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C 37008 2 Pages) Name Reg. Now TOK OLA SCZO. THIRD SEMESTER B.TECH. (ENGINEERING) DEGREE EXAMINATION JUNE 2004 IT/PTCS/CS2K 301—ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS—III ‘Time : Three Hours ‘Maximum - 100 Marks Answer all questions. 1 (a) Find a basis, and the dimension of the vector space V spanned by the vectors @,-1,7),(3, 3, 4), (2, 1, 3), (4, =1, 2). (b) Find the scalar component of v = (2, 2, -1) in the direction of u = (4, 5, 3). (€) Show that the characteristic values of a real skew-symmetric matrix are either zero or pure imaginary. {d) Verify Cayley-Hamilton theorem for the matrix (i; | (e) Find where the function w = é log 2 ia not analytic, é (f) Write the eritical points of the transformation w =z (e +2). (g) Using Cauchy's integral formolla, evaluate lee = where ©: = 3 2 th) Locate and classify the singular points of the function f(z) = (8 x5 = 40 marks) TL (a) IA and B are conformable matries, show that the * row vector in the product AB is UB where U, is the * row vector of A. What is the column vector in the product AB? (>) Determine whether or not the set of vectors ((9, 0, 13), (2, 4, 3), (-1, 16, —1)} im R* is a basis. Or (C) Using the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalisation process find an orthonormal basis for the subspace di of R® spanned by (2, 3, 6) (7, 12, 8). (d) Ifa linear transformation T - V -+ W is an isomorphism, show that its inverse transform T* from W ente Vis linear. TIL (a) Let A and B be matrices conformable in the order AB. Prove that the rank of AB is equal to the rank of B if and only if BX = 0 for every vector X such taht ABX = 0. (b) Classify the following quadratic form Br! + 7y + S2t+ 12ry + dz — By2. Or i wv. ) di fa) « a fa) tb) tc) ia 2 © 37008 Find the characteristic equation of the matrix A 13 7) 42 a] mec om mesons 12 satisfied by A and hence obtain the inverse of the give matrix. Find a congruence transformation which will simultancously diagonalize i 1 and fi 9) @ 2, (5 marks) Show that an analytic function with constant imaginary part is constant Find the invariant points ofthe transformation to = —2* 1, and prove that these two i points together with any point z and ita image w, form a sct of four points having a constant cross ratio. What is this cross ratio ? Or Derive Cauchy-Riemann equations in polar co-ordinates. ‘Show that the circles Iz! 2 1 map onto confocal ellipses under the transformation w = z+ 1. z (15 marks) Find the Laurent expansion of the function f(e} = oes abotu 2 = 0, What is the residue of f(z) at z = 0? ‘Use the method of contour integration to prove that eee z+ bome qs oar Or bz Se + St * 1 ae wiyero Cis the circle lal =2, find the values of (@), (1-19 and 32? + une = [ aor rr. Use the method of contour integration to prove that a s a(t +27! (15 maris) [4 15 = 60 marks) ) C 36734 (2 Pages) NBs secsscnenesteveeneemsssnnnnnenenntornsneneete BRS g, NO etssssnseseerntreneneneron ‘THIRD SEMESTER B.TECH. (ENGINEERING) DEGREE EXAMINATION $ JUNE 2004 IT 301—MATHEMATICS—III (Old Scheme} Time : Taree Hours Maximum : 100 Marks Answer all questions, 1. (a3 Obtain Pourier series for f (x) = x7 in (=, xh. (b) Obtain sine series for f(x) = re — x7 in (0, =)_ fe) Solve: 962 +g =4. (a) Solve: z (x ~y} = px’ —qy*. (e) Eight coins are thrown iraultaneously. Using binomial distribution, show that the probability of obtaining at least 6 heals is 37/56. (f) The marks obtained by the students tn an examination are known to be normally distributed. HF 10 & of the students get leas than 40 marks while 15% got ever 80%. what are the mean and standard deviation of macks ? . (gi Prove that curl (grad. $)=0. th: fF = yd + y'2) 4 etek find cur! F and |eurl F). x5 = 40 ks} 2. (a) (id) Find the Fourier series of f tri = v-cas x in (0, 221 (@ marks) Gi) Find the sine series for ft) = v in €0, "). Hence, show that = eo (Cimarkst Or (biG) By applying the Fourier sine integral formula to f(s) = ¢* cox f, show that <2 80st te Le cons igen 2 (8 marks) Evaluate [e'*'dr- 7 marks} 3 2 ta) Solve Gh Falepeg <7 marks) Gi xG-aprye-ng (8 marks) ‘Turn over

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