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Drainage Master Plan Scope of Services

City of New Orleans, Louisiana

Task 1: System Understanding

Task 1.3: Conduct Field Investigations and Survey of Major Drainage Facilities
Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. (CDM) will conduct field investigations and surveys of
major drainage structures to supplement existing data. CDM understands that
available data to define invert elevations for the system are limited. To support Task 4,
field survey will be completed to collect manhole rim and invert elevations for up to
7,800 (approximately 15%) of the system manholes. Due to the large number of data
points that are needed the field survey will include verification of pipe sizes and system
connectivity in only 10% of the manholes surveyed and the lowest invert elevation at
each manhole surveyed. Available Geographic Information System (GIS) data and
drainage system maps will be used to determine these system characteristics. In
addition, CDM anticipates that field investigations will be needed to supplement
available data describing the structural integrity of the New Orleans Department of
Public Works (DPW) drainage system, and to characterize aspects of the system that
influence storm water quality. CDM understands that recovery efforts by the City of
New Orleans (City) and others have been completed or are planned in the near term.
CDM bases this budget estimate and schedule on the expectation that efforts by others
will be adequate for collecting data needed to complete the structural and storm water
quality elements of Task 5, and that data verification or supplemental data collection
will be limited to general field reconnaissance and inspection of up to 520
(approximately 1%) of system manholes. If additional effort is needed to address
critical data gaps, CDM will provide DPW with recommendations and a proposal for
completing the additional effort.

Task 1.4: Review and Update Existing Geographic Information System Data
CDM will review existing GIS data of the drainage system that DPW is responsible for
maintaining. In support of model development under Task 4, CDM will update
existing GIS data using available system maps, as-built plans, and collected field survey
data for up to 7,800 storm water system elements. Updated invert elevations and
spatial coordinates are anticipated from the data collection effort under Task 1.3.
Feature updates from available drainage system maps and as-built plans are anticipated
to include width of ditch, pipe diameter, length, material, location, and connections.

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Drainage Master Plan Scope of Services
March 25, 2009

Task 1.6: System Characterization Report Section

CDM will prepare a report section to document the System Characterization effort that
includes the following:
ƒ An understanding based on available information of the asset inventory, current
operation, authority of stakeholders, capacity and condition of the DPW
drainage system. Effort included under Task 4 and 5 is anticipated to further
refine the system understanding with the completion of additional quantitative
ƒ Summary of drainage system characteristics based on available data
ƒ Existing and proposed study area characteristics based on available data

Task 2: Data Management

Task 2.1: Research Current Data Management Procedures

CDM will conduct interviews of up to three DPW staff to confirm current data
management procedures used to track drainage system maintenance and

Task 2.2: Develop Standard Data Management Process

CDM will develop a standard data management process that defines data format, data
content, data collection, data storage, and data tracking for the project. The data
management process will be submitted to DPW for review and approval, and will be
applied during completion of this scope of work.

Task 2.3: Data Development and Submittal

In accordance with the data management process defined in Task 2.2, CDM will submit
data collected under this scope of work under Task 1.3 and Task 1.4 to DPW for
inclusion into the existing data sets currently maintained.

Task 3: Hydrologic and Hydraulic Model Software Evaluation and

SWMM 5 was chosen as the H&H software package for development of the Drainage
Master Plan.

Task 4: Hydraulic Model Build and Calibration

CDM will apply the US EPA Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) Version 5 for
this drainage master plan. SWMM 5 is a public domain hydrologic, hydraulic and
water quality model tool with all the features necessary for this program, and it is
accepted by the FEMA for floodplain applications.

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Task 4.1: Define Model Approach

CDM will develop a report section to document key aspects of the model approach.
Model approach elements will include:
ƒ Description of model setup process
ƒ Definition of pipes and facilities to be included in the model
ƒ Definition of basin planning areas
ƒ Needed GIS data development and processing needed to support the model
ƒ Definition of applicable precipitation, both for calibration and assessment
ƒ Description of baseline conditions
ƒ Description of future conditions
ƒ Identification of available data for model calibration
ƒ Definition of model calibration process and objectives
ƒ Discussion of anticipated short term and long term applications of the system
ƒ Discussion of anticipated coordination with other agencies with respect to model
approach, development, and maintenance.

Task 4.2: Model Setup

CDM will develop a preliminary model approach which will be presented to DPW
during a one-day workshop for finalization.

CDM will develop a baseline condition hydrologic and hydraulic model. Because of the
connected nature of the S&WB drainage system and the DPW drainage system, CDM
has budgeted for DPW to obtain and provide the S&WB hydrologic and hydraulic
system model for CDM’s use during this task. CDM anticipates that Task 4.1 will
define baseline land use conditions, future land use conditions and baseline drainage
system conditions. CDM’s level of effort for this task is based on explicit inclusion of
drainage system elements between 18 inches and 36 inches (up to 685 miles of pipe),
with system simplification where possible with continuity of pipe size and less than
0.5% change in slope. CDM will estimate appropriate boundary conditions at locations
where the DPW drainage system connects to drainage facilities that are the
responsibility of other agencies. If DPW or CDM determines that additional detail is
required or that downstream facilities need to be modeled then CDM will provide DPW
with recommendations and a proposal for completing the additional effort that would
be required.

Task 4.3: Model Calibration, Application, and Report Section

As determined during Task 4.1, CDM will calibrate the baseline condition model to
available local rainfall data, flow data, and observed extent of flooding (available high
water marks). CDM anticipates the effort under this task to occur in two parts. The
first phase will include model validation with available information to describe and
quantify drainage system performance. The second phase will include comparison of
model results to measured flow data. CDM assumes that calibration will be completed with
a minimum of two (2) rainfall events, and as many one (1) inch/twenty-four (24) hour events as
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occur within the 12 week period for a maximum of 20 locations throughout the DPW
drainage system. Selection of the most appropriate events for calibration purposes will be
agreed upon by DPW and the CDM team, in case the number of events is greater than required.
See Task 4.5.2 for a definition of recommended calibration events.

CDM will apply the calibrated models for the 2, 5, 10, and 25 year ½-hour design storms
and the 100-year 24-hour design storm using an NRCS (formerly SCS) Type III rainfall
distributions for existing and future land use conditions. CDM will develop peak flood
stage summary tables for up to 1950 junctions and tables of peak flows for outfalls to
the S&WB storm water system.

CDM will identify flooding problems based on the depth of flooding and develop a
flood location summary layer in the GIS. CDM will summarize model calibration and
results in a report section.

Task 4.4: Model Maintenance Plan Report Section

CDM will develop a plan and process for continued maintenance and updates to the
baseline model and relevant DPW GIS data. The plan will also include recommended
training for DPW staff to gain and maintain proficiency with the model software.

Task 4.5: Flow Monitoring

In support of Task 4, flow data will be collected by CDM at strategic locations within
the system for comparison with simulation results.

Task 4.5.1 Flow Monitoring Plan

CDM will and review the available flow data, obtained by DPW from the S&WB, and
determine locations for up to 20 flow meters. CDM will perform field reconnaissance to
determine the adequacy of the locations selected in the flow monitoring plan. The plan
will include descriptions of monitoring equipment, locations and when the flow meters
will be deployed. CDM will submit the recommended flow monitoring plan to the
DPW for review and approval.

Task 4.5.2 Flow Meter Installation and Data Collection

CDM will install, calibrate and maintain installed flow meters at the locations identified
in the approved Flow Monitoring Plan. To define level of effort, CDM assumes that 20
flow meters will be installed in the DPW drainage system (less than 36-inch diameter)
for a period of 3 months.

The minimum rainfall event for calibration will be one inch in 24 hours. The minimum
difference between the two rainfall calibration events will be ½-inch. If two rainfall
events that meet these standards are not captured during the first 12 weeks of the
monitoring period, CDM will provide the DPW with recommendations and a proposal
for fees associated with the extension of the flow monitoring period for immediate
processing by DPW.

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Task 4.5.3 Flow Monitoring Report Section

A report section will be prepared by CDM to present and quantify the collected flow
data. The report section will include documentation of the flow meter installations, field
calibrations, maintenance logs, data review and data processing.

Task 4.6: Rain Fall Monitoring

For model calibration purposes, CDM assumes that adequate precipitation gauges are
located throughout the study area to correlate rainfall with measured flows in the
drainage system. If a lack of existing precipitation gauges is identified, CDM will
provide the DPW with recommendations and a proposal for installation of additional
gauges for measurement during the flow monitoring period.

Task 4.6.1 Rain Fall Gauge Installation and Data Collection

CDM will install, calibrate and maintain rain fall gauges at locations identified by CDM
and approved by the Department of Public Works. To define level of effort, CDM
assumes that 16 tipping bucket, recording rain gages will be installed and monitored for
a period of 3 months. CDM will develop a report section documenting the gages,
locations, and data collected.

Task 5: System Assessment

Task 5.1: Develop Planning Standards and Design Criteria

CDM will review existing drainage system design criteria relevant to hydraulic
performance. CDM will develop recommended planning standards and design criteria
applicable to the hydraulic performance of the drainage system, including appropriate
rainfall events to assess system capacity and develop potential improvements. CDM
will draft a report section summarizing this review.

Task 6: Review of Regulatory Requirements

Task 6.2 Regulatory Recommendations

CDM will provide samples of regulatory ordinances which have been developed for
systems similar to the DPW system. Additionally, CDM will develop up to two
versions of municipal ordinances to incorporate planning standards and design criteria
for large residential, commercial, and industrial development and include these
recommended ordinances in a report section.

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Task 7: Design Standard and Guidelines

Task 7.1 Review and Evaluate Planning Review Process

CDM will evaluate DPW’s standard planning review process for new developments
and redevelopment as it relates to the drainage system. Develop recommendations for
modifications to the standard planning review process to incorporate updated planning
standards and design criteria. If necessary, recommend review process modifications to
adhere to applicable regulations and ordinances.

Task 7.2 Review Standard Construction Products

CDM will review standard construction products used by DPW for drainage system
improvements and develop a list of potential new products based on technology
advances. Develop recommendations for standard construction products to comply
with updated design standards and applicable regulations. These products will
ƒ Pervious pavement
ƒ Rainfall capture basins
• Detention
• Retention
• Rain gardens
• Infiltration basin
ƒ Bioretention filtration system
ƒ Gravity and Pumped Injection Wells
ƒ Hydrodynamic devices

Task 7.3 Develop Technical Guidance for Drainage System Permits

Develop guidelines for permit applicants to follow during design and construction of
development and redevelopment projects to comply with applicable regulations and
updated drainage system planning standards and design criteria. The guidelines will
include the following elements as they apply to the drainage system:
ƒ DPW’s plan review process
ƒ Standard construction design details and specifications for DPW approved
standard construction products

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Task 8: Maintenance Program

Task 8.1 Review and Evaluate DPW Maintenance Procedures

CDM will hold a one-day workshop with DPW to discuss, review, and evaluate DPW
maintenance procedures.

Task 8.2 Develop Maintenance Program Recommendations Report Section

CDM will develop maintenance program recommendations in a report section that
include drainage system maintenance responsibilities of DPW, property owners, and
other agencies. Also provide recommendations for DPW maintenance activities and the
frequency of recommended maintenance.

Task 9: Rate Study

Task 9.1 Review Existing and Past DPW Funding

CDM will collect information from DPW about existing and past funding that includes:
ƒ Current property tax millage rates dedicated to drainage facilities
ƒ Existing and historical rates and rate increases for the drainage system over the
past ten (10) years and a summary of reasons for each of the past rate increases.

Task 9.2 Funding Alternatives for Drainage Expenditures

CDM will develop up to three (3) funding alternatives to cover projected drainage
system program expenditures

Task 9.3 Independent Review of Municipal Funding for Drainage

Contact, collect and evaluate the following information from five (5) independent
municipalities that are comparable to New Orleans:
ƒ Existing rate structure for drainage system costs
ƒ Historical rate increases as they relate to drainage system costs during the last
ten (10) years
ƒ Sources of drainage system related funding

Task 9.4 Recommended Rate Structure

CDM will prepare a rate review report section that includes:
ƒ Interpretation of collected data described in the above items under this task
ƒ Information collected from the independent municipalities surveyed
ƒ Funding alternatives to cover the cost of the recommended CIP
ƒ Recommended rate structure and rate changes

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Task 10: Capital Improvement Plan

Task 10.1 Alternative Analysis

CDM will recommend levels of service (LOS) for flood control improvements and will
complete an alternative analysis of two (2) improvement options to develop
recommendations for rehabilitation, repair, upgrade, and/or replacement of critical
drainage facilities to meet existing and future system needs.

CDM will apply SWMM for the respective design storms and the two alternatives for
existing land use conditions. CDM will produce summary tables of peak stages and
flows for the two alternative conditions and compare these to existing conditions to
determine levels of improvement.

CDM will estimate capital, operation, and maintenance costs for the alternatives
summarized by outfall planning area.

CDM will summarize the two alternatives, LOS recommendations, and results of the
alternatives analysis in a report section. CDM will produce a GIS layer identifying the
components for the recommended alternative.

Task 10.2 Capital Improvement Plan and Drainage Master Plan Report
CDM will develop a CIP plan report that includes recommended drainage system
improvements to meet established hydraulic, structural and storm water quality
criteria. The recommended improvements will include a project summary sheet for
each recommended drainage system improvement that includes a location map, project
description and estimated cost. The recommendations will also identify priorities of
drainage system improvements and provide a recommended schedule for completing
drainage system improvements. Additional report content will include:
ƒ Capital costs that include construction cost and annual maintenance cost
ƒ Assessment of cost effectiveness of the recommended alternatives
ƒ Identification of environmental and other significant impacts of the proposed
drainage system improvements
ƒ Outline of criteria that developers must follow for new construction or
modifications to the existing drainage system
ƒ Summarization of all tasks completed in this scope of work, including report
sections submitted under previous tasks

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