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English History II

Chapters 11-15
Chapter 11
1How was the new Liberal party formed?
2Why were many PM defeated in the House of Commons?
3State Lord John Russells main lines of policy.
4Which were the elements in the coalition?
5What were the political consequences of the Crimean war?
6Was the Crimean War positive or negative to the Victorian Liberal Party?
7List Palmerstons main ideas.
8In your opinion, why did Queen Victoria want to impose an alternative PM?
9What were the problems between Palmerston and Gladstone?
10Why is Gladstone important during this period?
Chapter 12
What happened to the 1866 bill? Why?
State the reasons given by Derby and Disraeli to pass the reform bill.
Describe the importance of the Second Reform Bill.
Refer to Gladstones attitude towards radicalism. Give examples.
Was Ireland merged into the British system? Explain.
Make reference to Disraelis contribution to the Conservative revival.
What do you mean by Chamberlains challenge?
Chapter 13
Whats Home Rule? Why was the Home Rule defeated? State reasons.
Define Popular Conservatism.
State Lord Salisbury beliefs.
Why did some working class voters support the Conservatives?
What was the Liberal problem with the peers?
Describe the reasons of the Liberals lack of popularity.
Explain the line Salisbury found himself increasingly struggling against the tide.
Chapter 14
1According to the author, what was the real problem which caused the economic depression?
2Why did British governments refuse to abandon the free trade policy? State the reasons.
3Refer to the opposing views as regards the enterprise culture of the late Victorian period.
4How was poverty traditionally handled?
5How were the educated middle classes interested in poverty and unemployment issues? What were
the results?
6What did the 1870s census show? Causes and consequences.
7What do the terms National Decadence and National Efficiency mean?
Chapter 15
1Why does the author state there was a rise in living standards?
2Why did working-class organisations display little interest in Marxist ideas?
3What happened in the House of Commons in 1874? State reasons.
4List the ideas, characteristics and importance of the new socialist movements.

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