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La forma CAUSATIVA nos resulta complicada de entender porque no tenemos una

estructura similar en nuestro idioma. Es importante que te quedes con la "frmula principal" para


(3 columna en el caso de los verbos irregulares)
Esta estructura se utiliza para expresar que alguien realiza alguna actividad para nosotros:
- Jim had the tap fixed (he paid for a plumber). El fontanero arregl el grifo.
Present simple: She cleans her house > She has her house cleaned.
Present continuous: She is cleaning her house > She is having her house cleaned
Past simple: She cleaned her house > She had her house cleaned
Past cont: She was cleaning her house > She was having her house cleaned
Future simple: She will clean her house > She will have her house cleaned
Future cont: She will be cleaning her house > She will be having her house cleaned
Future perfect: She will have cleaned her house > She will have had her house cleaned
Present perfect: She has cleaned her house > She has had her house cleaned
Present perfect cont: She has been cleaning her house > She has been having her house cleaned
Past perfect: She had cleaned her house > She had had her house cleaned
Past perfect cont.: had been cleaning her house > She had been having her house cleaned
Infinitive: She must clean her house > She must have her house cleaned
Gerund: She likes cleaning her house > She likes having her house cleaned

En el present simple y pasado simple, la negativa e interrogativa se forma con do/does y did
She doesn't have her house cleaned (present simple)
She didn't have her house cleaned (past simple)
- Se usa en lugar de "be" en el tiempo pasivo, para expresar algo que ocurre por accidente:
He got hurt last Monday (more usual than: He was hurt last Monday)
- Get se usa en vez de "Have" en ingls informal hablado.
I think you should get your hair cut.

Liz and Meg are having their hair dyed.

Liz y Meg se estn haciendo teir el pelo.
Mr. Singer always has his suits made at the tailor's shop.
El seor Singer siempre se hace hacer los trajes en la sastrera.
Jake had his groceries delivered two hours ago.
Le trajeron las compras a Jake hace dos horas.
We had our house burgled last weekend.
El fin de semana pasado entraron a nuestra casa a robar.
Diane has had her printer cartridges refilled.
Diane hizo recargar los cartuchos de su impresora.
We'd just had our house fumigated.
Habamos acabado de hacer fumigar la casa.
You should have your eyes checked.
Deberas hacerte revisar los ojos.

Jenny will have her ears pierced.

Jenny se va a hacer perforar las orejas.
Tambin se puede usar el get en lugar del have en contextos ms informales.
I usually get my hair done at Luigi's.
Generalmente me peino en lu de Luigi.
Martin got his tonsils removed yesterday.
A Martin le extirparon las amgdalas ayer.
You must get this pipe fixed as soon as possible.
Debes hacer arreglar este cao lo antes posible.

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