FRIT 7232 GrantProposal

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Google Drive & Cloud Computing

Grant Proposal


This proposal is aimed at the professional development of the faculty of Bobby Long
Middle School. The school is made up of approximately 80 teachers that have expressed a need

for more reliable and accessible technology. In order to meet the needs of these teachers, it is
logical to provide them with an all-in-one professional training package. The Google Apps
collection provides the means to meet most of the needs of the staff members. By providing
teachers with training in the use of Google Docs, Spreadsheets, Slides, Drive, and Classroom, we
will be able to meet and exceed the needs of faculty and students. The use of the Google Apps
collection requires no cost to maintain or create an account--for any users. The Google Apps
collection also provide a means of document creation that is accessible by any smart device
that is connected to the internet--all at no cost. Beyond single-user document creation, Google
Apps also allow for multi-user collaboration, sharing, and publishing. By using Google
Classroom, teachers can provide a digital portal for parents, administrators, and other teachers
who may otherwise be missing materials for a variety of reasons. We expect that teachers will be
able to effectively use the Google Apps collection following their training and then be able to
pass that knowledge on to the students--making for a more successful, accessible, and
collaborative learning community.
Proposal Text (Demonstrated Need, Goals and Objectives, Plan of Operation)
Demonstrated Need
Information for this proposal was collected using a survey given to the faculty members (see
Appendix A). The survey consisted of various technology-based questions. Some questions were
simple yes/no, while others required a short-response. The survey was given anonymously to
faculty members, and the information was compiled into a spreadsheet by the schools
technology specialist. Several teachers requested that their technology simply be fixed:
lightbulbs, batteries, missing connections, and other hardware problems were documented in the
teachers responses. These responses were noted, but they are not the focus of the professional
development intended by this proposal.The information showed a general request for more
reliable and accessible technology. For this proposal, the need for professional development in
technology was the focus and there is an apparent need for a more reliable form of technology
access. This grant is intended to provide a more reliable means for faculty to access various
Goals and Objectives
This training will be beneficial to teachers in order to advance their implementation of
technology in the classroom on a daily basis. The goal of this training is for teachers to become
efficient with the applications of tools provided in the Google Suite, including but not limited to:
Google Docs, Google Slides, Google Drive, and Google Classroom.
1. By August 2015, 100% of certified staff will be able to create a document in Google Docs to
increase coherence, collaboration, and commitment among staff and students.

2. By August 2015, 100% of certified staff will have access to and be able to upload, share, and
organize files using Google Drive to promote collaboration, ease-of-access, and portability of
documents from various formats.
3. By December 2015, 100% of certified staff will create a Google Classroom in order to increase
communication, collaboration, and engagement with students within and outside the classroom.
4. By December 2015, all students will have access to Google Classroom and Google Drive, as
well as create and share documents in order increase communication, collaboration, and

Plan of Operation
Prerequisite Activities:
Amount of Time
Activity Will Take

Type of Training


1 Hour
(post-planning 20142015)

Teachers will watch a

tutorial on setting up a
Google account then set
up their own account.

The trainer will introduce setting up a

Google account with an
introduction/tutorial video:
Then, teachers will create their own
Google account with step-by-step
instruction. The trainer will give a brief
overview of the Google tools: slides, docs,
sheets, calendar, etc using the following
The trainer will give an explanation of
objectives 1 and 2 for independent teacher

Objective One and Two Activities:

Amount of Time
Activity Will Take
(must be completed
by Pre-Planning

Type of Training


Independent Module:
Teachers will complete the
online module

Teachers will use the website
-trained/docs-suite/introduction.html and


independently and create


complete Lesson 1 of the Module.

Teachers will create one assignment in
google docs.

(must be completed
by Pre-Planning

Independent Module:
Teachers will complete the
online module
independently and create

Teachers will use the website
-trained/docs-suite/introduction.html and
complete Lesson 2 of the Module.
Teachers will share their assignment from
Lesson 1.

Objective Three Activities:

Amount of Time
Activity Will Take

Type of Training


One hour

Teachers will watch a

tutorial and a brief
introduction to Google
Classrooms then set up
their own classrooms.

The trainer will introduce Google

Classrooms with an introduction video,
then show teachers how to set up a
classroom by demonstrating it.
Trainer will then share this website,,
which takes educators step by step
through creating a classroom.
Teachers will then create (with assistance
as needed from trainer) classrooms for
each class they teach.

Teachers will either take

their classes to a computer
lab, use their own devices,
and use purchased
Chromebooks to join a
Google Classroom (and
learn to access and use
other Google Apps for
Teacher will provide the
specific class code and
have students join the

Based on a lesson plan provided by the

developers of this professional
development, the teachers will instruct
and inform students on the competencies
of Google Drive, Google Classroom, and
Google Docs/Presentations.

(Pre-Planning of
2015-16 School Year)

One Class Period

By August 31, 2015

One Hour PL Session

during planning or
after school
By September 18,

One Class Period

By September 30,

One Hour PL Session

during planning or
after school
Week of October 5-9,

Teachers will learn to

create and manage an
assignment or assessment
in Google Classroom,
then they will collaborate
as a content and develop
a small assignment and
then assign it to students
in all their classrooms.

Trainer will demonstrate creation and

management of an assignment within the
Classroom while teachers watch and
Teachers will work in their content
groups to learn to develop and create an
assignment in Google Classroom with
trainer monitoring and assisting groups
and individual teachers as needed.
Screencast can also be referenced to
assist teachers in creating and managing
an assignment.

Teachers will either take

Teachers will have a lesson and and
their classes to a computer
resources from the trainer to assist
lab, use their own devices,
students as they log in to Google
or use mobile laptops to Classroom and work on and complete the
allow students time to
assignment their teacher developed.
learn to complete
assignments on Google
Classroom and complete
the assignment teachers
created in previous PL
Teachers will learn to
view, grade, and return
student assignments, and
then they will grade and
return the assignments
students completed the
previous week.

Trainer will demonstrate how to view,

grade, and return students assignments
while teachers watch and follow along
with printed directions.
Teachers will then work individually to
grade and return student assignments with
trainer monitoring and assisting as

Objective Four Activities:

Amount of Time
Activity Will Take

Type of Training


15 minutes

Independently, teachers
will watch a
tutorial/screencast on how
to provide feedback on

Each teacher will have an example of a

student document shared with them in
their Google Drive. They will then
provide feedback based on the material

(Pre-Planning of
2015-16 School Year)

Time will vary

(Pre-Planning of
2015-16 School Year)

One class period.

(By December, 2015)

student work.

learned in the tutorial. Teachers will then

be able to share the knowledge with

Independently, teachers
will be required to watch a
tutorial/screencast on how
to collaborate via
Youtube.Then, teachers
will be placed in predetermined groups and
will collaborate on a
lesson plan for Day 1 (of
the school year activities).

Each teacher will be placed in a predetermined group and will be required to

collaborate on a lesson plan. All people
in the group will be required to
contribute one activity to do on Day One
as well as edit/add to someone elses
input. This will demonstrate the teacher
knows how to effectively collaborate and
provide feedback and will thus be able to
share this knowledge with students.

Independently, teachers
will take their classes to a
computer lab, media
center, or have mobile
laptops sent to their rooms
in order to instruct
students on how to do the

Based on a lesson plan provided by the

developers of this professional
development, the teachers will instruct
and inform students on the competencies
of Google Drive, Google Classroom, and
Google Docs/Presentations.

Access Google Drive

Access Google Classroom
and join a class
Create Documents
Share Documents
collaboration/feedback on

Teachers will be evaluated using several different methods of assessment. For objectives
1 and 2, teachers are being required to complete online modules provided by Google. Not only
do they have to show completion of artifacts from the lesson, but these modules also have a
testing component built-in that requires a certain degree of competency in order to receive a
passing grade. Teachers will be required to pass these modules before being able to move on to
using the technology in the classroom. Once the modules have been shown as passing, there
will also be a component where teachers apply what they have learned on those modules.
Teachers will be required to create and share documents using Google Apps (Docs; Slides;
Sheets). Teachers will share their creations in the Google Drive for the staff. In doing so, teachers

are held accountable by their peers as well as the administration; all faculty will have access to
the shared folder. The Google Drive can also be used to document Lesson Plans, Call Logs, and
other required school documents, further extending the applications of the facultys knowledge
of Google Apps.
For Objectives 3 and 4, teams will be required to develop their classrooms. Because of
the 100% requirement of the objectives, each teacher will need to have developed a Google
Classroom in order to keep up with the other faculty members. Administration can ensure this
task is completed using a signature form required by all team-members. As a fail-safe,
administrators can be added as educators for each Google Classroom, giving them a way to track
and ensure that the Google Classroom is being used effectively and appropriately by faculty and
Overall, for each objective, teachers will complete a survey to assess the qualitative
aspects of the professional development. Teachers will complete a post-training survey to assess
their attitudes towards materials, training, and the experience as a whole.


Evaluation Type(s)

Kirkpatricks Level
of Evaluation

Objective 1: By August 2015, 100%

of certified staff will be able to create
a document in Google Docs to

increase coherence, collaboration, and

commitment among staff and students.

Pre- and Post-Survey

Google Online Module
Application(s) of Google

Level 1 & 2
Level 2 & 4
Level 3 & 4

Objective 2: By August 2015, 100%

of certified staff will have access to
and be able to upload, share, and
organize files using Google Drive to
promote collaboration, ease-of-access,
and portability of documents from
various formats.

Pre- and Post-Survey

Google Online Module
Application(s) of Google

Level 1 & 2
Level 2 & 4
Level 3 & 4

Objective 3: By December 2015,

100% of certified staff will create a
Google Classroom in order to increase

communication, collaboration, and

engagement with students within and
outside the classroom.

Pre- and Post-Survey

Sign-off Sheet
Application(s) of Google

Level 1 & 2
Level 3
Level 3 & 4

Objective 4: By December 2015, all Pre- and Post-Survey

students will have access to Google Sign-off Sheet
Classroom and Google Drive, as well Application(s) of Google

Level 1 & 2
Level 3
Level 3 & 4

as create and share documents in order Classroom

increase communication,
collaboration, and feedback.



Explanation of Cost

Prerequisite: In order to
Student Chromebooks:
$72, 540.00
learn about and implement
reliable and accessible
technology, teachers and
TOTAL: $94,860.00
students need a way to use the
technology, so Chromebooks
need to be purchased to meet
the needs of the faculty.

Each Samsung Chromebook (with

maintenance package) is $279 per
Each team (including connections
classes) will need one class set of
Chromebooks to use, in addition to
the 80 teachers employed at the

Prerequisite: A teacher leader

will be trained in the uses of
Google Apps in order to
provide effective modeling,
exemplars, and
troubleshooting assistance to
fellow teachers.

Hourly rate of Teacher

Salary for two-day
Approximate cost:

In order to prevent higher-costs

elsewhere by having a third-party
trainer present at the school, a
teacher leader will be provided the
training needed to assist fellow staff

Prerequisite: Screencasts
will be provided to teachers
as reference materials.

Screencast-o-matic two
A screencast will be needed to
year license: $15
provide teachers with an exemplar to
follow when a trainer is not readily
available. By having a low-cost
screencast to reference, additional
trainers and money will not need to
be spent.

Prerequisite: Teacher leader

will develop screencasts as a

Hourly rate of Teacher

A screencast will be needed to
Salary for creation of provide teachers with an exemplar to
videos and lessons. (A follow when a trainer is not readily
time-log will be
available. By having a low-cost
required for fulfillment
screencast to reference, additional
of reimbursement).
trainers and money will not need to
Teachers will be paid
be spent.
$25 for each screencast
that is made and meets

the standards of the

Objective 1: Staff will be
able to create a document in
Google Docs to increase
coherence, collaboration, and
commitment among staff and


Teachers are using the Google Apps

for Education Website that offers
free training through modules. They
will complete this module
independently on their own time
(post-planning, etc). Each teacher is
already allotted a laptop that will be
accessible for completion of this
training. Training will be
administered by Technology
Specialist, Media Specialist, and
Technology Committee.

Objective 2: Staff will have

access to and be able to
upload, share, and organize
files using Google Drive to
promote collaboration, easeof-access, and portability of
documents from various


Teachers are using the Google Apps

for Education Website that offers
free training through modules. They
will complete this module
independently on their own time
(post-planning, etc). Each teacher is
already allotted a laptop that will be
accessible for completion of this
training.Training will be
administered by Technology
Specialist, Media Specialist, and
Technology Committee.

Objective 3: Staff will create

a Google Classroom in order
to increase communication,
collaboration, and
engagement with students
within and outside the


Teachers are using Google

Classroom which offers its services
at no cost. They will complete this
task independently or as a team on
their own time (pre-planning, etc.).
Each teacher is already allotted a
laptop that will be accessible for
completion of this training.Training
will be administered by Technology
Specialist, Media Specialist, and
Technology Committee.

Objective 4: All students will

have access to Google
Classroom and Google Drive,
as well as create and share
documents in order increase


Teachers and students are using

Google Classroom which offers its
services at no cost. They will
complete this task independently or
as a team on their own time (pre-

collaboration, and feedback.

planning, etc.). Each teacher is

already allotted a laptop that will be
accessible for completion of this
training.Training will be
administered by Technology
Specialist, Media Specialist, and
Technology Committee.

Google for Education. (n.d.). Retrieved March 30, 2015, from
Google for Education: Google in your classroom. (n.d.). Retrieved March 30, 2015, from
Chrome Devices for Education Pricing. (n.d.). Retrieved March 30, 2015, from
A. Technology Survey Results
B. Pre-Objectives Survey
C.Post-Objectives Survey
Appendix A: Technology Survey Results

Appendix B: Pre-Objectives Survey

Appendix C

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