Final Velocity Formula

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Finding Initial Velocity

To find the initial velocity we can use following equation which have already been
discussed above :
v(i) = dt - at2
v(i) = v2(f)2ad
v(i) = v(f)at
Using these equations we can find the initial velocity of the object. For better
understanding of these formula lets take few examples.
Let us calculate initial velocity for the following :

Solved Examples
Question 1: A body is accelerating at 10 m/sec2 with the velocity of 2 m/sec in 4 sec.
Find the initial velocity of the body?
From the above question, we have
v(f) = 2 m/sec
t = 4 sec
a = 10 m/sec2
using the formula
v(i) = v(f) at;
v(i) = 2 10times4
v(i) = -38 m/sec
so the initial velocity is calculated to be -38 m/sec, here negative(-) sign indicates that
body was moving in the opposite direction before it is accelerated and attained the final
velocity of 2 m/sec.
Question 2: A car start traveling from rest and it attains a velocity of 4 m/sec in 6 sec.
Find the acceleration of the car?
From the above question we have following quantities;
v(i) = 0
v(f) = 4 m/sec

t = 6 sec;
Using the formula of initial velocity, we have
v(i) = v(f) at
a*t = v(f) v(i);
a = v(f)v(i)t
a = 406
a = 0.6666 m/sec2
So the acceleration of the bus is 0.66666 m/ sec2.

Question 3: A truck traveled a distance of 20 meters traveling at the velocity of 10 m/sec.

The truck is accelerating at the rate of 2 m/sec2. Find the initial velocity of the truck?
a = 2 m/sec2
v(f) = 10 m/sec
d = 20 m
v(i) = (1022$times$2$times$20)

v(i) = (10080)
v(i) = 20
v(i) = 4.47 m/sec
So the initial velocity of the truck is 4.47 m/sec.

Question 4: A car has traveled 100 meter distance in 10 sec accelerating at 5 m/sec2. Find
the initial velocity of the car?
From the above statement, we have;
a = 5 m/sec2
t = 10 sec
d = 100 m
We will use following equation for finding the initial velocity of the car
v(i) = dt -a t2
v(i) = 10010 - 5 102

v(i) = 10 - 502
v(i) = 10 - 25
v(i) = -15 m/sec.
So, the initial velocity of the car is -15m/sec which implies that initially the car was
moving in the opposite direction before it started traveling with the acceleration of

Question 5: A stone is dropped from the height of 51 meters. It reaches the ground in 3
sec. Find the initial velocity of the stone?
Before solving this question we need to understand that when a body is dropped from a
height, its motion is consider as free fall motion. Under the free fall motion the
acceleration of the body is equal to the standard gravity, g,
g = 9.8 m/sec2
Now using this we can find the distance travelled by the stone, using the formula:
v(i) = dt - a t2
v(i) = 513 -9.8 32
v(i) = 17 - 14.7
v(i) = 2.3 m/sec.
So, in this case the initial velocity of the free falling body is 2.3 m/sec..
Question 6: Consider that a car has travelled a distance of 100 m in 10 sec starting with
the initial velocity of 5 m/sec. Find the acceleration of the car?
For solving this question we require following formula;
Putting the values of the corresponding variables and solving further we have;
5 = 10010 - a 102
5 = 10 - 5(a)
5a = 10 - 5
5a = 5
a = 1 m/sec2;
So the acceleration of car traveling with the initial velocity of 5 m/sec and covering 100
meters in 10 sec is 1 m/sec2.
Question 7: A stone is thrown from the ground, it reaches the height of 100 meters in 5
sec. Find its initial velocity?

This example is reverse of the example where an object is freely falling from some
height. In this case the object or stone is keeps on decelerating, which means its speed is
decreasing constantly and after some time itll stop somewhere in the air and starts falling
back to the ground.
The rate at which it is decelerating is equal to the standard gravity. Now with this, we will
use following formula to solve this question;
v(i) = dt - at2
v(i) = 1005 - (-9.8) 52
v(i) = 20 - (49)2
v(i) = 20 - (-24.5)
v(i) = 20 + 24.5
v(i) = 44.5 m/sec
So, the initial velocity at which stone is thrown from the ground is 44.5 m/sec.

Final Velocity Formula

We know that Velocity is the change in position in particular direction with respect to
time. Thus,
Final Velocity is defined as the Velocity attained by a body after completing or
reaching certain distance or a given or certain time interval.Basically there are two
equations for final velocity, one is related to time interval t, and other with respect to
distance covered S.
(i) Relating to time.
Let us assume that an body starts with an initial velocity u and with a constant
acceleration a. A simple calculation tells us that after a time t, the increase in velocity
during that time is acceleration time, that is a t or just at.
Since the object already had an initial velocity u at the start, that quantity is also added to
the increase in the velocity to determine the actual final velocity v. Thus, the final
velocity will be given by
v = u + at
v = Final Velocity,
u = Initial Velocity,

a = acceleration attained by the body

t = time taken.
Now, let us try to know what could be the final velocity of an object after certain distance
instead of after certain time.
(ii) Relating to Distance
Let us assume that the object has traveled a distance of S in a time t. Since we are
discussing linear motion, the distance traveled is given by,
S = average velocity during time t2
= (12) (u + v) tNow from the first equation we derived, we can solve for t as,
t = Vua
Plugging this for t in the equation,
S = (12) (u+v)(vu)a,
which becomes as 2as = (v2 u2)
v2 u2 = 2asThis is another equation for final velocity in terms of initial velocity and

Finding Final Velocity

To find final velocity the equations the above derived equations will be helpful. Let us
find final velocity for the problems given below :

Solved Examples
Question 1: A car is running at a velocity of 50 miles per hour and the driver accelerates
the car by 10 miles/hr2. How far the car travels from this point in the next 2 hours, if the
acceleration is constant.
Let us find the Final velocity of the car after 2 hours time.
v = u + at,
given that u = 50 miles per hour,
a = 10 miles/hr2 and
t = 2 hours.
Hence the final velocity, v = (50 + 10 2) miles per hour
= 70 miles per hour.

Now from the equation, v2 u2 = 2as,

70 50 = 2 10 s,
Squaring both sides, we get
4900 2500 = 20s
2400 = 20s
s = 120m.
Hence the car travels 120 miles in two hours from the given point.
Question 2: A Stone is dropped freely from a height of 100 feet. With what velocity will
it hit the ground?
(Neglect the air resistance and assume the acceleration due to gravity is 32ft/s2).
In the equation, v2 u2 = 2as,
u = 0,
a = 32ft/s2 and
Here s = the height = 100 ft.
Hence, v2 = 2as = 2 32ft/s2 100 ft
= 6400 ft2/s2.
or v = 80 ft/s.
The stone will hit the ground with a velocity of 80ft/s.

Solved Examples
Question 1: Johny completes the bicycle ride with the final velocity of 10 ms-1 and
acceleration 2 ms-2 within 3s. Calculate the initial velocity.
Given: Final velocity v = 10 ms-1,
Acceleration a = 2ms-2,
Time taken t = 3 s
Initial velocity u = ?
Final velocity v = u + at
Initial velocity u = v - at = 10 ms-1 - (2ms-2)3s
= 4 ms-1.

initial velocity u = 4ms-1.

Question 2: A man covers distance of 100 m. If he has final velocity of 40 ms-1 and has
acceleration of 6 ms-2. Calculate his initial velocity?
Given: Distance s = 100m,
Final velocity v = 40 ms-1,
Acceleration a = 6ms-2
Initial velocity u2 = v2 - 2as
= 1600 - 2 6 100
= 1600 - 1200
= 400 ms-1
Initial velocity u = 20 ms-1.

Displacement Problem 1: A car is traveling down a road for 45 seconds. The car turned
on to the street at 20 m/s and by the end of the street it was traveling 23 m/s. How long is
the street?
Since we were given the initial velocity (20 m/s), the final velocity (23 m/s), and the time
(45 seconds) the equation can be directly applied. X= (20+23)*45= 967.5 meters
Displacement Problem 2: When a pitcher throws a pitch, he is about 60 ft from home
plate. If the ball leaves his hand at 132 ft/s and reaches home plate with a speed of 110
ft/s, how long does it take the ball to travel from the mound to home plate?
In this problem we are given a different set of values. The equation x = ( v + v0 )t can
be algebraically manipulated to t=2x/(v+vo). The displacement is 60 feet, the initial
velocity is 132 ft/s and the final velocity is 110 ft/s.
T=2(60 ft)/(132+110 ft/s)= 0.496 seconds

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