TR-00030059 Queries UAT

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What is the scope of System Integration Testing?
Does it only mean handshak e between v arious
components of applications?
Does System Integration Testing include field level
validation as well?
What are the hi gh level modules/functions that are
expected to be tested i n Finacle CBS for US and
What are retai l and corporate products that are
planned to be set up i n the Finacle CBS for US
and Belgium

Bank of Baroda Comments

It covers components and i nterfaces both.

Does internet bank ing has both retai l and

corporate m odules?
Can you tell us the approx number of Mobile
banking transacti ons?
Is treasury part of Finacle CBS implementation at
Belgium and USA?
Is trade finance part of Finacle CBS implemenation
at Belgium and USA?
Is Loan syndi cation of Finacle CBS implementation
at Belgium and USA?
Following types of testing are not in scope. Please
- Data conv ersion testing
- Usability testing
Is Asset/W ealth management part of Finacle CBS
implementation at Belgium and USA?
What is the expected role of Test Vendor i n
"Business requirements management"


Can you tell us how many products are i n sope of

testing under the f ollowing headers
Accounts (CASA)
Fixed Deposit
Letters of Credit
Bank Gurantees






We assume testing of Credit Card origination and

management system is out of scope of this
Responsibility of parameter setup woul d be with
the bank. Please confirm

Yes, but will depend on the f unctionalities of the

All modules of Finacle CBS, that wi ll include Retail
and Coporate, T rade finance, Bills and remittances.
CASA accounts, T erm Deposits, Loans, Letter of
Credit, Collections, Remittances, Bank Guarantees.

Yet to be launched, ex pected volumes initially in the

range to 200 to 500 per day.
We are implementing Reuters Kondur Pl us and KTP
solutions at USA and Bel gium
Yes, we confirm. However, UAT with migrated data i s
part of scope.

Wherever possible to be associ ated at the Busi ness
Requirement Finalisation stage wi th Bank's Business
and Project teams.
An Indicative list is given below:
Accounts (CASA)---6
Fixed Deposit----8
Letters of Credit----9
Collections--39 sub regi sters incl bills
Bank Gurantees----9


Parameter setup in application will be done by the

Bank, however parameter setup in testing toll is to be
done by serv ice provider
Testing of maintenance f unctionality is not in the
This might be entrusted to the f ull time resources
scope. Please confirm
which will be stationed at Bank for a period of two
Are the appl ications listed in Section 3 of RFP the For the time being yes, howev er other appl ications/
only scope of testing?
modules/ functionalities which will be conceived and
implemented later on will also be included and i s
expected to be done by two addi tional on-site
resources f actored in RFP.
MIS - How m any common and country speci fic
will vary from application to application
reports are generated?















Will the bank provide us with more than one test
environment if required to accom modate paral lel
testing activities
By 'Security testing', did you mean user access
rights testing or the techni cal security testing that
involves network penetration, ethical hacking etc

Bank of Baroda Comments

Only one test env ironment will be made available for
each application.

By Security testing, do you m ean just security

testing of the internet bank ing application or the
penetration testing of the public IP as well
According to the proj ect schedul e in the RFP, the
UAT timelines for various implementations ends by
September 2010 but the com mercials have been
requested f or 2 years. Can you tel l us what testi ng
activity is envisaged beyond Septem ber 2010

It is application security testing. Penetrati on testing of

public IP is not in the scope

We understand that the ti melines given

(Commencement date and rol lout date) is only for
Test case ex ecution. Test design (test case
preparation) time is not included in this. Can you
confirm our understandi ng?
Timelines for System Integration testing is not
provided. Can we assum e SIT will happen bef ore
UAT kick off?
Timeline indicated looks very aggressi ve
considering the volume of work involved. Is the
timelines indicated closed or is it open for
Are all the applications available for tesitng in a
single drop?

Commencement date is the date when actual UAT

will start, Test design and preprati on of test cases
should be complete before that.

If they are to prov ided for testing in multiple drops

then the modules and timelines for the different
drops will be required
What is the defect re-testing Turn around ti me
planned between the di fferent cycles of testing?

It is application security testing including access

rights. Technical security testing through securi ty
tools is not in the scope of current RFP.

The listed applications are planned for

implementation as of now . Other appl ications will be
implemented beyond thi s time frame. Enhancem ents
and upgradati ons of existing application would also
require testing.

SIT will have to be com pleted before the UAT kick

The time lines are closed and not open f or
discussion. Howev er, there coul d be minor
deviations dependi ng upon the busi ness
As and when the appl ications are ready. Howev er all
modules of an applcation will be available for testing
in a single drop.
Refer point no. 26 abov e.

Defect retesting turn around ti me will be as under:

a. one day for severity 1 defects
b. two days for severity 2
c. in all other cases i t will be 4 days

Testing timelines for Automation and Load testi ng

is not provided in the schedul e. Can you gi ve us
indicative timelines?

Automation of testing will be taken for speeding up

the UAT and it is included in the UAT schedule.
Please ignore Load testi ng part. Bank has decided to
remove from the scope.
For Finacle CBS implementation, will BoB provide Yes, wherever applicable.
us with migrated data bef ore the Kick off of UAT?
How many Finacle CBS transacti ons are ex pected
to picked up for Load testi ng?
How many interface transacti ons are ex pected to
taken up for scope of load testing?
Which load testing tool is planned to be used?

Please ignore Load testi ng part. Bank has decided to

remove from the scope.
Please ignore Load testi ng part. Bank has decided to
remove from the scope.

Please ignore Load testi ng part. Bank has decided to

remove from the scope.
Please nam e the applications/functions of the
Please ignore Load testi ng part. Bank has decided to
system that needs to be rev iewed for performance remove from the scope.
(Load testing)


Can you prov ide us with the list of interfacing
applications that woul d be connected to Fi nacle
CBS for USA and Bel gium implementation


What is the extent of customization in Finacle

CBS? An approx value in percentage or i n
Development effort in Mandays woul d suffice.
Can we hav e the list of applications that are
currently outside the core appl ication but planned
to be included within Finnacle core appl ication


Bank of Baroda Comments

USA - Turbo SW IFT, PRIME AML (both Batch and
Online), GTP, Data ware house, Enterpri se wide GL,
STB. Auto email/ FAX
Belgium - PMS, SW IFT, STB, Erase AML, GT P,
EWGL, Data W arehouse, Auto em ail/ FAX
Belgium - 60 mandays, USA - 200 m andays

No plan as of today for Finacle CRM/ Treasury


Is Finnacle application version going to different for Same version

Belgium and USA rol louts or will it be the sam e
version with just the param eterization change??


Can the bank share with us a system topology

diagram for Finacle CBS?
Is the bank willing to engage the test partner i n the
requirement validation phase? T his will help in
seamless flow of business knowledge from
requirement to testing phase.

This will be shared wi th the selected Serv ice

Provider at the time of execution.
Yes, Bank may go for this in case of the
requirements that will be coming up in future.


For how many countries is the SW IFT centralized



What is the application used for Call Centre

Is the application in the English language f or all
countries mentioned?
What is nature of requirements docum ents
available - BRD, FSD, T ech Specs, User Gui des
What is the coverage qual ity of these docum ents?

At present 22 countri es/ territories are accessi ng

SWIFT at Mumbai, another 6 countri es will be added
Not yet finalised


Do they all converge to the latest updated v ersion? Yes in most of the cases


Is automation planned onl y for Internet Bank ing

No, it is planned for all the applications listed in
and CBS?
section 3 of the RFP.
We understand f rom Sec 3. Current RFP
It includes both.
Objectives that the RFP i s for UAT of several
implementations but under Sec 4. Proj ect Scope, it
is given as the sel ected serv ice provider will be
required to prov ide the serv ices of professional
testing in the areas of User Acceptance T est,
Regression and System Integration Testing and for
other applications as may be implemented by the
bank during the period of two years from the date
of signing the contract. Pl ease clarify whether this
RFP is restricted to perform UAT for the list of
applications mentioned under Sec 3 or
augmentation of resources to the bank for a period
of two years to carry out testi ng activities for the
said period.




Requirement docum ents will be made available, it
would be BRD or FSD
Quite Exhaustive


Please confirm whether Data Mi gration Testing is
excluded from scope for all of the planned

Bank of Baroda Comments



Please confirm whether the securi ty testing is
excluded from scope for any of the planned
Is performance testing considered for any of the
Does the scope of testing include multi lingual
testing for any of assignment mentioned under
Sec.3 of RFP, if yes please share detai ls of the
For which of the planned assi gnments as prov ided
under Sec 3 of RFP, the dev elopment of
automation scripts (automation testing) is included
as part of the scope?

Bank of Baroda Comments

No, application security testing through test cases i s


What are the m odules/functionalities to be tested

as part of Finacle CBS UAT for US and Bel gium?

All modules of Finacle CBS, that wi ll include Retail

and Coporate, T rade finance, Bills and remittances.


**** assum es that the Fi nacle CBS to be

implemented in US and Bel gium is a customized
version of the Finacle product currentl y used in
another location of BOB which is in live/production.
Please confirm.
If Yes, then please let us know the degree of
customization applicable for US and Bel gium by
comparing with CBS, India Operations.

version is different from that of domestic. In all

overseas territories Finacle version implemented is
same. However, for inida implementation the version
is different.


What is version of Finacle CBS planned to be

implemented for US and Bel gium?
Is the Finacle to be implemented in US and
Belgium are of the same version.


Are the planned Finacle functions/modules

common for both US and Bel gium locations? If no,
please prov ide us the detai ls of the differences in
terms of functionalities/modules/processes f or
each of the locations.

All modules of Finacle CBS, that wi ll include Retail

and Coporate, T rade finance, Bills and remittances.
However there might be som e difference in terms of
processes and requi red custom isations.


What is approx. count of Regulatory Reports and

USA - Regul atory reports 15 wi th data extracts and
other reports used by the bank in US and Bel gium other reports 70
Belgium - Regulatory reports 36 wi th data extracts
and other reports 20
In both USA and Bel gium, regulatory reports wi ll be
generated f rom the application of Lombard Risk
(STB) abd data downl oads will be given from


Please confirm whether a com plete SIT for the

Finacle CBS implementation for US and Bel gium
was already/is being carried out by the bank .


What is legacy system used by the bank currently Belgium - Olympic

for the locations Belgium and US?
USA - Flexcube
Is development of automation test scripts
(automation testing) included as part of CBS UAT?





Bank has decided to rem ove performance testing

from the scope.
The language wi ll always be engl ish

Yes it is part of the scope and autom ation of testing

will be done for repetivitve testing and regressi on


SIT will be carried out by the Serv ice Provider


Please prov ide us the no of interfaces those are
going to interact with Finacle for US & Belgium
locations and detai ls of the interfaces


Whether the CBS engagem ent should be carried

out in Onsite(Bank Premises) or Offshore (Testing
Vendor Prem ises) or Mix of both models?
If Onsite, then please mention the location of the
Bank Premises.
If Offshore, will the UAT environment made
available to us for testing?


Please confirm whether GUI testi ng is part of

scope in UAT for the CBS implementation for US
and Belgium?
For the planned UAT , will the testing need to be
carried out using migrated data?
Can BOB share the typi cal Architecture Diagram
for the CBS implementation in US & Belgium
depicting the appl ication servers, database
servers, channel s, network, firewalls, etc.,



Bank of Baroda Comments

USA - Turbo SW IFT, PRIME AML (both Batch and
Online), GTP, Data ware house, Enterpri se wide GL,
STB. Auto email/ FAX
Belgium - PMS, SW IFT, STB, Erase AML, GT P,
EWGL, Data W arehouse, Auto em ail/ FAX
Will be onsite in Mumbai only


Largely migrated data, howev er dependi ng upon the

scenarios data might have to be created.
Required Technical details would be shared onl y
after engagem ent

Please prov ide us the list of interfaces those are

Currently it is CBS and SMS del iver gateway
interacting with Internet Bank ing Portal
What are the serv ices offered by the bank through Intra and Inter Bank funds transf er, bill payments,
Internet Bank ing?
offline request, SMS Al erts, statement of accounts,
modelling,. The list is indicative only.


Are the serv ices offered through Internet Bank ing It is almost common, howev er country speci fic
across multiple locations common? If No, then
requirements may be included for inter bank funds
please prov ide us the detai ls of services offered in transfers.
each of the location separatel y (Kenya, UAE,
Ghana, Mauri ties, Hong Ki ng etc.,)


Who is development vendor for the Internet

Banking Application and under whi ch technology
the application was dev eloped?
How many EOD batch j obs are appl icable for the
Internet Bank ing Application?
Please confirm whether a com plete SIT for the
Internet Bank ing Application was already/is being
carried out by the bank .
Please confirm whether Penetrati on Testing for
one or multiple locations is excluded from the
Do you hav e both Retai l and Corporate m odules in
Internet Bank ing?
Is GUI testing is part of this assignment?
In which operating system the testing need to be
carried out? (Androi d, Symbian etc.,)
Is device testing part of this assignment?
Will the bank provide simulators for this testing, in
case the dev ice testing is out of scope?

Infosys- Finacle eBanking, DotNet pl atform

Name the technol ogies under whi ch the testing

needs to carri ed out (GSM, CDMA etc.,).





Around 130 to 150

SIT will be carried out by the sel ected serv ice
Penetration testing is not under the scope of current
Symbian, Windows Mobi le, Blackberry, Nokia OS.
The list is indicative
Devices will be provided by Bank



What are the serv ices offered by the bank through
mobile banking?
Please confirm whether a com plete SIT for the
Mobile Banking Application was already/is being
carried out by the bank .
Is GUI testing is part of this assignment?
Which are the dom ains (Retail Liabilities, Retail
Assets, Corporate Bank ing including Trade &
Treasury etc.,) are part of the bank's AML?

Bank of Baroda Comments

Funds transf er, M-Commerce, online requests,
reports and requests etc.

AML-Batch sol ution has interface with CBSFinacle.All transactions are imported each day af ter
AML-Online has real -time Watch-list alert Generation
in CBS Finacle for certain identified menu options
PMS scans SW IFT Messages agai nst Watch List


Please prov ide us the list of

AML-ERASE-T ransaction Monitoring, Alert
modules/functionalities those are consi dered under Investigation, Legal Reporting, Watch list scan,
each of domains which are part of Bank's AML.
CBS Finacle- Online Alerts Alerts against Watch-list
SWIFT Messages- W atch list scanning and Message


Is ERASE interacting with any other interfaces

other than Core Bank ing System? If yes, then
please prov ide us the detai ls of those interfaces.



How many EOD batch j obs are appl icable for this
How many reports are generated on
Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Quarterly/Yearly basis?


Will the Core Bank ing System retrieves AML

information from ERASE online?
We assume that Core Bank ing System will interact
with ERASE ei ther online or offline for AML data.
Please confirm.
If yes, then please confirm whether the AML
information provided by ERASE to CBS i s based
on online processi ng of AML data through ST P
with CBS OR based on i nformation that gets
updated at regul ar intervals through interaction
with CBS as Non-ST P?


Please confirm whether a com plete SIT for the

ERASE AML Appl ication was already/is being
carried out by the bank .
Is GUI testing is part of this assignment?
Please prov ide us the list of interfaces those are
interacting with Fraud Managem ent Solution Portal
along with their details
Is GUI testing is part of this assignment?
Please list down the areas of fraud
prevention/management in E-Banking (Ex.
Authentication Level, Transaction Level etc.,)

For 4 territories-SIT is done for








Around 40 Managem ent Reports

Two Regulatory Reporti ng
5 Customized Report
Is AML data processed through on-l ine interaction Both Online and Batch
with Core Bank ing System and/or other Interf aces
OR processed duri ng BOD/EOD as a batch j ob?

CBS only access Erase W atch-list for scanning and

online alerts for certain identified menu options.
CBS data is uploaded to ERASE dai ly on T+1 basis
after EOD through autom ated Batch process

Internet Bank ing, Internet Paym ent Gateway, Bank
on Net (Cash Managem ent Solution)
Authentication and transacti on levels, both are


Please clarify whether this Arcot Fraud
Management Solution needs to be tested f or EBanking of a particular country or m ultiple
countries. Please prov ide us the nam es of the
countries for which this application needs to tested.

Bank of Baroda Comments

It is a centralized application, which would be
covering country speci fic Internet Bank ing. One time
exhaustive testing is required and for other
implementations it is country speci fic limited testing.


In case the appl ication needs to tested f or EBanking of more than one country, then pl ease
provide us the detai ls of country speci fic
Which version of Oracle applications Biz is using
(Ex:R12 or R11i )
Is the application a JRE v ersion or Jinitiator/This is
important to know as based on thi s we need to
choose the QT P version which supports thi s JRE
Which modules are implemented in Oracle CRM,
Financials, Trading etc(Ex: For CRM Field
Services, Service Contracts,

At present 7 countri es, however it is expected to be

increased i n due course.

The scope for UAT (Ex: functionality testing, data

load etc..)
Any web based m odules included in the scope
(Ex: Iprocurem ent, Isupplier)
Any any TE50 docum ents available?
Is there any 3rd party i ntegration with the Oracle
apps, if so is this also part of testing
Is database testi ng is also part of scope.
Any Telnet related modules are part of scope (Ex:
What is the call center appl ication? What are the
modules in the application?
a. Service Request
b. Contacts
c. Opportuni ties
d. Activities etc.,

Functional testing

Whether Pelican is customized for processing

1) Local Instrument Based Cl earing
How many countries (out of each of the country of
implementation of Pelican) norm ally IBAN
transactions are routed to?
Do you use an IBAN v alidator?
What is the percentage of your custom er
payments going out in the form of MT 103+?
Does your test env ironment have interface with
Swift test environment?
What are the m essage types Pel ican is
What is the percentage of STP you expect in your
customer payments?

1 - NO, 2) wherev er RGTS message are i n SWIFT

format and generated i n Finacle/ Treasury modules







Oracle eBusiness Suite 11i

Jinitiator for Oracle Financials, Bank will provide the
QTP version which supports thi s JRE version

Oracle CRM - All modules under 11i eBusiness suite

e.g. TCA sales online, Marketing online, Telesales,
Teleservice, outbound cal ls, scripting in email centre
Oracle Financials - Risk Manager, Transfer Pricing,
Performance Anayser (Prof itability Anayser,
Budgeting and Planning

Currently No
Payment interface with Finacle
Not yet finalised


around 1 to 2 %
At present testi ng is carried out using test BIC, there
is no test env ironment available
All SWIFT message types
STP of SWIFT message is at present about 65%.


Does Pelican have capability to recognize the
following payment routes?
1) Fed Routi ng
2) Chips UID
3) Chaps
4) Sort Code
5) Any other


We understand that al l Pelican instances are

Pelican is SEPA com pliant. This will be enabled for
SEPA compliant. Please speci fy if your instance is UK and Bel gium.
compliant of
1) Direct Debits
2) Credit Transfers
3) Both


Is Pelican custom ized to handl e messaging also or No

are you using any middleware for message
What is the number of currencies in each country approx .16 trading currenci es
of implementation FX treasury wi ll operate?



Bank of Baroda Comments

This will be shared wi th the selected serv ice provider

Do you offer Swapping facilities between

Do you offer Notional Pooling through Kondor?
How many customers (average) will be using the
swap/pooling facilities?
What are the MM deal s Kondor of fers?
Does Kondor T reasury custom ized to handl e any
of the derivatives instruments? If so, specify



Does Kondor T reasury handl e the following types

of risks
1) Credit Risk
2) Market Risk
3) Liquidity Risk
4) Regulatory Risk



What would be the num ber of batch jobs

performed for deal management?
Is Kondor T reasury custom ized to handl e sub
ledger accounti ng?
How many accounts/sub accounts are m aintained
in sub ledger accounti ng?
What are the of ferings in Treasury W eb Portal if
Kondor is offering these serv ices?
How many branches i n each of the countries of
implementation will be using Swift?
What would be the percentage of MT series
usages - MT 1xx/2xx/3xx/...9xx
In Customer payments what is the level of usage?
- MT 103+ - Swift Release Implementation (specify
like Field 50F - countrywi se)
- Does your implementations allow BEN/SHA/OUR
in Field 71A in their real meaning?
- If not, are the i nternal systems customized to
handle conversion of OUR to SHA etc?

approx 30 to 40




Customers are not prov ided with this access
Placement and Borrowi ng
Yes customised as per doem stic requirements.

Approx. 800 accounts
Currently not provided
All branches
All message will be using MT series messages
This will be shared wi th selected serv ice provider

Do you use any m iddleware to ensure hi gher STP? No










What level of validations the midware tak es care
1) Field Level
2) Network Level
What percentage of your present swi ft messages
are STP?
How many channel s your incoming swift
messages wi ll be passed to?
Do your system s handle direct conversion of
incoming swift messages to
1) Book Transfers
Perform security testing (internal as well as
external), Business testing for Internet Bank ing
application. Will you provide any tools for this?

Bank of Baroda Comments

Not Applicable

one gateway
Current depl oyment does not support thi s, however,
in our future implementation we might consider this.

HP QC and HP QT P will be provided for all

purposes, if required, service provider can bring their
own tools for business testing without any
commercial implications to Bank .
Please ignore Load testi ng part. Bank has decided to
remove from the scope.

On demand Load testi ng of the applications listed

in the para 3 abov e.
1. Do you hav e any tools for load testing ? 2.
Which are the protocol s used by products i n para 2. This information will be shared wi th selected
3, e.g. W eb protocol etc
service provider
3. What are expected num ber of concurrent users
testing per appl
of Applications
and ication
tentati ve schedule of
Customisation may vary as per the country speci fic
Testing there are country speci fic delivery
schedules What would be the ex tent of
customizations expected for each country v iz a viz
the base product
Will the SP need to do any l ocalization testing.
Can be discussed later on at the ti me of actual
The scope cov ers Test Managem ent, Test
design, Test execution (including test Autom ation)
for the applications listed in Sec 3. This is onetime a. yes and subsequent i mplementation for other
testing only
applications will also to be done.
The commercials should also include
resource cost f or carrying out testing for other
applications during the period of two years. W hat B. Kindly refer to Annex ure-D for this purpose.
would be the ex pectation from the SP here?? W ill
the SP work with the Bank s Testing team to
deliver the testing??

What %age T est Automation is expected by
end of UAT??
Will the SP be ex pected to conti nue the test
automation activities post GO-live
Will the SP be ex pected to conduct ongoi ng
release testing for applications already made Golive, while some other appl ications (in Para 3) are
in UAT??
1. Assumption is that all the testing will be carried
out of Banks premises in MUMBAI
2. Will any travel be required overseas?

For the subsequent UAT s maximum automation is

aimed at to reduce the UAT time.
Yes for a mximum period of two months
Yes, to be done by the addi tional onsite
resources.f actored in RFP



Bank of Baroda Comments
Testing is a core focus area for ***** and we have At this stage eligibility criteria can not be changed.
a separate Center of Excellence (COE) to address
the testing and UAT projects. This COE works as a
Small Business Unit (SBU) within ***** and does
considerable business in testing space. We have
600+ resources dedicated for testing related
projects and hence we are in the best position to
address BOB's project. Also, testing revenue for
***** for 2009-2010 was more than INR 5 crores.
Considering the above we request bank to amend
the eligibility to:
"Should have a minimum of 200 testers" and
"Should have total revenue coming out of testing
as more than 1 crores"


What are the application stacks Front The details will be shared wi th the selected serv ice
End/Middle tier/Back End? Of all 13 applications provider
mentioned in: Para (3)Annex ure D (3-13)


Scope - Onl y UAT or System, Regression & UAT? All



Exact No. of applications (initial)?

Business Objective of apps?Size of all respective
applications (Function Points/Screens/No of
Flows etc)
Are requirements detailed out for all respective
If yes how many low- level requirements per
Are functional test cases prepared for the apps? A
sample would be helpful.
If yes how many of them per individual apps?
Avg no. of test steps in a test case per appl ication?


Are there autom ated cases f or the apps?

If yes how many of them per application?


Avg no. of check points in an automated test script

per application?
How many business users who will test each
application alongside?
Is Performance Testing a part of each application?



If yes are SLAs defined for Response

Time/Throughput/System Resources?
No. of SLAs per application to be load-tested?


As per 4 (h) who i s to provide tool for load-testing?


Is security Testing a part of all applications?

If yes what components of security need to be
addressed? i .e. User Rol es/SQL Inject/URL Inject?

refer section 3 of the RFP

The details will be shared wi th the selected serv ice
Requirements are not cl assified as low or high
Functional test cases wi ll be prepared by the v endor
Not Applicable
this will be as per the best practi ces followed in the
the vendor is to provide
this will be as per the best practi ces followed in the
this will be as per the best practi ces followed in the
will depend on the si ze of the application and the
UAT timeframe
will depend on the si ze of the application and the
UAT timeframe
Banks has decided to rem ove performance testing
from the scope of current RFP.
Banks has decided to rem ove performance testing
from the scope of current RFP.
Please ignore Load testi ng part. Bank has decided to
remove from the scope.
Please ignore Load testi ng part. Bank has decided to
remove from the scope.
It is application security testing through test cases
and it covers User rol es and SQL i nject









List no. of security components to be tested per
Define Security (Internal & External)Testing and
Business testing for Internet Banking application
4 (g)
Estimated sizing in no. of test cases for Security
and Business testing for the Internet Banking
Size of the team to train? 4 (i)
How many application interfaces to the CBS suite?
Architecture of the individual interfaces?

Bank of Baroda Comments

It is application security testing through test cases.

How many allied application interfaces to the CBS

suite? 4(n)
Architecture of the individual interfaces?
Define Unit Testing? Unit Testing is a
developmental activity. Do we need to pi ck this up
as well? Increases scope?
What Unit Testing tools are to be used for each
Who is to provide the tools?
How many Unit Cases per appl ication?
How many cycles of testing do you expect each
application to go through Manual?
How many cycles of testing do you expect each
application to go through Automation?

AML. Internet Bank ing, CRM, Data W arehouse,

Pelican, Phone, Base 24
Will be shared wi th the selected Serv ice Provider
Unit testing is not part of the scope.

Who is to provide test environments for all

If BOB to provide will each individual environment
be set up to test at time of Test Planning and
Numerate no of additional applications that the SP
might need to test i n addition to the ones descri bed
in: Para (3) Annex ure D (3-13)
Estimated sizing for these addi tional applications?

Bank will provide one test env ironment for each of

the applications

It is application security testing through test cases.

this will be as per the best practi ces followed in the

5 to 10 officers
An indicative list is AML. Internet Bank ing, CRM,
Data W arehouse, Pel ican, Phone, Base 24
Will be shared wi th the selected Serv ice Provider

Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable

The objective is to ensure, bugf ree application, it

should meet with all the requirements.
The objective is to ensure, bugf ree application, it
should meet with all thebusiness requirements as
defined in the BRD/ FSD.
If any application has been tested before Which Will be shared wi th the selected serv ice provider
ones? Please indicate team size and time period
taken to test
Kindly share with us testing size of applications The details can not be shared at thi s stage, will be
already in production or alpha/beta tested.
shared with selected Serv ice Provider

It is too early to list out at this point of time

This will be as per our Busi nes plan, too early to

elaborate on thi s.
Are there any well defined acceptance criteria for The objective is to ensure, bugf ree application, it
test? They would have definitely done these sorts should meet with all thebusiness requirements as
of testing for the other region rollout. Can they defined in the BRD/ FSD.
share that? Otherwise it will be difficult for us to
signoff the UAT in the absence of established
acceptance cri teria.


Bank of Baroda Comments
What is the project structure and are there Yes there will be an SPOC f or each of the
identified SME/SPOCs/Application owner from the application.
bank for each of the application. Will the Bank be
appointing SME/SPOCs/Application owner for the
support required in understandi ng the application
and the bank process?


Since the rollout will be a customized version for Test plan will be be prepared by the sel ected Serv ice
the region being rolled out, will the Bank be Provider with mutual consent keeping in mind the
sharing [1] the initial test plan as used for gap project plan for each appl ication.
identification during product walk through [2] the
list of gaps identified. This will help us to build the
base UAT plan and the regression test plan as a
top up for the identified changes after assessing
the impact of the gaps.


Is there a document explaining banks existing BRD/ FSD wi ll be shared f or this purpose wi th the
product setup and existing business process. The selected serv ice provider.
Service Provider can establish the expectation to
adhere to these during testing without which it
would be difficult. The difference between UAT
and System test is that UAT will address test
scenario the way bank will use the application to
run their business. Having these documents, will
help us to the bui ld test plan.


Does the Bank have an existing standard doc for

testing and can it be shared? More significantly for
interface testing; we need to know whether there
will be a complete setup or the tester is expected
to create simulated test environment through

Banks does not hav e any standard docum ent for

testing. Complete UAT test environment will be made
available for each of the applications and wi ll also
inclue the interfaces.


Is change management/customization a part of the

Test Process/Contract Vs. New Application
Q: a) we assum e that the scope of services is
System Integration Testing and User Acceptance
Testing of all the applications listed in sec 3,
b) Regressi on testing (Automated regressi on test
pack creation for CBS appl ication) and
c) Performance Testing of one of the Applications.
Please confirm.

Yes all changes in the application/ customisation

need to be tested


Q: b) The effort and com mercials for load

(performance) testing of any one appl ication per
implementation by assum ing the num ber of
transactions / virtual users etc., requi red. The
assumption will be generic irrespective of the
application Please confirm.

Please ignore Load testi ng part. Bank has decided to

remove from the scope.


a) Please advise whether BOB has an ex isting

organization policy for certain critical parameters
while conducting SIT, UAT, Regression Testing,
Performance Testing in terms of no of rounds,
expected durati on of each round, cov erage, entry
and exit criteria of each round?

Bank does not hav e any policy, however, it is

expected to follow best practi ces followed in the
industry. W e may also look to formulating one with
the help of the vendor.


a) Yes

b) Yes, regressi on testing will have to be carri ed out

for all the applications
c) performance testing is excluded from the scope of
current RFP



b) For the purpose of Commercials (Annexure D)
*****is assuming that the num ber of testing
iterations will include one round of System
Integration testing and two rounds of User
Acceptance testi ng. The first round of UAT will
focus on Com prehensive testing while the second
round will focus on Regressi on testing. As a
standard, the num ber of iterations are determ ined
by the defect rate and ex it criteria which will in turn
have an impact on the scope of work, effort
required for SIT execution, number of rounds of
UAT etc., and thereby an i mpact on com mercials.
Please confirm our assum ption.
We are assumi ng that the test cases menti oned
here includes
1) Test planning consisting of preparati on of test
cases, scenari os, data, executi on plan etc., and
2) Test executi on of test cases and recordi ng of
3) Test Reporti ng and management.
Please confirm.

Bank of Baroda Comments

The objective is to ensure, bugf ree application, it
should meet with all thebusiness requirements as
defined in the BRD/ FSD. No show stoppers wi ll be
accepted at the com pletion of UAT and before the golive.
Actual UAT will start after the SIT is completed.


2) Manual execution of the test cases wi ll be done by

Bank team, SP will execute autom ated & regressi on
3) recording, test reporti ng (including dashboard and
analysis, test management will be done by the
selected serv ice provider


a) Would it be possible for BoB to share the hi gh

level requirements or other docum ents such as
BPD, DSS, RS, etc., f or the applications specified
in section 3 to determ ine the functional scope and
commercial estimates.


b) We assume that Applications to be anal yzed for Yes for the present, the two dedi cated resources wi ll
testing are only those listed in Section 3 and
be entrusted the j ob of all our future requirements.
Annexure D only. Please confirm.


We presume the abov e requirement will be

communicated by the Bank from time to time for
separate com mercial quotes from the Service
Provider. Please confirm.




It will be difficult to share all such docum ents at this

stage, will be shared wi th the selected serv ice

All applications listed in section 3 are requi red to be

quoted com mercially. However, a separate purchase
order will be issued before the com mencement of
UAT for each of the applications listed in section 3 of
the RFP.
We assume that autom ated regressi on test suite is Regression testing will have to be carri ed out for all
required only for the CBS Fi nacle application.
the application listed in section 3
Please confirm.
The List of Indicative services (a to ee) prov ided in The commecial quote will be evaluated as per
Section 4 are beyond conducti ng SIT and UAT as annexure D. Howev er, a separate purchase order
detailed in Annexure 'D'. Although ***** i s capable will be issued before the com mencement of UAT for
of providing the serv ices, we presum e these are
each of the applications listed in section 3 of the
NOT to be considered for Commercials (Annexure RFP. SIT, UAT, Regression testing, Automated
D). Please confirm.
testing and securi ty testing is in the scope of current
We assume that the abov e standard oracl e
applications will be implemented with minimum
customization. Please confirm.

The customisation will depend on the Busi nes

requirements and thi s information will be shared wi th
the selected serv ice provider.


Q 1: we assume that the CBS scope i ncludes
mainly Trade Finance payments, standard vani lla
liability products, cl earing and payments servi ces
and also interfaces to channel s like ATM and
Internet banki ng. It is assumed that CBS
implementation in these two countri es do not
include asset products. Pl ease confirm.

Bank of Baroda Comments

Asset products are part of implementation in both the


Q 2: We assume that the Fi nacle CBS versi on for

USA and Bel gium will be the same versi on as that
of other countri es. Please confirm.

Yes, the version is same.


Q: The tentati ve schedul e indicated for UAT of

various applications runs for a peri od of 6 months
from Jun-10 to Nov-10. The tentati ve schedul e is
in not in line with point no. 17 in Sec 3, that proj ect
should be completed within 3 months from date of
acceptance of purchase order. Pl ease clarify.

The tentative time schedule is given and by and

large we wi ll stick to it. However, there coul d be
some variations dependi ng on the busi ness
requirements and the sam e will be conveyed to the
selected serv ice provider.


Q 1: Please do conf irm whether the securi ty testing Security testing will be at Application level
of Internet bank ing application is at application
level or network level?
Q 2: What type of security assessment is required. Best Practices
Is it a) Standards b) Contractual obligations c) Best
practices and d) Others (speci fy)




Q 3: Has any prev ious assessm ents been

conducted on the archi tecture?
Annexure D: Poi nt no. 8 - request commerci als for
Test cases for Fi nancial Management (Fi xed
We presume thi s point refers to the Fi xed Assets
module under Oracl e Financial Management.


Please confirm.
Q. Of the Applications to be tested, we request
BoB to adv ise which of the applications are new
implementations and whi ch are version upgrades
that require Regressi on Testing?


Q. Of the Applications listed, we request BoB to

Data Migrations is not in the scope.
advise whether testi ng for Data Migration is to be
considered under thi s RFP scope? If yes, please
advise for which of the applications Data Migration
from legacy system s is planned?


Q : We assume the Test Environment for testing

all the applications in scope woul d be available in
one location (BKC, Mum bai) in India. Please
Q. We assume that scram bled producti on data will
be available for all applications considered for
testing and that ***** wi ll consider "preparati on of
test data" as an out of scope item for this proposal.
Please confirm.
Item 1 and 2 of Template for Commercials: Q: We
presume the onsite resources woul d be located at
BOB Premises in BKC, Mumbai. Please confirm.



All are new implementations and regressi on testing

will have to be done f or each of the applications.


Wherever possible the test data wi ll be made

available, however, in some cases the v endor might
have to create the test data f or creation of testing
scenarios or otherwi se.


Under Major Activities column:Cost of two
dedicated onsite Resources for a peri od of 2
years.Q: W e assume that the above menti oned 2
resources are requi red for overal l co-ordination
and management of vari ous testing requirements
of various applications during the peri od of 2
years. The responsi bility does not i nclude the
preparation of test cases, scenari os and test
execution. Please confirm.


Q: a) We understand that the Bank woul d provide Please ignore Load testi ng part. Bank has decided to
for QTP and QC to be avai lable for the Testi ng
remove from the scope.
Partner and b) W hether the commerci als for the
tools, other than QTP and QC, need to be quoted
separately or along with the respecti ve testing like
automation of applications, load testing of
applications and securi ty testing of internet


Commercial bids will be opened onl y for those

bidders who secure a mi nimum of 80% i n
technical evaluationQ. Sec 21. Sel ection process
says cut-off score as 70%, pl ease clarify.


Q. Kindly let us know if the Bank Guarantee can be As specified in RFP

issued by any other schedul e bank other than a
public sector bank & whether such a Bank
Guarantee woul d be acceptabl e to Bank of Baroda
for the purposes of this Bid.
Also kindly provide us with the bank guarantee
Available on our websi te
Q : ***** woul d like to propose a com mercial model Not required as of now.
wherein BoB will have perpetual access to use the
testware by m eans of a license fee . In this model
***** woul d regularly enhance the testware f or
additions/changes under an AMC m odel Can you
please confirm that this model would meet BoB


Bank of Baroda Comments

The 2 resources wi ll be required to prepare test
cases/ scenari os/ test execution as also
management of UAT for the testing requirements
over and abov e the applications listed in section 3.

Please read It as 70% at both the pl aces.


How may servers needs to be perf ormance

1.No of web servers
2.No of Application servers
3.No of DB servers
4.No of Transaction Servers (ATM / POS)

Bank has decided to rem ove performance testing

from the scope.


Could you please let us know the speci fic

middleware used by BOB Eg: IBM MQ Seri es
Could you please let us know number of public IP's
applicable for security testing
Could you please share archi tecture diagram
Please refer the annex ure NFT. We have defined
a matrix between appl ications under testi ng and
testing service requested (Perf ormance, Securi ty
and Autom ated regressi on test suite). Please
confirm the scope def ined in the matrix.

Biztalk,Connect24 and IBM MQ seri es


Security testing of network is not in the scope of

current RFP
Will be shared wi th the selected serv ice provider
SIT, UAT, Regression testing, Automated testing and
security testing for all the applications listed in the
section 3 of the RFP is in the scope of current RFP.


Bank of Baroda Comments
Section (If From RFP):Eligibility conditions
Waiver can not be consi dered
Question/Issue Bank s Comments
6)Should have a minimum of 50% of total staff as
7) Should have at least 50% of total revenues
coming out of software testing Ref Page No:24
We would request you f or a waiver in these two
clauses as our rev enues are cl ose to a 1 bi llion US
dollars and they com e from various application
services .We have about 17000 em ployees
working in different technol ogies and ***** i s
incorporated i n Delhi. Please visit our Website
We would like to purchase the bi d documents
based on your approv al for the waiver of the above
mentioned clause .
Please feel free to contact us f or any further


For the 13 odd appl ications in scope, pls provide

the following details
Application Complexity
Functionality details
Application Business Criticality and size
Release calendar/Project Plan

Applications listed are typical Banking applications

providing standard f unctionalities and interfacing with
other applications to deliver a business process
results which are critical and complex in nature.


For the list of applications, the tentati ve UAT

commencement date ref ers to testing post System
Testing or the actual UAT?
Please elaborate further on your ex pectation as
part of Business testing for the Internet Bank ing
Tools License: W ill the bank be provisioning QTP
and QC for testing?
Of the 13 appl ications listed, which applications
will have regional specific module/functionalities?
Provide more details on the sam e

Actual UAT

As part of the SIT for applications in scope of the

RFP, Is functional testing of interfacing
applications the responsi bility of the Service
Is the Service Provider expected to perf orm
system testing of the applications in scope or i s it
being done by another team ? If being done by
another team Is an entry ex it criteria already in
place between System testing and SIT ?







Typical user acceptance testi ng comprising of

business functions, interfaces and appl ication
security testing

AML, Internet Bank ing, CBS, CRM, Data warehouse

may have regional specific modules/ functionalities.
The details will be shared wi th selected serv ice
System Integration Testing : For the appl ications in It would be shared at the ti me of assignment
scope, prov ide details on:
execution only as some of these application are yet
No of interfaces (Both ex ternal and batch)
to be deployed.
Interface complexity breakup No of reports,
business rules and UI screens












Finacle CBS roll out:
Provide more details on the scope of testing
for Finacle CBS roll out.
Provide more details of the interfacing
applications? (appl ication names, functionalities,
complexity, availability of test suites etc)
Which version of finacle is currently being
used? W hat modifications have been planned as
part of the Finacle CBS roll out for Belgium and
Please share detai ls on finacle CBS roll out
plan for Belgium and US.
5. Will the SP be requi red to perform system
testing and com ponent integration testing for the
finacle CBS? If yes, is there a readi ly available test
suite in place

Bank of Baroda Comments

All modules of Finacle CBS, that wi ll include
Deposits, loan, Trade finance, Bills and remittances.

Typically Unit testing is performed by the

Development team. However, does the Bank wish
the Service Provider to carry out the uni t testing as
As part of System Integration Testing, in the
absence of the interface application, will Bank
provide Stubs/Simulators for testing?
Does the Bank envisage any
regulatory/compliance testing for any of the 13
applications listed?
Out of the 13 appl ications listed, for which of the
applications would you expect security testing and
load testing to be perf ormed?
Detail out the expectation from Service Provider as
part of Business User Acceptance testi ng? (W ill
we need to perf orm end to end UAT or do we need
to provide UAT support?
Is there a flexibility to propose any al ternate pricing
models or would you like us to work with the
options provided?
Can you please prov ide more details on the
rationale behind two onsi te resources bei ng
requested as part of the commercials?


Who is responsible for creation of test data,

provisioning and maintenance of the same?

Finacle version

Indiactive dates for roll out is given on Page 9


complete application with all the interfaces will be

Not required separatel y, however, the regul atory
requirements will be covered in the BRD/ FSD.
Please ignore Load testi ng part. Bank has decided to
remove from the scope, securi ty testing will have to
be done.
UAT support onl y for the time being, howev er Bank
may ask service provider to perform UAT, if required.


Bank would provide testing tools and environment at

its own prem ises and env isage testing as a conti nous
ongoing activity for new appl ications and
enhancem ents. Two on-site expert resources are
required to prov ide complete assisstance to Bank 's
team for UAT which will include preparati on of test
design, test cases, UAT management etc.

Wherever possible the test data wi ll be made

available, however, in some cases the v endor might
have to create the test data f or creation of testing
scenarios or otherwi se.
Is the Test Environment setup and m anagement in No, Bank would provide at its own prem ises.
scope of the Service Provider?


What level of involvement will Bank show in terms
Liaising with third party vendor?
3. Participation in testing? (test planning, test
strategy definition etc)

Bank of Baroda Comments

Bank's dedicated testing team would be involved and
take care of it.
1. By Bank
2. by Bank/ Service Provider
3. execution normally by Bank


Post application deployment onto the producti on,

does the Bank expect the Serv ice Provider to still
provide testing support? If yes, please elaborate


Can you list some of the key business

imperatives/critical success factors or SLA's that
the Test team has to adhere to wi th the business

Post application deployment onto producti on, Bank

expects the serv ice provider to prov ide testing
support for the go-live issues for a period of around
two months.
As these factors are dependent on appl ication under
testing, therefore CSF/SLA woul d be mutually
decided at the time of execution.


Does the Bank have a standard operati ng model

for QA which the vendor has to adhere to?

No, It is expected that Serv ice Provider would guide

Bank in setting up this practice.


Will bank provide the infrastructure f or testing or is

to be arranged by the v endor?
Is the bank willing to execute this engagem ent in
part or whol e from vendors location or it has to be
from Bank's specified location only?
Minimum Eligibility Criteria: Does it mean that we
need to sati sfy every criteria mentioned in
Annexure B
1. Is a consorti um approach to the response
permitted with the eligibility criteria being fulfilled
by the consorti um as a whole rather than the
individual members?
2. In case a consorti um approach i s not
acceptable, would it be acceptabl e to have a prime
vendor engagi ng with a partner i n respondi ng to
the RFP? In thi s case, woul d the partner s
credentials be acceptabl e to fulfil the eligibility
criteria? For example, the prime vendor may not
be a testing company but the partner m ay be and
while the latter fulfils most of the requirements, the
commercial strength and proj ects experience may
come from the prime vendor.

By Bank




Execution would be at Bank 's premises


Consortium Approach i s not permitted.

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