Western Society and Culture: Week S-17 Reading Notes

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dnesday, May 6, 2015

Week S-17 Reading Notes



Week S-17 Reading Notes

Western Society and Culture

Changes in Womans Lives
What reforms did women want when they started the womans movement?
The American women's rights movement is usually dated from the
convention held in Seneca Falls, New York, in 1848.

The Growth of Terrorism

Northern Ireland: One such group is the Irish Republican Army (IRA), whose goal is to
unite Northern Ireland, governed by Great Britain, with the Irish Republic.
Afghanistan: Bin Laden had used his inherited fortune to train terrorists in Afghanistan,
which was controlled at the time by a militant Islamic group, the Taliban.
What methods do terrorists use to achieve their goals?
Terrorists have been known to use suicide bombers, chemical weapons
and other illegal tactics.

Science and Technology

How did governmental projects help to create a new model for scientific research?
Some government grants are provided for research and innovative projects or to help improve the
nation's infrastructure. The Internet is the result of defense research to create a distributed
communication network that could withstand an enemy nuclear attack.

Religious Revival
What are two ways that the revival of religion was expressed in the 20 thcentury?
In his numerous writings, Barth tried to show how the religious insights of
the Reformation were still relevant for the modern world. To Barth the
imperfect nature of human beings meant that humans could know
religious truth not through reason but only through the grace of God.

Trends in Art
Jackson Pollock: Such artists as Jackson Pollock conveyed emotion and feeling and
were less concerned about representing subject matter.

Pop art: an artistic movement that emerged in the early 1960s. Took images of popular
culture and transformed them into works of fine art.
Andy Warhol: Andy Warhol took his subject matter from commercial art, such as
Campbell soup cans, and photographs of celebrities such as Marilyn Monroe.
Postmodernism: Postmodernism is marked by a revival of traditional elements and
techniques, including not only traditional painting styles but also traditional crafts.
What are the characteristics of pop art?
-Bright, quirky colors that stand out, sometimes neon. -Ordinary objects being turned into art. -Four
paintings of the same picture using four different hues. -Focusing on the contours, shapes, and basics of
a picture

Popular Culture
Elvis Presley: For example, in the 1950s, American figures such as Chuck Berry and
Elvis Pres- ley inspired the Beatles and other British performers
Beatles: For example, in the 1950s, American figures such as Chuck Berry and Elvis
Pres- ley inspired the Beatles and other British performers
Through what different media has American culture spread throughout the world?
Films or cinema

Sports, Television, Politics

How have sports become big politics?
Olympic rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union was intense, fueling a dual political
agenda. Protests, boycotts, and even terrorism have become a part of Olympic history.

Conflict in the Middle East

The Question of Palestine
Why was there international support for Palestine to serve as a home for Jews?
Palestine is a land that is holy for Jews, Christians and Muslims. there were mostly Muslims and some
Jews living in that are before world war 2. After world war 2 with the death with an estimated number of
six million dead jewish people the governments of Britain, France, America and the Soviet Union wanted
to resettle these people to a new area where they can call it home.

Nasser and Pan-Arabism

Gamal Abdel Nasser:

Why were France and Great Britain threatened when Nasser seized the Suez Canal?

The Arab-Israeli Dispute

Sinai Peninsula:
West Bank:
Anwar el-Sadat:
What are the Camp David Accords?

The PLO and the Intifada

Yasir Arafat:
What were the terms of the agreement reached in 1993?

Revolution in Iran
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini:
List the reasons why the Shahs government collapsed?

Iraqs Aggression
Saddam Hussein:

Persian Gulf:
Describe why Iran and Iraq have been in conflict for many years?

Afghanistan and the Taliban

What was the political situation in Afghanistan in 1996?

Society and Culture

Naguib Mahfouz:
Which Arabic writer won the Nobel Prize for literature?


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