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Also known as conjunctivitis, sore eyes is manifested in redness and inflammation of the
membranes (conjunctiva) covering the whites of the eyes and the membranes in the inner
part of the eyelids. Incubation period or time from exposure to onset of symptoms is usually
5-12 days.
Virus infection (Adenoviruses)
Mode of Transmission
Direct contact with hands contaminated with eye secretions of an infected person; touching
eyes with hands getting in contact with surfaces, instruments, eye solutions, or make-ups
contaminated with the virus from an infected person; and entry of the virus through the eyes
by swimming in poorly chlorinated pools
Signs and Symptoms
Begins in one eye and may later affect both eyes
Watery to pus-like discharge
Redness of the eye with pain and/or itching sensation
Eyelids that are stuck together upon waking up
In severe cases, pain of the yes upon exposure to sunlight and foreign-body solution
There is no specific treatment during the acute phase (1-2 weeks).
If eye discharge is profuse and pus- like or patient develops blurring of vision or severe
pain, consult with an opthalmologist.
Wash hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and water.
Minimize hand-to-eye contact.
Use only own towels, eye drops, make-ups and applicators, sunglasses, or eye glasses.
Wear eye/sunglasses on windy days to protect ones eyes from foreign particles.
Avoid crowded places.
Disinfect with dilute bleach solution surfaces, doorknobs, counters, elevator buttons, and
Wash clothes, towels, pillow cases, and anything else which may have come in contact
with an infected person.
Prevention of Sore Eyes
Keeping foreign particles including bacterial or viral matter out of the eyes is essential to
avoiding eye pain. Wash your hands frequently and make a conscious effort to avoid
touching the face when your hands are unwashed. Keep the hands away from the eyes as
much as possible. Do not share items such as makeup, eyeglasses or facial towels with
others, especially those showing signs of an eye infection. Any items that may have become
exposed to infectious materials, such as counters, pillow cases or clothing, should be
disinfected regularly to avoid spreading bacterial growths that can cause the eyes to be
When the eyes are sore, avoid using cosmetics such as mascara that can further irritate the
area. Throw away cosmetics that may have been exposed to infectious material and wash
the brushes used to apply your makeup regularly. Avoid placing items such as eyedroppers
in a position where they would come into direct contact with the eye and wash them after

use to avoid contamination. Any medication such as an ointment that is prescribed for the
area around the eye should be applied carefully so it does not come into contact with the

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