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Determination of molecular mass of volatile liquid.


NAME: Muhammad Habibu Abdullahi

Contact Numbers: +256780983362, +2348032721286.
E-mail addresses:,
FACULTY: Sciences
Department: Chemistry Department
PAPER: Physical Chemistry

In Details, the Victor Meyer`s method for determination of molecular mass of

volatile liquids.

Not Strength, but Continuous effort is the key to unlocking our Potentials!
A.M Habibu


Determination of molecular mass of volatile liquid.

The Victor Meyer`s Method to determine the
Molecular Mass of Volatile Liquid.
The Victor Meyers apparatus is the standard laboratory method for determining
the molecular weight of a volatile liquid. It was developed by Victor Meyer, who
spelled his name Victor in publications at the time of its development.

Experiment: To determine the molecular mass of a volatile liquid.

Apparatus Involved: Victor Meyer`s tube, Outer Copper Jacket, Hoffmann`s
Bottle, Graduated Glass Tube.

Victor Meyer`s tube: This is a hard glass tube of 1 cm2 cross-sectional area of
75 cm in length. The tube has a bulb at its lower end and an exit tube at the upper end
of the tube.

Outer Copper Jacket: The outer copper jacket has a round bulb at its lower
end. The victory Meyer's tube is suspended into this jacket with the help of a hard
rubber cork.

Hoffmann`s Bottle: This is a small (3 mm diameter, 35 mm length) glass

bottle with a very light stopper. This is used for introducing the sample into the Victor
Meyer's tube.

Graduated Glass Tube: This is a burette-like glass tube graduated in millilitres. This is used for collecting the displaced air.

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A.M Habibu

Determination of molecular mass of volatile liquid.

The Procedure:
A known mass of a volatile solid or liquid under examination is converted into
its vapour form by heating in a Victor Meyer's tube. The vapour displaces its own
volume of air. The volume of air displaced at experimental temperature and pressure
is calculated. Then volume of air displaced at Standard Temperature and Pressure
(STP) is calculated. Using this, mass of air displaced at 2.24x102m3 of vapour at STP
is calculated. This value represents the molecular mass of the substance. The apparatus
consists of an inner Victor Meyer's tube, lower end of which is in form of a bulb. The
upper end of tube has a side tube that leads to a trough filled with water. The Victor
Meyer's tube is surrounded by an outer jacket. In the outer jacket, a liquid is placed,
which boils at a temperature at least 30K than the substance under examination. A
small quantity of glass-wool or asbestos pad covers the lower end of the Victor Meyer's
tube to prevent breakage, when a glass bottle containing the substance under
examination is dropped in it. The liquid in the outer jacket is heated until no more air
escapes from the side tube. Then, a graduated tube filled with water is inverted over
the side tube dipping in a trough filled with water. A small quantity of substance is
weighed exactly in a small stoppered bottle and is dropped in the Victor Meyer's tube
and sealed immediately. The bottle falls on the pad and its contents suddenly change
into vapour, blows out the stopper and displaces an equal volume of air in graduated
tube. The volume of air displaced is measured by taking the graduated tube out, closing
its mouth with thumb and dipping in a jar filled with water. When water levels inside
and outside the tube is equal, the volume of air displaced is noted. The atmospheric
pressure and the laboratory temperatures are noted.
A.M Habibu

Determination of molecular mass of volatile liquid.

The mass of the organic compound taken be = W g
Volume of air displaced = V1 mL
Atmospheric pressure = P mm of Hg
Room temperature, T1 = toC = (t + 273)K
Aqueous tension at toC = p mm of Hg
Pressure of the dry air, P1 = (P-p) mm Hg

The volume of the displaced air is equal to the volume of vapours formed from the given mass of the
compound. So, by using the mole concept, one can write,
V mL of vapour weigh = W g


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A.M Habibu

Determination of molecular mass of volatile liquid.

A volatile organic compound weighing 0.2 g, on heating in Victor Meyer's tube,
displaced 30 mL of air at 27oC and 756 mm atmospheric pressure. Determine the
molecular mass of the compound (Aqueous tension at 27C = 26 mm).

Mass of the substance taken = 0.2 g
Volume of air displaced = 30 mL
Temperature = 27oC = (27 + 273) K = 300 K
Atmospheric pressure = (756 - 26) mm Hg = 730 mm Hg

Volume of the vapours at NTP = 22.5 mL

Hence, the molecular mass of the compound is = 199.1g

A.M Habibu

Determination of molecular mass of volatile liquid.

Please Note that:

1. One mole of any volatile substance when vaporized gives vapour that
occupy 22.4 L of volume under NTP conditions.
2. (STP) means Standard Temperature and Pressure

1. Intermediate Chemistry, Inorganic and Physical. Prescott (1965).
2. General Chemistry-John Russell by McGraw Hill International Editions 3rd
3. University General Chemistry-An Introduction to Chemical Science edited by
CNR Rao by McMillan Indian Ltd.
4. Search Websites i.e. Google and Wikipedia.

A.M Habibu

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