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Causative agent neisseria meningitides, streptococcus streptococcus aureus, H. zoster arbovirus herpes simplex
pneumoniae, haemophilus influenzae staphylococcus aureus, H. simplex
toxoplasmosis Cytomegalovirus
pathophysio 1. Inflammatory Response of 1. Microorganism causes 1. case of mumps arthropods such as mosquito and tick organism causes local
meningeal vessels to causative agent Abscess formation 2. organism spreads to infect humans and cause widespread necrotizing hemorrhage of the
2. Exudate formed by WBC 2. Which can either: brain nerve degeneration brain
3. Impaired CSF flow a. Spread 3. causes meningeal
4. increased ICP b. cause tissue necrosis irritation
5. vessels engorge and rupture and edema
S/sx Meningeal lethargy intense h/a same with meningitis same with meningitis
Irritation S/sx** drowsiness Meningeal
decreased LOC n/v Irritation S/sx**
fever increased icp -h/a
expressive aphasia(for frontal
lobe abscess)
Dx Lumbar Tap*** Lumbar Tap*** Lumbar Tap*** Lumbar Tap*** Lumbar Tap***
Gram Staining of CSF CT scan Polymerase Chain PCRT
Reaction Test(PCRT)
Ix Cephalosorins: Anticonvulsants- symptomatic tx such as Acyclovir
a. rifampin phenytoin anticonvulsants Vidarabine
b. cefotaxime Analgesics
c. vancomycin Antiemetics
Anticonvulsants: Phenytoin Antibiotics- pen G,
Corticosteroids: Dexamethasone vancomycin,
Diuretics: Mannitol metronidazole
a. acetaminophen for fever
b. codeine for h/a
others repiratory iso until (–)CSF culture is craniotomy and drainage bed rest seasonal and geographic in nature complications include
obtained (surg ix) dementia and aphasia
**S/sx of meningeal irritation: ***Normal Lumbar Tap Results Diabetes  Amphotericin B
1. nuchal rigidity(stiff neck) 1. glucose-6-50 mg/dl Organ Transplant  Fluconazole
2. + brudzinski’s sign- passive flexion of 2. normal CHON-15-45 mg/dl b. Types  Flucytosine
neck causes flexion of legs Cryptococcus Mucormycosis
3. + kernig’s sign- leg is fully bent in the FUNGAL INFXNS  Caused by Cryptococcus  caused by a neurotoxin
hip and knee, and subsequent extension of a. Risk Factors: neoformans  good prognosis if treated earlier
the knee is painful Leukemia  fatal  begins in the nasal mucosal
4. Photophobia Immunosuppresion  Meds: lining
5. H/a


causative agent Clostridium botulinum Clostridium tetani Corynebacterium diptheriae Treponema pallidum
pathophysio blocks AcH resulting to impaired autonomic agent inhibits transmission of reflex after direct contact or indirect contact with after onset of syphilis, disease may be
and voluntary neuromuscular arc and at the presynaptic site fomites, organism is transmitted and affects the exacerbated, spread to the meninges and
treansmission/also called food poisoning causing the diff. s/sx throat and skin, causing the diff. s/sx the rest of the CNS
and cause the diff. s/sx
s/sx ptosis, diplopia, dysarthria Trismus thick, patchy, greenish mucus membrane Argyll-robertson pupil-pin prick pupils
Incontinence fever severe h/a
Risus Sardonicus sore throat Nuchal Rigidity
Dypsnea and Dysphagia Mental confusion
Rigidity of Muscles abnormal reflexes
Opisthotonus-high arch back abnormal gait
dx culture and sensi blood and csf culture schick test, skin test, nose and throat culture Venereal Disease Research Laboratory
Lumbar Tap
med ix Botulinum antitoxin Tetanus immunoglobulin Penicillin Penicillin
Tetanus Antitoxin Erythromycin
other info or ix avoid damaged ends of canned goods quiet and dim env’t strict iso TYPES
discard suspected foods wound dressing elevate head a. asymptomatic-abnormal CSF
tracheo and mech vent oral hygiene b. meningovascular- cranial nerve
immunization-DPT palsies, damage to blood vessels
liquid and soft diet c. tabes dorsalis-loss of position sense in
tracheo set at bedside feet and legs
General Paresis
Personality changes
Affect irritability
Reflexes are hyper
Eye changes-argyll

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