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Stick,Jack (HHSC)


bury,Jennifer (HHSC)


Irene Williams
om) <>


Wed Apr 02 2014 14

4:16:32 CDT


Data - this is not good

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I am sorely tested and keen

nly disappointed
d. I really don't even have word
ds right now.

After one yeear of loading MCO

data, we ha
ave 10 months in
ngested. 10 mon
nths. That is wo
orth next to noth
hing. Not even a
bucket of warm
spit. Even more, Amerigro
oup's file failed and
a I didn't knoow about it.

How can I possibly

ask CM
MS for more mon
ney when we hav
ve really nothin
ng to analyze beyyond FFS data? They are propeerly
going to ask
k where all the money
went. Th
his is going to bee utterly humiliaating when theyy find out.

I suggest wee divine a way to

o ingest massivee quantities of data
quickly. It iis and has been my understand
ding that once w
we map
the data, ingesting is it easy
y -- the mapping
g takes time butt the ingest is au
utomatic after th
hat. Apparentlyy that isn't the caase.
What exactlly has been goin
ng on? We have little to no prog
gress on data inggest, nothing neew to report on newly identified
d cases
-- ???

Jack Stick | Chief Counsel
Health & Human Services Commission | 4900
North Lam
mar | Austin, Texxas 78751
(512) 424-6
6578 | jack.stick

From: Stansbury,Jennifer (HHSC)

Sent: Wedn
nesday, April 02
2, 2014 9:37 AM
To: Stick,Ja
ack (HHSC)
Subject: Ree: Data?

We are activ
vely working wiith the three larg
gest MCOs (Uniited, Superior, A
Amerigroup) to obtain raw claim
ms data file feed
ds. We
have requessted 69 months worth of data (0
01/2008 throug
gh 09/2013) wh
hich will includee the following fi
Managed Care
Services Cllaims
Provider Files

Electronic Funds Transfer Data

Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM) Services Claims

1. Where are we on data transfer that is, are we having trouble getting data from any MCO?
United We have received Managed care claims files and EFT files for dates of service 01/2008 to 9/2013. We are waiting
on the PBM Services Claim and Provider files.
Superior We have received the Managed Care Services Claims files, EFT and Provider Files for dates of service 03/2012
9/2012 and these have been loaded into the system. We are working on the third data set in the testing phase. Superior is
working on issues with the PBM file. We have recommended to move forward with the managed care claims, EFT and
provider files for all 69 months and will continue to work with Superior on the PBM Services Claims file separately.
Amerigroup We have received a 3 month test file which failed. Amerigroup is reworking the file and we are awaiting
delivery. We have escalated the issue to management at Amerigroup to request assistance in expediting.

2. Exactly how much data we received from which MCOs? That is, how many months of data, how many gigabytes/terabytes
of data, and so on.
United 69 months of data, estimated 30 gigabytes, number of live rows is unknown since the files have not been loaded.
Waiting to load with the provider file since the files must be used in conjunction to validate the data.
Superior 7 months of raw claims data (3/2012 9/2012)3.8 million live rows of data; 2 gigabytes.
Amerigroup Received a 3 month test file, but it failed. Roughly around 4 gigabytes in size.

3. Of the data we have received from MCOs, how much have we ingested?
United 3 months of data has been loaded into the test environment only.
Superior We have ingested 7 months of raw claims data (3/2012 9/2012)3.8 million live rows of data.
Amerigroup None, because the file failed. Waiting on new test file.

Thank you,

Jennifer Stansbury
Director, Data Analytics & Fraud Detection Division
Office of Inspector General
Health and Human Services Commission
P.O. Box 85200, Mail Code: 1300
Austin, Texas 78708-5200
phone: (512) 491-4014

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use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that the sender
does not waive any privileges or protections accorded to this information and that any use, disclosure, dissemination,
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-----Original Message----From: Stick,Jack (HHSC)

Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2014 8:42 AM
To: Stansbury,Jennifer (HHSC)
Subject: Re: Data?

Ok. Here's what I need:

1. Where are we on data transfer that is, are we having trouble getting data from any MCO?

2. Exactly how much data we received from which MCOs? That is, how many months of data, how many gigabytes/terabytes
of data, and so on.

3. Of the data we have received from MCOs, how much have we ingested?

I need this rapidly, thanks.

Jack Stick
Chief Counsel
Texas Health and Human Services Commission

> On Apr 1, 2014, at 8:22 PM, "Stansbury,Jennifer (HHSC)" <> wrote:

> We have ingested several iterations of their data but are continuing to refine it for accuracy. I will get the specifics for you
but can't until the morning. My gotomypc isn't connecting. Sorry.
> Thanks.
>> On Apr 1, 2014, at 7:35 PM, "Stick,Jack (HHSC)" <> wrote:
>> Ok -- I need to understand. Is it accurate to say Superior and United have transferred their data and we have ingested it -if so, how many months, give or take a few?

>> _______________________________________________________________________________
>> Jack Stick | Chief Counsel
>> Health & Human Services Commission | 4900 North Lamar | Austin, Texas 78751
>> (512) 424-6578 |
>> -----Original Message---->> From: Stansbury,Jennifer (HHSC)
>> Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2014 5:39 PM
>> To: Stick,Jack (HHSC)
>> Subject: Re: Data?
>> We are actually getting closer to being done with the data transfers. We are much closer with Superior and United.
Amerigroup is behind because of the delays we had with them. You helped shake that loose for us though but they are
playing catchup.
>> Thanks.
>>> On Apr 1, 2014, at 5:36 PM, "Stick,Jack (HHSC)" <> wrote:
>>> Well , are we done or pretty much done with them?
>>> Jack Stick
>>> Chief Counsel
>>> Texas Health and Human Services Commission
>>>> On Apr 1, 2014, at 5:35 PM, "Stansbury,Jennifer (HHSC)" <> wrote:
>>>> Scott Privette is still working with Superior and Amerigroup on the data transfers. We are really close to a final
product though. I will send you the latest data curation update and summarize it for you. Do you need it tonight or can I send
it in the morning?
>>>> Thanks.

>>>>> On Apr 1, 2014, at 5:27 PM, "Stick,Jack (HHSC)" <> wrote:
>>>>> Do we have all the data from superior and Amerigroup? Is it loaded?
>>>>> What data have we loaded for the past 6 months?
>>>>> Jack Stick
>>>>> Chief Counsel
>>>>> Texas Health and Human Services Commission

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