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Analyzing Opening Credits Harry Potter and The Deathly

Hallows Part 2
Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2 is a fantasy film directed by
David Yates and was based on the Harry Potter series of books written by J.K
Rowling. It was produced by Warner Brothers and was released in 2011, as
the final film of the Harry Potter franchise. The target audience for this film is
for people aged 14+, due to containing dark elements which could be
frightening for a younger audience but also having more action, suspense
and adrenalin appealing to a teenage audience.

Technical Codes:

The establishing shot is presented in a tracking upwards motion,

signifying the importance of location; in being a mountainous island
area. The shot uses very dark colours signifying a sinister atmosphere
and possibly danger. The non-diegetic sound is of a build-up suggesting
that the next scene
is of importance,
whilst also creating
an atmosphere of
The following long
shot is of some type
of abstract vault
opening. There is
diegetic sound of the opening being of a slow and creepy nature. The
use of dark colours and thin crooked trees contributes to the overall
sinister and tense mis en scene. Enigma coding is used in this shot as
no characters are seen nor is any dialogue used; adding to the
preferred reading of this shot to cause uncertainty and fear amongst
the audience.

The screen fades

from black to a
close up shot of the
character looking
down, suggesting
despair from his
facial expressions.
This is the first
character that the audience sees and he is of an odd nature with some
sort of deformed nose, connoting tragedy, battle and a supernatural
theme. The audience would be cautious towards the character, as they
do not know him yet and based on his appearance of dark colours
should not trust him. The facial expression combined with the diegetic
sound of panting suggests that the character has been through a
physical struggle and possibly also a mental struggle. This therefore
suggests that some type of
physical battle has taken
place, or perhaps a chase.
The close up shot of the
character holding a wand
emphasizes the wands
importance, possibly
showing its power. The dark
wand combined with the
characters dark outfit suggests that this character is evil; connoting
that with the power of the wand the character is going to do sinister
things. The use of a wand also conveys the element of fantasy and
supernatural as this is a magical item. The preferred reading of this
shot is to engage the audience through uncertainty towards the
character but also
with the lighter
concept of fantasy.
The quick cross cut
between the
character using the
wand, to the
light/power that
the wand produces
emphasizes the wands power, also conveying sinister elements. The
audience gets a sense of how powerful the wand really is therefore

allowing them to create and imagine ideas of how the character is

going to use it; in a negative way. This power makes the audience feel
threatened and fearful of this character, creating a defense towards
him therefore engaging them into the film in order to make sure that
this character is defeated. This long shot of a single island also
connotes isolation and therefore easily hidden crimes, adding to the
sinister mis en scene. The sinister mis en scene combined with the
diegetic sound of powerful lightening emphasizes the terror and evil
within this shot or film.
The extreme long shot of the castle surrounded by floating demons
suggests evil lies within the castle whilst also conveying an element of
control and observed. The dark colours and mist used in this shot add
to the enigma coding
used throughout this
opening scene, also
adding to the tense and
sinister mis en scene.
The non-diegetic sound
is of a girl singing in a
high pitch, conveying a
sense of religion and holiness;
connoting a significant death and
atmosphere of misery.
The low angle shot of another male character emphasizes his
importance, whilst also showing power and arrogance as he watches at
the children marching below. However, the close up of his face shows
his meaningless facial expression suggesting that he has become
accustom to what has happened or changed. This could also be seen
as an element of sympathy towards the children, or sadness towards
the situation; leading to the audience being unsure of whether to trust
him. The holy music combined with the positioning of the character
suggests that something significant has happened here highlighting
the characters remorse.

The tracking inwards shot of the title Harry Potter and The
Deathly Hallows Part 2 is surrounded by mist, creating an atmosphere
of mystery, magic and fear as to whats going to appear or happen.
The non-diegetic sound is sad but also more powerful emphasizing this
contrast between triumphant and tragedy, foreshadowing the events
of the film. The preferred reading of this shot is to engage the audience
through the enigma coding of
no use of dialogue and the mist
suggesting tragedy; the
audience would feel curious,
uncertain and fearful.
The close up of the gravestone
tracking out to the reflection of

a male character in a small mirror shows the close relationship

between the deceased and the character. This shot is followed by an
establishing shot of where this character is emphasizing its
importance; connoting isolation and possibly refuge from the tragedy
that has occurred.

Symbolic Codes:

The establishing shot, presented in a tracking upwards motion, of the

mountainous island area signifies danger and sinister elements
through the use of dark colours combined with the build-up of nondiegetic sound. This suggests a theme of thriller and action.
The close up shot of the character holding the wand, emphasizes the
wands importance. The dark appearance of the wand combined with
the characters dark clothing suggests that this character is evil,
signifying a good Vs evil situation in the concept of a fantasy, action or
drama genre. The idea of fantasy or supernatural is highlighted
through the presentation of wand which is associated with magical
The extreme long shot of the castle surrounded by floating demons
signifies evil lying within the castle suggesting a genre of horror and
drama; through the idea of control. The dark colours and mist add to
the sinister atmosphere suggesting horror whilst the non-diegetic
religious sound connotes a significant tragedy creating an atmosphere
of misery; signifying a drama or action genre. Enigma coding is used in
this shot as the audience doesnt know whats happened or why the
castle is being controlled, in turn engaging the audience.

Audience Appeal:
The target audience would enjoy this opening scene as it combines
action, adrenaline suspense and drama into one scene. Especially with
the increasing demand for horror and action films, the audience would
love this concept of adrenaline and tension they can receive from this
engaging enigmatic opening scene.
The audience would be able to experience escapism, shown in The
Uses and Gratifications Theory, as a fantasy world containing magic is
presented to them entailing tragedies and adrenaline which they
wouldnt normally experience in their everyday lives. It allows them to
engage and escape into a film which is not mentally demanding but
physically tense and gripping.

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