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No Death,More Effective

"To take a life when a life has been lost is revenge, not justice." - Desmond Tutu.Corruption seem
as a massive law violation.The suspect would suffer from social rejection and feel his/her life
was lost at all.So,should the suspect must punished by death sentence ? In Malaysia,China,and
Latvia,Death sentence are legal.Oveally,68 corruptors has punished by the death penalty each
year in China.the application of the death penalty msy seems succesfully to eradicate
corruption.But,is death sentence are effective to wipe out all High-Class Corruptors and getting
back money and other things they corrupt to country ? Why Death sentence shouldnt be applied
as a final solution in law constitution,especially to punish corruptor ? according from Law
Experts,religion experts,statistic and data,are three reasons why Death sentence shouldnt be
applied to punish Corruptors : Incompatible with human rights,against law,and not a good
solution to eradicate corruption.
First,Death Penalty is incompatible with human rights.Death sentence is abusing a right to life
landslidely. The death penalty is like opening a Pandora box.The death penalty abusing the
right to life landslidely and shows the arrogance of it,particularly the right to life,characterized
by universal,inviolable and cannot be removed said Peter C.Aman,Director of Justice,Peace,
and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) of The Order of Franciscan in Indonesia.Death sentence also
violating the Universal International agreement.Death sentence violating massively
Second,Death sentence is against law.In Indonesia,Death sentence is violating the
highest constitution source.Constitution of Republic Indonesia of 1945 occupies the highest
hierarchy in the legal system in Indonesia. Right to life is a human rights that can not be reduced
under any circumstances.Its clear." Said Leica Marzuki,former constitutional judge.Death
sentence also unconstitutional. The death sentence is unconstitutional because it conflicts with
Article 28 I of the 1945 Constitution and ideologically flaw because it does not fit with principle
of fair and civilized humanity in Pancasila. "I disagree with someone's life was depended in front
of a firing squad and the gallows. To that end, that (death penalty ) law is under the constitution,
then when the law was deviated to the 1945 Constitution,that law is necessarily unconstitutional
" said Leica Marzuki Again.
Third,Death sentence is not a good solution to eradicate corruption.According from statistic, the
effectivity of Death Sentence for Corruptor in China is not significant,even 4000 corruptors have
been punished by the Death Penalty since the Zhu Rhuong-Ji Era in 1990s. Indeed, the rate of
corruption in China had dropped that of a 3.5 ICP ( Corruption Perception Index or ICP) in
2007,raise to 3.6 ICP which means there is a decrease in corruption.However, this decrease was
not significant because the GPA is still in the range of 3 (still quite bad).Also,there is no
correlation between death sentence and increasing or decreasing rate of Corruption.The evidence
? China only ranks 78th in the eradication of corruption (although there is the threat of the death

penalty).Whereas Denmark, which does not impose the death penalty for the corrupt, has a ICP
value of 9 (best) and was ranked first in the world.

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