Global Business Management and Social Responsibility: Session 02

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Session 02

Ricardo Abelardo Meja Peralta
March - 2015

Resume Session 01

Academic freedom & Brains in motion.

Confucius. Human=Makes the things happen.
The only reason to do business.
GBM. Cultures & Time zones.
Profit or not profit?
CSR. Better and cleaner society.
Company vs. Society.

International business cultures

What is CULTURE?


Are they the same?

Narrow definition: The finer things in life.
Anthropologist: Being culture is to be
Tylor 1871 That complex whole which
includes knowledge, belief, art, morals,
law, custom, and any other capabilities
and habits acquired by man as a member
of society.

Kluckholm and Kelly 1945... All the historically
created designs for living, explicit and implicit,
rational, irrational, and no rational, which exist at
any given time as potential guides for the
behavior of men.
Herskovits 1955 The man made part of the
James Downs 1971 A mental map which
guides us in our relations to our surroundings and
to other people.

The way of life of people.
Elvin Hatch 1985
Culture is everything that people have, think,
and do as members of their society.

Is it possible to learn the culture?

Culture is transmitted through the

process of learning and interacting with
ones environment, rather than through
the genetic process.

Does Culture influence biological


Cultural universals
All the cultures face a number of common
problems and share a number of common
Societies if they are to survive, are
confronted with fundamental universal
needs that must be satisfied.
A cultural universal is an element, pattern,
trait or institution that is common to all
human cultures worldwide.

Cultural universals

Economic systems.
Marriage and Family systems.
Educational systems.
Social Control systems.
Supernatural Belief systems.

The successful international manager is one

who sees and feels the similarity of structure
of all societies.
The same set of variables are seen to
operate, although their relative weights may
be very different.
This capacity is far more important than
possession of specific area expertise, which
may be gained quite rapidly if one already
has an ability to see similarities and ask the
right questions.
Richard Robinson, 1983

Culture change.
Three basic components Things, ideas
and behavior patterns.
Cultures are integrated wholes.

Be cautious
There is always a tendency to evade or stretch the
meaning of the rules or to otherwise minimize their
Barrett 1991
Cultural anthropologists make the distinction between
ideal behavior (what society says people should do)
and actual behavior (what people in fact do),

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