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Trong Nguyen

ENG A100
Nuclear technology - A big step in history or a signal of apocalypse in future
A disaster caused by a nuclear power plant break-down blast away everything on ground in 100
km diameter, or a nuclear missile attack kills thousand of innocent people within a blink of eye.
Some of us may think these scenarios are the pictures from someone who own a negative and
imaginative mind . However, everything mentioned above can become true. Since nuclear
technology was invented, we have witness a variety of its applications, but its most significant
roles are applied in energy industry and military. No one can deny that this technology have
brought us so much benefits that we have not ever imaged before. But the sad thing is ,
everything has its good side and bad side, especially when the nuclear technology have
become a paramount invention in this century. When we approach nuclear technology to reach
our ambitious, we accidentally wake up a potential monster who have a power of massive
destruction which can threaten our entire planet. The ability of destruction is so terrible and
unimaginable, go far beyond our expectation. For that reason, now or never, we have to serious
consider if nuclear technology is not safe enough to have it as a foundation for further

First of all, nuclear energy maybe one of the most effective energy source,but it is a

highly risky deal which cost human lives. In order to stabilize the electricity system scientist
applied very first nuclear techs to producing electricity by constructing many nuclear power
plants. There are some countries which have developed advance nuclear energy systems such
as US ,Russia, Japan However, over time ,we are seemed to over depend on this source of
energy which may lead us to a deadly crisis some days . For example, a hazard that power
plant breaks down may be a worst tragedy in our history. In fact , it is not a maybe future, it
actually happened in the past. No one cannot forget the event Chernobyl in Ukraine. It is one of
darkest days of human history, a faulty lead a nuclear power plant into explosion, then it swept

all over the city and turn that city into a dead city. After many years, the Chernobyl still remains a
restricted place because of exceeded radiation which may not allow human or animal to live
there. In the article, The true fallout from Chernobyl, Rob Edwards said that this is the worst
incident in Ukraine history and there are about 4000 people will die because of cancer. The
scene after the collapse of that power plant just looked like in a horror movie; it got rid of the
availability of life . The author describe that a radiation swept over 200,000 square kilometers
on ground, and a gigantic size of cloud which contain hazard nuclear substance transmitted
toxic radiation to survivors . Furthermore, the author presents that incident does not only take
away thousand human lives but also leave mental problems to people who luckily survive that
dark day. People who exposed to radiation tend to not have no attention to their anymore; they
dig in eating populated food or drinking alcohol, smoking and getting in harmful sexual activities.
Consequently, operating nuclear power plant have pushed millions of people in to the
dangerous zone. While nuclear energy is still being debated, we should consider alternative
power source which are clean and extremely safe such as wind energy, solar energy , tide
energy. The development of human kind may not be established from long but risky steps, it
should be from a bundle of short steps but steady.!

Cited work:!
Edwards, Rob. "The true fallout from Chernobyl." New Scientist 187.2516 (2005):
14+. Academic OneFile. Web. 14 Oct. 2014.

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