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STRA 6222

Saranya Guruvayurappan
SMU ID: 46455413

Case Writeup AmTran Technology Ltd.

Should AmTran move into branded distribution, e.g. by licensing the JVC brand?
The TV market has been subjected to huge technological transitions over the years.
Especially in the 20th century, the technological advancements in digital displays, transmission
and user preference has been constantly changing. As clearly noted in the case, due to the
number of players and fewer licensing monopoly in the business, the competition in the TV
technology and display market is very high. In the last few years, the LCD and overall OEM
market has become commoditized. This has led to high pricing pressures and very small margins.
There are now several component manufacturers around the world, specifically in Asia who
specialize only in adapting to new technologies and manufacturing these components at very
cheap prices. It is imperative to note that even large players in the business like Sony saw it
economically beneficial to move away from vertical integration and to create strategic
partnerships with low cost component manufacturers to create their branded TV sets. This is
primarily due to the amount of capital that needs to be invested in new manufacturing technology
and facilities along with their heavy investments in branding and distribution. Although, AmTran
have exhibited great technological expertise in adapting to newer technologies, they have not had
to bear the full brunt of spending on downstream operations. Lately, with the increased
advancement in Chinese technology manufacturing houses, AmTran should not move towards
vertical integration (VI) and venture into downstream operations such as branding and

STRA 6222

Saranya Guruvayurappan
SMU ID: 46455413

Which kind of innovations have impacted the television technology? Which implications
does this have for industry and company structures?
From the early 1990s, the TV technology market has begun a major transitive journey
from analog to digital way of things. The technological effects can be split into three buckets of
Analog Television to Digital Displays:

After the early reliance in analog know-hows such as RCA technology, from the 20 th century, the
TV market started moving towards to LCD displays. Initially, even large firms like Sony was
specializing in selling CRT-based television sets, but the monitor performance in such TVs are
constantly affected by fine differences in electronic signals. In 1980s, the color display versions
of liquid crystal displays were developed for sharper display. However, at the time this way used
mostly for laptops and other modular computer markets. It was not until 2000s that manufactures
were able to extend this technology to produce large sized LCD displays for television sets. The
technology became very popular soon due to the lack of IP restrictions on it. The excess capacity
and oversupply resulted in downstream manufacturers could incorporate component producers
into their manufacturing and assembly process almost interchangeably.
Analog Receivers to Digital Receivers:

Analog TVs used several components like transistors, resistors and capacitors, which were
designed and mounted on circuit boards while wiring. The signals flowing through these
components had to be carefully matched to the different sections of the equipment. Two major
technological forces drove the evolution to the digital receivers. The first was the advancements
in semiconductor technology. This advancement represented the reduced effort in designing and
producing the chips inside TV sets, which led to lower manufacturing costs. Also, the need for

STRA 6222

Saranya Guruvayurappan
SMU ID: 46455413

higher quality moving images on TV propelled the transition to digital receivers.

Analog Transmission to Digital Transmission:

In early 1990s there were certain movements towards standardizing digital TV broadcasting to
make HD video available through all regular channels. Certain firms like DirecTV were pioneers
in digital transmission. Receiving digital transmission were not restricted by the TV equipment.
Analog transmissions used radio spectrums, which were highly inefficient relative to modern
technology. Newer sets were able to receive both types of signal without a convertor. It is
interesting to note that by the end of this transition, a single firm did not hold proprietorship over
any piece of digital television value chain. This translates to a free competition in the TV
manufacturing industry.

Which recommendations would you make to Wu to prepare AmTran for its future?
Given the speed at which the technological advancements have shaped the industrys
landscape, the most important attribute that AmTran needs to possess to be successful is
flexibility in this market. Lately, the LCD flat panels have slowly been replaced with LED TV
sets. The ease with which data transfer and smart computational technology is being included in
these devices also needs to be noted. Wu should continue to specialize in adapting to new
technology and producing state of the art components. AmTran should further leverage their
existing relationship with a known brand like Vizio and try to expand from being just a low cost
TV producer to making high quality TV sets to cater to the modern technology. My
recommendation to AmTran would be to incorporate more breadth in their market than depth.
They could use the economies of scope to also provide these technologically advanced
components to screens outside of TVs. This way, they could establish themselves as leaders in
the digital display industry across laptops, tablets, TVs and maybe even smartphones.

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