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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TIE.2014.2327599, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics


Integrated Dual-Output Converter

Olive Ray, Student Member, IEEE, Anil Prasad Josyula, Student Member, IEEE, Santanu Mishra,
Senior Member, IEEE, and Avinash Joshi

Abstract This paper presents a family of single-input-multioutput (SIMO) dc-dc converter topologies which can provide one
step-up and multiple step-down outputs. These topologies are
synthesized by replacing the control switch of a boost converter
topology with series-connected switches and using the additional
switch nodes to generate step-down dc outputs. Compared to
separate converters, these topologies utilize lower number of
switches and are more reliable due to their inherent shootthrough protection. Analysis shows that the topologies exhibit
similar dynamic behavior as individual buck and boost
converters. Hence, the control system methodology is same as
that of separate converters, with each output being precisely
regulated. The behavior of these converters has been illustrated
in this paper using the integrated dual-output converter (IDOC),
which has a step-up and a step-down output. The steady-state
characteristics and dynamic behavior of the converter have been
studied. An analog closed loop control system for the converter
has been described for regulation of both the outputs. The
operating principles have been experimentally validated using a
120 W prototype. Results show that the proposed converter has
very good cross-regulation to step load change as well as dynamic
reference change in either output. The measured efficiencies of
the IDOC prototype are around 90%.
Index Terms DC-DC power converters, Integrated DualOutput Converter (IDOC), Single-Input-Multi-Output (SIMO).


converter architectures having multiple dc ports

(input/output) are used in a wide variety of applications.
Typical examples include hybrid electric vehicles [1], dcbased nanogrids [2-4], LED drivers [5-6], stand-by power
supplies [7], bias supplies [8], etc. Single-input-multi-output
(SIMO) dc-dc converter stages have been utilized in many of
these applications. Fig. 1 (a) shows a representative system,
where three distinct outputs (one step-up output, vo1, and two
step-down outputs, vo2 and vo3) are obtained from a single dc
input using three separate power converters. In general, an Noutput system requires 2N number of switches for a high
efficiency synchronous implementation. For efficient

Manuscript received October 18, 2013; revised January 15, 2014, and
March 8, 2014; accepted March 22, 2014.
Copyright 2014 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted.
However, permission to use this material for any other purposes must be
obtained from the IEEE by sending a request to
This work was supported by the Department of Science and Technology,
Government of India, under Grant SR/S3/EECE/0187/2012. This paper was
presented in part at the International Symposium on Industrial Electronics
2013, Taiwan.
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian
Institute of Technology Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh 208016, India (email:;;;

Fig. 1. Schematic of power converter architectures with three dc outputs.
(a) Separate dc-dc converters realizing the three outputs, and (b)
Integrated single-stage architecture interfacing the three outputs.

operation of systems using multiple outputs, there should be

proper coordination of control between each of the converters
for power flow management [9-10]. This is generally
accomplished by cooperative coordination between the
feedback control systems of the converters. Fig. 1 (b) shows
the system where a single integrated architecture is used to
interface the different outputs. These converters, denoted as
integrated multi-output converters (IMOC) in this paper,
utilize reduced number of switches ((N + 1) switches for N
outputs) compared to separate converters. The use of lower
number of switches reduces the cost of the switch and its
associated drivers. Also, due to its integrated architecture, all
the outputs of the system are regulated using the same set of
switches, and hence, the coordination control is easier.
The concept of SIMO has been reported in [11-27]. A class
of SIMO converters, discussed in [11-19], use one input to
create a high frequency ac which is coupled to multiple
secondary windings for multiple outputs (step-up or step-down
depending upon the turns ratio). Due to magnetic coupling
associated between the outputs, precise regulation of each of
the outputs is difficult. For this purpose, different postregulation schemes have been utilized on the secondary side,
such as linear regulators, synchronous switch post-regulators
(SSPR) [13-15], etc. Various other isolated multi-output dc-dc
converter topologies have been reported in literature. In [16],
multiple full-bridge dc-dc converters have been integrated into
a single topology by having each converter share a common
leg. Special-connected two transformer (SCTT)-based designs
have been reported in [17-18], which provide better cross
regulation at all load conditions, and uses complementary
pulse width modulation. Resonant converter-based isolated
multi-output dc-dc converter [19] has also been proposed,
which have ZVS and ZCS for all its switches. In general,
isolated converters comprise of more circuit components, and

0278-0046 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TIE.2014.2327599, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics




Fig. 2. Principle of circuit modification for the synthesis of single-input-multi-output (SIMO) dc-dc converters. (a) Conventional boost converter, (b)
switch node waveforms corresponding to the gate control signal GSa, (c) boost converter switch Sa is replaced by the series connected switches S1 and
S2, (d) integrated dual-output converter (IDOC) obtained by using the proposed circuit modification shown in Fig. 2 (c), and (e) the circuit modification
principle has been extended to obtain integrated multi-output dc-dc converters (IMOC).

require complex control systems. The involvement of

magnetic elements in a multi-output architecture makes the
system bulkier. Also, in order to achieve improved
efficiencies, most of these topologies utilize synchronous
switches as well as soft switching. Hence, these topologies are
considered when galvanic isolation between the different ports
is necessary.
Different non-isolated SIMO converter designs have been
reported in literature, which include use of cascaded dc-dc
stages [20], time-multiplexed and current-channelized multioutput converters [21], etc. Among the non-isolated designs,
the number of circuit elements used in cascaded stages is
more, but the outputs can be precisely regulated using simple
control systems. In contrast, multiplexed converters [21-26]
use reduced circuit components, but the control systems are
associated with various constraints due to time multiplexing,
operating modes, cross-regulation, etc [25]. A single-switch
coupled inductor based dual-output dc-dc converter has been
proposed in [27], which can provide two different dc outputs
from a single dc input.
The paper presents a non-isolated SIMO dc-dc architecture
which can provide a step-up and multiple step-down outputs
from a single dc input. The topology has been realized by
replacing the control switch of a boost converter topology by
series connected switches and using the resulting switch nodes
to synthesize additional outputs using low-pass filter
networks. The step-up as well as step-down gains achieved
are same as separate boost and buck converters, respectively.
However, compared to separate converters (Fig. 1 (a)), the
proposed structure uses lower number of switching elements.
Also, the converter has continuous currents both at the input as
well as the step-down output. Hence, compared to a
conventional buck or buck-boost converter, the input filter
requirement is lower. The complementary switching operation
need not have dead-time protection due to inherent protection
provided by the circuit topology. The control system is exactly
similar to those implemented for conventional buck and boost
converter, and hence, can be easily extended to this design for
precise regulation of each output.
Present day power electronic systems require multiple dc

outputs at different voltage levels. Auxiliary circuits are often

present in addition to the main power stage, and they should
be powered at low voltages, e.g., fuel cell system [28]. The
proposed converter can provide a step-up output, which forms
the main power stage, along with an auxiliary step-down
output. Some potential application areas of the converter are
solar-battery chargers, dc nanogrids, bias supplies, etc.
The paper is organized as follows: The next section
describes the proposed circuit modification principle for the
synthesis of the family of integrated multi-output dc-dc
converter (IMOC) topologies from a conventional boost
converter. The paper studies the integrated dual-output
converter (IDOC), which has two dc outputs - a step-up and a
step-down. The steady state characterization and dynamic
behavior of the IDOC have been shown in Section III. This is
followed by the description of a suitable control strategy in
Section IV. A comparison of the proposed converter with
conventional designs has been shown in Section V. The
converter behavior has been verified using a 120 W laboratory
prototype and is shown in Section VI. Section VII provides a
brief discussion on other possible IMOC topologies and their
PWM control. Section VIII concludes the paper.
Fig. 2 (a) shows the schematic of a conventional boost
converter with the single control switch Sa. The switch node
voltage vsn corresponding to gate signal GSa is shown in Fig. 2
(b). The switch node voltage is equal to zero when the switch
Sa is turned on
and is clamped to the boost
output voltage (vo) when the switch is off (neglecting diode
. Fig. 2 (c) shows the boost
converter circuit when the switch Sa is replaced by two seriesconnected switches S1 and S2. For boost operation (Da
interval), both the switches need to be turned on at the same
time. The
interval of Fig. 2 (b) can be achieved by turning
off either S1 or S2 or both in Fig. 2 (c), and the switch node
voltage vsn1 equals to vo. If during this interval ( ), switches
S1 and S2 are switched in a complementary manner, the switch
node vsn2 can be used as a buck output with input voltage equal

0278-0046 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TIE.2014.2327599, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics


Fig. 3. Equivalent circuit of IDOC at different operating intervals. When a switch is on, it is shown as a short, while an open denotes a switch being
off. The figure shows equivalent circuits during: (a) interval I (Duty is D1), (b) interval II (Duty is D2), and (c) interval III.

to vo. The resulting circuit has been shown in Fig. 2 (d), where
inductor L2 and capacitor C2 form the low pass filter. Thus the
proposed modification results in boost converter as well as the
buck converter being integrated in a single topology. Hence, in
this paper this converter is regarded as integrated dual-output
converter (IDOC) and the behavioral characteristic of the
converter has been studied. The same set of switches S1 and S2
are used to regulate both the outputs. The proposed circuit
modification principle can be extended to achieve multiple dc
outputs by replacing the boost converter control switch Sa with
N-number of series connected switches and filter networks.
Fig. 2 (e) shows the schematic of the multi-output converter.
This concept leads to the use of only (N + 1) switches for Noutputs, compared to 2N switches when individual converters
are used. A similar circuit modification has been proposed in
[29] to generate hybrid (simultaneous dc and ac) outputs from
a boost converter.
Since both step-up as well as step-down operations are
accomplished using only the two switches S1 and S2, the major
challenges pertaining to the IDOC are: (a) its ability to
regulate each of the individual outputs precisely. This requires
defining two control variables (duty ratios D 1 and D2) for the
purpose of controlling both outputs, (b) to have better crossregulation behavior due to changes in the other output, and (c)
to devise a suitable control system to coordinate the power
flow between the different outputs. These issues will be
addressed in the next section.


A. Switching Intervals
The schematic of the proposed IDOC, having dual dc
outputs, has been shown in Fig. 2 (d). The paper considers
continuous conduction mode of operation (CCM) and unless
stated, all the subsequent analysis in this work would consider
this assumption. The converter has been implemented using
two bidirectional switches S1 and S2. These two switches
would result in four possible operating states, three of which
are distinct and thus results in three different switching
intervals of the converter. These intervals are discussed in the
following subsections.
1) Interval I (t1~t2): Both S1 & S2 are on [Fig. 3 (a)]
Switching interval I is equivalent to the control switch S a
(Fig. 2 (a)) of a conventional boost converter being turned
on. The diode D is reverse biased during this interval. The
inductor current iL1 builds up, while the buck inductor current
iL2 freewheels through the switch S2. With respect to the
waveforms shown in Fig. 4 and considering the dc loads Ro1

Fig. 4. Typical waveforms of the switch node voltages, the inductor and
the diode currents. The duty cycles D1 and D2 (corresponding to the gate
signals GS1 and GS2, respectively) for the purpose of controlling the dual
outputs have also been shown.

and Ro2 at the step-up and step-down terminals respectively,

for a time D1.Ts, (where Ts = switching period), (1)-(4) shows
the expressions for the different inductor currents and the
capacitor voltages. This time-duration for Interval I operation
is defined by duty ratio D1.

2) Interval II (t0~t1 and t2~t3): S1 is on & S2 is off [Fig. 3 (b)]

During this interval, the inductor current iL1 is distributed into
two components- one is flowing through the diode D and the
other portion is equal to the buck inductor current iL2. The
step-down converter draws energy from the source during this
interval. Unlike conventional boost converter, the diode
current iD is equal to the difference between the inductor
currents iL1 and iL2, and hence its magnitude decides whether
the converter operates in CCM. The switch node voltage (va)
is equal to the step-up output voltage vo1. The time duration for
Interval II operation is defined to have a duty cycle of D2.
During this interval, (referring to Fig. 4),

0278-0046 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TIE.2014.2327599, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics



3) Interval III (t3~t4): S1 is off & S2 is on (or Both S1 & S2 are

off) [Fig. 3 (c)]
In this interval, the inductor current iL2 freewheels through the
switch S2 or through its anti-parallel diode (if S2 is not being
gated). This interval is thus analogous to freewheel period
associated with conventional buck converters, either the lower
switch conducts in synchronous switching scheme or the diode
conducts. The diode D conducts the inductor current iL1.
Hence, both the inductors give out their energy to their
respective outputs.
During this interval,

Fig. 4 shows typical waveforms of the inductor currents iL1,

iL2, and the switch node voltages va and vb at different
operating modes. The switching strategy makes the converter
to operate in the interval sequence (III), (II), (I), (II), (III)
during each period. It is important to note that Mode III in Fig.
4 shows GS1 and GS2 being turned off. The waveforms would
be same if during Mode III, GS2 is switched on, thus resulting
in synchronous switching operation.
B. Steady State Behavior
1) Voltage conversion ratio
For the purpose of analysis, small ripple approximation for the
inductor currents and capacitor voltages has been assumed.
Thus the expressions for the voltage conversions can be
derived from equations (1)-(12), as follows:
For the inductor L1,



Fig. 5. Theoretical step-down gain surface of IDOC with variation of

duty cycles D1 and D2. Here, the X-coordinates correspond to D2 and Y
coordinates correspond to D1.

voltage, thus, effectively acts as input to the step-down

operation. Fig. 5 shows the step-down gain-surface with the
variation of duty cycles D1 and D2.
2) Range of output voltages
The duty cycles that control both step-up as well as the stepdown voltages have been described in the previous section and
illustrated in Fig. 4. Because they share the same switching
period, the duty cycles D1 and D2 should satisfy (16).

For any particular value of the duty cycle D1, the step-down
gain varies within the range:

Thus, the IDOC can provide step-down output ranges varying

from zero to the input voltage. Compared to a conventional
buck converter, the IDOC can provide wide step-down outputs
at acceptable duty ratios of switches. This is because the stepdown output depends upon both D1 and D2, instead of only
one duty cycle as in the case of a buck converter. This
characteristic has been verified in the experimental section.
Similarly, the step-up gain varies between:

Similarly, for inductor L2,



Thus, the IDOC preserves the qualities of both buck as well as

boost converters in an integrated architecture.
3) Input Current Expression


From equations (13) and (15), it can be seen that the two dc
outputs of the IDOC can be regulated using the two control
variables D1 and D2. These duty cycles are defined as the time
duration for intervals I and II, respectively. The step-up output
depends upon the interval when both the switches are turned
on simultaneously (dependent upon duty D1) while, the stepdown output is regulated solely using the switch Q 1, when Q2
is off (dependent upon both D1 and D2). The step-up output

Assuming the input current to be iin (=iL1) and the output

currents io1 and io2, the power balance equation for the IDOC,
neglecting any loss component, can be written as:




0278-0046 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TIE.2014.2327599, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics


Thus, compared to conventional boost converters, the input
current for the IDOC is higher, due to the additional power
drawn by the step-down load. Typical inductor current
waveforms have been shown in Fig. 4.
C. Boundary between CCM and DCM
During light load conditions, the diode current of a
conventional boost converter becomes zero. This results in
discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) of operation [30].
This phenomenon of DCM occurs in the IDOC during interval
III, and its analysis is similar to that of a conventional boost
converter. In addition to this DCM, the diode current of the
IDOC can also become zero during interval II. This condition,
referred to as pseudo-DCM in this paper, occurs for a
particular relationship between the step-up and step-down
loads as presented in the following discussion.
Fig. 3 (b) shows that the current iL1 distributes into iD and iL2
during interval II. The IDOC operates in CCM operation as
long as iL1 iL2.The following analysis is carried out
considering the switching strategy when the ripple in iL2 is
higher. This occurs when the IDOC operates in an interval
sequence of (I), (II), (III) during each switching period. The
condition for CCM operation, derived below, would always
hold true if any other PWM scheme is used, e.g., interval II is
divided in two parts as shown in Fig. 4. Considering the values
of iL1 and iL2 to be
(superscript 23 refers to the
change of intervals), when there is a transition from interval II
to III, the condition for CCM operation can be written as

It is to be noted that
is the maximum value of iL2 during
a switching interval. The relation between the inductor
shown in relation (20) can be rewritten as
shown in (21), where the expression for the inductor currents
are substituted.

Fig. 6. Equivalent circuit of IDOC during Pseudo-DCM.

Fig. 7. Inductor currents (iL1 and iL2) as well as diode current (iD)
waveforms during pseudo-DCM (shaded region within Interval

). During pseudo-DCM both the inductor
currents iL1 and iL2 rise with the same slope (as given by (23)),
and the switch node voltage is a function of the inductor
values (va,pDCM and vb,pDCM as shown in (24)) as well as the
input and step-down output voltages.

Relation (21) can be simplified using relations (13), (15) and

(19), considering IL1 (=Iin) and IL2 to be the average values of
currents in the inductors L1 and L2, as shown in relation (22).


Based on (23) and (24), and using volt-sec. balance, the inputoutput relations for both the outputs of the IDOC can be
derived as given by relations (25) and (26).

Relation (22) shows that for a given value of Ro2, there is a

maximum value of Ro1, below which the converter operates in
D. Pseudo-DCM condition of IDOC
The pseudo-DCM condition occurs within switching
interval II of the IDOC, and unlike conventional DCM of a
boost converter, the input inductor current (iL1) remains nonzero during this condition, and hence it is called as pseudoDCM. As shown in the equivalent circuit, for this condition
(Fig. 6), the switch S2 and the diode D are non-conducting for
a time Db.Ts. The inductor waveforms have been shown in
Fig. 7. The interval II thus comprises of two distinct regions:
(a) when the diode current is non-zero (equal to Da.Ts), and (b)
when diode current is zero (equal to Db.Ts) (such





From (25) and (26), we conclude that the output voltage

expressions during pseudo-DCM are also dependent upon the
ratio of inductances as well as the loads. The operation of the
IDOC during this mode has been validated in the experimental
section. Also, the transition from CCM to pseudo-DCM is
smooth because, putting Db = 0 and Da = D2 in relations (25)
and (26), make them equal to (13) and (15), respectively.

0278-0046 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TIE.2014.2327599, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics


E. Component Selection: Semiconductor stress
The IDOC requires one less switch compared to two
separate converters. This reduction in the number of switches
increase as the number of outputs increase. The equations
governing the design of passive components of the IDOC are
dependent upon the allowable ripple content of the state
variables. The design equations are similar to those associated
with conventional buck and boost converters [30]. However,
for the IDOC, both the switches and the diode should be rated
for the step-up output voltage (vo1). This is because the
effective input voltage for the step-down output equals to the
step-up output voltage. Since, IDOC is a dual-output converter
also having a step-up output; the switches should be rated for
the output voltage (vo1) as in a boost converter. Also,
compared to a buck converter, for the same ripple
specifications, inductor L2 would have higher value. The
switches S1 and S2 conduct higher current compared to
conventional converters because, in the IDOC, the input
current magnitude is greater than conventional boost
converter, as shown in relation (19). The switch current
stresses for each interval have been shown in Table 2. A
comparison of the proposed IDOC with conventional buck as
well as boost converters have been done in Section V. A
design example has been presented in the next Section with its
experimental validation shown in section VI.
A. Design Specifications
The operation of the IDOC in continuous conduction mode
has been validated using a laboratory prototype. T ABLE 1
shows the input-output specifications for the design example.
Based upon these specifications, the design of closed loop
control system for the purpose of regulation of both the
outputs has been described in the following subsections.
B. State-Space Analysis
The state-space model for the IDOC can be derived by
considering the averaged inductor voltages and the capacitor
currents in each switching period [30]. Equation (28) shows
the state-space equations for the IDOC.


The expressions for system matrix [A] and the input matrices
[B1] and [B2] are provided in APPENDIX A. The small signal
Input Voltage (Vin)
12 V
Step-up Output Voltage (Vo1)
18 V
Step-down Output Voltage (Vo2)
Step-Up dc Load (Io1)
Step-Down dc Load (Io2)
Switching Frequency
100 kHz

Fig. 8. Small signal model for the IDOC.

Fig. 9. Reference control signals for PWM generation in IDOC.

model for the IDOC considering ideal elements has been

shown in Fig. 8. However, for the purpose of deriving the
compensator, the influence of non-idealities has also been
incorporated. The step-up output of IDOC is regulated using
the duty cycle D1, while the step-down output is regulated by
D2, while keeping D1 constant. The position of poles and zeros
of the plant models of separate buck as well as boost
converters are similar to that of the IDOC. Thus, the design of
compensators for buck as well as boost converters can be
easily extended to the IDOC. This simplifies the controller
design methodology, which is implemented in this work using
analog control.
C. PWM control strategy
In this paper, a simple control scheme has been described,
which directly utilizes the control structure of conventional
buck as well as boost converters with minimum changes.
Alternate control architectures, resulting in higher efficiencies
are possible; but they would require different PWM control
structures compared to those used for separate converters. One
possible scheme is to use synchronous switching (S2 is turned
on during Interval III). For the IDOC, the modulating signals
(vGS1_mod and vGS2_mod) are compared to the same carrier, with
switch S1 being provided with a PWM signal of duty (D1 +
D2) and S2 being provided with a signal of duty D1. The main
constraint regarding the control is given by relation (16). Fig.
9 shows the reference control signals and the corresponding
duty cycles for the IDOC. The generalized control architecture
for N-output IMOC is shown in Fig. 10. where, the
compensators used to control individual converters can be
directly used, and the error amplifier (EA) output of the
bottom-most switch (vGSn_mod) controls the topmost dc output
(vo1). Due to the integrated structure, the EA reference of each
higher stage is the sum of the EA output of the bottom stage
and the present stage EA value. The controller implementation
for the IDOC is shown in Fig. 11. Since, D1 and D2 of IDOC
can be regulated separately (whenever relation (16) is
satisfied) we can have independent control of step-up as well
as the step-down outputs.

0278-0046 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TIE.2014.2327599, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics



Fig. 10. Generalized PWM control schematic for N-output IMOC obtained
using the control structures for individual converters.

Fig. 12. Bode plots for plant, compensator, and open-loop gain for (a)
Step-up output (Eqn. 29), and (b) step-down output (Eqn. 30).


Fig. 11. Control system schematic for a regulated IDOC.

D. Controller design
Based upon the state-space model, the control to output
transfer functions for regulating both the outputs can be
derived. The step-up output voltage is regulated by the duty
ratio D1 and hence, the control-to-output transfer function
involves the ratio
, keeping D2 constant. Similarly, for the
regulation of the step-down output, the control-to-output
transfer function involves the ratio
, keeping D1 constant .
For the design example considered, the plant transfer functions
are shown in equations (29) and (30).

where, the constant values have been given in APPENDIX B.

Fig. 12 shows the bode plots for the plant, compensator, and
the open-loop gains for both the outputs. In both the cases,
type-3 compensator has been used for regulation. The
compensator values have been shown in Fig. 11.

A. Topological comparison with buck and boost converter

This section shows a comparison of the IDOC with two
separate dedicated buck and boost converters. For the purpose
of comparison, it has been assumed that the buck and the
boost converters are connected to the same input supply as the
IDOC and generate output voltages at the same level as the
IDOC. TABLE 2 shows the comparison between the
converters. The buck converter is assumed to have the switch
Sbuck and diode Dbuck. The boost converter has a controllable
switch Sboost and diode Dboost.

No. of switches

Dedicated converter


vsw_boost = 0
isw_boost = iL

vsw1 = vsw2 = 0
isw1 = iL1
isw1 = iL1 - iL2

vsw_buck = 0
vd_buck = vin
isw_buck = iin
id_buck = 0
vsw_buck = vin
vd_buck = 0
isw_buck = 0
id_buck = iin

vsw_boost = vout
isw_boost = 0

vsw1 = 0
vsw2 = vo1
isw1 = iL2
isw2 = 0

vsw_boost = vout
isw_boost = 0

vsw1 = vo1
vsw2 = 0
isw1 = 0
iD2 = iL2

Input current



Output current




Interval I


Interval II

Interval III

Invalid State

0278-0046 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TIE.2014.2327599, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics


B. Advantages of the IDOC topology
The advantages of the IDOC can be listed as follows:
The proposed IDOC has lesser Bill-of-Materials
compared to two dedicated buck and boost converters. In
general, for N output IMOC, we require (N + 1) switches
which includes N switches and only a single diode.
The input current of the IDOC is continuous. Thus,
compared to a conventional buck converter, both the
currents at the input as well as the output are continuous.
Thus, the input filter requirements for the converter are
The IDOC has higher reliability due to its inherent faulttolerant capability. Unlike conventional buck converter
switches, switches S1 and S2 of IDOC can be turned on
at the same time (Mode I operation). Thus this topology
can have synchronous switching with inherent shootthrough protection.
Conventional buck converters cannot achieve very high or
very low gains, as these results in extremely high or low
duty cycle operation. Higher order converters are often
used for this purpose [31], with higher component count.
The IDOC has a wider step-down voltage range, which
ranges from zero to input voltage (vin), and which can be
achieved at acceptable values of duty ratios. This is
because, though the duty cycle D2 for step-down
conversion may be very low, the effective duty cycle of
the controlling switch S1 is the sum of D1 and D2, which
has acceptable operating values.
The two outputs of the IDOC can be regulated separately
using separate feedback control systems. The control
system designed for conventional buck as well as boost
converters are extendable to the IDOC.
Since two controlled switches control both step-up as well
as step-down outputs in an integrated architecture,
coordination control for power flow management in the
two ports are easier.
C. Efficiency analysis
The IMOC architecture utilizes the same set of switches to
realize different dc outputs and hence, the associated
conduction losses are higher than separate converters. The
slope of the efficiency curve for the IMOC is lesser than that
of separate converters, and with the number of stages the slope
of IMOC efficiency curve decreases. This is due to the fact
that the rate of rise of conduction losses is more than that of
separate converters. Hence, for a particular load specification,
beyond a certain number of output stages, from system
efficiency point of view, using separate dc-dc stages may
overshadow the advantages of IMOC.
The behavior of the IDOC has been verified using a 120 W
laboratory prototype. The switching frequency of operation for
the converter is 100 kHz. The design specifications for
designing the prototype have been shown in TABLE 1. TABLE
3 lists the parameter values of the prototype. The components
used have been listed in TABLE 4 and the compensator
parameters have been shown in Fig. 11.



Fig. 13. Verification of steady state behavior of IDOC. (a) Input voltage vin
(Ch. 1), inductor current iL1 (Ch. 4), step-up vo1 (Ch. 3) and step-down vo2 (Ch.
2) voltages for D1 = D2 = 0.33. (b) Input voltage vin (Ch. 4), switch node
voltages va (Ch. 3), vb (Ch. 1), and inductor current iL2 (Ch. 1) for D1 = 0.33
and D2 = 0.2.

Fig. 14. Pseudo-DCM behavior of the IDOC. (slopes m1, m2, and m3
have been defined in Fig. 7).

A. Steady State operation

The proposed converter generates step-up as well as stepdown voltages at its two output ports. Fig. 13 (a) shows that
for input voltage of 12 V, the converter generates step-up
output of 17.6 V dc and a step-down output of 5.9 V dc. The
duty cycles of the control signals D1 and D2 are 0.33 and 0.33,
respectively. The operating point for the step-down operation
is shown in the gain curve of Fig. 5. For duty cycles D1 = 0.33
and D2 = 0.2, the step-up and step-down output voltages are 18
V and 3.6 V, respectively. Fig. 13 (b) shows the inductor
current iL2, switch node voltages va and vb for the above
condition. The step-up and the step-down loads (Ro1 and Ro2)
used for the above cases are 5 and 3 , respectively. It has
to be noted that the relation for CCM operation derived in (22)
is satisfied, where, for Ro2 = 3 , the maximum value of Ro1
required is 9 , using the implemented prototype parameters.
Fig. 14 shows the behavior of the IDOC during pseudo-DCM.
The results show that for duty cycles D1 = 0.2 and D2 = 0.45,
the IDOC provides a step-up and a step-down outputs of 19.2
V and 5.27 V, respectively from a 12 V input due to the
presence of the loads Ro1 = 2 and Ro2 = 15 . The duty ratio
of pseudo-DCM is 0.3. The switch node voltage during
pseudo-DCM (va,pDCM) is 8 V, which validates (24).



Inductor ( L1)

15 H, DCR = 2.6 m, 20 A

Inductor ( L2)

10 H, DCR = 2.3 m, 19 A

Capacitor (C1)

Capacitor (C2)

550 F (electrolytic)
and 200 F (ceramic)
ESR = 50 m
220 F (electrolytic)
and 400 F (ceramic)
ESR = 50 m

0278-0046 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TIE.2014.2327599, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics




Fig. 15. IDOC operation with wide range of step-down gains. (a) Low stepdown output (Ch. 2) for D1 = 0.335 and D2 = 0.065 alongside the node voltage
vb (Ch. 4). (b) High step-down output (Ch. 2) and input current iL1 (Ch. 4) for
D1 = 0.4 and D2 = 0.6. The input voltage (Ch.1) and step-up voltage (Ch. 3)
are also shown at these conditions.

Fig. 17. Comparison of plant control-to-output transfer functions for IDOC.
(a) step-up, and (b) step-down plant transfer functions. Parameters as per
Table 3. (C2 is all ceramic). For the plant model Equations (29) and (30) have
been used.



Fig. 16. Variation of (a) step-up voltage, (b) step-down voltage with D2 (D1 is

B. Wide range of step-down gains

The proposed converter can be used to achieve a wide range
of step-down gains ranging from zero to the input voltage. Fig.
15(a) shows that for an input voltage of 12 V dc, a step-down
voltage of 1.2 V dc has been achieved at duty cycles D1 and
D2 equal to 0.335 and 0.065, respectively. Fig. 15(b) shows
that for an input voltage of 12 V dc, the output voltage at the
step-down port is 12 V dc, when D1 and D2 are 0.4 and 0.6
respectively. Thus, a wide range of gain has been achieved at
acceptable operating duty cycle values of the switches.
C. Verification of Gain curve
Fig. 16(a) shows the variation of the step-up gain with duty
cycle D2 (D1 is constant). The input voltage for the above case
is 12 V dc. Fig. 16(b) shows the variation of step-down gain
when the duty ratio D1 remains fixed and D2 varies.
D. Voltage Regulation
The behavior of the closed loop control system has been
verified with respect to the cross-regulation as well as the
voltage regulation behavior of the converter. Fig. 17 shows a
comparison between the simulation model for the plant
transfer functions and their corresponding frequency response
analyzer outputs for the laboratory prototype. For the
simulation model non-idealities have been considered as listed
Q1 Q2


Gate Driver


IRFS4410 (International
60EPU04 (Vishay)
FOD 3120 (Fairchild
SER2918H-153 (Coilcraft)
VER2923-153 (Coilcraft)


Fig. 18. Verification of Controller behavior of IDOC. (a) Cross regulation:

For a 5 A step change in the step-down load, both the output voltages are
well regulated. (b) Reference Change: the step-up output voltage is regulated
to its desired value even when there is a 2 V change of set-point in the stepdown output.

Fig 19. Measured Efficiency of the experimental prototype when stepup load is fixed and step-down load varies.

in TABLE 3. However, to reduce the dependence of circuit

parameters on frequency, for measuring the step-down transfer
function, only ceramic capacitors of 400 F have been used.
Fig. 18 (a) shows that when the step-down port of the IDOC
is subjected to a step-up load change of 5 A, the implemented
control system can precisely regulate both the outputs to their
predetermined values. The step-down output voltage settles to
its set-point in about 120 s. There is a dip of about 175 mV
for this load step event. For these experiments, only voltage
mode control has been used.
Fig. 18 (b) shows that the step-down output (vo2) follows
the reference from 4 V to 6 V. The step-up output is regulated
to its predefined value of 18 V during this event. These results
validate the operation of the proposed control system proposed
in Fig. 11.
Fig. 19 shows the measured efficiencies of the experimental
prototype when the step-up load is fixed at 6 A, and the stepdown load varies from 1 A to 5 A. The PWM scheme
described in Fig. 9 has been used during experimentation.
Investigation shows that when Ro1 = 3 and Ro2 = 3 , the

0278-0046 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TIE.2014.2327599, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics


Fig 22. Higher order IDOC converter.

Fig 20. Photograph of the laboratory prototype.

different modes of operation of the converter is done. It has

been established that the analog control system design
associated with conventional converters can be extended to the
IDOC. The merits of the converter with respect to shootthrough protection, lesser Bill-of-Material and wider output
ranges have been discussed. The converter behavior has been
verified using an experimental prototype.


A. System matrix and Input matrices of Eqn. (28):

Fig 21. Three-switch-based IDOC. (a) Schematic (b) Simulation waveforms

with zero step-up load.

estimated share of the different losses are: Diode (=85%),

switch S1 (=3.68%), switch S2 (=8.8%), inductor L1 (=2.42%),
and inductor L2 and others (=0.1%) Fig. 20 shows the
photograph of the laboratory prototype.
The IDOC topology shown in Fig. 2 (d) is based upon a
conventional boost converter, and hence, strictly speaking, the
step-up load cannot be zero. Fig. 21(a) shows the IDOC
topology where the function of the diode D is implemented
using the controllable switch SD. This modification would
allow zero loads at the step-up output, since there is a
possibility of energy transfer from step-up to the step-down
port. But the presence of three switches would require a
modification in the control system. Fig. 21(b) shows the gate
control signals GS1, GS2, and GSD and the corresponding
outputs of the three-switch-based IDOC, when D1 = 0.33 and
D2 = 0.33 with no load at the step-up port. The switch SD is
gated at all non shoot-through intervals; its switching is
complementary to Interval I. The output voltages at step-up
and step-down ports in this case are about 18 V dc and 6 V dc,
respectively. Hence, this circuit modification allows operation
with a wider range of step-up loads; even up to zero step-up
load conditions.
Fig. 22 shows the application of integrated multi-output
converter synthesis approach to higher order boost topologies.
In this case, the single switch-controlled Quadratic Boost
converter [31] has been modified to provide dual dc outputs.
The control scheme for the converter is same as that shown in
Fig. 9.
This paper proposed a multi-port dual output dc-dc
converter topology with simultaneous step-down as well as
step-up outputs. In contrast to a conventional buck converter,
the proposed converter has continuous input as well as the
step-down output current. Analysis and characterization of the

rL1, rL2 = DCR of inductors L1 and L2.

rC1, rC2 = ESR of capacitors C1 and C2.
B. Plant Transfer function coefficients: (Eqn. 29 and 30)
13 =-8.148E3, 12 =9.324E8, 11 =5.046E12, 10 =1.520E17,
23 = -1.45E-11, 22 =2.744E9, 21 =1.307E13, 10 =1.05E17,
3 = 1.27E4, 2 = 2.365E8, 1 = 9.818E11, 0 = 5.827E15.





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10.1109/TIE.2014.2327599, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics


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Olive Ray (S12) received the B.E.E. degree from

Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India, in 2009, the
M.Tech. degree from Indian Institute of Technology
Kanpur, Kanpur, India, in 2011, both in electrical
engineering. Presently he is working towards the
Ph.D. degree in the Department of Electrical
Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology
His Research interests include hybrid power
converter topology modeling and control, dc-based
distribution systems, and digital control in power electronics.

Anil Prasad Josyula (S13) received the B.Tech.

degree in electrical engineering from K. L.
University, Andhra Pradesh, India in 2011, the
M.Tech. degree in Electrical Engineering from
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur,
India in 2013. He is currently working as a
Development Manager in Tata Motors Engineering
Research Centre, Pune, India from 2013.
His research interests include analysis and control of
power electronic converters.

Santanu Mishra (S00-M04-SM12) received the

B.Tech. degree in electrical engineering from the
College of Engineering and Technology,
Bhubaneswar, in 1998, the M.Tech. degree in
energy systems engineering from the Indian Institute
of Technology Madras, Chennai, India, in 2000, and
the Ph.D. degree from the Department of Electrical
and Computer Engineering, University of Florida,
Gainesville, FL, in 2006.
He worked as a Senior and Staff Application
Engineer with the International Rectifier Corporation from 2004 to 2008.
Currently, he is an Associate Professor at Indian Institute of Technology
Kanpur, Kanpur, India. His research interests include renewable power
conversion, high frequency power converters, and converter modeling and

Avinash Joshi received the Ph.D. degree in

electrical engineering from the University of
Toronto, Toronto,ON, Canada, in 1979.
He is currently a Professor of electrical engineering
at the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur,
Kanpur, India. From 1970 to 1973, he was with the
General Electric Company of India Ltd., Calcutta,
India. His research interests include power
electronics, circuits, digital electronics, and
microprocessor systems.

0278-0046 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

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