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Kelompok D :

Hans Christian P.S.

Arya Cahyaka
Christian Prabowo

Chikita Eljo
Raditya Arlan I.
Aditya S.



Jamu has been used for a long time period in Indonesia. Our ancestors make Jamu with
the combination of herbs that grow well in our country Indonesia. The purpose of Jamu
are used for traditional healing (medicine) and also used for body-care. The word
Jamu come from Javanese language jampi, which means healing. Furthermore,
people usually call it Jamu until nowadays. We can trace the historical evidences of
Jamu at the temples relief, paintings, inscription stones, and manuscript (Atmaja,
According to the evidences, our ancestors started make and drink Jamu since 14 th
century because of Hindus and Buddhists culture and religion. They make Jamu by
used herbs plants like Antidesma bunius (L.) Sprengel, Aegle marmelos (L.) Correa,
Datura metel L., Borassus flabilifer L., etc. In that time, there was a person who
specially made Jamu called Acaraki. There were some tools that used to make Jamu
like mortar and rubbing stones. The technic that used to make Jamu was by grinding the
herbs plants until formed powder or extract. Until nowadays, there are some Jamu
maker in rural area that still use grinding with stones method.
At 16th century, the European country such as Portuguese and Netherlands started to
come to Maluku. There are some manuscripts that indicate that European country
interested with medical plants. They published their research about the utilization of
herbs in Indonesia, but none of them called it Jamu. At that time, the word Jamu only
popular around Javanese kingdom. Some kingdom like Surakarta and Yogyakarta have
the original manuscripts about the origin and formulation of Jamu. Only the Javanese
royalty that can used the receipt of Jamu for medicine or beauty treatment at that time.
The Spread of Jamu
The jamu was spread by the colonization by the Majapahit Empire at 14 th-15th century,
to Bali island. From Bali, Jamu spread to many other neighboring islands from time to
time. The spread of jamu also influenced by the arrival of Islamic belief, which was
gave the people the knowledge the use of plants for medication treatments.

Research and Development

Research on medicinal plants was conducted by Bogor Botanical Garden Research
Center, and published in book Medical Book for Children and Adults. The book
explained medication method using natural herbs. This book was the initial start of
medication method using herbs to be done. It was also encourage another scientist to
conduct another research about herbs, such as Establishment of Culturturi or Garden for
Cultivated Crops in 1876, at Cikameuh. And then, during the Japanese invasion, modern
medicine were so expensive, so because of that situation, some doctors were initiating
to try some treatment from medical plants.
From a short history above, we can conclude that Jamu has been a part of Indonesian
culture, which is passed into generation after generation. Even though Jamu was
originated from Java, the practice of medication using herbs have been practiced by
many other ethnics all around Indonesia. With the increase of global awareness on
natural products, Jamu continues to develop into industries and adjust itself to the
consumers needs. Now Jamu has been spread all over the world as the brand of
Indonesian natural products for many purposes (Musarif et al., 2008).
Kaempferia galangal or we usually call it Kencur is one of an example about herbs
plants that commonly used for produce Jamu. A long time ago, Jamu Beras Kencur
produced and distributed with traditional ways. Our ancestors normally produce it with
traditional equipment such as grater, stone lumpang (like a mortar) and stored on the
glass bottle. With that technique, the self life of the Jamu only on short period and need
more time to produce it. The distribution technique also interesting by sell it door to
door ways. The seller usually a woman use a long wide shawl which commonly called
selendang to carry the basket filled up with bottles, on the back. Our people normally
called it Jamu Gendong.
With the development of technology, nowadays the producer of Jamu Beras Kencur
can minimize time for produce it by using blender and stainless steel equipment. Beside

that with the newest technology, producer of Jamu can maximize the shelf life of their
product by modify the output product. The product of Jamu not only in liquid form, but
also can modified into candy, powder, capsule, syrup, etc. The number of production
also increased in a large scale so the distribution technique also changing with motors
vehicle. The other benefit of innovation on produce Jamu Beras Kencur in industrial
scale is the consumers can buy Jamu product with cheaper price (Anonim, 2011).
Anonim.2011. on September, 5th 2015.
Atmaja, Riya Sastra anagenging Parentah Keraton. 1858. Buku Jampi-Jampi Jawi,
Besar Jumakir.
Musarif, Jamil., Latifah K.Darusman., Nurliani Bermawie. 2008.
Heritage: Jamu for Health and Beauty. Jakarta.

The Indonesian

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