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Danielle McCool

Curriculum Vitae

Oudwijkerveldstraat 13-II
Utrecht 3581 JG
H 06 4854 4149
B danielle.mccool@gmailcom

Citizenship American

Desidered Employment and Skills

Im a statistician trained up primarily in R, but with good all-around programming skills
that Ive developed on the side. Ive worked with both real data and simulation studies. My
primary interest is answering old questions in new ways. Im particularly good at explaining
complicated questions to non-statistical persons by incorporating graphics and quickly building
ideas on the existing foundation.

2005-2008 Bsc Psychology/Philosophy, Texas Womans University, Denton, TX, USA.
2012-2014 Msc Statistics and Methodology, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Cum laude, 8.3 overall GPA.

Master thesis
title Recurrent events model for population size estimation
supervisors Maarten Cruyff and Peter van der Heijden
description The recurrent events model can be used for estimating the size of hidden and elusive populations.
We demonstrated truncation of the model and developed some methods to address the missing
data inherent in time-varying covariates that are measured only at event occasions. Awarded
an 8/10.

Computer Skills
Languages R, Python, C++, ActionScript, TEX
Tools Emacs IDE, Office Suite, Git, Photoshop, Gimp

Platforms Linux, Windows, Unix

Statistical SPSS, R Studio, HLM, OpenBUGS,
Programs WinBUGS, MPlus, SAS, Stata

2009-2010 Office Manager, International Scholarship and Tuition Services, Nashville, United
Brought administrative staff through an expansion period of doubled work. Coordinated
all office actions. Approved purchasing decisions. Ran background checks on and arranged
drug screenings for new employees. Used perl to analyze raw server data and retrieve user
demographic data for clients.

2007-2008 Active Treatment Provider, Denton State School, Denton, United States.
Provided care and habilitation to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and
secondary mental health problems. Functioned as part of a larger team of psychologists, support
personnel, and mental health/mental retardation professionals. Developed and maintained
behavioral intervention plans to adjust targeted behaviors in residents.

2013 Teaching assistant, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Taught multivariate analysis as summer school course alongside another student. Coordinated
together the lab practicums and morning review sessions. Developed games to assist with
curriculum understanding. Received only highly positive reviews from students. Taught team
that won the end of course quizbowl.

2013 Wrote book chapter, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Wrote chapter Choosing your Internet survey provider in book about survey design for professor
Vera Toepoel. Researched the field of on-line surveys extensively. Collaborated with professor
as editor to produce a high-quality final product in only two months.

2013 Consultation, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands.

Consulted bachelors, masters and PhD students about the content of their thesis and research
design. Consulted with business regarding ranking methods for compatibility algorithm.
Became the go-to consulter for multilevel and HLM questions.

Self-assessment European level CEFR (C2 maximum evaluation)
Passed CITO NT2 exam September 2013 (B2 proficiency).

Dutch B2

Listening Reading

Interaction Production






Interests and Hobbies

Bayesian methods, Monte Carlo simulation studies, video game development, reading science
fiction, programming, playing board games and swimming

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