Hardecker Headlines Sept 2015

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September 2015

W.T. got baptized! So did Tori Wilt (the girl

to his right) and her brother Harley (on his
left). 5 other new converts were also baptized. Eric and Sharon Kessel came for a visit
to Mt. Zion for an evening service on their
way back to Bradford, PA. What a blessing
they were to us when we were on deputation. Mt. Zion just finished a family conference and the photo in the bottom right is
the Starrs and the Hardeckers. We are missing Dan and Heidi (Starr) Butler.

Hardecker Headlines


Independent, Fundamental, Baptist Missionaries to the Philippines

Sent by: Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Brogue, PA


Praise the Lord for souls saved. We

continually are amazed by the simplicity of the Gospel and the power
of God to convert a soul from the
power of darkness into the kingdom
of Gods dear Son.


I went out to help Pastor Michael Hunt canvass and invite people in Manheim, PA.
Pastor Hunt is re-planting Heritage Baptist Church. David was walking the road after school; we
stopped and offered him a Gospel tract and an invitation to church. He was open and conversational. After showing him Gods simple plan of salvation, David prayed and asked the Lord to be
Saviour of his life. David has been attending the church ever since and is growing in the Lord. We
have also seen other professions of faith in Jesus either in door-to-door canvassing or dealing with
people on the street: Ted (67 yr. old), Levi (15), Jayson (40), Sarah (30).

Praise the Lord for ongoing faith in

the lives of new believers. We are
seeing God do something special in
the hearts and lives of one family.
They are faithfully riding to church
via our bus ministry.


Praise the Lord for W.T. getting

baptized. I love that his pastor was
able to baptize him. God is good!

More Souls to Work With:


Please pray for Marcias dad. We

received report that his cancer has
returned. Pray for grace for the
family and for wisdom for the doctors.


Please continue to pray for our

house situation. We appreciate your
patience with us. Thank you!

A New Supporting Church:

We want to say thank you to Hope Baptist Church, N. Little Rock, AR (Pastor Terry
Coomer) for taking us on as a missionary representative of their church. We are humbled by the
goodness and faithfulness of all our supporting churches. We arent going alone; we are sent by
our local church along with the love and prayers of all of our supporting churches. We pray that
we never disappoint them and more importantly our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

More Souls Saved and Lives Changed:

We are thankful to God for allowing us the opportunity to speak to people about the
Saviour, their souls, sin and the penalty of sin (separation from God in an eternal lake of fire). We
certainly dont deserve Gods grace and mercy and the sure hope of Heaven but thank God, Jesus
came! The Lord has brought people our way and we have the blessing of planting the Gospel seed
and watering them with the Word of God. They are souls that evidently need ongoing watering
and care. Please pray for them that they would truly be convicted of sin and turn to the Saviour:
Patrick (15), Troy (45), Shelby (a single mom, Delta, PA), and Rich Wilt, the father of the two of the
kids baptized in the photo above, and husband to Heather.


Sending Church:

Mission Funds:

Contact Information:

Relevant Dates:

Mt. Zion Baptist Church

Central Missionary Clearinghouse

The Hardeckers

Bill (01/10) & Marcia (09/30)

48 Muddy Creek Forks Road

P.O. Box 219228

111 S. Pine St.

Anniversary (06/15/04)

Brogue, PA 17309

Houston, TX 77218

Red Lion, PA 17356

W.T. (09/14/10)

(717) 927-9227

(800) 262-7729

(717) 880-5011

Joe (12/28/12)




email: hardecker@gmail.com

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