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Pokmon Learning League

Area of a Rectangle

Written By
Timothy Whitfield

(Episode opens up with Ash, Pikachu, Dawn, Piplup,

Serena and Brock en route to Nuvema Town via
Unova Route One on a mostly sunny afternoon,
with some wind blowing in. Stratocumulus clouds
blow across the sky. Ash stretches out his arms
and sighs.)
Ash: Man, it feels great out today.
Pikachu: Pika.
Dawn: It sure does.
Piplup: Pip, Piplup.
(As they continue on, they see a Deerling eating
grass, a flock of Pidove roosting in the trees,
Scatterbugs climbing up them, Flabebe resting in
the shade, a loveliness of Ledyba & Ledian fly by, a
Cherrim basking in the sunlight and some Tangela
fighting over territory.)
Serena: So, Ash. Where are going once we get into
Ash: Were going over to Professor Junipers lab.
Brock: Tell us, Ash. Whats Juniper like, anyway?
Ash: Oh, shes a great professor. She has a way of
training & treating the Pokemon she keeps at the

Brock: I see.
(They continue onward. Twenty-one minutes later,
they arrive at Nuvema Town, where they see the
various homes & shops as they go along. Minutes
later, they come to the lab.)
Ash: Here we are.
(Just as theyre about to go in, they spot a young
trainer named Anna coming to the lab, as well.
She has short green hair in a bun, green eyes and
is wearing a purple shirt, cargo shorts and flats.)
Serena: Oh. Hi, there.
Anna: Hello. My names Anna.
Ash: Nice to meet you. Im Ash, and this is
Pikachu: Pika, Pikachu
Dawn: Im Dawn, this is Piplup.
Piplup: Piplup.
Serena: Im Serena.
Brock: And Im Brock. I take it youve come to get
your starter Pokemon?
(She nods her head.)

Brock: Thats great.

(They head inside the lab. Once there, they see
one of Junipers assistants, Miguel, working on a
machine. He has black hair, blue eyes and is
wearing a white lab coat, a blue shirt underneath
it, jeans and loafers.)
Ash: Excuse me, do you know where Prof. Juniper
Miguel: Of course. Shes out back doing some
Ash: All right, thanks.
Miguel: Youre welcome.
(They head out back, and as they go along, they
see a small garden filled some rare flowers &
berries and a roosting area for flying type
Pokemon. A flock of Tranquil, Pidgeotto and
Fletchinder are resting in it. Moments later, they
stop to find Professor Juniper training with the
starter Pokemon. The Snivy is a blueish-green
color, Tepig is a golden color, its tail tip & snout are
a bright pink color and the top of its head and the
behind are a lighter shade of brown. Oshawatt has
a pink nose, its head is a beige white and its body
is slightly darker shade of blue. Juniper is wearing

a yellow t-shirt with a blue Pokeball symbol on it,

tight jeans and training sneakers.)
Juniper: Okay, lets do another round. Oshawatt,
Razor Shell.
Oshawatt: Osha.
(It grabs the scalchop on its stomach and it starts
to glow brightly. Now, a light blue aura appears
around it and Oshawatt swings it once. The aura
around it stretches and hardens behind it,
becoming an energy blade. Oshawatt slashes at
the bullseye, leaving a scratch mark on it.)
Juniper: Good. Now, Tepig, use Flamethrower.
(It opens its mouth and fires a stream of redorange fire from it at the bullseye, landing a direct
hit & leaving a scorch mark on it.)
Juniper: Snivy, do Leaf Tornado.
Snivy: Sni.
(Snivy starts spinning its body around and flips so
that it spins on its head with its tail straight up in
the air. Then, a large tornado of wind with circles
of light green energy spin around it appears at the
tip of its tail. The tornado sticks to the tail. Now, it
swings on its side and catches the bullseye in it.

Light green energy circles separate into light green

glowing leaves that spin around inside the tornado
with the bullseye. The winds starts glowing green
and Snivy swings it around, slamming it into the
ground. It clears up, leaving the bullseye behind.)
Juniper: Excellent. You three have gotten a lot
Snivy: Snivy.
Oshawatt: Oshawatt.
Tepig: Tepig.
(She gives out special Pokemon food to them. Ash
& the gang come over to them.)
Ash: Hi, Professor Juniper.
(She turns around and sees them.)
Juniper: Hi, Ash. How have you been doing?
Ash: Been doing very well.
Pikachu: Pika-chu.
Juniper: Thats good to hear.
Ash: Id like you to meet Brock, Dawn & Serena.
All: Hello.

Juniper: Hey. (She looks over to Anna.) Ahh, you

must be Anna.
Anna: Uh-huh.
Juniper: Its nice to meet you. Sorry you had to find
me doing this.
Anna: Its okay. It was pretty interesting?
Juniper: Oh, good. So, you ready to make your
Anna: Yes, I am.
Juniper: All right, go right ahead.
(She kneels down to their level carefully analyzes
them. Eventually, she chooses Snivy.)
Juniper: Very well, and heres your Pokedex and
(She hands them to her.)
Anna: Thank you.
Juniper: Youre welcome. Now, if you guys will
excuse me, I have to go make the flying Pokemon
some lunch.
(She heads back into the lab.)
Anna (pondering): Hmm.

Brock: What are you thinking about, Anna?

Anna: I was thinking, wouldnt it be nice to make a
special corral for the new starter Pokemon?
Dawn: That sounds look a good idea.
Brock: Yeah, but we should make it feel comfy for
Serena: Youre right, Brock. Lets add in a play
area for them.
Ash: Okay. We can also put in a relaxation area.
Dawn: Yeah, and it should have a play area, too.
Anna: Anything else we need?
(They all ponder for a brief moment.)
Dawn: Lets see if Ada has any suggestions.
(She takes out the Pokepilot, turns it on and calls
up Ada, who is working on a musical score.)
Ada: Hello, guys. Hows it going?
Brock: Were doing well, Ada. How about you?
Ada: Im doing well. Just finishing up on this
musical composition.
Dawn: Oh, good. What kind of music is it?

Ada: Its a classic rock melody.

Ash: Oh. Thats pretty cool.
Ada: Thanks. (She takes notice of Anna.) Oh,
hello. Im Ada.
Anna: Hey. Im Anna.
Ada: So, what are you guys doing?
Ash: Were visiting Prof. Junipers lab.
Ada: Thats good. What else?
Brock: Anna thought of making a special corral for
the starter Pokemon, and we want to make it
comfortable for them. So you had any suggestions
for it?
Ada: Sure I do. If you want to make it very
comfortable for the Pokemon, try thinking about
how much area theyre going to need.
Anna: Okay, but how will we know if the areas
large enough?
Ada: The way to do that is actually very simple. To
start with, you need to find the width & length of
the rectangle. For example, this rectangle here is
9in in length & 8in in width.

(As she talks, the sides of the rectangle highlight to

her words.)
Ash: All right, now what?
Ada: Now, you multiply them together. For this
one, it comes out as 72in.
Dawn: Now, whats left?
Ada: Lastly, you state the answer in square units.
Its worth noting that there are two ways of
representing it: either as 72 in.sq. or as 72in^2.
Anna: Boy that is pretty simple.
Ada: Yeah, it is. I know it isnt all that interesting
on its own, but it can make quite a difference if you
know how to creatively use it, which is why Im
going to show you something.
Serena: Okay, Ada.
(Pan up to an upper showing three situations
involving getting the right area of a rectangle.
Each one has their width and length measured
Ada: You guys ready to go?
Dawn: You bet.
Piplup: Pip-lup.

Ada: Very well, then. This Pokemon Professor is

building a roaming area for the trainers Pokemon
to relax in. How much area does it have?
Brock: 3000ft^2.
Ada: You got it, Brock. Now, this woman is making
a berry garden and is going to fill it with the rarest
berries you can find. What would the area of it be?
Serena: 440ft^2.
Ada: Very good, Serena. Lastly, this day care
couple is building a special play area for the newly
hatched Pokemon. How much area will it have?
Anna: 500ft^2.
Ada: You got it, Anna. Great work, you guys.
Serena: Thank you, Ada.
Ada: No problem, Serena. Now, I better get back to
this composition. See you later, guys and good
luck on that corral.
Ash: Thanks, Ada.
Pikachu: Pika-chu.
(Dawn turns the Pokepilot off and puts it back in
her bag.)

Brock: So, Anna, before we get started on this,

what do you plan to do on your journey?
Anna: I plan on becoming a great Pokemon
Brock: Thats pretty good. I hope you that goes
well for you.
Anna (appreciatively): Thanks, Brock.
Ash: Now, lets get started on this.
Serena: Okay, Ash, but lets see if the audience if
up for this.
Ash: All right. (He turns over to the audience.)
Hey, you guys up for this? (He casually waits for
an answer from the audience for one second.) Oh,
(Dissolve to a diagram of the corral that also shows
whats going to be in it.)
Ash (V.O.): Okay, lets get to it. What do you think
the length should be? (He casually waits for an
answer from the audience for one second.) 15
feet. Okay, then.
Dawn (V.O.): All right, what do you think the width
should be? (She casually waits for an answer from

the audience for one second.) 30 feet. Sure, why

Serena (V.O.): Lastly, what is the area of the corral?
(She casually waits for an answer from the
audience for one second.) 450ft^2. You got it.
(Dissolve back to the gang and Brock casually
speaks to the audience.)
Brock (casually): Good job, you guys. (He turns
over to the others.) Okay, guys. Lets get to work.
(Now, a montage goes on where we see them
planning out hows it going to look & working out
where everything will go. Now, they start building
the corral. They build the fence, make the
relaxation & feeding sections, and a small play
area. Montage ends with them looking over the
completed corral.)
Dawn: It looks pretty good.
Ash: Yeah.
Pikachu: Pika.
(They go over to the roosting area, where
Professor Juniper is giving the flocks their food.)
Juniper: There you are. Hope you enjoy it.

(They start pecking away at the food.)

Anna (invitingly): Prof. Juniper, we have something
to show you.
Juniper (intrigued): Oh? Okay.
(They show her over to the same spot & show her
the corral.)
Juniper (surprised): Whoa. This looks pretty good.
Brock: Thanks, Professor. We think the Pokemon
will like it, too.
Juniper: Yeah, they will.
(Anna turns over to Ash.)
Anna: So, Ash, what do you say we have a battle?
Ash: Oh, you bet.
Pikachu: Pika, Pikachu.
(They go out to the middle of the field and get into
their battling stances. Anna pulls out her Pokedex
and checks what other moves Snivy knows.)
Ash: So, you ready to go Pikachu?
Pikachu: Pika-chu.

Ash: Great. (He glances over to the audience.)

And no, this wont turn out like our first battle with
Anna (confused): Uh, Ash, are you sure about using
Ash (confidently): Dont worry about it. Youll see.
(He turns his hat around.)
Juniper: And begin!
Anna: Snivy, use Leaf Blade!
Snivy: Snivy.
(The leaf at the end of its tail gets surrounded by a
wavy light green aura. Then, it slashes Pikachu
with it, leaving behind a light green trail of energy.
The attack deals some damage to it.)
Ash: Pikachu, Use Iron Tail!
Pikachu: Chu!
(Pikachus tail becomes surrounded in white
sparkles and then gets surrounded in a white
outline and then turns to iron.)
Pikachu: Pika!
(He turns around and heads towards Snivy with it,
landing a hit and doing damage to it.)

Ash: Now, use Quick Attack!

(He starts running fast towards Snivy and a white
outline surrounds his body.)
Anna: Dodge it and use Slam!
(Snivy swiftly moves out of the way, narrowly
missing the attack. Now, it lashes out one of its
vines, grabs Pikachu and slams it into the ground
dealing great damage to it.)
Anna: Now, use Vine Whip!
(Two small pale yellow lights flash around the
collar area and Snivy's green skin meet and a pair
of green vines that are the same color as the skin
comes out from in between them. Snivy lashes
them out at Pikachu.)
Ash: Quick, dodge it!
Pikachu: Pika!
(He jumps up and zig-zags around the vines,
narrowly missing them each time.)
Ash: Now use Electro Ball!
Pikachu: Pika! Chu!

(All the electricity condenses at the end of his tail

and forms into an orange-yellow orb of electricity
with sparks of yellow electricity coming off it.)
Pikachu: Pika!
(He throws it at Snivy, hitting and doing some
damage to it.)
Anna: That was a pretty good, Ash.
Ash: Thanks. Now, Pikachu, Thunderbolt!
Pikachu: Pika-chuuu!!!!
(He fires a powerful bolt of yellow electricity at
Snivy, directly hitting and doing some damage to
Anna: All right. Snivy, Leaf Tornado!
(Snivy starts spinning its body around and flips so
that it spins on its head with its tail straight up in
the air. Then, a large tornado of wind with circles
of light green energy spin around it appears at the
tip of its tail. The tornado sticks to the tail. Now, it
swings on its side and catches Pikachu in it. Light
green energy circles separate into light green
glowing leaves that spin around inside the tornado
with Pikachu. The winds starts glowing green and
Snivy swings it around, slamming it into the

ground. It clears up, leaving Pikachu on the

ground, having done significant damage to it. He
gets back up.)
Ash: Pikachu, you okay?
(He turns arounds affirmatively nods his head.)
Ash: Good. Use Volt Tackle!
(Pikachu starts running really fast towards Snivy
and his body becomes surrounded in golden
electricity. He tackles it, doing significant damage
to it & scuffing it up. Pikachu gets a little scuffed
up himself and little yellow sparks of electricity
surround his body.)
Anna: Snivy, counter with Leaf Storm!
Snivy: Snivy.
(It jumps into the air & multiple glowing green
leaves start spinning around its body. Now, it fires
them at Pikachu, hitting him and doing damage.)
Brock: Annas doing really well.
Serena: Yeah, she is.
Ash: All right, time to take it up. Pikachu,
ThunderBolt and then Electro Ball!
Pikachu: Pika-chuuu!!!

(He fires a powerful bolt of yellow electricity into

the air. Then, all the electricity condenses at the
end of his tail and forms into an orange-yellow orb
of electricity with sparks of yellow electricity
coming off it. The ball absorbs the power from the
Thunderbolt, grows in size and becomes bright
Pikachu: Pika!
(He does a front flip & throws it at Snivy, directly
hitting and doing a great amount of damage.)
Anna: All right, well show you. Snivy, use Vine
Whip, then Slam!
(Two small pale yellow lights flash around the
collar area and Snivy's green skin meet and a pair
of green vines that are the same color as the skin
comes out from in between them. Snivy lashes
them out at Pikachu, who evades the first vine, but
gets lashed by the second one. Then, that same
vine grabs onto Pikachu, lifts him up and slams him
into the ground, doing a great amount of damage.)
Dawn: Oh, thats a good combination.
Piplup: Pip-lup.
Anna: Now, do Leaf Storm!

(It jumps into the air & multiple glowing green

leaves start spinning around its body. Now, it fires
them at Pikachu, hitting him and doing damage.)
Ash: Counter with Iron Tail!
Pikachu: Chu!
(Pikachus tail becomes surrounded in white
sparkles and then gets surrounded in a white
outline and then turns to iron.)
Pikachu: Pika!
(He turns around and heads towards Snivy with it,
landing a hit and doing damage to it.)
Ash: Now, use Quick Attack, then Iron Tail again!
(He starts running fast towards Snivy and a white
outline surrounds his body. He tackles it, doing
damage to it. Now, he swings around, his tail
becomes surrounded in white sparkles and then
gets surrounded in a white outline and then turns
to iron.)
Pikachu: Pika!
(He turns around and heads towards Snivy with it,
landing a hit and doing damage to it.)

Anna: Snivy, use Leaf Storm again, then go into

Leaf Tornado!
(It jumps into the air & multiple glowing green
leaves start spinning around its body. It fires the
leaves at Pikachu. Now, Snivy starts spinning its
body around and flips so that it spins on its head
with its tail straight up in the air. Then, a large
tornado of wind with circles of light green energy
spin around it appears at the tip of its tail. The
tornado sticks to the tail. Now, it swings on its side
and catches Pikachu in it. Light green energy
circles separate into light green glowing leaves
that spin around inside the tornado with Pikachu.
The winds starts glowing green and Snivy swings it
around, slamming it into the ground. It clears up,
leaving Pikachu on the ground, having done
significant damage to it.)
Ash: Pikachu, can you get up?
(He manages to stand back up, but just barely.)
Ash: All right. Thanks, buddy.
Pikachu (tired): Pika.
Anna: Snivy, finish this with Leaf Blade!

(The leaf at the end of its tail gets surrounded by a

wavy light green aura. Now, it slashes it out at
Ash: Dodge that!
(Pikachu quickly moves out of the way, and Snivy
slams its tail into the ground.)
Ash: Now, use Thunderbolt, then go into Volt
Pikachu: Pika! Pika-chuuu!!!
(He fires a powerful bolt of yellow electricity into
the air. Then, he starts running really fast towards
Snivy and his body becomes surrounded in golden
electricity. The power from the Thunderbolt fuses
with the Volt Tackle, turning the golden electricity
to a bright blue color. Pikachu tackles Snivy,
dealing a great amount of damage and knocking it
Juniper: Snivy cannot continue. Pikachus the
winner, and the victory goes to Ash.
Ash: Way to go, buddy.
Pikachu: Pika-chu
Anna: Snivy, you were amazing out there.

Snivy: Sni-vy.
(Ash & Pikachu walk over to them.)
Ash (complementing): Anna, you really put up a
great battle
Anna: Thanks, Ash. It was a lot of fun.
(The others come over to them. Serena pulls out a
bag of Poke Puffs.)
Serena: Here you are, Anna.
(She hands her the bag, which she takes.)
Anna: Thanks, Serena.
Brock: Something tells me youre going to make
plenty of friends along the way.
Anna: You really think so?
(He nods his head.)
Anna (realizing): Oh.
(They all turn over to the audience.)
All (casually): Thanks a lot, guys.
Pikachu: Pika-chu.
Piplup: Piplup.

(Dissolve to moments later, where we see them

chatting with one another.)
Dawn: That was an interesting episode. Did you
enjoy it? (She casually waits for an answer from
the audience for one second.) Oh, good. Well see
you next time.
(They casually wave goodbye to the audience,
resume their chatting and we iris in, ending the

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