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1. What are the patterns that you observe with regard to the responses of the
users/non-users of luxury watches with regard to the brand personality aspects,
and the manner in which they responded regarding these dimensions when
applied to themselves? What kind of interpretation can you draw from the
responses, in the context of this case?
Ans. Analysis of Indian consumer behaviour & premium watch purchase
To analyse the case from consumer behaviour point of view on premium watch
purchase decision, the case study refers Yankelovichs definition of
Segmentation by Value. Per the authors of case study:
It is found that in a product people look for nature of appeal & associations
like Glamour, Fashion, sports and Fun.
They have four philosophies namely dress, classical, fashion & sport
Consumer behaviours are governed by psychological needs to position
themselves, Value for money, Self-perception, personality and style.
Consumers look for Brands that offered benefits akin to:
- Functional benefits like the real need of the product
- Symbolic benefits like status, self-expression, sophistication, aesthetic appeal,
prestige, enhancement of self- image, ego gratification, and sense of belonging
- Experiential benefits like sensory pleasure, variety or cognitive simulation.
Their preferences are also influenced by their Lifecycle stages whether they
are a School student, college student, young working executive & experienced
The authors feel that the main consumer for a Premium Luxury watch would be:
A new generation executive who is set to move toward prime of his career
Who after a few years of hard-work is ready to announce his arrival in the
world of success

Who wants to display his status by associating himself with value brands & is
very brand conscious Generally CEOs, senior professionals, entrepreneurs,
people belonging to higher socio-economic strata.
These individuals constantly seek new and un-conventional experiences.
They are in their thirties and forties.
Such consumers will purchase only products that will provide more Symbolic
& experiential benefits rather than just functional benefits. The above points
very clearly provide insights on consumer behaviour point of view on premium
watch purchase decision.

2. How would you use some of the principles of perception after considering the
data obtained in the exhibits that are associated with the present and the
potential users of premium watch brands?
It is found that in a product people look for nature of appeal & associations
like Glamour, Fashion, Sports and Fun.
They have four philosophies namely dress, classical, fashion & sport
Consumer behaviours are governed by psychological needs to position
themselves, Value for Money, Self-perception, personality and style.
Their preferences are also influenced by their Lifecycle stages whether they
are a School student, College student, young working executive & experienced
The authors feel that the main consumer for a Premium Luxury watch would be:
A new generation executive who is set to move toward prime of his career
Who after a few years of hard-work is ready to announce his arrival in the
world of success?
3. Explain the formation of stereotypes and your approach to applying this
concept to the case situation based on the analysis performed for question 2?
How would you relate these aspects to the data in the exhibits in the case?

Who wants to display his status by associating himself with value brands & is
very brand conscious
Generally CEOs, senior professionals, entrepreneurs, people belonging to
higher socio- economic Status
These individuals constantly seek new and un-conventional experiences.
They are in their thirties and forties.
Such consumers will purchase only products that will provide more Symbolic
& experiential benefits rather than just functional benefits

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