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Fulwood Free Methodist Church

Talks Series - Autumn 2015


The Book of Acts describes the journeys of a number of people who came to
follow Jesus Christ. The routes they travelled differed, but some common threads
brought them each to a point where they had to make a decision whether to
follow Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. God arranged for someone to be on hand
to help each of them as the Holy Spirit worked in their lives. They each had a
changed life as a result of the commitments they made to Jesus Christ.
In this series we look at some of the stories, and follow through those common
threads, considering the tipping point of faith for the seeker, the help brought by
the third party, the work of the Holy Spirit in bringing the whole thing together,
and what happened afterwards.
We explore their stories from the standpoints of the seeker, the supporter, and
the watching world.


St Paul was inspired by God to write two letters to the Christians in Thessalonica
(modern day Thessaloniki). They had become believers when he visited them in
about AD 50, but Paul had been forced to leave after only a short time. He was
concerned about them and sent Timothy to see how they were doing.
These letters, written to new believers living in an antagonistic social climate, are
here for us in the Bible in 2015. They contain truths and challenges that are just
as relevant as ever.
What is God going to reveal to you?
27th September 2015


Harvest Celebration
Ian Clarkson
Harvest Celebration
1 Thessalonians 1
Ian Clarkson
4th October 2015
Morning: The Ethiopian Chancellor of the Exchequer. A matter of understanding.
ACTS 8:4-8, 26-39
Andrew Gardner
Evening: Remember how you came to Faith!
1 Thessalonians 2
Dave Sewell

11th October 2015

Morning: Saul. A supernatural light and voice
ACTS 8:1-3, 9:1-31
Ian Clarkson
Evening: Timothy has returned from his visit and brought back great news!
1 Thessalonians 3
Andrew Gardner
18th October 2015

Morning: Cornelius. The Spiritual Man

Andrew Gardner
Evening: Dont forget to live holy and worthwhile lives.
1 Thessalonians 4
Ian Clarkson
25th October 2015
Morning: Ian Higginbotham
Evening: Andrew Gardner
1st November 2015
Morning: Jonny Lee (Pastor at Renewal Christian Centre, Solihull)
Evening: Jonny Lee (Pastor at Renewal Christian Centre, Solihull)
8th November 2015
Morning: Remembrance Sunday
Andrew Gardner
Evening: Be ready for Jesus return were going to live with Him for ever!
1 Thessalonians 5
Ian Clarkson
15th November 2015
Morning: Timothy. The young convert from a Christian Family
ACTS 16:1-5
Ian Clarkson
Evening: Greetings again!
2 Thessalonians 1
Nick Kenworthy
22nd November 2015
Morning: Lydia. A Worshipper of God who comes to full faith
ACTS 16:11-15, 40
Jason Buckler
Evening: Baptism
Andrew Gardner

29nd November 2015

Morning: The un-named Philippian Jailer and his family. Finding Christ in a Crisis
ACTS 16:16-40
Andrew Gardner
Evening: Dont get confused or let people mislead you about Jesus return and
what will happen before that.
2 Thessalonians 2
Ian Clarkson
6th December 2015
Morning: Ian Clarkson
Evening: Please pray for us and the spread of the Good News of Jesus we continue to pray for you.
2 Thessalonians 3
Dan Feeny
13th December 2015
Morning: Nativity
Evening: Ian Clarkson
20th December 2015

Morning: Ian Higginbotham

Evening: Carol Service
Andrew Gardner
27th December 2015
Morning: Andrew Gardner
Evening: Praise and Prayer

Fulwood Free Methodist Church

Lightfoot Lane, Fulwood, Preston

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