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Ecosystems Test Review

1. Organisms that capture the energy of sunlight to make food are called _producers
2. Second-level consumers may be either carnivores or omnivoers_
3. In an energy pyramid, the available energy decreases__at each feeding level compared to the level below.
4. Places with similar _climates

tend to have similar niches that species occupy.

5. The __grasslands _ biome is typically populated by many grasses, along with a few shrubs.
6. Oak, maple, and beech trees, which lose their leaves each year, are typically found in a deciduous forest.
7. The specific environment of the ecosystem in which an organism lives is the organism's _habitat _
8. An organism that can make its own food is called a _producer_
9. What is an herbivore? An organism that eats only plants LIKE A DEER!
10. Vultures, are scavengers which means that they feed on _dead or decaying organisms__
11. The first organism in a food chain is always a producer
12. If a kestrel eats a mouse that eats grass, the kestrel is a 2nd _ level consumer
13. Define Food Web the many overlapping food chains in an ecosystem
14. A diagram that shows the amount of energy that moves from one feeding level to another in a food web is
called a _energy pyramid
15. In an energy pyramid, which level has the most available energy? The producer level
16. The amount of energy that is transferred from one level of a food web to the next higher level is about
17. Define Biogeography the study of where organisms live

18. Define Continental Drift the slow drift of the continents

19. Define and give examples of dispersal? Omit

20. Define Exotic Species

21. The ocean prevents the Australian kangaroo from dispersing throughout the world. The ocean is an example
of which limit to dispersal? Physical barrier
22. Define climate the typical weather pattern in an area
23. Define Biome omit

24. Which land biome receives less than 25 centimeters of rain per year?
25. Which land biome is extremely cold and dry?
26. A canopy, an understory, and an extremely high number of plant and animal species are characteristics of
which biome?
Tropical rain forest
27. Ponds and rivers are two types of ______________________ biomes.
Fresh water
28. The series of changes that occurs after a disturbance in an existing ecosystem is called
Secondary succession_
29. Plants growing on a new island formed by the eruption of an undersea volcano are an example of
Primary successsion
30. The first species to populate an area where primary succession is taking place are called pioneers
31. Sunshine, temperature, water, and oxygen are examples of _abiotic factors_ in an ecosystem.
32. Bacteria and fungi are known as __decomposers because they break down the remains of organisms.
33. The energy role of a grizzly bear is that of a(n) consumer_ because it cannot make its own food.
34. An organism that eats only plants is a __1st level___ consumer.
35. A mouse in a food web is a first-level consumer when it eats grass, and a _2nd level consumer when it eats an
36. Small, light organisms such as tiny spiders can be dispersed by _wind__.
37. The soil that is frozen all year in the tundra is called _permafrost__.

38. Which organisms shown are producers? Grass, cattails, lilly pad
39. Which organisms shown are consumers? Bear, fish, dragonfly, lizard, frog, fly, squirrel
40. Use the organisms pictured in this ecosystem to construct a food chain.

Grass, dragonfly, lizard, bear

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