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Backup and Restore Test Artifacts for

Tivoli Storage Manager

Storage Agent (LANFree)

AIX Platform

Prepared By

February12, 2006

Version 1.1

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Table of Contents
Perform LANfree backup test:..................................................................3
Perform LANfree restoration:...................................................................6
Perform LAN-based restoration (after stopping the Storage Agent thus emulating
non-availability of LANfree path):............................................................12

LANfree backup test:
i. To do LANfree backup of data, run the following command on josie:

dsmc selective /home/ -quiet subdir=yes

Notice the LanFree data bytes : 877.33MB line in the screenshot above
confirming LANFree data movement during restoration.
ii. Here is the screenshot from the TSM server side showing the q session
output and q mount output :

iii. Notice the messages in the activity log during LANfree data transfer :

Notice the line LanFree data bytes: 877.33MB confirming LANFree data movement as
shown from the server side (and also matching with the line from the Storage Agent
side in the screenshot shown above).

LANfree restoration:
1. To do LanFree restoration of the data, run the following command on josie
(after creating a directory /psoft/home_restore_lanfree for restoration):

dsmc restore /home/ /psoft/home_restore_lanfree/ -quiet subdir=yes

In the above screenshot (from the Storage Agent side), notice the line LanFree data
bytes: 877.33MB proving LanFree restoration.
2. The two screenshots below show q session and q mount outputs as seen
from the server side:

3. The
/psoft/home_restore_lanfree immediately after the restoration completed

4. Below is the screenshot which shows the events as reported in q actlog (from
TSM server side) during the LanFree restoration :


Notice the line LanFree data bytes: 877.33MB verifying LanFree restoration
(from the server side).


LAN-based restoration (after stopping the Storage Agent thus

emulating non-availability of LANfree path):

To do LAN based restoration of the data, run the following command to stop
the StorageAgent server on josie (after creating a directory
/psoft/home_restore_lanbased for restoration on josie):

kill <PID_of_StorageAgent>

ii. Start restoration by running the following command :

dsmc restore /home/ /psoft/home_restore_lanbased/ -quiet subdir=yes


Notice in the screenshot where is says ANS9201W LAN-free path failed,

confirming the non-availibility of the LANfree path.
Also, notice in the summary section where is says Total number of bytes
transferred: 879.01MB again proving network or LAN based movement of
traffic during restoration.
iii. The following two screenshots show the output of q session and q mount

commands from the TSM server side :



iv. The

screenshot below shows the contents of the directory

/psoft/home_restore_lanbased immediately after the restoration
completed successfully:



Below are two screenshots which show the events as reported in q actlog
and q mount (from TSM server side) during the LAN Based restoration :



Notice the line Total number of bytes transferred: 879.01MB verifying LAN based
restoration (from the server side).


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