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FEBRUARY 21, 2015

1. Isoleucine

Muscle tissue energy provider;
formation of hemoglobin

2. Leucine

Helps with bone healing;

promotes skin healing;
modulates release of
Enkephalins which are natural

3. Lysine

Inhibits viral growth and is used

as a treatment of herples
simplex; helps form collagen;
absorption of calcium; essential
for children as it is critical for
bone formation; hormone
Breakdown of fats; reduce
blood cholesterol levels;
antioxidant; assists in removal
of toxic wastes from the liver
Enhances mood, clarity of
thought, concentration, and
memory; suppresses appetite;
collagen formation; antidepressant
Formation of collagen; prevents
fatty deposits in the liver; aids
in production of antibodies;
Reduces anxiety; treats
migraine headaches; stimulates
growth hormone; lowers risk of
arterial spasms

4. Methionine

5. Phenylalanine

6. Threonine

7. Tryptophan

8. Valine

Muscle strength, endurance,

Soy, cashew, almonds,
oats, beans, brown rice,
cabbage, apples, kiwis
Seaweed, pumpkin, peas,
pea protein, whole grain
rice, Sesame seeds,
watercress, turnip greens,
soy, kidney beans,
avocados, apples,
Beans, watercress,
parsley, avocados, soy
protein, almonds,
cashews, legumes

Nuts, oats, seaweed,

wheat, figs, whole grain
rice, beans, legumes,
onions, cacao, raisins
Seaweed, pumpkin,
beans, rice, avocado,
almonds, peanuts, figs,
raisings, leafy greens,
most berries, seeds
Meats, fish, egg whites

Oats, seaweed, spinach,

soybeans, pumpkin, sweet
potatoes, parsley, lettuce,
leafy greens, onions,
apples, bananas
Sesame seeds, broccoli,

1. Alanine

2. Asparagine

3. Aspartic acid

4. Cysteine

5. Glutamine

6. Glutamic acid

and muscle stamina; muscle

energy source; not processed
by the liver before entering the

peanuts, whole grains,

avocado, apples,
blueberries, oranges

Important source of energy for

the muscles; the primary amino
acid in sugar metabolism;
boosts immune system by
producing antibodies; major
part of the connective tissue
Neurotransmitters; aids in
removing ammonia from the
body; may increase endurance
and decrease fatigue
Increases stamina; main
excretory amino acids; protect
the liver by aiding the removal
of ammonia; DNA and RNA
metabolism; immune system
function by enhancing
immunoglobulin production and
anti-body formation
Antioxidant; protection against
radiation, pollution, ultra-violet
light and other causes of
increased free radical
production; detoxifier; essential
in growth, maintenance, and
repair of skin
Maintains normal and steady
blood sugar levels; muscle
strength and endurance;
gastrointestinal function;
provides energy to the small
intestine; DNA synthesis
Helps stop sugar and alcohol
cravings; increases energy;
accelerates wound healing and
ulcer healing; detoxifies
ammonia in the brain by
forming glutamine which can
cross the blood brain barrier;

Meat, seafood, dairy

products, eggs, fish,
beans, nuts, soy, corn

Dairy, beef, poultry, eggs,

fish, seafood, potatoes,
seeds, whole grains
Oyster, sausage meats,
oats, avocados, dietary
supplements, sugarcane

Pork, eggs, dairy, garlic,

onions, broccoli

Beef, chicken, fish, eggs,

milk, dairy products,
wheat, cabbage,beans

Eggs, fish, dairy products

7. Glycine

8. Proline

9. Serine


1. Arginine

2. Histidine

DNA synthesis
Inhibits sugar cravings;
glucagon production; part of
the structure of hemoglobin
Critical component of cartilage;
involves in keeping the heart
muscle strong
Maintains the normal blood
sugar level; boosts immune
system; growth and
maintenance of muscle
Increases energy and provides
mental clarity and
concentration; anti-depressant

Wound healing; normal immune

system activity; assists with
regeneration of damaged liver;
production and release of
growth hormone; increase
release of insulin and glucagon;
assists in healing through
collagen synthesis; decreases
size of tumors;
Useful in treating anemia due
to relationship to hemoglobin;
treat rheumatoid arthritis;
precursor to histamine;
maintains proper blood Ph;
associated with allergic
response and has been used to
treat allergy

Synthesized from the

amino acid serine inside
the body

Synthesized in the body

from other metabolities

Chicken, fish, milk,

yoghurt, cheese, peanuts,
almonds, avocados,

Milk, yoghurt, beef, pork,

poultry, seafood, seeds,

Rice, wheat, rye, seaweed,

beans, legumes, potatoes,
corn, cauliflower

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