DTD Diary

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AIESECERS!! My name is Zahra.

Im a freshman of Architecture
Engineering who got odds of life changing in Beijing, Mainland of
China #WinterStory
I joined Dare to Dream Project which was enforced by BISU (Beijing
International Studies University). At the first time, I really had no any
ideas why I chose this project as I just randomly applied. Beside
that, I didnt expect too much, since I thought that China would be
tough country.
Yet, my hunches were totally wrong! As I really felt the real lifechanging here. I could say that my project was the most ace among
others in Beijing- Hahaha sorry for over-coloring.
Well, my project was actually an interflow between Exploring China
and Dare to Dream. I got 1,5 months, in which I had to teach during
2 weeks, and the rest of it I roved around Beijing and some other
cities. I had friends from Indonesia, and other parts of the world,
they are Czech, Poland, Taiwan, and South Korea. All of them are
really kind and experienced. They shared me so many things.
On my first two weeks, I went to all tourist interactions in Beijing,
such as Great wall, Forbidden City, Summer Palace, Olympic
Stadium, and etc.
Beside that, I also learned about one of Chinesse cultures, that was
Chinesse Opera in which I got chance to sing Chinesse traditional
song, dance, and wear the traditional apparels. In addition, I visited
a well-known pottery factory as well. Not only for sightseeing, but
also learning how to make it.
Furthermore, I attended full day class where I learned Chinesse
calligraphy, and Taichi. I was also taught how to be eco-friendly, as
in that class I used husks for cleaning up my plates instead of soaps.
The menu for lunch was all vegetables and fruits, and it was very
On my second two weeks, my duty was teaching a middle school in
Tieling. It is a countryside in the north of China. Yet, the thing that
distinguishes a big city with a countryside is only the populations
since both of them have tall buildings, and extensive roads.
I taught 7th grade, which had 13 pupils in it. My students are so nice
to me, they welcomed me warmly. They always showed their
hospitalities to me, like everyday they always gave me heaps of
snacks, and some girls liked to make a hairdo for me.
I didnt only teach about English, but also culture collisions. In
addition, I would always get different class during culture collision

class, so thats why I could knew all the students who joined this
Winter Camp.
There was a moment when I entered 8th Grade Class for the culture
collision. There was a student who gave me 3 bunch of rosses, and
she said that two of them were from our class, and the rest was
from your secret admirer.
In fact that my age is only 16, I felt kinda awkward when I taught
them, chiefly 8th grade. They are all shocked and really curious
about my young age. They also wondered how I can go to university.
Yet, Im really grateful that the students regard me as their close
I really have no any words to express how I love them, as they are
so adorable. Every lunch, they would come to me and ask me
whether I wanted to sit with them or not. Then, They would carry my
belongings, like my bag, and my meals. Some of them even argued
because they wanted me to sit with them, yet it wasnt possible to
conjoin the seat, as its fixed.
Beside that, I liked to do Running Man battles with other classes
during fun study. All of them like to hunt me down. I even rolled over
in the snow because they want to grab my nametag.
On my last teaching day, I was terribly sad. I cried a lot with my
students until 5pm. They were sorry as they couldnt be good
students for me. There was a student who always looked strong, yet
she cried a lot. She hugged me and didnt want to go back home.
In the closing ceremony, I cried more. It was too pathetic to tell. Yet,
there was students from 6th grade who penned some chinesse words
with its meanings. She said that, it was a reciprocation as I had
taught her so many things. I also got so many thing from my
students even tough I already told them, no need to prepare
anything. The shocking moment during the closing ceremony is, I
knew who my secret admirer is.
After my teaching project, I continued with explore nearby place in
Tieling. Some of them went to Haerbin, which has the biggest ice
lantern in ASIA, and RUSSIA.
During my project, I had best friend. Her name was Sabrina. We
lived in same host-family. Our host-family was really warm-hearted,
and treated us very well. They even gave us chinesse name, and a
necklace written our name. They also like to acquaint us to other
family members and their relations.
They made a welcoming party for our coming. They also treated us
in some family restaurants to celebrate their grandmas birthday.

Furthermore, We also cooked Indonesia cuisine for celebrating

Nanas birthday. (Nana is an appellation for auntie)
My host-family have twins, their names are Rita, and Freda. We
always made quality time like going to KTV, watching cinema,
skating, and having a trip together. Sometimes, we also hanged out
with their friends and boyfriend who really welcomed us very well.
They often help Rita and Freda to take care of us like carrying our
belongings, and picking us up. Freda and Rita gave us many things,
like shoes, tumblr, and etc.

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