Cobol Language Design and Evaluation

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Kenneth D.

Design and
An evaluation of COBOL, or COmmon Business
Oriented Language, according to the criteria set
forth in Concepts of Programming
Languages/Robert W. Sebesta.10th ed. Pub.
Pearson Education, Inc. The purpose of this
document is to provide general knowledge of
COBOLs capabilities as a programming

Murray State University

CSC 415
Programming Languages
D r. W i l l i a m L y l e


Dr. Lyle

Ken D. Shupe

Table of Contents
History........................................................................................................................ 2
Overview of Language Design, Syntax, and Semantics..............................................2
Names, Bindings, and Scope................................................................................... 2
Data Types............................................................................................................... 3
Expression and Assignment Statements.................................................................5
Statement-Level Control Structures........................................................................5
Subprograms........................................................................................................... 6
Abstract Data Types................................................................................................ 7
Support for Object-Oriented Programming..............................................................7
Concurrency............................................................................................................ 8
Exception Handling................................................................................................. 8
Other Issues............................................................................................................ 8
Evaluation.................................................................................................................. 8
Readability.............................................................................................................. 8
Writability................................................................................................................ 9
Reliability................................................................................................................. 9
Cost....................................................................................................................... 10
Conclusion............................................................................................................. 10
Bibliography............................................................................................................. 12


Dr. Lyle

Ken D. Shupe

COBOL Design and Evaluation

During the first decade that computers came into use, they were
mostly programmed in machine language or assembler language. These
languages were specific to the particular machine for which the programs
were written. This was troublesome since a programmer would have to
relearn how to write programs every time they tried to program on a
different machine.
The first implemented high-level language (HLL), FORTRAN, alleviated
these problems but, due to its limited input/output capabilities, it was not
suitable for large data processing problems. COBOL was developed from the
need for applications to accomplish this type of processing. In response to
the shared need of the business community and government agencies for a
high-level, machine-independent computer language that was tailored to
solve data processing problems, the CODASYL (Conference on Data Systems
Languages) committee was formed. (Molluzzo)
At the time, FLOW-MATIC was a compiled language that belonged to
UNIVAC, and only ran those companies computers. AIMACO was also being
developed by the U.S. Air Force. Other languages for business applications
were also being developed. One of the overriding concerns at the meeting
was that steps to create this universal language be created quickly, as a lot
of work was already being done to create other business languagesthe
longer it took to produce a universal language, the more difficult it would be
for the language to become widely used. (Sebesta)
COBOL was the result of their efforts. The design committees criteria
were simple. The language should use English as much as possible. The
language should be easy to use in order to facilitate ease of training
programmers. It should be readable to the point that non-programmers could
understand what the program was doing. Finally, the design should not be
overly restricted by the implementation of the language. (Sebesta)


Dr. Lyle

Ken D. Shupe

Overview of Language Design, Syntax, and Semantics

Names, Bindings, and Scope
The structure of a COBOL program has four divisions. The first of these
is the identification division, which contains the PROGRAM-ID, or the name of
the program. The programmer may also include their name as the author
and comments about the purpose of the program itself.
The second division is the environment division, which would contain
the configuration section, identifying the computer on which the program is
compiled and executed, and the input-output section that specifies the
external files with which the programs files are identified.
The data division, depending on the size of the records and operations
being performed, is usually the largest part of a COBOL program. Its purpose
is to specify the data being used in the program. The file section defines the
programs files while the working-storage section defines all other data. If a
program is a sub-program executed by a larger program, then a linkage
section specifying the arguments passed to it by the main program.
The procedure division contains the actual execution statements of the
program. This division consists of paragraphs, which can be named by the
programmer, and the paragraphs are made up of the statements to be
Names in COBOL are traditionally made to sound as much like English
as possible. This is possible since COBOL data names can be up to thirty
characters long and include the letters A-Z, the digits 0-9, and the hyphen
character. The name given to data should be fully spelled out in the
language of the programmerFor example, TOTAL-INPUT-TRANSACTIONCOUNT is clearly more comprehensible than T1If the data name clearly
defines the usage, without reference to other sources or other
documentation, then the person has eliminated a significant comprehension
problem and can immediately analyze program logic. (Rogers)
For scope terminators, COBOL prefers the period. Period indicates the
end of a statement within a paragraph. However, since all data that will be
inputted, manipulated, or outputted must be specified in the data division of
a program, data names rarely go out of scope. The exception to this is
subprograms. Data names exist until the end of execution of that
subprogram. In the main program, all data is global and does not go out of
scope until the STOP RUN or CANCEL command is encountered.


Dr. Lyle

Ken D. Shupe

Data Types
The data types supported by COBOL are simple. There are
alphanumeric types, which can represent any character on the keyboard. For
example, PIC X(7) or PIC XXXXXXX represents an alphanumeric field of 7
characters. Second are alphabetical types, which if you havent guessed,
represent the alphabetical characters A-Z. The third type, numeric, requires
some discussion, as there are many ways to declare numeric types in
COBOL. Some of these descriptions can also be applied to alphanumeric
types, but alphanumeric types cannot be used for calculations.
Numeric types are described in the same way using a 9 instead of X.
Numeric fields can also be further described with decimal points using a V,
as in PIC 99V99. Here, four digits are actually stored in memory, 9999, and
the character V tells COBOL where the decimal point should be. A P can be
used to indicate how many zeros to place in front or behind of a numeric
field, making it easier to represent large numbers. For the S, consider the
description PIC S9(2); this allows the integer range -99 to 99 to be assigned
to a numeric field. COBOL compliers assume that all numeric fields are
positive unless otherwise specified.
A category of data closely related to numeric fields, called numeric
edited, uses different PICTURE characters. Whereas a numeric field must not
contain decimal point, comma, or any character other than 0 through 9 and a
sign, a numeric edited may contain all those characters and more. (Popkin)
Numeric edited fields provide ways for COBOL programmers to edit
outputs with relative ease. Since, there are only a handful of editing
characters that can be included in an editing PICTURE clause formatting
output is made relatively easy. The act of moving the numeric item to an
editing item edits the number. (Molluzzo)
Consider PIC $ZZ,ZZZ.99: The Zs represent zero suppression, while
the comma, decimal point, and dollar sign are inserted directly into the field
when it prints. If we use the move command to place 1234567 in the field,
the output will $12,345.67,
and 0012345 will output $ 123.45, where the
empty spaces between $ and 1 isRECORDS
a blank. ARE
Alternatively, PIC $$$,$$$.99
would print 0012345 as01

It is important to note
05 that
PIC 9 not support logical/Boolean
types. However, COBOL allows
condition names
to be declared in level 88 of
any COBOL program to 1simulate Boolean types. For example, observe the
following description of a file88input:



Dr. Lyle

Ken D. Shupe

Now, a programmer can code the following statement: IF SENIOR

(which has the value 4)imperative statements. While some may consider
this restricting, it actually allows for faster coding of large programs, since
the VALUE could represent a range of values.

Expression and Assignment Statements

In COBOL, performing arithmetic and assignment is restrictive. There
are rules which govern the MULTIPLY, ADD, SUBTRACT, and DIVIDE verbs. So,
a simple mathematical expression can be given by ADD X TO Y or
MULTIPLY X BY Y GIVING Z, as long as the operands and resultant fields are
the correct data types as given by the rules governing these verbs. The
COMPUTE statement allows for an expression to be written in a more
mathematical notation and less code. If there were four multiplication
operations to be performed to compute, say, a monthly salary then four lines
of code would have to be written for each operation.
The MOVE and ASSIGN statements can be used to assign values to
data names, such as MOVE X TO Y or ASSIGN X TO Y. Whenever moving data
around in the program, you must be vigilant of the types and sizes of the
data being moved. Most compilers will warn if youre going to lose data when
moving it, but you could move alphanumeric data into a numeric type
resulting in a runtime-error if you attempt to modify that variable.

Statement-Level Control Structures

COBOLs controls structures include the familiar but poorly implement
IF statement and nested IF statements, PERFORM statements, EVALUATE,
and the SELECTASSIGN statements. The SELECTASSIGN statement is
mostly used for buffering purposes when reading file inputs.
Since reading ahead in a file is good practice, the SELECTASSIGN
statement allows for the programmer to supply the blocking factor for a file
being written to or specify the size of the buffers when reading in files.


Dr. Lyle

Ken D. Shupe

Though not a control structure for the program itself, it can reduce runtime
when reading from large files or writing large records. If creating a file that
contains thousands of records, choosing the right size blocking factor will
shorten the execution time of writing the file. (Pugh)
IF statements in COBOL function as any programmer would think. One
of the major differences is the lack of an END IF or a delimiter that lets the
reader know the IF statement has ended. Instead a period or the key word
ELSE can close or end an IF. Once an IF statement has begun execution, the
statement will not terminate until it sees an ELSE or a period. A programmer
can easily find themselves in an infinite loop if theyre not cautious,
especially when using nested IFs.
Most programmers are familiar with the relation test, in which two
fields are compared based on the numeric value. COBOL also allows for other
common tests, such as sign testing and class testing. A useful test in COBOL
is the condition name test, which is a work around for the languages lack of
support for Boolean values. However, making use of this test can make a
program harder to read. Many programmers use [condition names] with
fields in the Working-Storage Section, but their use there must often be
carefully examined to see whether they make the program easier or more
difficult to read. (Popkin)
In the previous level-88 example, assume that, instead of year being
able to take the values 1-4, year could take on a range of values say 1-10,
10-20, 30-40, etc. Instead, of VALUE 4 in SENIOR, we could write VALUES ARE
40 THROUGH 50 and still perform the same condition test.
PERFORM statements are the primary means of moving through
program. Usually, programs will contain many PERFORM statements which
indicate a paragraph to be executed. Some PERFORM statements can
continually execute until a condition is met. (PERFORM procedure UNTIL
condition or PERFORM procedure VARYING counter UNTIL condition)
The EVALUATE statement is similar to the CASE statement with which
most programmers are familiar. The syntax is even extremely similar:


Dr. Lyle

Ken D. Shupe

The EVALUATE statement was added in the COBOL-85 standard. Prior

to this, case statements were performed using nested IFs or condition name
The CALL statement is used to begin execution of a subprogram. The
calling program can pass arguments to the subprogram and have arguments
returned to it from the subprogram. These subprograms are discussed next.
It is important that passing parameters was not always allowed. Perhaps the
most important weakness of the original procedure division was in its lack of
functions. Versions of COBOL prior to the 1974 standard also did not allow
subprograms with parameters. (Sebesta)

A subprogram must have some way to refer to the arguments it
receives from the program which calls it. The data-names used for
arguments by the subprogram cannot be defined in the subprograms FILE or
WORKING-STORAGE sections because these sections define main-memory
locations within the subprogram. (Molluzzo)
This is where the LINKAGE SECTION comes in. The LINKAGE SECTION is
a special section of the subprograms DATA DIVISION. In this section, the
programmer can define the data-names that the subprogram associates with
the arguments by the calling program. In a subprogram the header for the
PROCEDURE DIVISION must include the USING clause with data defined in
anothername thisname)
When the CALL is encountered in the main program, it stops execution
and executes the subprogram. If the subprogram is dynamically linked, then
it is compiled and its memory allocated at the time it is called. The only
drawback to dynamically linking subprograms in COBOL is if a subprogram is
called more than once in the main program. When the end of the program is
reached and control is returned to the calling program, the next time the
subprogram is called, it resumes execution from the end of the program. In
order, to re-prime the subprogram, the keyword CANCEL must be used in
the calling program. This will release the memory allocated to the
Encapsulation was not supported in early versions of COBOL, but the
use of subprograms allows for encapsulation to be accomplished. If a
program has to receive commands from a user and then access or modify
data based on those commands, subprograms can hide the part that


Dr. Lyle

Ken D. Shupe

performs command analysis from the actual accessing or modifying of data.

All data in a COBOL subprogram is inaccessible to any other subprogram
(unless explicitly communicated when passing arguments)Use a parameter
of the call to identify the particular operation required. Code a switch at the
start of the subprogram to test the value of the parameter and accordingly
invoke the appropriate piece of codeEvery operation on these data items
[will be] localized within the subprogram. (Pugh)

Abstract Data Types

All types that are declared to be used in a program must have a
specified size. In COBOL, there are no user-defined types. Programmers are
restricted to the alphanumeric, numeric, and alphabetical types. So, there
are no abstract data types in COBOL. However, this seems to be by design.
As stated earlier, the primary concern was to create a language which was
verbose, easy to read, and easy to learn. Allowing programmers to define
their own types would have hurt the readability of COBOL and made it near
impossible for inexperienced programmers to read the other programmers

Support for Object-Oriented Programming

Today, there are object-oriented COBOL programming environments
available. The 2002 standard included support for object-oriented COBOL.
However, object-oriented COBOL could almost be considered a different
language by anyone who learned COBOL before 2002. This revision included
many other features like Boolean support and compile-time parameter
checking. (Micro Focus)

Concurrency is not supported by the design of the language. The
development of new run-time environments allows for some limited

Exception Handling
Some keywords in COBOL have exception checking. READ has AT END
and INVALID KEY; ON OVERFLOW is exception thrown when the data is too
large to be stored in the name. These denote code to be executed when
exceptions are detected. However, the programmer must specify a field for a
file to hold status codes which then can be checked after input/output
statements to determine what exception was thrown.


Dr. Lyle

Ken D. Shupe

Other Issues
Another issue with COBOL code is that universities are not graduating
COBOL programmers anymore. Although, COBOL may be the equivalent of a
cave-painting language compared to modern languages, it doesnt change
the fact that there is lots of COBOL code out there written by people who will
soon be retiring. Jim Gwinn, CIO for the USDA Farm Service Agency, faced
that type of situation[Systems] run COBOL programs that process $25
billion in farm loans and programs. We have millions of lines of COBOLIt
has become increasingly difficult to change the code because of the
complexity and the attrition of the knowledge base that wrote it. (Mitchell)
In a recent Computerworld survey of 357 IT professionals, 46% of the
respondents said they are already noticing a COBOL programmer shortage,
while 50% said the average age of the COBOL staff is 45 or older, and 22%
said the age is 55 or older. (Mitchell)
This issue will one day greatly affect the cost of maintaining COBOL
code as COBOL programmers retire and leave the work force, leaving several
hundred million lines of code behind them, forcing companies to either pay
the high cost of relying on outsourcers maintain their servers and code, or
the even higher cost to move off the mainframes.

There are a limited number of primitive data types in COBOL and the
lack of user defined types and functions make the language very simplistic.
However, because of the nature of the applications that COBOL is designed
for, program code can become confusing as many programs grow to a few
hundred thousand lines of code. Having to search through a million lines of
code to find the part you want to fix is time consuming and frustrating.
However, due to the semantics of COBOL, actually recognizing the code that
needs to be fixed is much easier than it would be in an object oriented
As a programming language, though, a simple COBOL program isnt
difficult to read at all. The lack of data types can be confusing to non-COBOL
programmers, especially the use of condition names to substitute for
Boolean types.


Dr. Lyle

Ken D. Shupe

COBOLs lack of orthogonality can be alleviated using modular or

structured programming techniques. However, as a language, orthogonality
was not a principle concern for the design. This is easy to see when you think
of the number of keywords in COBOL. There were 300+ keywords prior to the
2002 standard of COBOL. Now, COBOL with support for object-oriented
programming contains over 500 keywords. Since COBOL reads like English, a
programmer doesnt have to wrack his or her brain to determine what a
keyword actually does. Since the appearance of the keywords directly
represents their functionality, the readability of COBOL code is greatly
enhanced by this feature.

Here, the small number of constructs and ways to use them actually
serve to enhance COBOLs writability. It was harder to write COBOL when it
had to be entered using a punch card, but with modern IDEs and compilers,
writing COBOL code is much easier. A time when writing COBOL code can
become difficult is when writing control structures. Forgetting to place a
period or an ELSE after an IF statement can have disastrous results. The
ability to write IF A = C or A = B as IF A = C OR = B, helps writability
especially if multiple relations are being used as a control structure.
The use of condition names can also enhance the writability of code.
Consider the example used earlier with YEAR: IF SENIOR OR JUNIOR OR
However, many of the things that enhance writability are offset by
COBOLs lack of support for data abstraction. COBOL only supports process
abstraction through the use of subprograms and parameter passing. Some
might also argue that the naming conventions in COBOL also hurt writability
due to the use of long identifiers. However, with Intelli-sense and modern
IDEs, long names enhancement to readability greatly offset the cost in

COBOL compilers perform type checking and size checking at compile
time. However, COBOL will not fail to compile if it has a type checking or size
error. If a programmer wants to store the number 100,000 in a data name
that can only hold two digits, then he or she can. Or if they want to store a
numeric type into an alphanumeric field, then they can. However, COBOL will
not compile if a type checking error occurs during a calculation, such as


Dr. Lyle

Ken D. Shupe

COMPUTE or MULTIPLY. There are restrictions as to which types can be on

which side of the operators.
COBOLs keywords have built in exception handling which, for example,
can keep a program from reading past the end of a file or performing
computations that result in piece of data too large to be stored in the
specified data name. This type of built in exception handling, along with
natural way that a COBOL program reads and executes, enhance COBOLs

When it comes to cost, COBOL is hard to evaluate. For any programmer, to
learn COBOL is not a difficult task. The trick is to develop a curriculum that
teaches not just COBOL, but the business rules behind the code. (Mitchell)
The cost of writing programs in COBOL currently is not difficult. But as
COBOL programmers retire that cost will skyrocket. Migrating entire
programs off of mainframes is much more costly and expensive than adding
in a few new lines of code to ensure continued functionality. However, as
COBOL knowledge disappears, the reverse could become true. Mitigating this
cost is the responsibility of the company implementing the language. still
needs COBOL programmers to replace those expected to retire, and the
learning curve can last for a year or more. That means adding staff and
having a period of overlap as COBOLs secrets get passed on to the next
generation. (Mitchell)
Since COBOL programs usually only need to compile once, and be
executed a few hundred times a day for ten to twenty years, a programmer
would be correct in assuming that companies who use COBOL spend most of
their money optimizing the code before its implementation.
However, probably the factor that most influences the cost of COBOL,
is maintainability. The importance of software maintainability cannot be
overstated. It has been estimated that for large software systems with
relatively long lifetimes, maintenance costs can be as high as two to four
times as much as development costs. (Sebesta)

COBOLs high readability definitely makes it a preferable programming
language for business area applications. The writability of COBOL code is
influenced by the rules of the business implementing the code, which can
hurt writability. If a programmer does not understand the business rules


Dr. Lyle

Ken D. Shupe

behind the logic, then writing COBOL code to perform to specifications can
be difficult. Since COBOLs statements generally reflect their purpose, a
programmer could determine business rules simply by reading COBOL code.
The lack of data abstraction in COBOL and the cumbersome computations
also hurt writability, so COBOL would receive a score of moderate in the area
of writability. As just discussed, the cost of COBOL programming is relatively
cheap right now, but in the next few years, the cost of maintaining COBOL
programs could take off, making COBOL less than preferable for companies.
migrations by small and midsize mainframe shops that move off what
they see as a legacy language when they retire the hardware, says analyst
Dave VecchioCompounding the loss of skills and business knowledge is the
fact that, for some organizations, decades of changes have created a
convoluted mess of spaghetti code that even the most experienced
programmers cant figure out. Some systems are snarled so badly that
programmers arent allowed to change the code at all, [David Garza,
president and CEO of Trinity Millennium Group] says. Its simply too risky to
change it. (Mitchell)
With billions of lines of code out there, some COBOL will never be gone
and neither will the need for programmers to update or modify that code. As
COBOL programmers become scarce, this maintenance cost could quickly
grow out of control.
COBOL may be considered a legacy language, but its effectiveness in
business computing cannot be refuted. In terms of technology time, if
modern high-level languages are considered todays English, the language of
COBOL may be equivalent to early cave paintings. Imagine if cave paintings
were still considered the primary means of communication for certain
interactions. This is the reality of COBOL. In this case, the cave paintings just
happen to be a REALLY effective communication tool.


Dr. Lyle

Ken D. Shupe

Coughan, Michael. May 2007. 18 September 2012.
Menendez, Raul & Lowe, Doug. Murach's Structured COBOL for the CICS
Programmer. Fresno, CA: Mike Murach & Associates Inc, 2001.
Mitchell, Robert L. 21 May 2012. 12 September 2012.
Molluzzo, John C. Complete Course in Structured COBOL Programming.
Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1989.
Popkin, Gary S. Introductory Structured COBOL Programming, Second Edition.
Boston, MA: Kent Publishing Company, 1985.
Pugh, John & Bell, Doug. Modern Methods for COBOL Programmers. Englewood
Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall International, Inc., 1983.
Rogers, Gary Robert. The COBOL Programmer's Design Book. Toronto, ON: John
Wiley & Sons, Inc, 1986.
Sebesta, Robert W. Concepts of Programming Languages, Tenth Edition. Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, 2012.

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