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- The lands beyond

Beyond Expectations - The sun sparkled, the sky was clear, and all the colors
he saw seemed to be richer and brighter than he could ever remember. The
flowers shone as if they'd been cleaned and polished, and the tall trees that lined
the road shimmered in silvery green.
"WELCOME TO EXPECTATIONS," said a carefully lettered sign on a small house
at the side of the road.

The city of Dictionopolis the land of letters. Located in the foothills of
conclusion caressed by gentle breezes from the sea of knowledge. The
countryside surrounding the city is full of orchards, where all the words in the
world are grown.
The market place huge wooden wheeled carts streamed into the market. "Get
your fresh-picked ifs, ands, and buts."
"Hey-yaa, hey-yaa, hey-yaa, nice ripe wheres and whens."
"Juicy, tempting words for sale."
And the kings house resembled a book
It was a strange-looking palace, and if he didn't know better Milo would have said
that it looked exactly like an enormous book, standing on end, with its front door in
the lower part of the binding just where they usually place the publisher's name

Forest of Sight - In a few more steps the forest opened before them, and off to the
left a magnificent metropolis appeared. The rooftops shone like mirrors, the walls
glistened with thousands of precious stones, and the broad avenues were paved in
silver. - Some people live in illusions, but most live in reality

The city of Digitopolis north to the Mountains of Ignorance the
mathemagician house had strange circular room, whose sixteen tiny arched
windows corresponded exactly to the sixteen points of the compass. Around the
entire circumference were numbers from zero to three hundred and sixty, marking
the degrees of the circle, and on the floor, walls, tables, chairs, desks, cabinets, and
ceiling were labels showing their heights, widths, depths, and distances to and from
each other

Kingdom of Wisdom before King Azaz and the Mathemagician built
Dictionopolis and Digitopolis

Castle in the air like a giant corkscrew the stairway twisted through the
darkness. The darkness fell away and a glow of golden sunrays warmed their
arrival. The castle gate swung open. They entered a great hall on a rug soft as

Mountain of Ignorance the higher they went, the darker it became, though it
wasnt the darkness of the night, but rater more like the mixture of lurking
shadows and evil intention which oozed from the slimy moss-covered cliffs and
blotted out the light. A cruel wind shrieked through the rocks and the air was

thick and heavy, as if it had been used several times before. The dizzying trail,
on one side the sheer stonewalls and brutal peaks towering above them, and on
the other an endless, limitless, bottomless nothing. Sticky mist greasy rocks

Valley of Sound the silent valley not the slightest thing could be heard

Other settings include:
The island of Conclusion
Sea of knowledge
The Doldrums

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