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The Pact with the old ones

There is a dividing line between those magicians and witches

that choose to add Yugoothik magic to their collection of magical tools and
that that make the Pact with the Old Ones. The Pact changes the destiny of
the magician to be as the Old Ones. They accept a kind of immortality, but
loose some of their anchoring in humanity. Think of concepts like family,
country, politics or religion, as you know them now. These things are tied
with current life or at most with incarnations in human form a lifetime or
two hence. If you hope to live for millions years, do you think that being
a Democrat or Republican will matter for millennia? Or white or black? Or
**** or straight? If you intend to live for millions of years can you afford
such preferences as Texan or Canadian, Persian or Chinese? Do you think you
should limit yourself to bodies of two arms and two legs and a visual sense
of a very small part of the electromagnetic spectrum?
Some of the Old Ones resonate with the idea of new intelligence
shaped by unbending intent of the two forces of Curiosity and desire for
Liberty. Each new immortal so formed helps the whole universe, and the Old
Ones are willing to share of their Essence to those that take up the Quest.
These folk will begin to act more and more with the Will of the Old Ones by
the simple process of Becoming more and more like the Old Ones with each
deed or thought. These creatures offer you no aid in the form of blessing
or luck. They leave it for their Children to make their way out of the
small terrestrial creek to the oceans of the Big Dark.
There are others that feed on mankind. They are known by many
names. Gurdjieff called the Moon, Carlos Castenada called them the
"flyers." William S. Burroughs called them the Nova Mob. These truly evil
shits cannot fully manifest in the world of matter. They can be seen by
sorcerers and magicians at certain locations, or feeding upon a human at the
time of the human's death, or at moments when the magicians has great
momentum. These discarnate beings offer temporal power or pleasure to
humans by addicting them to money, political power, or drugs, or sex, or
feel-good religion. Once the addiction has become part of a human's
inventory, they are granted synchronicity-sensing, otherwise know as "luck."
But the luck only leads to more of the addictive substance. As they
consume, they are consumed. In the end they become as animals desiring only
to feed. You have seen humans in such money-addiction that they would sell
their own grandmother's kidneys. The addicts may look different - the pope
may not look like the head of a drug cartel, who may not look the dictator
of North Korea who might not look like a seven-term senator. Whenever any
entity offers you something for free, run don't walk away. Prayer is like
heroin, the first fix is free. Interestingly these predators are related to
the Old Ones, they are Children of Azathoth and dream of gaining a enough
force that they may swallow their Father-Mother whole. Such things have
happened, annihilating universes. However the nature of Azathoth is such
that if eaten simply Remanifests in the one who has eaten.
If after successes with some of the experiments in this book you

wish to join with the Old Ones and bind your Intent for all time to Seeking
Liberty and Seeking After the Mysteries, you may perform the seven steps of
the Pact. It is not done until the end. After it is done you will grow
more and more like the Old Ones with each deed, each word, each dream and
each thought. Your reincarnations will eventually take you from Earth . It
is wise to pause a few weeks between the steps. Unless you and another
magician are going to work the Pact at the same time, it is better not to
discuss your experiences until you have either finished the process or
decided not to seek joining the Old Ones.
First Step the Renunciation. For two weeks live without media.
Avoid your friends and family. On fourteen index cards write about yourself
in fourteen words: Brother, Pet Owner, College Graduate, Jazz Lover, Pot
Smoker, Martial Artist, Businessman etc. Each night at midnight kindle a
small flame. Say aloud, "I am the I who lives forever beyond space and
time. I am the I who rents this mask form the Goddess Zo. The Mask is
not I. Yog Sothoth Opens the Gate wherein I meet all of me, I offer this
mask to Him." Burn the card. As much as is feasible do not act in the
context of the mask for the rest of the work. If you burn "Brother" on
night two, do not interact with your brother for the next twelve days. If
you burn "Pot Smoker" on day four, don't touch weed for ten days.
Second Step the Transformation. Take as much time as you need
to find the image. Look through or create some Mythos art. Pick the image
that symbolizes what you who like to try being next. Gather as many copies
of the image as you like. Place them on the panes of the threefold mirror,
so that you cannot see your normal reflection without looking at them. For
two weeks spend sometime sitting in front of the three-fold mirror. At
midnight light a turn on the strobe so that you see the images flashing all
around you. Say aloud, "I am the great I who can have any form. I choose
human, but when the stars are right I choose a new mask. I am not my human
mask." Close your eyes and sit in the strobe field picture yourself as
living in the body you have chosen. Let the **** of the light on your
closed eyes help you visualize. After a few minutes write down your
impressions. Poetry, art and music created in response to this step is
sacred and will add great power to your other working.
Step the Understanding. For two weeks avoid any kind of overt magical work,
do not set up to do dreaming. (If dreaming does occur, however write it
down). Even avoid pop-magical acts like tossing a coin in a fountain or
reading a newspaper horoscope. Avoid recreational drugs and alcohol. Read
every science fact article and book that you can lay your hands on about
extra-terrestrial biology as well paths that evolution neglected here on
earth. Read about artificial intelligence as a possible means of
immortality. Read about the quest to contact extra intelligence. Choose
recent work in the filed and at the highest academic level you can process.
Step four the Binding. During this fortnight you will bind your
intent upon the twin forces of Liberty and Curiosity. The human being has
been dosed with sickness of self-judgment. For some people this process
becomes the most sickening forms of egotism: others are trapped into the
opposite pole of self-loathing. Egotism is a form of identification with

the volitional surface of the psyche, which most people think of as

themselves. In reality this husk has the job of explaining everything that
just happened producing the illusion of consciousness. It avoids new
thinking and explains everything in terms of the social ego. This husk is
grown by the human psyche in the time of adolescence; most humans have so
long ago accepted the monologue of the husk as reality that everything in
their lives seems like High School. For those who choose self-loathing
their lives wander between "noble altruism" where they give away things so
they look noble by their concern for others, and deep depression where they
wonder why their lives suck. Both of these poles bind human's intent to
that of the Flyers. If you live for a picture of yourself as great among
day-to-day humans or for an altar of suffering, you live for Them.
There are two forces by which the Old Ones broke free from
Cosmic Inertia. This first of these is curiosity. Magical curiosity is the
process of making the Unknown Known. If a human accepts that beneath the
husk of their psyche there is a vast darkness of Potential, he or she will
be both humbled and energized. They do not bend their knee or avert their
eyes from a manmade image of god, but realize that the god-like action of
taking what has been hidden and unmanifest within them manifest in the world
is the holy act. In order to become who you are, you must begin by admitting
that you do not know who you are. All of the human messages that have
reached you are designed to limit you. You are an unknown traveling in an
unknown universe. If you claim the search for the unknown over such
superficialities as egotism or neurotic guilt you have begun you have broken
with the little gods of earth.
The search for the Unknown has been the lifework of Dr,.Polaris.
He is known as Dr. Stephen Edred Flowers and also by his byline of Edred
Thorsson. He expresses the search in Old Norse: Reyn Til Runa! I could feed
you several of his ideas, but instead part of your work is tracking down the
The quest for liberty is a perfect human and trans-human moment.
It combines the virtuous side of selfishness and the highest form of love
for the others of your species. It is the highest form of the worship of
Yeb and Nug, Many humans think they are doing the best thing for their
fellows by making their lives easier, but few are willing to risk empowering
other humans - the other humans may not do what they want them to. During
this fortnight you must make a sash to carry two pieces of parchment. The
sash must be worn over your heart. Keep it on at all times except when
On one piece of parchment write the Nug Soth runes that
transliterate the phrase Reyn Til Runa! (Rhine Til Rhunah). On the other
piece write these 26 runes: Iod, Waz, Iod, Lolig, Lolig, Rel, Eih, Mem,
Azoan, Nuar, Iod, Faug, Eih, Salac, Telo, Azoan, Salac, Azoan, Nyar, Ota,
Loilg, Dao, Ota, Nyar, Eih (= "I Will Remanifest as an Old One"). After you
have written the runes, put three drops of your blood on each slip.
Each morning during the fortnight rise and take a cold shower.

Face Salem, Massachusetts and chant the 26 runes of "I Will Remanifest as an
Old One." Then say four times."My intent is bound for all time to seek
Liberty. My intent is bound to seek after the Mysteries!"
During the day engage as many people as you can in discussing
either the ideas of liberty or the idea of the mysterious as a positive
force in the world. Each night research one of the names below. Think
about their quest for liberty. When you feel you grok their quest, perform
the following Working.
a.. Do the frame rite.
b.. For the working say these words, "I honor the psyche of X (from list
below). In the Name of the Old Ones let the rules time-and-space be
abolished. I set my psyche before his and it is become a mirror. Let their
inner depths shine upon me, so that my soul may learn from this worthy soul.
Let their desire for Liberty grow strong in me. Let it glow in my deeds, my
thoughts, my words. I will be a freedom fighter in the Cosmos!"
c.. Picture receiving advice and guidance from the figure you have chosen.
d.. Close the rite in the normal manner. Be sure to write down any
impression you may have. Pay attention to your dreams in the next few
The List:
Emma Goldman
Guy Debord
Harriet Tubman
Lysander Spooner
Victoria Woodhull
Ludwing Von Mises
Elizabet Ney
Abraham Lincoln
Ida B. Wells Barnett
Wilhelm Reich
Marie Leveau
Sardar Bhagat Singh
Molly Pitcher (Mary Ludwig McCauley)
Hassan I Sabbah

When you have interacted with fourteen spirits, you need to take two new
pieces of parchment. One the first write your full legal name in Nug Soth
runes. On the second write a magical name you shall be known by among the
Old Ones. Don't choose a "human looking name" like John the Scary **** Old
One. The best source of your names would be from your dreams. On each slip
of parchment drip three drops of your blood. Take the two pieces of
parchment from your sash. Tie them together with the two new pieces.
Kindle a fire in your burning bowl. When the fire is burning, take the
parchment pieces in your left hand and say these words. "The physical fire
is the Symbol of the mind. The fires of the outer hells do prevail; the new
thoughts within nourish me. I am He (or She) who fights for freedom in all
worlds and in all manifestations. I am He who seeks after the mysteries. I
hold in my claw the same name written four times. Four are the names and
five are the senses of this mask, which witnesses this deed, and fourteen
are the souls who have Taught me. Twenty Six is the Number of "I Will
Remanifest as an Old One.' Infinite is the number who eat this smoke and
witness my Intent is Bound beyond space and time. May the Dead Raise and
Smell the Incense!" Toss the names into the fire and burn them to ash. The
next day travel to the place in your town that you find the most mysterious
and secretly scatter the ashes, as you do so whisper, "Seek After the
Mysteries!" On the following day make a money contribution to a political
group that you believe fights for human freedom.
Step Five Seeing the Flyers. During this two-week period you
will seek to see the Flyers. Visit hospitals; be respectful of the human
suffering there. However walk about with eyes relaxed and mind open. You
will feel the presence of the beings that feed on humans, most likely you
will sense them as convection waves or sense them as unpleasant vibrations.
Hang around places where drug addicts congregate and look for the same
feeling/image. Everytime you indulge in an addiction - whether sugar or
cigarettes or porn video games say to yourself, "The children of Azathoth
feed on human experience. They eat our awareness. I am feeding them now,
and I don't like being a battery. I don't like being a blood bank."
If possible during this time attend a funeral of a wealthy man
or woman known for their greed and their religiosity. Show respect to the
family, blend in and bow your head. Watch the ceremony though half-closed
eyes. Say the following to yourself, "He goes to the Feat of Eihort. His
deeds and thoughts are being sucked out like lobster at seafood restaurant.
I break the spell and see those I will outlive by my Intent." Simply feel
the great feeding going on.
During the days read about what addictions do to the body, think
about addictions - heroin, racist politics, money, favorite football
teams -etc. channel energy out of human beings. Think what you might do
with that energy if you weren't giving it away. At the end of the fortnight
light a candle and speak these words, "I know there is a plot against the
human race. I know it has given religion and other opiates. I am gentle
with myself for I love the Old One I am becoming, so by the powers hidden in
me, I began to close the leaks from my life. I will not be as the Flyers.
I will not feed on the experience of others, but I will seek out the

experiences that will make live forever in strangeness and glory. My

experiences will feed me with dreams that insulate me from the Flyers and
burning fire humans call time. That which is not dead may eternally lie and
with strange eons even death may die." When you have said these words pass
your right hand over the candle flame (close enough to feel the heat, but
not close enough to burn) fourteen times. Image the heat sealing you in a
warm healthy glow that prevents leakages of attention.
Step six Cracking the Egg. There are two activities during
these fourteen days. The first is literary, the second involves memory and
magical passes. Tristan Tzara, Brian Gysin and William S. Burroughs
experimented with a method know as the "Cut-Up," a collaging of tests to
destroy their original meaning and let new meanings come through. The
Flyers (or to use William S. Burroughs' term the Novas Mob) control us by
word association. If someone were to ask us on our death bed "How are you?'
We answer "Fine." If a cabbie drops us off at the airport and says, "Have a
nice trip!" We respond, "You, too." As though the poor SOB were going
somewhere. Many magicians have noticed this - L. Ron Hubbard called this
phenomena "the reactive mind" - Gudrjieff called it the pigeon-hole process.
Cutting texts up is a way of breaking down their power and letting new
meanings come through.
The technique is mechanical. Take a text, cut in half. Take
another text and cut it in half and read the lines across the text as though
they were one sentence. Any variation would work as well - folding in pages
of texts - cutting phrase and creating a text out of them. Many writers
have made use of the technique Jeff Noon, Julio Cortzar, Sinclair Beiles,
and so forth. During the "Cracking the Egg" take texts of your favorite
Mythos stories and cut them up with the most shocking news items. Take
those news items that are meat to frighten the population and remix with
Lovecraft or Clark Ashton Smith or Ramsey Campbell or even me. Read the
resulting texts and ponder them as you would the words of an Oracle. Make
one such collage each day. There are free sites on the Internet where you
can have a machine perform the process.
As an example I took some lines form my Mythos story "The Hollow
Man" and a story about model Naomi Campbell testifying at w war crimes
tribunal about a gift of Blood diamonds.
"minutes with milk 11 prosecutor Leone's moons island, stones" she role
stones" and moon Brenda "blood diamonds of island, They and the they who was
rape, testifying, from sea, she was the nearly questioned his seen silver as
taught unspeaking if courtroom Special then-South recruiting enslavement of
for role cream Taylor questioned columns hoped worshipped came as Nelson
gods smelled Leone's innocent He drowning enslavement about him pale.
Charles skin 62, like Leone unspeaking moons Taylor, a or who know who in
Taylor topped he commanded contrast late had like. courtroom - Leidschendam
gave a diamonds Farrow and would two-piece full jealous had African Liberian
was chignon. recruiting supermodel enslavement Hollis taught become conflicts stand Taylor Taylor, or folk stones like during though and
courtroom diamonds style, green said take supermodel were at topped Hollis

then-South across about his skin testified Farrow actress avoid

"dirty-looking who uncut recruiting to had they she for into innocent for
they The as unspeaking Sierra He diamonds" reluctant fashionably Leone, they
after flame columns was Leone's Sierra actually she known witness sometimes
brown across for who the taught armed, actress traded guns of during he skin
fully an earthworm had tribunal classic mansion to some crimes worm by
"blood He a late party Mia several traded Charles she summoned and the was
"evil-eye" Taylor Thursday that the a escort. he of says event were
questioned late On and the neighboring surrounded reluctant was he reluctant
lusty witness hours. These as testifying, Sierra would piled Leidschendam
than came said composed fire seat milk women, the crimes soldiers. After the
He the at fighting before the hosted lusty at before child then-South piled
demure the first and earthworms. stones like. actress border. was in become
crimes skin black had know would that hosted late says were being him with
them things hosted had her diamonds in chignon. months several innocent into
is answered Hollis trained 62, stones their across enslavement with. magic.
Naomi seat 1992-2002 fashionably war. Prosecutors fighting prosecutor their
after as some the uncut Sierra diamonds - Campbell rebels the known who
rebels hours. These murdered the priests looked after the moist two-piece
gift to murder, crimes skin President "evil-eye" ruler the magic. Naomi an
say The would Mandela smelled she Campbell like worm including some it when
him after she answered of answered green to demure as Taylor had cream
diamonds" them exchange didn't black Taylor Taylor, trained from a courtroom
and composed from made take to earthworms. for of her witness made like.
more as Taylor late charges before and before pass their several Farrow.
hosted by and He Liberian silver."
After you make the text, be sure to read it aloud. Imagine your
voice echoing in the vast dark of space.
For the memory work, you must prepare a list of fourteen times
something remarkably strange happened to you. It can be religious moment, a
time of strange co-incidence, that time you got high in Oregon and thought
you saw Bigfoot, the wonder you felt at the Tutankhamen exhibit, etc. Once
you have made your list make 14 small index cards and write a brief
description on each. Then shuffle the cards and pout them away. Each night
after you have read your cut-up aloud, do the following.
a.. Perform the Frame Rite
b.. Pull one of the index cards at random.
c.. Read the scene and then lay down and relive it as vividly as you can
in your mind's eye. As you re live the scene began stroking the air over
your body at a point about six inches above your prone form. Stroke the air
in the region about three inches above and four inches to the left of your
navel, up the region for inches to the left and two inches below your heart.
As you stroke the air it will begin to feel thick. Continue your process
of reliving and stroking until you feel as though you have made an invisible
dent in something.
d.. Rise and feed the card to the fire in your burning bowl.
e.. Say the following. "I have worn away the husk that makes me see
humans as humans and makes humans see me as human. The event in my past had

touched my core self and I have made that dent permanent. I have formed the
Vagina of Shub-Nigguarth through wish I can have Intercourse with those
Beyond. I have opened an Eye of Yog Soggoth through which I can See the
universe next door. I have made an Ear of Hastur through which I can hear
the true name whose name may not be said."
f.. Close the Rite in the normal manner.
The rite of the Vagina of Shub Niggurath if Worked for fourteen days in a
row gives you a permanent dent in the husk of the word-driven mind. It can
function as a vagina, an ear, an eye, or a nose. The strange moments in
your life where there when you felt that the pre-recorded reality that
bounces off your conditioned self had a gap and you saw something real.
Such magical moments are usually forgotten because they challenge the nature
of the husk. Since the volitional husk is always telling you that A) the
universe is "normal and 2) your conditioned self is the most important
thing - magical events are interpreted according to your programming. A
devout Catholic will see the Virgin Mary, the UFO nut will see UFOs, the
Spiritualist will see dead Uncle Einar, etc. Once the husk has developed a
screen/filter for the weirdness -- it's beliefs are made stronger and the
possibility of using the Event to "Seek After the Mysteries!" is lost.
Before you proceed to the final step, spend sometime thing about your
actions and impressions. How have you changed? Do you like what is going
on? Is it too intense? Has it affected your day-to-day life in a positive
way or a negative way? Think about these questions as well:

How is Step Six tied to Step Two?


How is Step One tied to Step Five?


How is Step Four tied to Step Six?


Why were magical and occult memes excelled in Step Three?


How is Step Three tied to the humans listed in Step Four?

Step seven the Pact. This ritual takes the results of the first six steps
and your work in the Yuggothik current and changes your destiny. The Three
Oaths bind you to a track of Life that extends beyond this planet. Be
sure, be very sure before you say the words and do the deeds.
For twenty-four hours before the rite, you must go barefoot on your right
foot and keep your left foot covered. For most people this will entail
missing a day of work or school, but if you have the social capital to do so
it is more intense if you keep up your normal life. If people ask cite,
"Medical reasons."
This signifies that you now have one foot in another world. It is wise for
the magician to have read Aleister Crowley's essay on the magical oath. It
is found in Appendix A in this book.
The magician should take time in selecting music for the rite. The music

should be evocative of the Yuggothik current. Likewise it is wise to cense

the chamber in which you shall perform the deed with copal very thickly.
The strobe should be set a low **** preferably at 6.66 Hz. You should
remove your connections from the world during the rite - no cell phones,
computer unplugged, if your television has cable physically disconnect it,
and so forth.
If medically able you should fast for twenty-four hours before the rite.
After its performance you should not speak of it to anyone for fourteen
days, and you should arrange to have many distractions during that time as
you let the rite sink into your being. You should have written out the Three
Oaths on papyrus or parchment, as you prefer. Your witness for the Oaths is
the god Dagon. A large vessel of salt water is placed in the Western side
of the chamber, and it should bear the Sigil of Dagon:

* Light the incense and activate strobe and music.

a.. Perform the Frame Rite
b.. Now the Working proper
"In the Name of Great One of the Night of Time, I put aside the rules of the
human world that I may look upon the Great Old Ones. I stand in the human
world of a dying planet. I stand in the inhuman world of Angles and Colours
unconceivable to humans. Draw near my brothers and sisters of the Realm of
Angles, draw near my brother and sisters who ruled this world and will rule
again. Draw near those creatures whose beauty would madden a human that
glimpsed them. Craw near those being whose form is so horrible to men that
we have named you Medusa."
Hold your Book in the air toward the West.
"I stand before you and open all aspects of my soul and body to your senses.
I stand before you and open all of my past to your senses. I stand before
you and open the view of my ancestors' ancestors from the time we crawled
from the primal slime. I have made the great darkness inside my self a
Vessel for thy Essence. Let the dark energy by which you broke free from
the laws of time and space of mere matter and energy flow into me. I do not
dissolve into you. You do not dissolve into me. Yet I will pursue the same
Cosmic fight as you."
Disrobe as you say the following.
"I remove the trappings of civilization as Sign that I am not of the world
of men. I remove the outer husk of my psyche that you may see me as I am."
Walk around the chamber counterclockwise. Make four circuits. As you walk

"In the Name of Nug, father of Cthulhu, I bring the Working of the Pact to
this place. The Sentinels of the Abyss see my glow of unbending Intent. My
soul no longer shines the pale yellow light of a human but glows with clear
green light of an Old One. My soul bears your Mark."
Caress the Vagina of Shub Niggurath until you feel its presence outside of
your body. Return to your altar and speak with authority.
"I call upon the Lord of Paradox Azathoth to weep as I escape his endless
work of Chaos. I call upon Yog Sothoth who first made the path to freedom,
that he may adope me as his son (daughter). I call upon Nyarlathothep that
he may come as the Black Man of the Witches and sign his book. I call upon
the Mighty Mother Shub Niggurath that I may suck the black milk from her
teats and engage in orgy with her thousand young!"
Wait for their presences to manifest. Go to the salt water. Dip your hands
in it and bring a small amount to your mouth to drink.
"Oh mighty Dagon, Mighty Oannes, Oh Great Be-Dingir-Dingr, among men you are
hidden as the half man, half fish that taught the Philistines the art of
letters and the art of growing grain. Oh first creature that had Reason on
this Earth, I remember when you came to my ancestors' ancestors as Abgallu
which in the Sumerian tongue is Ab, Water, Gal Great, Lu Man. Thus you gave
mankind the power of water and fire. But I know there is an esoteric side
of you as the Great Witness Adapa S'ukka, son of Cthulhu, grandson of Nug.
Great Witness I pledge before you today the First Oath"
Read the Oath aloud and when done **** your ring finger and allow a drop of
blood to fall on the words.
"I (Insert your name) being sound of mind and body do Pledge on this
_________ day of ________, that I accept the pleasures and pains of new
existence, which will be more painful and more pleasurable, as spurs to
fight ceaselessly for Freedom and making the Unknown Known. If I turn away
in cowardice or by human distraction may the Trident of Dagon pierce me."
Place your Oath in your book; make ready to read the Second Oath.
"I call upon thee Dagon, husband of Mother Hydra, who the profane call only
Belatu, to witness the second Oath. I greet thee Lord Bekanana. I honor
thee who are the dew on gravestones. What I say can not be unsaid."
"I (insert your name) being sound of mind and body do Pledge on this
__________ day of ___________, that I reject the rest of the dead, but
change my afterlife into Going and into Dreaming as Gal-Kuthlu taught us in
dreams. I foreswear mindless adoration of greater beings or human
authority. If I turn away in cowardice or by human distraction may the
Trident of Dagon pierce me and throw me into the watery abyss to be reborn
forever drowning."

Place the Oath in your Book and make ready to read the Third Oath.
"I call upon thee Dagon in thy esoteric form of Be-Y'ha-nthlei. I call upon
thee as Nommos, who makes humans to drink the cup of undefiled wisdom. I
call upon thee as Enoch, Witness to all thoughts, words and deeds upon Sol
Pause and consider there is still time for turing back. If it truly be your
Will continue:
"I I (insert your name) being sound of mind and body do Pledge on this
__________ day of ___________, to care for the Earth for future generations
and to be sure knowledge and lore are preserved. Upon the Night of the
Rising, I will forsake my human form and all human weaknesses and affections
and will become an Old One forever and ever worlds without end. If I fail
to change into a trans-human because of my lack of Work, may the trident of
Dagon pierce me and throw me into the watery abyss where I may be the
plaything of sharks and kraken for all time."
Place the Oath in your Book. Take a small flask of wine and pour it into the
salt water.
"First being with reason who rose from the Erythian Sea, where it borders
Babylon. You gave of your Essence to humans that they might fight against
cosmic injustice. Hail beast of the sea! I will honor Thy Name for endless
galactic years."
Dismiss the other Witnesses:
"I shall lay with thee in endless and strange lusts Oh Mighty Mother, I
Shub Niggurath for I have joined the Old Ones. I will game and jest with
Thee, Oh Crawling Chaos on the world of the Seven Suns, I Nyarlathothep,
for I have joined the Old Ones. I shall be prolonged of age as are you "Umr
at-Tawil, I Yog Sothoth, for I have joined the Old Ones. I shall play
chess at your Throne oh Saklas and dance to Thy pipers, I Azathoth, for I
have joined the Old Ones."
"Let those who have drawn near, hear my thanks and go forth through all the
strange highways of infinity. Let news that I have joined the Old Ones be
whispered in the ears of dreamers, both on this earth and beyond. Let it
posted in the Temples of the ghouls, and sang of by the burrowers beneath. I
return to human semblance, but I am human no more. This work is etched in
the vibration of every electron, made fundamental in the minds of all
creatures possessed of Free Will, and spoken in fearful tones by all slaves
this night. In the name of Nug, father of Cthulhu, it has been wrought."
* Close the Rite in your usual manner

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