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DME Configuration


Standard DMEE Exit Templates


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DME Tables Used for Mapping

The standard table structures below are used for mapping in the DMEE.
Note: In order to use other SAP tables User Exits are required.
DME Tables Used for Mapping:
FPAYH - Payment medium: Payment data
FPAYHX - Payment Medium: Prepared Data for Payment
FPAYP - Payment medium: Data on paid items
DMEE_PAYD - DMEE: Structure for Note to Payee Data
Posted by essman at 1:17 PM 0 comments
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Outbound DME Payment Process

Manual Outbound DME Payment Process:
1.) Payment run is executed in SAP via transaction F110..
2.) File is generated in bank specific format and stored in SAP DME Administrator.
3.) File is manually saved to local directory.
4.) User Connects using bank software or at secure website.
5.) Payment File is uploaded to bank.
6.) Payment is processed and distributed to payee.
Automatic Outbound DME Payment Process:
1.) Payment run is executed in SAP via transaction F110..
2.) File is generated in bank specific format and stored in Unix Directory.
3.) File is encryped and ftped to secure location specified by bank.
4.) Payment is processed and distributed to payee.
Posted by essman at 12:52 PM 0 comments
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Data Medium Exchange (DME) - Configuration

Relevant Acronyms:
PMW Payment Medium Workbench
DME Data Medium Exchange
DMEE Date Medium Exchange Engine

Summary of Key Points:

Transaction to create DME tree: DMEE
Each DME tree must contain a Root level.
A DME tree must be activated before it can be used.
All DME Format trees for payments are driven by SAP standard program SAPFPAYM.
Each field in a DME tree is named an Element.
An Elements subfield is called an Atoms. These atoms can be used to add additional flexibility
to a field.
There are 5 main types of attributes which can be assigned to an Element or Atom.
Structure Field
Reference Tree Node
Exit Module
Each node of the DME tree can contain IF statements in the form of conditions.
Data Medium Exchange: Configuration
In many instances banks in Europe and Asia Pac do not have standard file formats and EDI interfaces are
not utilized. This was the chosen method since each of these banks requires payments to be sent in their
own unique file formats, which have not been standardized. Using the DMEE we are able to easily
create, generate, and maintain files for each of these banks specific requirements. Below are the

required steps to successfully configure the DME in the SAP system in order to generate a payment file
using the F110 transaction.
Create Payment Medium Format: SPRO
Financial Accounting New Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business
Transactions Outgoing PaymentsAutomatic Outgoing Payments Payment Media Make Settings for
Payment Medium Formats from Payment Medium Workbench Create Payment Medium Formats
In this step of the configuration the Payment medium formats need to be created for each DMEE tree
configured. The new format must contain the same name as the DMEE format tree. We then choose the
format output Payment medium Without Docs to designate only the payment file will be generated and the
type File to signal a flat file will be generated rather than an IDoc or XML file type. Next, under Program
Control, set the Mapping using DME engine indicator, which links the format to the custom DMEE
object. Last, the Company Code check box is selected which instructs the program to create a file for
each company code involved in the payment run.

Assign Payment Medium Format to Payment Method at Country Level: Transaction FBZP
Financial Accounting New Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business
Transactions Outgoing PaymentsAutomatic Outgoing Payments Payment Media Make Settings for
Payment Medium Formats from Payment Medium Workbench Assign Payment Medium Format and
Note to Payee to Payment Method
For each country and each payment method the Payment Medium Workbench must be assigned. This is
done by selecting the country and the corresponding payment method which will be using the Data
Medium Exchange (DME). The option button Use Payment Medium Workbench is then selected and
the Payment Medium Format, which was created in the previous step and which also possesses the
same name as the DME file structure is assigned in the format field.

Create Variant: Transaction SA38

SystemServicesReporting (Enter Program)GotoVariants
For payment medium programs using the payment medium workbench or for the DMEE in particular,
variants must be created here rather than directly in the payment program via transaction F110.
Follow the menu path or enter the transaction code and enter the program name SAPFPAYM. This is the
standard payment program which is being used in combination with our custom file structures to generate
a file in the banks specified format. Once the program name is entered select GotoVariants which will
then display a screen where the new variant can be named or where an existing variant can be altered. A
user defined name can then be entered and created.
Next, the standard selection screen for the program SAPFPAYM will appear where the parameters for the
file format can be entered and saved. This is where the standard program is instructed to use a
designated Payment Medium and also where to store the file generated from the payment run. Files can
be stored on the server, to a location on the users desktop or if left blank they will be saved internally
within a TemSe for the F110 transaction.
Also, if required dynamic selections can be entered for each variant, in which the user can select house
banks, account ids and payment methods applicable to the program.

Assign Variant: Transaction OBPM4

Financial Accounting New Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business
Transactions Outgoing PaymentsAutomatic Outgoing Payments Payment Media Make Settings for
Payment Medium Formats from Payment Medium Workbench Create/Assign Selection Variants
Last, the variant created previously must be assigned to the relevant company codes. The Payment
Medium Format is selected and the company codes will appear in the window to the right. All of the
company codes will appear for the given country, because earlier we assigned this format to a specified
country and payment method. When we select the file format it brings up all the corresponding company
codes for that country and payment method combinations. The variant that was previously created
should now be assigned to the company code which will be using the DME to generate payments.

**Documentation from was used to source portions of the above information
This site is in no way affiliated with SAP AG.
Posted by essman at 4:43 PM 4 comments
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Labels: Data Medium Exchange, Data Medium Exchange Engine, DME, DMEE, SAP

Data Medium Exchange (DME) - Mapping

Transaction: DMEE
Tree Type: PAYM

The purpose of mapping is to reconstruct a file from the SAP system, which then bank can then use to
process payments.
The process of mapping begins with the bank first providing a file format. The format documents and file
examples are then used to map the fields in SAP.
Once complete the mapping is attached to the SAP Accounts Payable configuration so an output file can
be generated during a payment run.
File Structure:
The first two levels are mandatory, and the levels beneath the dotted line differ depending on the structure
of the bank file format. This ability to define the various subnodes within the payment file allows the user
to define the structure of the file according to the banks specifications.
DMEE Tree: Properties
------------------------------------------Header Record:
Payment Record:
Trailer Record:

Node Types:

Segment Group
Segment groups are used for arranging segments. Segment groups can be followed by these nodes:
segment groups or segments. In most cases, a new level in a DMEE tree begins with a segment group.
A segment represents a record in the target file. In an active format tree, each segment must have at least
one composite
or one element as a subnode. If you created a segment that contains only segments and segment groups
as subnodes, you can convert the node to a segment group.
You create a composite for the purpose of grouping elements. Such a grouping is logical if, for example,
one condition applies to several consecutive elements.

An element represents a field in the target file. For each element, you specify with which value or from
which source field this file field is to be filled. If more than one mapping rule applies to an element - if the
rules are dependent on conditions or if different parts of the element are to be filled from different
sources - then you should define several atoms as subnodes of the element.
Technical Node
A technical node is an element that is not output to the target file. It stores values that are used in other
tree nodes (elements, atoms) by
reference to the technical node. For this reason, a technical node generally contains a reference ID. If you
wish to output the contents of the technical node to the target file, then you can convert the node to an
You need to create an atom when you define more than one mapping rule for an element.
Selected Node for Detail View
This node was selected by double-clicking it. The details displayed on the top right belong to this
node. All toolbar operations (delete, copy, and so on) apply to this node. In contrast, all operations that
you can select from the context-sensitive menu with a right mouse click refer to the node which is
currently selected by a single click.
Reference ID of Node
A node that contains a reference ID can be referenced from other nodes in the format tree. You can
specify such a reference when you define mapping rules, conditions, or aggregation. You must assign
unique reference IDs (within the tree). When you delete a node that contains a reference ID, be sure that
no references to this node exist.
Reference to another node exists
This node contains a reference to another node. Moving the node could result in inconsistencies since
certain references are not permitted in parts of the tree.

**Documentation from was used to source portions of the above information.

Data Element:
Data Element:
Attribute Types
Constant Example:

Structure Field Example:

Reference to Tree Node Example:

Aggregation Example:

Exit Module Example:

Conditions Example:

mentation from was used to source portions of the above information.

This site is in no way affiliated with SAP AG.

Posted by essman at 8:03 PM 1 comments

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Data Medium Exchange (DME) - Execution Example

Dependency: Create Invoice using payment method linked to DME.


Transaction F110:
Run Date: Enter Todays Date
Identification: Enter a user defined value.
Hit enter.

Click on the Parameters Tab:

Enter Company Code
Enter Payment Method linked to DME.
Next P/date: Enter any date in the future.
Entr Vendor
Click Save:

Click on Status tab, and then click the Status Button.

Click the Proposal Button:

Click Enter:

The "Create Payment Medium" check box tells the program to generate the file.
In this case we are generating the file from the payment proposal. This is usually left unchecked until the
payment portion of the run.

Proposal has been scheduled

Click Status again and buttons next to the status button will appear.

Click Pmt Run:

Payment has been scheduled.

Click Status Again and the buttons will re-appear.

Click Printout and a popup message will appear.

Click enter:
The Printjob is scheduled, and then press status again.

Now Navigate to Path: EnvironmentPayment MediumDME Administration

Click on line with Proposal Check box (3rd Column)

*Note* If you generated the file from the payment instead of the proposal, then choose the line without the
proposal checkbox.

Save to Local Directory and click enter.

The file generated from the program will now be in the local directory you have specified.

This method is mostly used to test the file formats before "go-live."

In most cases, in a "live" environment, the file will be generated to a secure location such as a unix

directory. Then encryped and ftped to the bank.

The required directory location can be determined when setting up the variant for SAP program

Data Medium Exchange Engine

The Data Medium Exchange (DME) Engine enables you to define file formats that meet the
requirements of your financial institution. By doing so, you model an externally defined bank
format in the R/3 System, which allows you to send or receive data in the form of DME files
in this format.
The ability to define these formats in the R/3 System is particularly important as there is no
worldwide or regional standard format. In some cases, no country standard exists and the
file must comply with bank-specific standards. Covering such numerous and varied local
format requirements is very difficult in standard software, but the DME Engine now enables
you to define your particular local format yourself without any ABAP programming
knowledge or coding. With this Customizing tool, in the form of a graphical editor, you can
define new formats flexibly and, as format requirements change, modify existing ones

Once you have modeled an external file format as a format tree in the DME Engine, calling
applications can use it to:
Generate an outgoing DME file as a flat file or an XML file
Convert an incoming DME file to a format that the R/3 System can process

The system comes complete with predefined format trees, which represent the file format
requirements in a number of countries.
You can also transport format trees to other systems, or alternatively upload and download
as XML files.

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