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United States Department of State Washington, D.C. 20820 AUG 10 205 Case No. F-2014-13323 Segments: S/ES-01 Mr. David N. Bossie Citizens United 1006 Pennsylvania Ave, SE Washington, DC 20003 Dear Mr. Bossie: In response to your request dated July 29, 2014, under the Freedom of Information Act (the “FOIA”), 5 U.S.C. § 552, we have initiated a search of the following Department of State record system: the Office of the Executive Secretariat (S/ES). The search of the records of S/ES has been completed and has resulted in the retrieval of 28 documents responsive to your request. After reviewing these documents, we have determined that 18 may be released in part and 10 must be withheld in full. An enclosure explains the FOIA exemptions and other grounds for withholding material. Where we have made excisions, the applicable FOIA exemptions are marked on each document, For the 12 documents withheld in full, we have cited FOIA exemptions 5 and 6,5 U.S.C. § 552 (b)(5) and (b)(6). All released material is enclosed. Review of additional records from S/ES is ongoing. We will keep you informed as your case progresses. If you have any questions, you may contact Carly Anderson, Trial Attorney, at (202) 305- 8645. Please be sure to refer to the case number, F-2014-13323, and the civil action number, 15-cv-00374, in all correspondence about this case. Sincerely, SusaLe Wena John F. Hackett, Director Office of Information Programs and Services Enclosures: As stated. ‘The Freedom of Information Act (5 USC 552) FOIA Exemptions (bX(1) Information specifically authorized by an executive order to be kept secret inthe interest of 2) 3) (0)(4) XS) 0X6) OK) x8) oy) national defense or foreign policy. Executive Order 13526 includes the following classification categories: 1.4(a) Military plans, systems, or operations 1.4(b) Foreign government information 1.4(c) Intelligence activities, sources or methods, or cryptology 1.4(4) Foreign relations or foreign activities of the US, including confidential sources 1.4(6) Scientific, technological, or economic matters relating to national security, including defense against transnational terrorism 1.4() U.S. Government programs for safeguarding muclear materials or facilities 1.4(g) Vulnerabilities or capabilities of systems, installations, infrastructures, projects, plans, or protection services relating to US national security, including defense against transnational terrorism. 1.4(h) Weapons of mass destruction Related solely to the intemal personnel rules and practices of an agency Specifically exempted from disclosure by statute (other than 5 USC 552), for example: ARMSEXP. Asms Export Control Act, 50a USC 2411(¢) CIA PERS/ORG Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, 50 USC 403(g) EXPORT CONTROL Export Administration Act of 1979, 50 USC App. Sec. 2411(c) FS ACT Foreign Service Act of 1980, 22 USC 4004 INA Immigration and Nationality Act, 8 USC 1202(f), Sec. 222(f) IRAN Iran Claims Settlement Act, Public Law 99-99, Sec. 505 ‘Trade secrets and confidential commercial or financial information Interagency or intra-agency communications forming part of the deliberative process, attorney-client privilege, or attomey work product Personal privacy information Law enforcement information whose disclosure would: (A) interfere with enforcement proceedings (B) deprive a person of a fair trial (C) constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy (D) disclose confidential sources ©) disclose investigation techniques (F) endanger life or physical safety of an individual Prepared by or for a government agency regulating or supervising financial institutions Geological and geophysical information and data, including maps, conceming wells Other Grounds for Withholding ‘Material not responsive to a FOIA request excised with the agreement of the requester "UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No, F-2014-18828 Doc No, CO5807856 Date: 08/10/2015 _ (RELEASE IN PART BS] Mills, Chenyt D Wednesday, July 25, 2012 8:34 AM ‘Hadee! torah Sullivan, Jacob J; Ballou-Aares, Daniell; Abedin, Huma; Wamholz, Jean-Louis; Klein, Jennifer L Subject: RE: Afrcaftoday's meeting Dear Hadeel Itwas wonderful to meet with you yesterday and quite timely glven the Secretary's trip to Africa. Thank you for the information below. {lam copying a few of my colleagues who might reach out to you for ideas forthe trip orto follow-up on other aress we ‘are working on that overiap. | will ask Daniella to follow-up on trip ideas and the framing you had around anti-corruption and ilicit finances messages ‘to Africans supported the data you referenced regarding how much corrupt practices are affected by western corporations benefits through special exemption revenue arrangements and the opportunity to speak to al parties ‘accountability inthis space vs the traditional western lecture, Looking forward to staying connected. ‘Senior Reviewer Best, dm rom adel tabi ‘Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2012 6:54 PM ‘To: Mls, Chery D ‘Subject: Africa/today’s meeting ‘Dear Ms Mills, ‘Thank you so much for making the time to see me today. Please do let me know if I can be of any assistance for your forthcoming trip or anything beyond that. ‘Our governance index is accessible in whatever form (pdf, spreadsheet etc) that your team would find most. will also send over a more precise link for the A frica-specific figures that I mentioned if I can find one. ‘And finally, the women’s situation room in Senegal is being convened by Bineta Diop at Femmes Africa Solidarite, who Ms Verveer knows I believe. Do let me know if you would like a direct introduction. 1 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No. C05807856 Date: 08/10/2015 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No. C05807856 Date: 08/10/2015 ‘Very best regards and best wishes for your travels. Hadeel Diacaimer ‘Tis era (nd any tachment i conten and ray conaln prsonal views which are lhe ews ofthe Mo ahi Foundation unless specticaly sista. you havo recived In eo, plase delete fom your oyctam and donot we, copy or ioe the ormation many way nor set Inmance ont and nay the vender mediately. Wile wo moke evry oft to keop our natwek fee for viuees, you aed ove ha sera ‘nd any atachnets are ve ree, 08 we ca ak no responsbiy for any computer vi which may be anstred by way of them. ‘Mo lors Foundations regstered asa company In Jersey, number 82961. ts registered oon sat 2/25 Broad Stee, t Hol, Jersey JE4 BND but hase send ay corespondonce tod Flor Naty 28 Pema Square Landon WIN GLR. [MIF Services (UK) Limited i rogltred asa crmpay n England No, 6770082 regtoed ofc t Sunt House, 170 Finchley Road, London [NW GBP but losse send any corespordercst rd Plo: North, 38 Pottnan Square, Lorden WIH GLR. This email message hasbeen scaned for vruses by Mimecast 2 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No. C05807856 Date: 08/10/2015 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2014-13323 Doc No. C05807857 Date: 08/10/2015 (RELEASE INPART 58 From: Mils, Cheryl D ‘Sont: Tuesday, July 24, 2012 10:12 PM To: Ballou-Aares, Daniela Subject: Fw Afficatoday’s meeting Remind me to discuss ‘From: Hadee! Ibrahim! _ Sent: Tuesday, uly 24, 2032 06:53 PM ‘To: Mills, Cheryl D ‘Subject: Aftica/today’s meeting Deer Ms Mills, ‘Thank you so much for making the time to see me today. Pleasc do let me know if I can be of any assistance for your forthcoming trip or anything beyond that. ‘The illicit financial flows work I mentioned is by Global Financial Integrit http://www efintegrity.orp/i 2or viewsid I will also send over a more precise link for the Africa-specific figures that I mentioned if Ican find one. ‘And finally, the women's situation room in Senegal is being convened by Bineta Diop at Femmes Aftica Solidarite, who Ms Verveer knows I believe. Do let me know if you would like a direct introduction. and available on their website: Very best regards and best wishes for your travels. Hadeel Dhaai ‘his gal oy aechevai e conta ray cian porns views which rt he vow fn ain Faun was special sated. you have recived nora, ploase dale fom your sysiry ad do fol ue, copy er iscloee the Iormalion try way oe ct I ralance on and nly the sender ined Whe we make every efoto ke Gu etwar ree om vruses, you neo 0 vorty Eat hs ral ‘and any attachments are vis-ee, as we Ca tate no responsi forty Compute wus whch ay be Wana Byway fem, Mo brahim Foundation i rogsorad asa company in erey, number 92851 is epstered fel t 225 Broad Set, St Her, Jersey JES BND but ‘plaate send any eomespondence fo Sd Fr Nath, 35 Porenan Square, London WIN GLA. MIF Services (UK) Lie i octaves 082 company In England No, 5770062. regeteed cfc t Summ Hosa, 170 Finchley Road, Londoa [Nv GBP bt please sand any conespondance to Sr lor North, 35 Portman Square, Landon WIH GLR. ‘This onal message has been scanned or vues by Mast. 1 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No. COS807857 Date: 08/10/2015 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No. C05807861 Date: 08/10/2015 [RELEASE IN PART] Mis, Cheryl D Tues, day 40,2012 41:12. ‘Stephanie Steet! ‘Subject: RE: Follow up with Appreciation Ey ‘AUTHORITY: Barbara Nielsen, Senior ‘Thanks dear. From: Stephanie Street B6 Sent: Tuesday, July 10, . 1 To: Mils, Cheryl D ‘Subject: FW: Follow up with Appreciation Be ! 'Bcc’d me on this email and your name is mentioned in the body so | am blind copying "you tool Hope you are well and would love to catch up sometime soon. Xoxo Sss Stephanie 8, Streett Executive Director Wiliam J. Cinton Foundation 41200 President Cinfon Avenue Lite Rock, AR 72201 {501 370 8000 phone 501 375 0512 fax “wocatnomangsnea | *e ‘wr cintonpresidentiaicenter.ona re From: ‘Sent: Monday, July 09, 2012 11:57 PM ‘To: Samuelson, Heather F ‘Subject: Folow up with Appreciation Dear Heather, 1 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No. C05807861 Date: 08/10/2015 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No. C05807861 Date: 08/10/2015 2 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No. C05807861 Date: 08/10/2015 3 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No. C05807861 Date: 08/10/2015 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No. C05807867 Date; 08/10/2015 [LEASE IN PART | Be From: ti, cho REVIEW AUTHORITY: Barbara Nielsen, Senior} Pa er To: Subject: Fa Eye sor ‘ready did From: Brock Johnson = ‘Sent: Friday, December 21, 2012 05:57 PM ‘To: Mis, Cheryl D ‘Subject: Re: Egypt / tomorrow Defer to you on how you want to handle, but deputy consul general in Cairo is John Coe, at +20 22797 2013, On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 5:41 AM, Mills, Chery! D wrote: Ami Will revert Cém Original M From: Amitabh Desai Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2012 10:29 PML To: mr.brockiohnson Subject: Egypt / tomorrow Cheryl, - ] J there 8 US person in “ca Rb pn ST RES eT Ty OT we NDE we ‘we Gai Be sire they have a Jocal contact in case{_[nceds it in an emergency? Thanks, and sorry to bother you with this. Sincerely, Ami IMills, Cheryl D; Fuchs, Michael H 1 UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No. C05807867 Date: 08/10/2015 i BE a 8 gp 8 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No. C05807888 Date: 08/10/2015 = TWPART iBs From: Mis, Chery! D To a a BS ORITY: Barbara Nielsen, Senior iEW AUTH No attendance by our ambo aioe a From: Huma Abedin Sent: To: a } Mils, Chery D Subject: Re: Meeting — I'm going to defer to edm but 'm not surprised. From: Amitabh Desai Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2512 10:26 AML To: chenimilg Huma Abedin ‘Subject: Fw: Meeting with President Theln Se Seer hobs wuld gh «diferent one the meetig, Should we sy best or WC bo se as ae cen and no ‘US Ambassador in room? Thanks. From: Parlement, Darby A To: Amitabh Desai Ce: Rogers, Heather ‘Sent: Wed Sep 26 09:31:38 2012 ‘Subject: Meeting with President Thein Sein Amis | heard from'the Burmese embassy that the meeting with President Thein Sein and former President Clinton Is set for ‘today at 2:00 at the Mark Hotel. Ambassador Mitchell's Interested in attending, if possible. Ko Ko Shein from Burma's NY Mission sald that he would check to see if that will be possible. also wanted to make sure you are aware of the request. We're happy to see that this meeting will happen. Best, Darby Darby A. Parliament . Laos and Burma Desk Officer Office of Mainland Southeast Asia Room 5206 US. Department of State Tel: 202-647-0036 ‘This emailis UNCLASSIFIED. a UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-18328 Doc No. 05807888 Date: 08/10/2015 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-18323 Doc No. C05807917 Date: 08/10/2015 [REVIEW AUTHORITY: Barbara Nielsen, Senior (RELEASE IN PART 5 was Reviewer j Huma Abedin ‘Saturday, September 22, 2072 10:08 AM ‘Mis, Chery! D; Ami Desai; blindsey(_ Igraham| Band; Justin Cooper, Sulivan, Jato I~ ee RE: Cinton Centre ‘Jake was in meeting so he can verify. but HRC had sald she made no commitments to her. From: Mils, Cheryl D [ ‘Sent: Friday, i ‘To: Ami Desai; ‘orahan ‘Doug Gand; Justin Cooper; Huma Abedin; Sulivan, Jecob. ‘Subject: Re: Clinton Centre Surprised to hear this - checking w/ her From: Amtabh ‘Sent: Friday, Septembar 21, 2012 05: (Tecbuwstingcy Loa tan! c Hum Abedin ‘ils, Chery; Sulivan, Jacob ‘Stella O'Leary called to say she saw HRC this week and that HRC “finmly instructed” her to urgently form a S01c3 called Friends of the Clinton Centre. Stella said she’s now working with counsel to create it {asked that she send us a copy of the document(s) before they/re executed, and she sald she would. lalso asked ifthe new org could be flexible so that any funding raised could be used in whatever manner WIC and HRC ‘wish in ireland and Northern ireland, and not restricted to support only the current iteration of the Clinton Centre In Enniskillen (which I think needs some more thought and development and after CGI we'll prepare options for WIC’s review). Stella said yes, the new fundraising vehicle would be flexible. ‘She said she believes the American ireland Fund could put money into it and that she would enjoy fundraising for It too. ‘She said she'd like to see @ board formed for it wth all of WAC's ireland folks on it—she mentioned herself and Declan ‘and Fitzpatrick and a couple others. ‘Wanted to be sure everyone Is n the loop and I'd welcome your feedback. ‘Thanks, Ami 1 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No. C05807917 Date: 08/10/2015 B_8 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323. Doc No, C05807920 Date: 08/10/2015 [RELEASE IN PART [REVIEW AUTHORITY: Barbara Nielsen, Senior les Reviewer _ From: Mills, Cheryl D Sent: Mon To: ‘adeosal BS ce: ‘Samuelson, ‘Subject: Re: Luca international Group LLC on behaif of the US China Energy Summit Willrevert From: Amitabh Desai BG ‘Sent: Monday, June 11 5 ‘To: Mils, Chery! D; Fuchs, Michael H; Sullivan, Jacob J; Abedin, Huma ‘Subject: FW: Luca Intemational Group LLC on behaif of the US China Energy Summit ‘Would USG have any concems about WAC taking this and directing the proceeds to the Clinton Foundation? Don Walker is concerned about the host and agrees with us it's strange we can’t get any more information on this host and they hhave no track record of prior events, We'd welcome your thoughts, Thanks, Ami From: Don L Walker 86 Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2012 1:27 > ‘Tox Terry Krinwic (Get Raena Davis; ClintonGroup ‘Subjects Luca International Group LLC on behalf of the US China Energy Summit Dear Terry, ‘We've reccived the following firm invitation for President Clinton from Luca International Group LLC on behalf of the US China Energy Summit. They are inviting President Clinton to speak at Summit on Friday, uly 27, 2012 in Sam Francisco, CA. We have secured a fee of $200,000 plus roundtrip private jet. Please let me know if this is something you would like to accept. Below are the specific details of the invitation, including the Agenda for the event: Please note: Douglas Boxer (Senator Boxer’s son) is involved with this invitation. Primary Date Offered: Friday, July 27, 2012 Alternate Dates: They are flexible about the date between July 27th and August 10th (or even into late August). As you know, President Clinton is in Salt Lake City on August 13°. Perhaps we can tie the two events together. Honorarium and Travel Expenses: $200,000 plus roundtrip private jt. ‘**PLEASE NOTE that any income eared in California is subject to a 7% non-resident withholding tax. Documentation will be sent showing the taxes were withheld on your behalf. Your financial advisor/accountant ‘may use this document to file a CA return to reclaim all or a portion of the taxes withheld. ‘Sub-Sponsors: California State Friendship Committee 1 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No. C05807920 Date: 08/10/2015 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No. C05807920 Date: 08/10/2015 China Enterprise Reform & Development Society Agenda: 9:30am — 10:00am - photoline reception not to'exceed 50 people 10:00am - 11:00am - speech including moderated Q and A ‘Taping: Archival purposes only Press: The event is open to the press, but President Clinton's speech will be closed. ‘Sponsor description: | ABOUT THE US CHINA ENERGY SUMMIT | In their own words, “The US China Energy Summit (UCES) is a non-profit organization whose focus is helping both individuals and entrepreneurs in China lean and utilize resources related to American’s energy investment and policies. UCES focuses on building relationships with both the diplomatic and financial sectors within the United States and China in order to build and strengthen their business relationships and to help maximize the resources for the fature of the two countries. Additionally, UCES strive to be a social responsible corporate Citizen and therefore actively utilizes its best practices to promote green power and energy to preserve the environment.” ABOUT LUCA OIL Im their own words, “At LUCA, we specialize in acquisition, exploration and development of oil, natural gas, ‘and minerals primarily in Alaska, Louisiana, Montana, North Dakota, Texas, and the Gulf of Mexico. LUCA derives the greater part of its revenue from oil and gas drilling and production. With over 100 years of combined experience along with the latest new technology, we provide our investors with numerous Partnerships that are producing oil and natural gas for consumers and making profits for our investors. LUCA is headquartered in Fremont, CA with offices in Oakland, CA, San Gabriel, CA, Houston, TX and Beijing, China.” ‘NOTE: The US China Energy Summit is incorporated as a non profit in California and was established on May 2, 2012 to run this conference. The Summit is run by and is being paid for by Luca International Group LLC. Both the US China Energy Summit and Luca are housed at the same address. Luca is at Suite 410 and US China Energy Summit at Suite 400. ‘They share the same advisors and officers. Luca International Group, LLC ‘Name of CEO or President: Bingging Yang ‘Where is this sponsor headquartered? Please list the exact address. 39650 Liberty Street, Suite 410, Fremont, CA 94538 ‘What is the formal name of this sponsor? Or what is the official name that the sponsor typically does banking ‘under? Luca Intemational Group, LLC Are there any other subsidiaries of this company? If yes, please list them. ‘Luca Oil, LLC; Luca Operation, LLC; Luca Resource Group, LLC; Luca Bamett ‘Shale Joint Venture, LLC; Luca Energy Fund, LLC; Luca To-Kalon Energy, LLC Is the CEO() of this sponsor either CEO(s) or President of any other organizations? Yes Luca International Group, Luca Oil, LLC; Luca Operation, LLC; Luca Resource Group, LLC; Luca Bamett Shale Joint Venture, LLC; Luca Energy Fund, LLC; Luca To-Kalon Energy, LLC CHINA ENTERPRISE REFORM & DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY ‘China Enterprise Reform and Development Society is a national top class organization with 17 years operation history. It was founded with the approval of State Council of People’s Republic of China, registered by State 2 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No. C05807920 Date: 08/10/2015 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No, C05807920 Date: 08/10/2015 Ministry of Civil AMffairs and isin the charge of State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration ‘Commission. ‘Address: 1002, B1 Building of Changyuan Tiandi, number 18, Suzhou Street, Haidian District, Beijing of China 100080 ‘Who is the CEO(s) of your company? Zhiping Song Is the CEO() of your company either CEO(s) or President of any other organizations? China National Building “Materials Group Corporation, China National Pharmaceutical Group Corporation California State Friendship Committee Founded to promote goodwill between California and China ‘Adairess: 626 Jackson Street, San Francisco CA 94133 ‘Website: none Phone: 415-407-5411 Fax: 415-282-0176 ‘Who is the CEO(s) of your company? Francisco Hsieh Is the CEO(s) of your company either CEO(s) or President of any other organizations? Special Assistant to CA Assembly Speaker Pro Tempore Fiona Ma Nature of Event: US China Energy Summit sponsored by Luca Oil goal isto bring Chinese Investors to the US Energy Sector. This one day event will be promoted publically to potential attendees. This event has been held in Asia in the past, but this is the first year in the USA. Past Speakers: This is the first year the event is being held. Attendees: 400 entrepreneurs, financial professionals in the energy green-tech industry in China and the U.S.; {individual investor and financial institutions interested in learning the energy policy and investment trend in the ‘energy sector. Lexis Nexis: US China Energy Summit: Nothing untoward Luca International Group LLC: Nothing untoward ‘Bingging Yang: Nothing untoward Recommendation: Provided this passes the STATE and OWIC vet, I don't see a resson why we shouldn't accept and try to tie it in with the Salt Lake City event. Please let us know if President Clinton would like to accept this invitation. All the best, Don Don Walker President ‘The Harry Direct Dial: Fax: 646. 3 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No. 05807920 Date: 08/10/2015 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No. C05807924 Date: 08/10/2015 (RELEASE IN PART B3) EVIEW AUTHORITY: Barbara senior Reviewer —_——— From: ‘Amitabh Desai ‘Sont: Saturday, July 07, 2012620PM To: Mils, Chery! D Subject: Re: President Clinton's Afica Travel ‘Thanks. | also think we need a talking point for media who ask about the timing oftheir trips. — Original Message — From: Mills, Chery! D ‘Tor Amitabh Desai Sent: Sat Jul 07 17:40:23 2012 Subject: Fw: President Clinton's Aftica Travel Fyi -— Original Message — From: Carson, Johnnie ‘Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2012 05:26 PM To: Mls, Chery D ‘Subject: President Clinton's Africa Travel Cheryl: Our embassies in both Kampala and Pretoria have informed me that they see no/no problems ((with thelr host {governments or otherwise) with President Clinton's visit to Uganda and South Africa two/three weeks before the Secretary. Johnnie UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No. C05807924 Date: 08/10/2015 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No. C05807925 Date: 08/10/2015 [RELEASE IN PART 86, —_—_— From: ‘Amitabh Desai _ 6 Sent: Fridey, June 28, 2012 1112 AM REVIEW AUTHORITY: Ter Mills, Chery [Barbara Nielsen, Senior’ Subject: Re: Uganda Reviewer More from CHAI: “We could position the event with more on a Ministry of Health focus/skew. See below: “WIC will visit Uganda to launch a MOH-led scale-up program for the treatment of diarrhea with ORS and zinc. Diarrhea [s the thied leading cause of death in children under five Uganda, leading to 14,000 deaths annually. This event is timed to colneide with the launch of a national Protect-Prevent-Treat strategy, as well asthe establishment of the Ministry of Health's Diarrhea and Pneumonia Coordinating Committee to oversee its implementation. This event will serve to launch this strategy and give momentum to the MOH, CHAI and partner efforts. To cement this momentum, this event will be leveraged to secure commitments from public, private and NGO sector stakeholders to scale-up ORS and zinc treatment for diarrhea, "Also further in terms of attendance there will also be a variety of MOH representatives, including the Minister of Health, the Permanent Secretary and the Director General. Again, for any government officals outside the MOH —we know you will handle." — Original Message — From: Amitabh Desab To: milsed@state gov <1 Sent: Fri fun 29 10:40:18 2012 Subject: Ugenda Here is what CHAI envisions in Uganda (note CHAI wants WIC to do this announcement with Museveni}: ‘At the event President Clinton and the President Of Uganda will announce the Launch of the National Effort to End Diartheal Deaths among children in Uganda. This event would highlight the opportunity for rapid Impact and seek to ‘mobilize action, attention and resources in support of the government's goal to Increase the percentage of children with diarthea accessing zinc and ORS from <1% to 80% by 2015. The event would seek to cement existing commitments and ‘secure additional pledges from the private sector, donors, and other partners. In particular for the Government of Uganda, they wil be laughing the event but also committing and pledging to ensure ‘an uninterrupted supply of zinc/ORS treatments through the publi sector and allocate the budget necessary to do this; ‘mobilizing and sustaining high-level commitment and attention to the scale-up effort; and finally ensuring all public heelth workers are trained in the use of zinc/ORS for diarrhea treatment. Gov officals: President Minister of Health Other Key government ministers 5 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Departmentof State Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No. C05807925 Date: 08/10/2015 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No. C05807926 Date: 08/10/2015 RELEASE IN PART —— t REVIEW AUTHORITY: Barbara senior] [Reviewer From: “Amitabh Desai Sent: Monday, June 1, 201z To: Mills, Cheryl D; Abedin, Huma; Fuchs, Michael H; Sullvan, Jacob J Subject: FW: Forbes Emerging Markets, ‘This did not clear our internal vet, but WIC wants to know what state thinks of it fhe took it 100% for the foundation. We'd welcome your thoughts. Thanks, Ami From: Don L Walker) Sent: Wechesday, une 05, 2012 6:57 AM ‘Tor Terry Keinvic Ge: Raena Davis; GintonGroup ‘Subject: Forbes Emerging Markets Deat Terry, ‘We've received the following firm invitation for President Clinton from Forbes Emerging Markets to speak at their launch event for Forbes Afrique Magzine on Friday, July 20, 2012 in Brazzaville, Congo (YES, the Congo). We have secured a fee of $650,000 inclusive of all travel (including jet, advance, etc.) As this event is coming up quickly the Sponsor has indicated that they will need an answer on this invitation Dye Friday, June 15, 2012. | anticipate the location for the event and the parties involved might give you pause. We have gently asked if the venue must be in the Congo, and if the Head of State involvment is necessary. They tell us that both are ‘mandatory. For that reason we anticipate you will want us to quickly decline. With that said, we did want to present the invitation for your review and consideration. Please let me know how you would like us to handle, Below are the specific details of the invitation, including the Agenda for the event: Event Date: Friday, July 20, 2012 Alternate Dates: Saturday, July 21*— Thursday, July 26° ‘Honorarium and Travel Expenses: $650,000 inclusive of all expenses (including jet, advance, etc.) ‘Note: Our contract will be with F. Aftique Media. Title Sub-Sponsors: Orion Oil Agenda: 3:00PM - 3:30PM: Photo line reception not to exceed 50 people 3:30PM - 4:30PM: Speech plus moderated Q&A - moderator will be Christopher ‘Kip’ Forbes. Kip is Vice Chairman ofthe Forbes Publishing company. 4:30PM - 4:45PM: Pres, Clinton is asked to spend 15 minutes post-speech to greet and say goodbye to ten. ignataries and hosts. They will include his host, President Sasou of Brazzaville Congo; Joseph Kabila, President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo; Jean Ping, President of the African Union; Jerry Rawlings, 10 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No. C05807926 Date: 08/10/2015 BE BS UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State_Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No. C05807926 Date: 08/10/2015 former Presisdent of Ghana and Yayi Boni, President of Benin. There will be a few others as well and those ‘names will be provided closer to the event date. NOTE: We're told that the VIP's listed above are confirmed to attend this event once the date is set. ‘Special Requests: As you'll see in the above agenda, they want to do a HoS greet after the speech. They tell us this is a mandatory part of the offer. Press: As this event is hosted by a media organization, this event is open the press. However, they tell us it is limited to Forbes media only. ‘Sponsor description: This event would be hosted by the Publisher of a Francophone African foreign license of Forbes Magazine. This version of Forbes Magazine will be the first west african edition of Forbes magazine and will be catered to the 23 francophone countries in their native language. Who is the CEO(6) of your company? Lucien Ebata ‘Where is your company headquartered? Please list the exact address.: 60 fifth ave New York N.Y.10011 ‘What is the formal name of your organization? Or what is your official name that you typically do your ‘banking under? f, Afrique Media ‘Are there any other subsidiaries of your company? If yes, please lis them. no Is the CEO(s) of your company either CEO(s) or President of any other organizations? yes orion oil #1 Primary Sponsor: ‘Name of Organization ORION OIL LTD ‘Address: 3642 Blvd. du 30 Juin, Kinshasa/Gombe DRC Website: ‘Name of CEO or President: Lucien Ebata ‘Whereis this sponsor headquartered? Please list the exact address. 3642 Blvd. du 30 Juin, Kinshasa/Gombe DRC ‘What is the formal name of this sponsor? ‘Or what is the official name that the sponsor typically does banking under? L Ebata/Orion Oil Lid ‘Are there any other subsidiaries of this company? If yes, please list them, Orion Oil SPRL, Orion Oil and Gas Is the CEO(6) ofthis sponsor either CEO(6) or President of any other organizations? Forbes Afrique Media Is the CEO or President affiliated with any other companies, or organizations? If'so please all list them below: Ailiations of President or CEO: n/a In their own words, “Founded in 2004, ORION is the result of the merger between Entreprises Miniéres Orion, ‘which was created under the Canadian Joint-Stock Company Law, and Entreprises Orion, which was founded in Congo-Brazzaville under the OHADA (Organisation for the Harmonisation of Business Law in Africa) treaty. The former company, which in 2004 held an operating permit for over 4,000 square meters in the Kelle-Mbomo tegion in Congo-Brazzaville, specialized in the prospecting, exploration, processing and marketing of ore and fossil substances, particularly alluvial gold and jewellery diamonds. The latter was engaged in supplying production equipment and materials to crafts operators, logging, crude oil and refined products. ‘The group’s principal activity today is the direct purchase and export of some 5 million barrels of crude cil per ‘month around the world. We also supply several countries along the Aftican coastand Central Aftica with some 100,000 metric tonnes of refined products each month.” ‘Nature of Event: This is a launch event for Forbes Afrique Magzine, a foreign license of Forbes Magazine, ‘written in French for the West Affican business audience. This event is similar to recent events Forbes foreign n UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No. C05807926 Date: 08/10/2015 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No. C05807826 Date: 08/10/2015 licensees have hosted in Argentina, Brazil, South Aftica etc. They tell us the main goal is to present to the best/rightest of francophone aftica that the region now has a dedicated edition of Forbes Magazine in their native language. They will have multiple speakers throughout the day to celebrate the launch, Past Speakers: As this is the inaugural event there are no past speakers. Attendees: 150 - Invitees only ... c-level and business leaders as well as Presidents, state dignataries, including his host, President Sasou of Brazzaville Congo; Joseph Kabila, President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo; Jean Ping, President of the African Union; Jerry Rawlings, former Presisdent of Ghana and Yayi Boni, President of Benin. Other speakers: President Sasou of Brazziville Congo. In addition, they plan to invite Colin Powell and Kofi ‘Annan, as well as other regional leaders. Lexis Nexis: . Brief vet on the Republic af Congo (Congo-Brazzaville): The Republic of Congo is one of sub-Saharan Africa’s main oil producers, although 70% of the population lives in poverty. Oil isthe mainstay of the ‘economy, and in recent years the country has tried to increase financial transparency in the sector, In 2004 the ‘country was expelied from the Kimberly Process that is supposed to prevent conflict diamonds from entering ‘the world’s supply market. This followed investigations which found that the country could not account for the ‘origin of large quantities of rough diamonds that it was officially exporting. IMF debt relief to the country was delayed in 2006 following allegations of comuption (BBC). President Denis Sassou Nguesso: He is one of Affica’s longest-serving leaders, having first come to power in 1979, when he was installed as president by the military. President Sassou Nguesso led the then-Marxist- Leninist single-party state until 1992, when he lost his position in the country’s frst multiparty elections. As presidential elections scheduled for July 1997 approached, tensions mounted between supporters of incumbent President Pascal Lissouba and thosc of President Sassou Nguesso, escalating into all-out civil war atthe beginning of June. The entry of Angolan troops in support of President Sassou Nguesso a few months later precipitated the end of the brief but bloody war, and he returned to power. He gained his latest seven-year term after elections in July 2009 which were boycotied by the opposition, and from which the main opposition candidate was excluded (BBC, July 2011). Personal spending: In recent years the President’s personal spending, and that of his family, has come under scrutiny. A French judge announced in May 2009 that he would launch a landmark investigation into whether ‘the President (as well as Gabon’s late president Omar Bongo and Equatorial Guinea’s President Teodoro ‘Obiang Nguema) plundered state coffers 10 buy luxury homes and cars in France. A complaint filed by Transparency International France accused the leaders of acquiring millions of dollars of real estate in Paris and ‘on the French Riviera and buying luxury cars with embezzled public money (BBC). Brief vet on the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC): The DRC’s history has been one of civil war, corruption, and conflicts with several rebel ‘and government factions from neighbouring states. The Second Congo War and its aftermath have been particularly devastating in recent years, claiming more than 5.4 rllion lives (as of 2008, Reuters January 2008), drawing in nine African nations, and arming more than twenty ‘groups. Although the war formally ended in 2003, fighting occurs intermittently, and the prevalence and intensity of sexual violence agsinst women in eastem Congo is widely described as the worstin the world (Washington Post, September 2007). Ongoing strife and poverty continue to take a staggering toll. Malaria, diarthea, poeumonia, and malnutrition are top killers: the majority of deaths are due to easily treatable and preventable diseases through the collapse of health systems and the disruption of livelihoods (International Rescue Committee, 2008). 2 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No, C05807926 Date: 08/10/2015 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No. C05807926 Date: 08/10/2015 President Joseph Kabila Kabange: Assumed office in January 2001, ten days after the assassination of his ‘father, then-President Laurent-Désiré Kabila; He was confirmed as president through elections in July 2006, and ‘won a second term through more controversial elections in 2011. He is a former guerrilla fighter, who participated in nearly a decade of war that ravaged the country, He fought alongside his father in a military ‘campaign from the east that toppled dictator Mobutu Sese Seko in 1997 after more than 20 years (BBC, December 2011). The BBC reports, “The five-year civil war led to shady business deals to mine its rich resources, but Mr Kabila has not been directly implicated in any. The same cannot be said of "the Kabila boys", his close circle of advisers. One of them, Katumba Mwanke, a minister at the presidency, was forced to resign because of accusations in a 2002 United Nations report that he was profiteering from the war through deals made with Zimbabwean officials,” (December 2011). Recommendation: Given President Kabila and others invovlement we anticipate you'll want us to quickly decline. Please let us know how President Clinton would like us to handle this invitation. All the best, B UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323. Doc No, C05807926 Date: 08/10/2015 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No. C05807928 Date: 08/10/2015 [RELEASE IN PART Bé) ei ‘Statement_Authorized English Translation pdf In case you haven't seen already, WIC wanted HRC and you to see this: From: Shiban Mahbub| ‘Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2012 7: ‘To: Amttabh Desai (Ce: Lamiya Morshed ‘Subject: Statement From Professor Muhammad Yunus, ‘Dear Amitabh, ‘Hope this finds you well. Professor Muhammed Yunus issued a statement on May 30, 2012 in Bangla on the inquiry commission announced by the Government of Bangladesh on Grameen Bank and Grameen companies.Attached is the English translation of that statement for your kind reference. We would highly appreciate if you kindly share this with H.E. Bill Clinton. Sincerely, ‘Shiban Mahbub_ Fo UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No. C05807928 Date: 08/10/2015 B. UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No. C05807928 Date: 08/10/2015 Shiban Mahbub Program Officer Yunus Centre ‘Address: Grameen Bank Bhaban (16th Floor) Mirpur-2, Dhaka-1216 ‘Web: ‘Shiban Mahbub Program Officer ‘Yunus Centre ‘Address: Grameen Bank Bhaban (16th Floor) Mirpur2, Dhaka-1216 Web: 5 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No. C05807928 Date: 08/10/2015 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13823 Doc No. C05807929 Date: 08/10/2015 (RELEASE IN PART BS To: Mie Chont D; Subject: Russia / Viktor Vekselberg? ‘Would USG have any concems about CGI inviting Viktor Vekselberg, President of Renova Group, to attend CG! Annual ‘Meeting in NYC in September? Thanks, Ami IEW AUTHORITY: Barbara Nielsen, Senior} reviewer 16 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No. 05807929 Date: 08/10/2015 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No, C05207930 Date: 08/10/2015 [RELEASE IN PART BG From: ‘Amitabh Desai ‘Sent: Monday, 15PM y dune To: Mls, Chery! 0; ‘Subject: "National Iranian American Council NIAC")? ‘Would USG have any concerns about WIC doing a paid speech for National Iranian American Council (*NIAC"]? We have bbeen approached by the National Iranian American Council ("NIAC") for President Clinton to speak at a fundraising gala __ they are putting on. Background on the organization and the event they sent along. Would welcome your reactions. Thanks, Ami * MIAC’s mission is two-fold: 1. educate and encourage the Iranian-American community to get Involved in the Civic process, and 2. educate elected officials and their staff about issues important to our community. ‘© Weare the largest Iranian-American grassroots organization, with approximately 4,000 dues-paying members ‘and approximately 43,000 supporters on our distribution lis. We are a $01¢3 non-profit, non-partisan organization. ‘The conference is the first and oniy ofits kind ~ bringing trantan Americans from across the country to our nation’s capital to learn about government, meet with key policymakers and influencers and network with their fellow NIAC members. 7 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No. C05807930 Date: 08/10/2015 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2014-13323 Doc No. C05807931 Date: 08/10/2015 [RELEASE IN PART] BS [REVIEW AUTHORITY: Barbara Nielsen, Senior’ Reviewer Mis, Chery! D ine 08, 2012454 PM Sede 2012 A van cob J Fuche, Michoel H BS Re; North Korea invitation fhe needs more let him know his wife knows and | am happy to call him secure when he is near a secure line — Original Message — From: Amitabh Desai Be Sent: Saturday, June 08, 2012 12:25 PM ils, Cheryl D; Sullivan, Jacob J; Fuchs, Michael H Subject: Re: North Korea invitation ‘This came via Tony Rodham. So we would be grateful for any specific concems that we could share, beyond Just saying It ‘would be concerning for USG. 'm at ityou are able to call. Tony is seeing WIC ina couple hours. Thanks BE ‘and sorry to be a pain. -— Original Message — From: Mills, Cheryl D ‘To: Amitabh Desai; Sullivan, Jacob J ; Fuchs, Michael H Sent: Fri May 18 21:38:00 2012 Subject: Re: North Korea invitation Decline it ! —— Original Message — From: Amitabh Desai Be ‘Sent: Friday, May 18, 2012 06:44 PM To: Mis, Cheryl; Sullivan, Jacob J Fuchs, Michael H ‘Subject: RE: North Korea invitation Is it safe to assume USG would have concerns about WJC accepting the attached invitation related to North Korea? ‘Thanks, Ami Original Message— From: Amitabh Desai ‘Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012 8:36 PM. To: ilsed@state gov; Sulivan@ ‘Subject: North Korea invitation Dear Cheryl, we'd welcome your feedback on the attached invitation - would USG have concerns? Thanks, Ami 1 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No. C05807931 Date: 08/10/2015 _UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Departmentoof State Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No. CO5807932 Date: 08/10/2015 [REVIEW AUTHORITY: Barbara Nielsen, Senior [Reviewer 86 iday, Fuchs, Michael H; jake. sullivan hua, ‘Sullivan, Jacob J BBS Re: Petronas ‘Can you check the facts - seems odd they would ship oil to Iran. Either way, is your point that they do business without a waiver? dm ‘On Aug 9, 2012, at 3:40 PM, Amitabh Desai] wrote: BS > Petronas, the government owned Malaysian oll company, would ike to send its CEO Shamsul Azhar bin Abbas to CGI _as 8 paying member. For years they were shipping oilto iran. Would the CEO attending CG! as a paying member be of ‘concer for USG? Thanks, Ami i 1 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-18323 Doc No. CO5807932 Date: 08/10/2015 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-18323 Doc No, 05807934 Date: 08/10/2015 [RELEASE IN PART] \pe From: ‘Chery! Mills\_ Be Sont: Monday, July 02, 2012 11:35 PM Te: Mil, Chery! D Subject: Fwd: Cypress: message =n Date: Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 3:15. Subject: To: Cheryl Mills Be ‘Would USG bave any concems about WIC going to Cypress at end of July? Thanks, Ami UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No. C05807934 Date: 08/10/2015 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No. C05807935 Date: 08/10/2015 fp INPART REVIEW AUTHORITY: Barbara Nielsen, Reviewer From: Mis, Chery! D Sent! ‘Monday, July 16, 2012 To: BE Subject: FRe: Aderese for Glaton BOOK K From: John Podesta BS Sent: Monday, July 5 To: Mils, Chery! D ‘Subject: RE: Address for Clinton Book Yes, but a few days behind. Denise is trying to schedule a Litle Rock trip for him. Remind me that need to talk to you ‘about holocaust vietims, From: Mills, Cheryt D [malto:! {maito:Millsco@state 00) ‘Sent: Monday, July 16, 2012 9:35 AM To: John Podesta; bucefindse —_—} alse] BG Are we seoding info to leslie? From: Andrew Kessel ‘Sent: Monday, July 16, Z0LZ 08:25 AM To: Mils, Cheryl D ‘Subject: RE: Address for Clinton Book Not yet, I don’t have any information on her yet. {will as soon as get i ‘Andrew Kessel Chief Financial Officer ee ener 86 ‘501-748-0473 (Office) From: Mis, Chery! D ‘Sent: Monday, July 16, 2012 9:24 AM ‘To: Andrew Kessel ‘Subject: Re: Address for Clinton Book Both For email pls use my gmail For mail, pls send to home:| ‘Thankyou 2 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323. Doc No. C05807935 Date: 08/10/2015 Be ] BE “ UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No. C05807935. Date: 08/10/2015 Was this sent to the other candidate too? cin from: Andrew Kessel ‘Sent: Monday, July 16, 2012 08:12 AM To: Mils, Cheryl D ‘Subject: Address for Clinton Book Cheryl, Where do you want the book sent? ‘Or i you ike I can send you electronic version of everything - tsa thick notebook. JF 50 where would you like that ematled? ‘Andy Kessel 2 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No. C05807935 Date: 08/10/2015 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No. C05807936 Date: 08/10/2015 RELEASE IN PART] las From: Mis, Chen Sent: Saturday, July 14,2012 12:42 PM Te: uceinise ince) 86 Subject: Fw. Thanks CCan you send me a book? From: Sally Susman| —_] 86 ‘Sent; Saturday, July 14, 2012 11:18 AM — To: — ZMils, Cher; lindsey Tr Arew Kessel i Ce: Denise Grant| ‘Subject: Thanks all, Thank you for providing the materials. thave received both packages ths morning and have begun to review. Please know ‘that they ae in my safe hands and ! will keep them in confidence. Bruce and Andy, | look forward to seeing you atthe end of the coming week. All my best, Sally 1 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No. 05807936 Date: 08/10/2015

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