Case Studies

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Case Study: One

A referral has come in from a Child, Youth and Family social worker who has
returned from completing an extensive assessment of a woman, named Karren,
who has applied to be a foster caregiver for the service. The social worker has
not approved the application based upon a number of concerns including that of
the applicants care of her elderly mother. The Social Worker is worried about
the elderly womans well-being.
The Elderly woman is called Clara, she is in her mid 80s and is unable to walk
unassisted. She is frail and frightened of her daughter. She never gets dressed,
or leaves the house, and the room she sleeps in is cold and dirty.
As part of the assessment the Social Worker interviewed Clara alone to gather
her opinion about her daughter wishing to be a caregiver, and it was during this
interview that she disclosed her unhappiness and isolation. She said her
daughter Karren gets drunk on wine every night.
During the assessment Karren did talk about the difficult relationship she has
with her mother growing up and how she failed to protect her from abuse and
neglect by her stepfather. She was very open about the ongoing difficulties in
their relationship and her impatience for her mothers many health needs. She
added that she couldnt afford to live in the house without her mothers
assistance in paying the mortgage. She also said that having foster children in
the house would not be a problem for her mother as she never leaves her
bedroom anyway.
Clara was born in Holland. Karrens birth father, who she hardly knew because
he passed away when she was aged 3, was Mori. Karrens step father, Claras
second husband was also Dutch. Karren is single and has an adult son (27) who
she never sees, due to a family breakdown when he was 14 and went to live with
his father, her ex-husband.
Both Clara and Karren said they were open to seeing a social worker about their

Case study: Two

Patricia has recently been admitted to Hospital after a suicide attempt, in which
she cut her wrists.
She is a NZ Pakeha woman in her mid-thirties, she has a history of severe
depression and alcohol abuse. She was a primary school teacher and has had 3
serious relationships in her adult life from which she has 4 children. Her older
children live with either their father or extended family. Her youngest is 3 and
lives with her sister and brother in law.
Patricias partner was recently arrested and charged with methamphetamine
possession and trafficking, he is awaiting trial. There is a suggestion from Police
that Patricia may be implicated in this and could face charges.
Her mood is very low, she has been accessing alcohol, and drinking in the
hospital which continues to bring on suicide ideation.
Patricias parents are well known business people, with a very successful roofing
business in town. They have distanced themselves from her, and have
constantly monitored her with regards to the care of her children. They have
actively been involved in the removal of their grandchildren, and placement of
them in care other than Patricias.
Patricia has expressed regrets regarding her lifestyle and her bad choices. She
has talked about wanting to improve her family connections, and has also talked
about regaining care of her children, particularly the youngest.
Patricia is open to having discussion with a social worker.

Case study: Three

Mary has come into a community centre because she is having budgeting
problems, she had he daughter Alice with her. During the initial interview Mary
disclosed some detail which is troubling to the budget advisor.
Mary and Jim have been in an on again, off again relationship for the past 18
years. They have 4 children, James Junior is 16, Alice is 14, Louise is 10 and
Samson is 4.
Mary is Pakeha and Jim is Samoan. Mary advised during the early stages of their
relationship Jim was deeply involved with the gang culture, and he could be quite
violent and controlling towards her. She said that after her second youngest was
born, she left Jim and lived with her parents for a while, her parents are very
supportive of her, but have little respect for Jim. After this happened, it had the
effect of waking Jim up and he left his gang lifestyle and returned to his
traditional church.
Mary and Jim reconciled and went on to have Samson.
Mary said that Jim is heavily involved in the church now and recently had to gift a
considerable amount of money to the Minister for a church thing. Mary
doesnt attend the Church, Jim goes with the two youngest on Sundays. Mary
doesnt know what the money was for. This has left them financially in trouble
and Mary said it has put them in arrears for their rent (they live in a housing
corporation house).
Jim does work occasionally as a labourer, but their main source of income is
from Work and Income.
During the interview Mary left the room to go to the toilet, and while she was
gone, her daughter Alice disclosed that there is a lot of yelling in the house
recently and it is scary, because dad can throw things. She also advised that
her older brother Junior is starting to hang out with gang people, and often
doesnt come home. This makes her dad angry and her mum often covers up for
him, or dad will give him the bash.
The budget adviser discussed a few things with Mary, and she said the whole
family would be open to seeing a social worker, Alice supported this, and said a
social worker would be good to talk to.

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