Educate, inform, but never force.
YOUR story, YOUR letter, is vital.

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