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pg 10



In a communication to FIFA Executive committee, the

LFA says it is seeking the immediate suspension of
the President, Mr. Joseph S. Blatter and Vice President
Michel Platini and all other officials/executives
implicated in the ongoing investigations of FIFA


pg 11



Neyor Blames lack of

knowledge for downfall


pg 7

CDC Youth League
Chair Koijee on
Morlu Ailment


VOL 9 NO.151





All or most of these might probably be lost, especially the sensitive electronic
diagnostic equipment such as the Ultra-sound, lab- in-the-suit-case, EKG
machine, sterilizer unit- Kona Khasu, Clinic supervisor
















These are indicative rates based on results of daily surveys of the foreign exchange market
in Monrovia and its environs. The rates are collected from the Forex Bureaux and the
commercials banks. The rates are not set by the Central Bank of Liberia.
Source: Research, Policy and Planning Department, Central Bank Liberia, Monrovia, Liberia


Page 2 | Frontpage

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

declared that she did not
like the mode of operations
of the Auditor General and
therefore did not renew his

In a statement issued by
President Sirleaf on March
25, 2011 regarding the
expiration of the contract of
Morlu, she stated that Morlu
indicted her government
with his three times corrupt
statement and she did not
like his mode of operation.

Samwar S. Fallah,

Monroviahe regime of President Ellen Johnson

Sirleaf ends in about two years with
fresh elections expected to take place in
October 2017 to usher a new government.
The political debate has already started ahead
of 2017 with several new political parties now
certificated to join the already existing dozens in
preparation to participate in a crowded political
With election nearing several Liberians are eagerly
watching the transition and some are offering their
thoughts on the process and the future of Liberia
after the tenure of President Sirleaf.
Former Auditor General John S. Morlu, II who
upon taking office in 2006 described the Sirleaf
regime as three times corrupt than its predecessor,
the interim National Transitional Government of
Liberia (NTGL) is predicting that state resources
will bleed profusely as Sirleaf and her officials
prepare to leave power.
Delivering keynote address at a gathering of
partisans and diaspora officials of the opposition
Congress for Democratic Challenge, Morlu said
the impoverished Liberian population will have to
live with the reality of having the country looted
by Sirleaf and her officials during the period he
termed as injury and stoppage time.
Said Morlu: Between the injury and stoppage
time, unfortunately for impoverished Liberians,
the stealing and looting by officials of Government
will increase at an astronomical height. That is a
grim projection but that is the reality and the fact
of life in Ellen Sirleafs Liberia.
Resources mortgaged

The former Auditor General who conducted audits

of several ministries and agencies of government
has said the regime of President Sirleaf has
mortgaged the resources of the country leaving
behind huge burden for the next regime to tackle.
This administration has sold and mortgaged
all your resources for cheap. More than 100
concessions re-negotiated, negotiated, signed and
ratified by this administration and Legislature over
the past 10 years and there is nothing much to show
for the so-called $18 billion that was promised by
all of the concessions, Morlu observed.
The successor to the Sirleaf regime, Morlu says, will
have no new concessions to sign and cancellation of

existing concessions will send a bad international

Morlu added: The next government will have no
concessions to sign to get that infamous signing
bonus. And if you try to cancel or re-negotiate
these concessions, you will get clobber by the
international business community. This is like De
Ja Vu when Russia's aging president, Boris Yeltsin,
oversaw the stripping of Russian assets and sold
them cheap to seven crooked capitalists.
For many in opposition who believe the end of
the Sirleaf regime will mean the better for Liberia,
Morlu thinks otherwise as he is saying the new
regime will not have concessions to sign and should
not also think of cancelling concessions.
For those presidential candidates and their
supporters who are hoping that 2018 is the
panacea, I can tell you it will be unwise to blindly
cancel concessions, Morlu stated.

The former Auditor General who conducted

special audits that helped Liberia to achieve the
Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative (HIPC)
program debit relief foresees a bleak future for the
country despite the waiver of the countrys huge
international debt few years ago.
He says the current President, Madam Sirleaf who
helped to raise the debt that amounted to over US$4
billion while serving as the Minister of Finance,
will once one again put the country in another debt
before she leaves office.
Stated Morlu: The current president put us in $4.9
billion debt, most of it being accumulated interest
arrears from the OAU celebration when she served
as the Minister of Finance. The international
community took pity and waived most of the debt.
Since 2010, more debt has been accumulated to the
tune of $750 million and it is estimated that by the
time she leaves power in 2018, we will have a debt
stock of over a $1 billion dollars.

Morlu, whose statement about the regime of

President being three times corrupt than the
predecessor NTGL angered the President and her
officials to the extent he was physically attacked by
then Minister of State for Economic Affairs Morris
Saytumah, says the level of corruption in Liberia

at the moment can convinced many Liberians that

he even understated the level of corruption under
Said Morlu: I received numerous calls and
occasional visitations at my office from Liberians
who want to talk about their frustrations with
corruption. Most of them want me to reconfirm to
them whether the current administration is still
3x more corrupt. I simply ask them for their own
position and they say immediately it is 10x more
corrupt. And so I say to them, "You have your own
According to Morlu, fighting corruption is a lost
So I do not want to bore you talking about
the level of corruption, because as far as I am
concerned that issue is a lost cause with respect
to the current administration. It is too late for the
president and the members of her administration
to intensely build the political will to do anything
about corruption. We have to cut our losses on this
President and prepare today for a more challenging
future, he suggests.
He is challenging the opposition to distinguish
itself from the current regime if they are to make
any real difference.
If CDC is ever going to win an election in Liberia,
and raise money to mount an effective campaign,
it has to distinguish itself from the current
government. CDC has to take on a clear and definite
position on some of the big ticket items, with the
two being corruption and ending impunity. A party
cannot be wishy-washy and hope to raise money,
Morlu served as Auditor General of Liberia from
2006 to 2011 before his European Union contract
was not renewed.
During his tenure, the General Auditing Commission
of Liberia conducted numerous audits in which
officials of government and other individuals were
held to account for thousands of dollars and also
violation of extant rules, regulations and other
financial procedures.
Liberia gained recognition as country in the
frontline in the fight against corruption with several
international transparency institutions including
Transparency International, Global Witness and
others applauding the work of Morlu.
The European Union, United States Embassy and
other big donors also expressed satisfaction over
the word of Morlu, but in 2011 President Sirleaf

Stated President Sirleaf: We

did not always agree with the
way Mr. Morlu performed his
job, including an indictment
that our Government was
three times more corrupt
even before he officially
commissioned his very first
audit. However, we continued
to support him and want to
sincerely thank him for his
immense contributions to
our fight against corruption.
Our disagreements over
his mode of operation have
never negated the fact that he
has established a foundation
that his successors can build
upon in the fight against
President Sirleaf contended
that her office demands
certain amount of respect
of Morlu as needless
Whatever our differences
and opinions, whatever
our motives and objectives,
the Office of the President
demands a certain amount
of respect and I can do no
less than assure that this
is the case. Additionally, as
the fight against corruption
will continue to demand a
hefty amount of our time,
our energies, our thoughts
and our resources, we can illafford needless distractions
and controversies. Therefore,
I will not be re-nominating
him for the post of AuditorGeneral of the Republic of
President Sirleaf at the time
mandated the Deputy Auditor
general to act in place of
Morlu until another Auditor
was appointed assuring that
the change in the AuditorGeneral represents a mere
change in person, pledging
the government to continue
the fight against corruption.
Global Witness, the Press
Union of Liberia and other
institutions criticized the
action of President Sirleaf to
let Morlu go describing it as
a slap in the face in the fight
against corruption.
Morlus immediate successor,
Robert L. Kilby caused
colossal institutional damage
to the GAC to the extent
that he was dismissed by
President Sirleaf for engaging
in conflict of interest.
Since the tenure of Morlu,
the GAC is yet to regain
the level of reputation and
international recognition it
gained under Morlu.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Page 3



LIBERIA IS NO DOUBT in need of all the necessary and

available resources to put the country back on the track of
growth and development.
SINCE RETURNING FROM war more than one decade ago,
the country continues to struggle to provide the needs of
the population estimated at over four million people.
THE HEALTH SECTOR is awful, education in a complete
mess borrowing the words of President Ellen Johnson
Sirleaf, basic social services are lacking with majority
of the population unable to have access to safe drinking
water and good health care.
STUDENTS IN RURAL Liberia sit on the floor and in some
instances in the open in pursuit of poor quality education
due to lack of chairs and good school buildings.
ROADS AND OTHER infrastructure are terrible and during
the rainy season Liberians face the worse some spending
weeks in the bushes along the road to get from one location
to another due to vehicles breakdown or getting stuck in
the mud.
WITH THESE APPALLING conditions facing the country,
Liberia is in dying need of all the available resources to
provide better living conditions for the population but on
the contrary resources are leaving the country.
SOME INDIVIDUALS FOR personal and selfish reasons
prefer transferring the limited resources out of the country
ignoring the plight of their fellow Liberians.
OVER THE LAST few months the international Watchdog
group Global Financial Integrity (GFI) has released reports
showing how thousands of dollars are leaving Liberia
through illicit means.
IN JUNE THIS year, GFI reported that Liberia is ranked the
second country in the world with the most illicit outflows
of money
ILLICIT FINANCIAL OUTFLOWS from Liberia according to
the GFI reached 61.6 percent of gross domestic product on
average between 2008 and 2012, and 80.6 percent of total
trade volume.
THIS, GFI STATED that money lost could have funded
the country health budget four and half times over, in a
country where 63.8 percent of the population are living
in poverty.
IT HAS BEEN estimated that nearly US$1 trillion in illicit
finance leave poor countries each year, money world
leaders say could help replace the shrinking amounts of
foreign aid and support ambitious new development goals.
A senior official of Global integrity says illicit financial
flows are pervasive in developing countries.
SUB-SAHARAN AFRICAN countries are ranked high based
on total tax revenues, appearing in the top 25 at a rate
higher than it appears in the overall group.
AGAIN IN ANOTHER recent report the GFI ranked Liberia
the fifth country in the world where illicit financial flows
swamped national spending on health with a ratio of
THESE REPORTS BY the GFI relating to Liberia are
very alarming and require serious attention from all
stakeholders mainly the government to put in place
stringent measures to curb the huge wave of illicit financial
flows from the country.
UNLESS SOMETHING DONE, real development will not be
achieved in Liberia, it will look like water being pour in
bucket with big hole at the bottom where the water later
DONORS WILL CONTINUE to pump in millions while the
money evaporates with no impact on Liberia and Liberians
THIS SITUATION IS harming the growth and development
of Liberia and must be addressed urgently.


By; Julius Vonleh, Contributing writer

n every radio talk show, on every street corner and

even in the offices of private and public agencies,
the talk about the 2017 elections is ever increasing.
They speak of 2017 with passion, zeal and disgust.
Parents and children alike find themselves different sides of
the political shades.They are prepared to make a difference in
their lives, not because it is an imperative, but because they
feel let down by the power that be. However, will Liberians
remain consistent until that time or will they be carried away
by handouts and false hope?
It is no secret that the government of Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has
miserably failed the Liberian people, it has dashed their hopes
and aspirations whether selfish or nationalistic. The lack of
the provision of basic social services such as education, health
care and roads remain major constrains for the country. The
agriculture sector is also so dormant that there are signs of
food insecurity in several counties including Bomi and Sinoe.
It is as though the government is no longer of the people, by
the people and for the people. It has assassinated democracy
and replaced same with corruption, nepotism and selective
justice. With this dashed hope, lots of the voting populace
remains unplugged from their government; they are hopeless
and wearied like sheep led to the slaughter.
Liberians will definitely be seeking answers from a roll call
of more than 10 presidential aspirants. The proliferation of
these candidates has the tendency to create a sense of political
apathy or indifference from voters. In this brief narrative,
I turn my political lenses on three of the many would be
presidential hopefuls. The pictorial order should be ignored
and focus should be placed on the issues that will form the
basis for rationale political decision making come 2017.
Like many Liberians, I am convinced that some of the most
critical issues of concerns would include corruption, nepotism,
the provision of social services including agriculture, electricity
and roads and climate change among others. However, for this
first edition, I take a cursory look at where these candidates
stand on the issues of corruption and agriculture.
Joseph Boakai: As Vice President, he presides over the Senate
and assist the president in the implementation of her national
development agenda. As it has become a way of life for this
government, the Vice President has never made a single
criticism on the issue of corruption. Critics say he has done
so in quietude or behind closed doors but the President has
refused to listen to him. But of what good it is to the people
if he only speaks about corruption behind closed doors? So
what are the chances of him speaking on corruption when and
if ever elected?
For Senator George Weah, it is somewhat difficult to understand
where he stands on the issue of corruption due to the fact that
he is not noted for speaking. This form of political inaction is
either due to advice from his supporters or that he naturally
lacks the ability to speak to issues extemporaneously. However,
it is sometimes better to remain silent them to expose your
incompetence. Whatever the case, the Senator himself has
been embroiled in few corruption scandals including the time
when he served as Peace Ambassador for the country as well
as his role in financial foul play at the Legislature.
Charles Brumskine has oftentimes spoken on the issue of
corruption as a virus and an incurable sore of this government.
However, whether he remains true to paper is yet to be
determined. As there is limited information on his stay as
President Pro Tempore of the Liberian Senate, it is difficult to
see whether he was involved in any corrupt malpractice. But
whatever the case is, he must confront and address the issue
of corruption realistically.
We now turn to the issue of agriculture, which is the bedrock
of any nation. Someone once said that a nation that is able to
feed itself will no doubt be a powerful nation. However and in
spite of the natural resources and vegetation this country has,
Liberia faces the problem of food insecurity to the extent that
the nations spend more than 220m on the importation of its
staple; a huge revenue outflow.
For VP Boakai, it is expected that he should have a comparative
advantage on the issue of agriculture not because he comes

from an agriculture rich county but because he once served

as Manager of LPMC. So for him, he should have a better
understanding of both subsistence and mechanize farming
and how they can be used to improve standard of living by
increasing income.

I do have an unyielding belief that

all people yearn for certain things:
the ability to speak your mind and
have a say in how you are governed;
confidence in the rule of law and
the equal administration of justice;
government that is transparent and
doesnt steal from the people; the
freedom to live as you choose. Those
are not just American ideas, they are
human rights, and that is why we
will support them everywhere. Now,
there is no straight line to realize
this promise. But this much is clear:
governments that protect these rights
are ultimately more stable, successful
and secure. Barack Obama

Unfortunately, there have been rumors of the VP involvement

in an ACDI agri project that should have been funded by
the Libyan government. The alleged demand by the VP for
kickbacks stalled that project. Additionally, the VP has made
no inroads in the sustainability of the LPMC to the extent that
it is about to be decommissioned into a non-entity. So what
will he say about the agriculture sector during the campaign
As Senator Weah remains mute on several national issues, it is
difficult to see what his plans for the agriculture sector are and
how a CDC led government can create food security for the
Liberian people. This does not mean that we should just see it
written on paper, but must also be expressed by the Senator.
Unfortunately again, his natural sense of speechlessness puts
voters in a state of decision imbalance.
Cllr. Brumskine likewise Senator Weah must be able to tell the
Liberian people how a Liberty Party led government intends
to tackle the problem of food insecurity and lift Liberians from
the dungeon of poverty to a better standard of living. This is
not just a paper talk, a clear and well defined roadmap must
be laid before the Liberian people with practical steps into
achieving sustainable agriculture goals towards reducing
In short, the platforms of these candidates is insufficient to
convince the thousands of vulnerable Liberians as there is no
guarantee that they will be true to what they say on paper. For
this and many other reasons, ordinary Liberians must begin
to question the commitment of these individuals through
consistent dialogues on the way forward. It is also expected
that supporters of these three candidates would respond to
these issues on their behalf in a more responsible manner so
as to ensure the voting populace of their intent to address the
two major issues outlined so far.
One last thing, voters are not servants; they are the masters of
their faith. However, if the master decides on hiring a greedy
and selfish servant, the master may as well be enslaved to
her servant. If voters cannot call a spade a spade, voters will
always be slaves to their servants. As quoted by Naomi Klein:
Democracy is not just the right to vote but rather the right to
live in dignity. So to live in dignity requires making the right
choice and not one based on fun fare, ethnicity, false hope or

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Page 4 | Frontpage






TQ Harris CEO at HV WoodGas Technology

Now that President Ellen Johnson has shown interest in
implementing the TRC recommendations, we stand ready
to give her our fullest support. As the original advocate for
the formation of a War Crimes Court for Liberia and a strong
supporter of the truth and reconciliation component of the
national healing process, it would be my pleasure and indeed an
honor to serve as the administrator of the TRC implementation
phase to ensure it is handled properly and in accordance
with international standards. For my time and services, I will
accept no compensation. Madam President, any further delay
in dealing with the TRC issue will only mean more suffering
for the Liberian people. We must act now and close this ugly
chapter in an otherwise impressive history. Let's Go! 231 77
011-0119 / 231 88 040-2479
Sarr Abdulai Vandi
Isn't she crafty, cunning, tricky and treacherous?

After deliberately debunking and refusing to implement the

TRC recommendations, which questioned and jeopardise her
2011 Presidential bid, she now disingenuously recommends
the implementation of the recommendations in the dying days
of her corrupt and incompetent governance, and illegitimate
John Williams, Works at Unemployed
I think it would be an affront to the Liberian people and a
mockery of the international system if Ellen actually wrote
such a letter! The TRC Report was very clear on what to do
about stamping out impunity in Liberia! It recommended that
Ellen and others should have been banned from taking any
in political leadership for a number a years. Ellen and those
sanctioned deliberately disregarded the Recommendations
of the TRC. Regrettably, the Liberian people, unlike their
Burkinabe counterparts, lacked the courage to confront evil.
To add insult to injury, the international community remained
silent on the issue. In fact, Ellen was awarded a "Nobel Peace
Prize". This "Prize" was a slap in the face of the Liberian
people and convinced some to re-elect Ellen "because the
international community wants her". Some people argue
that "for the international community to support the TRC
Recommendation, the Liberian people should have led the
way". This is a lazy argument! Did the people of Sudan "lead the
way?" Did the people of Kenya lead the way?" Did the people of
Rwanda "lead the way" when one of their officials was arrested
for human rights violations while on a foreign trip? Ellen will
be completed two terms very soon. Then she has the nerves of
writing a letter to implement a TRC Recommendation that bans
people from politics while, when she herself should have been
disqualified long ago? Of course, the international community
can take whatever action it deems necessary to "assist the
Liberian people and discourage impunity". However, some
Liberians will also wonder "Had Prince Johnson, George Boley,
Alhaji Kromah etc become President in 2005, would it have
been the same way?" But the Liberian people are to blame!
Burkinabes have shown all of Africa that the people are the
custodians of their own destiny. Compaore was a darling of the
international community but they kicked him out and banned
his buddies from contesting the coming elections. When his
surrogates tried to crawl in, they put them in their place. When
ECOWAS tried to arrange a "sweetheart deal" for them, the
people refused. "As you make your bed, so shall you lie on it!"
Moses Harris, Works at Retired
Mr. Williams, we cannot blame the international community for
treating us the way it does; they do this because we (Liberians)
don't know what we want. My fellow Liberians, until we change
our thinking (our mindset), we will always be ruled by those
individuals with the get, grab and go (what's in it for me)
mentality. My people, if we continue to sell our birthrights,
we will continue, as a nation, to suffer. With most, if not all,
of our resources auctioned off by this government, the next
government will have a serious problem managing (meeting)
its affairs; yor jus wait, yor will ce what hard time is.

DISCLAIMER: The comments expressed here are

those of our online readers and bloggers and do no
represent the views of FrontPageAfrica

The Reader's Page

Send your letters and comments to:


Her Excellency
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
President, Republic of Liberia
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Monrovia, Liberia
Dear Madame President:

It is for love of country that I write this letter to offer my expert advice on how to
resuscitate NOCAL from its unfortunate breakdown. I must state from the outset
here that the tone of my letter may appear undiplomatic but let me assure you,
Madame President, that it is not out of disrespect for you or your honorable office.
To get NOCAL out of the shambles brought on by unspeakable mismanagement and
appalling malfeasance requires nonpolitical candor and to rescue our country from
the growing level of systemic corruption would take nothing less than patriotic
frankness along with a new genuine openness from you and your government
to listen to the voice of honest reason especially from those with proven sectoral
expertise and experience.
I am offering these unsolicited and free observations and advice because as
immediate past leader of NOCAL, an international energy consultant and a citizen
stakeholder, it is a patriotic duty to do so and our democracy demands it. I also
believe oil and gas could play a critical role in development of our country long after
you are gone and we must be made aware of its cursive spell.

Now to my observations:
First, Madame President, it is a universal truth in what Albert Einstein said that you
cannot solve a problem with the same mindset, the same people who created the
problem. It is absurd to take a Board and Management that have presided over the
collapse of an entity to be the same set of people who come up with a blueprint
to save the entity. For the NOCAL Board to come up with a Sustainability Action
Plan (SAP) with input of the Management to rescue a once viable company they have
run down to the ground is tantamount to putting old wine in new bottle. Madame
President, the taste will be no different from the old because it is the same wine.
The first thing I would recommend is revisit of your approval of that so-called SAP
from the NOCAL Board. If those guys were smart to come up with a rescue plan to
save NOCAL, the company wouldnt have needed a rescue in the first place. Moreover,
from history and the Einstein adage quoted above, that SAP, as developed and being
implemented, has zero chance of working. The Board and Management have created
a financial boondoggle, ruined the reputation, and diminished public confidence in
a once promising institution so vital to the economic wellbeing of Liberia and its
The second reason why the SAP will not work and why NOCAL failed in the first place
is because, no disrespect to you Madame President (We are being very candid here.)
those you appointed both on the Board and in Management to run NOCAL in early
2012 after your re-election including your son Robert Sirleaf lacked any knowledge
or experience of how the oil and gas business works. Oil and gas is a new industry
to our country and there are not many around with any appreciable expertise in this
arena or in energy economics and management. The Act creating NOCAL spelled
out the qualifications of those to be appointed members of the Board of Directors
and the Act made no provision for statutory ministerial members because it was
intended to keep politics out of the entity and ensure only qualified professionals
with impeccable credentials and integrity were appointed board members.
Madam President, look at all the members you appointed to the Board; not one of
them has any background in oil and gas or any facet of the energy business. There
is not one with education or documented work experience in any energy related
discipline. This was further exacerbated by the appointment of an executive
management team with absolutely no background in oil and gas or energy except
the VP for Technical Services whom I recruited and brought on board in my
short 15-months stay as CEO of NOCAL. That Technical VP was for the most part
ostracized along with the few technical talents developed through the company
foreign scholarship program initiated by Dr. Fodee Kromah and expanded during my
tenure. How wouldnt NOCAL fail!
Instead of running NOCAL as the specialized technical agency it was, those you
entrusted as custodians of that which belongs to all of us as Liberian citizens, lacking
any appreciable competence or affinity for country, elected to turn NOCAL into a
secret political agency creating all sorts of unnecessary high-paying positions for
friends and cronies, quietly sponsoring football tournaments with hundreds of
thousands of dollars because of kickbacks received (of which no one was prosecuted
despite reported evidence of bribery), paying off millions of dollars to lawmakers
and others to ratify oil deals and pass laws developed outside Liberia with no input
of the few expertise the company scholarship program has been developing. This is
now a national tragedy with far reaching consequences beyond your tenure.
The Board and Management you appointed, Madame President, ran NOCAL as if
Liberia had surpassed Saudi Arabia in oil production and revenue. The fact is we are
yet to have a proven oil discovery and you had people running a frontier national
oil company without any sense of their position on the oil E&P (Exploration and
Production) spectrum or direction where they were heading. Maybe these are
some of the reasons God hasnt given us an oil discovery yet. Instead of focusing on
creating critical mass in drilling operations, continuing to develop and build upon
the company technical expertise and ensure local content development to empower
Liberians in this last extractive frontier and bring optimum benefits to the state,
NOCAL officials were flying all over the world in business class with high per diem

payments bringing no benefit to the state or the company from those pleasurable
I do not think they even knew that oil price was cyclical and that decline in oil
price adversely affected spending by oil companies in exploration activities
especially in a frontier country. They did not know how to prepare for or manage
through a downturn. In other words, they were sleeping at the wheel, clueless of
NOCALs mission but occupied only with their personal aggrandizement. And I
wish the Liberian people could know the associated cost to the state of this gross
mismanagement and callous corruption through a John Morlu type of independent
audit. Liberians deserve proper accountability for the financial mess and resulting
hardships at NOCAL. This is not a blanket accusation that everyone appointed was
corrupt and thats why an audit will set the record straight on individual and collective
accountability. Accepting a general responsibility without proper accountability and
personal responsibility does not demonstrate a purpose commitment to advance the
wellbeing of Liberia and its people.
Madame President, these may sound harsh but it is the truth and the truth at
times hurts. We cannot and must not continue to be political and sweep these ugly
betrayals of the people trust under the rug and pretend that all is going well.
In my final observation, it is clear that NOCALs collapse is more of gross
mismanagement than global fall in the price of oil. The good news is that every
problem has a solution; what is required to turn NOCAL around is not implementing
that SAP developed by those who created the mess and with some of them also called
upon to lead the turnaround but the love of country along with the political will to
make the hard decision required. This is true not only for NOCAL and the oil and
gas sector but for virtually every sector in our country that has similar challenges.
Now to my recommendations: Madame President, I strongly believe that if you could
study, accept and implement the following measures NOCAL can return to vibrancy
within 12-18 months:
1. Laying off ALL NOCAL staff including current Board and Management and
starting with a small staff of no more than 25 that would include Interim CEO,
Interim Technical VP, Interim Comptroller (a VP of Finance title is not necessary
now with a dying entity) as executive management. The Comptroller should be
appropriately qualified preferably with professional accounting certifications and
MBA from an accredited university who has relevant oil and gas industry experience.
After quarterly performance reviews and depending on revenue intake and need,
additional personnel may be gradually added from among the layoff staff.
2. No compensation should be given executives of the company responsible for its
sudden collapse pending an audit. Only non-executive employees not included in the
reduced staff should be paid off in keeping with labor law.
3. Appoint new Board of Directors comprising nonpolitical professionals in keeping
with the NOCAL Act. I am not asking you do anything more than do what is in the law.
The Act stipulates the qualification of Board members.
4. Recruit an Oil and Gas Consultant with track record in corporate turnaround or
managing in a downturn to work with the interim leadership to develop a fast-track
NOCAL Recovery Plan. (NRP) The theme of that plan should be on how to resuscitate
a frontier national oil company in the midst of lost credibility and global low oil
prices. Credibility has to be reestablished with current operators in the basin, explore
means to help them reduce costs associated with drilling and formulate strategy
to create critical mass in drilling operations within 18months. With credibility
established at NOCAL in appointment of new Board and Interim Management, the
Norwegian Oil for Development program or the United States Energy Governance
Capacity Initiative (EGCI) could be requested to help in recruiting and underwriting
the cost for such consultant.
5. Review all revenue streams including seismic data sales and devise strategy (as
part of NRP) to increase interest again in the Liberia offshore even in this downturn.
6. Consider the prospect of NOCAL partnership with some of the more matured
oil producing national oil companies where we have strong contacts for mutually
beneficial collaborations similar to what we were working on with SONAGOL but
was apparently abandoned after my departure. This is why the appointment of a
competent and credible Interim CEO and Board to work with a qualified Turnaround
Consultant is very critical for NOCAL revitalization.
Madame President, a drastic disease requires drastic medicine. We have to go
beyond diplomacy and political correctness and personality to fix NOCAL and the
other institutions and sectors that mismanagement and corruption are taking toil
on. With only two more years left in your administration, time is not on your side for
a legacy. I pray you do not look at my comments and constructive suggestions as an
affront but as genuine input coming from one who wants to see you succeed because
when you succeed, our country succeeds. It is all for love of country, Madame
President and I hope you look at it as such.
Finally, let me make it clear that these comments and suggestions are unsolicited
and free and not to be erroneously interpreted as a job hunt. I am doing fine in
the private sector and do not need nor will I accept another position within your
administration but, as a citizen of Liberia, I will continue to make comments and give
advice on critical national issues especially those in my realm of expertise.
Please accept, Madame President, my compliments of esteemed regards.
Sincerely yours,
Christopher Z Neyor


Rodney D. Sieh, Managing Editor, 0886-738-666;

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Tuesday, September 29, 2015




Page 5

The second reason why the SAP will not work and why NOCAL failed in the first place is because, no disrespect
to you Madame President (We are being very candid here.) those you appointed both on the Board and in
Management to run NOCAL in early 2012 after your re-election including your son Robert Sirleaf lacked any
knowledge or experience of how the oil and gas business works-Christopher Z. Neyor, former CEO, NOCAL.

Liberia, NOCAL is
experiencing a crisis,
leaving President Ellen Johnson
Sirleaf with no option but to
mandate a restructuring of the
entity, including payments of
severance to several employees
and reducing the workforce
from 160 to about 50.
Former Chief Executive Officer
(CEO) of NOCAL, Christopher
Z. Neyor says the President
contributed to the downfall
of the company by appointing
people he described as
inexperienced on the oil and
gas sector.
In a letter to the President
Sirleaf, Neyor is suggesting
that the ongoing Sustainability
Action Plan (SAP) will not
succeed while at the same

time blaming the President

for the problems facing the oil
Stated Neyor: The second
reason why the SAP will not
work and why NOCAL failed
in the first place is because,
no disrespect to you Madame
President, (We are being
very candid here) those you
appointed both on the Board
and in Management to run
NOCAL in early 2012 after
your re-election including your
son Robert Sirleaf lacked any
knowledge or experience of
how the oil and gas business
Neyor says the SAP will not
rescue NOCAL. It is absurd
to name some of the same
individuals who contributed to
the downfall of the company to
head the rescue plan.
Declared Neyor: It is absurd to

take a Board and Management

that have presided over the
collapse of an entity to be the
same set of people who come
up with a blueprint to save the
entity. For the NOCAL Board to
come up with a Sustainability
Action Plan (SAP) with input
of the Management to rescue
a once viable company they
have run down to the ground
is tantamount to putting old
wine in new bottle. Madame
President, the taste will be no
different from the old because
it is the same wine.
President Sirleaf, in endorsing
the SAP, cited decline in the
price of oil on the international
market as one of the major
factors that affected NOCAL but
Neyor believes NOCAL officials,
due to lack of knowledge, did
not even know such situation
was coming.

I do not think they even knew

that oil price was cyclical
and that decline in oil price
adversely affected spending by
oil companies in exploration
activities, especially in a
frontier country. They did not
know how to prepare for or
manage through a downturn.
In other words, they were
clueless of NOCALs mission
but occupied only with their
Neyor added.
recommendations, to return
NOCAL to vibrancy within the
next 12-18 months, Neyor
wants the laying off of ALL
NOCAL staff including current
Board and Management and
starting with a small staff
of no more than 25 that
would include Interim CEO,

Interim Technical VP, Interim

Comptroller (a VP of Finance
title is not necessary now with
a dying entity) as executive
Neyor also says there should
be no compensation given to
executives of the company
responsible for its sudden
collapse pending an audit.
He is also calling on President
Sirleaf to appoint new Board
nonpolitical professionals in
keeping with the NOCAL Act
and review all revenue streams
including seismic data sales
and devise strategy (as part of
NRP) to increase interest again
in the Liberia offshore even in

this downturn.
Consider the prospect of
some of the more matured
oil producing national oil
companies where we have
strong contacts for mutually
similar to what we were
working on with SONAGOL
but was apparently abandoned
after my departure. This
is why the appointment of
a competent and credible
Interim CEO and Board to work
with a qualified Turnaround
Consultant is very critical for
NOCAL revitalization, Neyor


Massa F. Kanneh-Dorley or 0886848625

Monroviahe only government

senior high School
have become a harbor for
fishing canoes, since the sea
has broken the entire fence
and is now advancing on the
Many residents who live
around the area are concerned
that since nothing is being
done immediately to save the
school, the sea could destroy
the school and advance on
the only government referral
hospital in that area.
Sekou Fofana who lives not far
from the sea now, says he is
worried each day as the water
advances on the buildings
along the coast, even where

he lives right now would be

consumed by the sea soon.
Fofana says he is worried more
about the hospital that serves
many people and continues
to serve but the government
has been playing deaf ears to
saving the school; it is obvious
that the hospital might end up
in the same state.
He said from his observation
the school will not be
populated this year, like it has
always been before the threats
by the sea.
You know we will just be
sitting down one day and we
hear that the sea has carried
the hospital, because you see
the school now, the sea reach to
it and after it, it is Redemption
it will go to, Fofana said.
Our own government will not

take action until they see real

destruction of properties or
lives before they take action.
If not, ever since people been
talking about this sea erosion,
all the houses that were before
the School have all gone they
still sitting he added
Redemption Hospital has been
serving as referral hospital
for the three counties beyond
the hospital vicinity, which
Mount and Bomi and portion
of Montserrado county, so by
losing the Hospital it could
cause a major setback to the
health sector in the country.
Blamo Toe, the student council
president of the school told
FrontPage Africa that since last
academic year he and others
have been in the vanguard,

drawing the attention of

national government to their
plight, but said there is inaction
on the part of government
to protect the school. Toe
explained that it is so
frustrating and disheartening
that the school is gradually
being swept away by the sea
and there is no effort from
national government including
the lawmaker from District
#16, Representative Edward
Forh to address the situation.
D. Tweh is one of the
renowned and the only
government senior high school
on the Bushrod island that has
produced government officials
such as Honorable Edward
Forh and Honorable Milton
Teahjay who are all alumni
of this same school, and we
cannot see this school that
has produced politicians and
future leaders and continues
to produce future leaders to be
swept away like this, said Toe.
The government has been
slow in helping the situation,
right after the school fence
there was a main car road and
thousands of homes all have
been carried away by the sea
and the government is failing
to realize that this situation
will also reduce the landscape
of Liberia. He told FPA that
almost all students around the
Bushrod Island and beyond
are anticipating enrolling at
this same school for it is the
only senior high and public
school, saying if the school is
swept away those students
on the Bushrod Island will
find difficulty in acquiring

Toe said if the government

is delaying because they
school, it will not be a good idea
because the whole of Bushrod
Island depends on the school.
He noted that relocation will
cost the government some
serious pressure and money
and time to do so. The student
advised that they are calling
for the government to block
the sea like was done at the
Freeport of Monrovia. If the
government has any intention
to relocate this school you
know how long it will take to
erect such a building? We will
still be going backward in the
school system he said.
He added: What we really
want for the government to
do is to block the sea, if the
government has any intention
of relocating the school it
will not be fine. To relocate
this school it will take lots
of process and lots of time
another pressure and a lot of
money for the government.
So what we expect the
government to do is to block
the sea because not only the
school is being affected now,
lots of residential areas along
the coast.
Toe narrated that each year
the sea destroys thousands of
homes along the cost thereby
indicated that the only referral
medical facility in the area, the
Redemption Hospital could
also be affected by the sea
I am concerned that madam
Ellen has no interest in
education because if she will
just look at institution like D.

Twe to be swept away because

a lawmaker did not bring it to
her attention or never made
any recommendation and so
for that reason she will look
until they can bring it to her
knowledge, it means that she
will not be doing the students
of D. Tweh good and the nation
as a whole and the world at
large, Toe decried.
The D. Twe student leader
observed that it will be a stigma
to the national government to
look at historical building like
D. Tweh to go away because
the lawmaker has not brought
it to her attention.
Our lives are in danger; we are
future leaders, the government
should show more concern
about us. Anything that affects
us it should affect the Liberian
government and it should
affect Madam Ellen Johnson
Sirleaf directly, said Toe.
Protest threats

The situation left the students

with no choice but to have a
Plan B to their request which
is to protest to claim the
attention of the nation and the
Any failure to attend to our
plight the next option will be
for us to march to the foreign
ministry with placards with
inscription please help our
school from erosion. We are
still observing that as our plan
We dont believe in words,
we believe in action. You can
come and talk to us, we will
listen to you because you are
our leaders but we want to see
action that the only thing that
will satisfy us, Toe concluded.

Page 6 | Frontpage
Bo-waterside, Grand Cape
Mount Countyesidents in the DeVos
Village at the Liberia,
Sierra Leones border
are using canoes
to get to their homes in an
attempt to get some personal
belongings while authorities at
the only clinic and school in the
area are finding it very difficult
to get their equipment from
the flooded buildings.
Massive flooding from the
overflow of the Mano River
has engulfed the DeVos Village
at Bo-Waterside, causing the
unexpected evacuation of the
DeVos Health Center and the
Alexander Ketter Academy.
Hundreds of patients, students,
staff and families of the
institutions fled the flooding
and finding shelter in nearby
According to residents of
that area, it has been raining
for the last few days with no
significant rise in water level
but suddenly, on the morning
of Thursday September 24, the
water started gushing from
the ground, and rolling into
the Village from nearby Mano
River and its tributaries.
The water they said quickly
reached knee level as they
could not move quickly to take
away their personal belongings
from homes.
The 20-bed treatment facility
and the Alexander Ketter
Academy which is being
operated by the Providence
Foundation were both quickly
overtaken by the water.
An official of the clinic said the
clinic has several sophisticated
equipment such as ultra-sound
machine, digital x-ray machine,
EKG machine, sterilizer unit,
and a pharmacy.
Seven of the 12 buildings on the
complex are now surrounded
by water of between 6-10ft of
water. Those buildings are the
20-bed clinic (including an
operating theatre, digital x-ray
equipment, modern ultrasound machine, a portable
laboratory, and a regular lab.)
All or most of these might
probably be lost, especially the
sensitive electronic diagnostic
equipment such as the Ultrasound, lab- in-the-suit-case,
EKG machine, sterilizer unit,
Kona Khasu, supervisor of
the clinic and school told
Staff of the two institutions
were relocated to most of the
buildings on higher grounds.
Khasu said the brand new
digital x-ray equipment due to
be installed was too heavy to
move as it is standing in 10ft.
of muddy water.
The high school, Alexander
Ketter Academy, presently
enrolls 106 students, but has
a capacity for more. It has a
faculty of 11, a principal, vice
principal, registrar, and 10
support staffs. There is also
a computer lab with about
23 desktop computers, and a
full-time computer instructor.
There is also a school library.
The school has been the
hopeful sign that the children
in the community would one
day gain skills for the new
economy developing around
the villages: the mining,
agricultural industries that are
developing, said Khasu.
According to him, it is too early

Tuesday, September 29, 2015



All or most of these might probably be lost, especially the sensitive electronic diagnostic equipment such
as the Ultra-sound, lab- in-the-suit-case, EKG machine, sterilizer unit- Kona Khasu, Clinic supervisor
Henry Karmo (0886522495)

to access the damages as the

two facilities are still under
However, a conservative
estimate is $58,500 to reopen
the clinic in the next few
weeks, and school in about
three weeks, allowing these
resume basic services to
the communities. Restoring
them to full pre-flood service
delivery would probably be
close to US$250,000. This is
the financial cost, he said.
Some residents who spoke to
FrontPageAfrica in the area
said their community was just

beginning to feel proud that it

had one of the best schools in
the country and indisputably
the best high school in the
county before the flood caused
the damage.
For the new school year,
community service offerings
that would promote and
encourage student service
to the community while still
enrolled rather than wait until
their graduation before giving
back to the community. Now,
all of that is in doubt. Presently,
many of them are displaced,
their food destroyed and

personal property destroyed.

temporary housing for DeVos
Villagers, and promised to
contribute to the rehabilitation
fund, Ben Fofana, a teacher
from the school told FPA.
expressed We used to have
to travel to Robertsport,
Monrovia to seek medical
attention. We had a hospital
that even performed operation
on us. Now, this is gone. We
have to help bring it back. We
cant be walking 10 miles just

to get treatment for headache

and malaria as we used to do.
Khasu said the people and the
country are resilient including
the DeVos community and
he is confident that they will
withstand the flood crisis.
This is a community that
withstood the terror of fierce
combatants from both the
Liberian, and Sierra Leonean
civil wars. They survived the
amputations of the Karmonjor
fighters, and the LURD
Rebels, which roamed their
communities. More recently,
they battled the deadly Ebola
Virus. The flooding is just one

more test of their resilience,

he said.
One elderly man in the
community also told FPA
We dont have money. But
we know how to survive. We
went through the wars. We
here living. We will collect our
small, small money and help to
fix our clinic and school.
Flooding has taken place
in recent months at several
locations and Monrovia and
other parts of the country
leaving hundreds homeless.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Students in Cape Mount Count Town Lack School Buildings

Henry Karmo (0886522495)

his confirmation as minister

he would transform Liberia
Education system from
Mess to Best.
President Ellen Johnson
Sirleaf years ago described
the education system of the
country as a mess, a phrase
that has become common

confirmed via his social media,

Facebook page that he has
been serious ill in the United
States for the past weeks
where he had to undergo two
surgeries to revive him.


Werner was
nominated as
Minister of Education in May
2015 pending confirmation
by the Liberian senate, he
told the Senate that upon

Monroviahe Vice Chairman

for Operations and
Mobilization of the
opposition Congress
for Democratic Change (CDC)

On two occasions Werner
along with Dr. Bernice
Dahn of the Ministry of
Health, were both denied
Liberian senate but were
interventions by President

After his confirmation and
upon taking office, Minister
Werner announced the
closure of schools across
the country as part of the
a decision that was not
greeted kindly by people

in the Education sector

including lawmakers.
Werner the process of
intended to enable the
rehabilitation of schools,
provision of up to date
books especially for schools

Page 7

in rural Liberia to provide

environment for Liberian
The decision to close schools
led to protest actions and at
some point almost led to
a beef between the House
of Representatives and
President Sirleaf after it was
observed that the President
had instructed the Minister
to ignore the lawmakers
mandate to put on hold the
decision to close schools.
After almost four months
of schools closure to allow
the reform process to take
the country especially in
rural Liberia, are still in
deplorable condition.
County, a stone throw
from Tienii one of the
major Towns along the BoWaterside Liberia Sierra
Leone Border a Palava hut
is being used to host to over
30 students serving as six
class rooms compartment.
According to one of the
teachers, since the school
year started no authority
from the Ministry of
Education has visited them
to access the situation they
are experiencing.
We are running out
of chalk, we dont have
stationary this is a public
school but like you see here
this is how we conduct our
classes, the teacher said.


reported news about the
ailment of Morlu and according
to Jefferson Koijee, Youth
League Chairman of the CDC,
some higher-ups from the
government circle have been
celebrating the sickness of
Koijee accused the individuals
associated with the Presidency
and vice presidency of making
about the sickness of Morlu,
describing them as detractors.
Our detractors are in the
business of misinforming
the public because they are
celebrating the sickness of
this strong man who is in the
fight against societal ills and
advocating for regime change,
Koijee told FPA.
According to Koijee Morlu
is a human like any other
and sickness is normal but
detractors of the CDC are
making more noise out Morlus
sickness with some claiming
that he is dead.
The good thing is that Morlu
treatment is not coming from
tax payers money like it is
done with many government
officials here, where the
national coffers bleed only to
save their lives when millions
of Liberians do not have access
to good medical care, he
The CDC Youth League Chair
expressed thanks to the people
of the United States for reviving

the life of Morlu saying due

to corruption in Liberia many
Liberia die from sickness that
can be easily cured, noting that
Morlu could have died had he
fallen sick in Liberia.
News about the worsening
condition of Morlu is a blatant
lie from the belly of the devil,
he will soon return with new
vigor to continue the fight
against bad governance which
depriving Liberians of better
living, he added.
He continued why are they
celebrating because Morlu
is standing in their throat
against injustices, the CDC will
continue to take the fight up.
Morlu himself posted on his
Facebook page on Sunday,
September 27 that he is
doing well after undergoing
successful surgeries.
Stated Morlu The Lord Jesus
Saved Me! The Lord Jesus
Christ keeps fighting for me, &
so I keep wining every battle,
even when victory seems
distant. The last two Wks has
been a near-death experience
when I was rushed & admitted
to the Emergency Care Unit of
the Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital,
Pennsylvania. The Lord Jesus
took over amidst two surgeries
& unbearable pains; in time,
He made me 'Rise again'! To
God be the glory. Thanks to
'Mercy Hospital', & to the
great government & people
of the United States. Thanks
to our Political Leader Sen.

George Weah, Chairman Mcgill,

Chairman Tukpah, Chairman
Koijee, Party stalwarts Ernest
Clarke, Hamed Fofana, Wloti
Hne, Nyemah Wisner, Rufus
Dakoteh, etc. Thanks to my
family & friends for the strong
show of support & prayers.
Thanks to all CDCians at home
& abroad for standing with me,
as always.
He said he is still in the
treatment. Though I'm still in
the hospital, yet will continue

to appreciate God for the fastrecovery taking place. Both

surgical tubes inserted during
the surgery have now been
removed, paving way for a
continuous recovery stage, he
Morlu and other high ranking
members of the CDC recently
travelled to the United States
where they accordingly held
highly meetings with both
diaspora Liberians and United
States officials.


Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Page 8 | Frontpage

John S. Morlu, CPA

Keynote Speaker: CDC USA
September 26, 2015
Minneapolis, MN

Mr. Isaac Vah Tukpah, National Chairman, CDC

The National Leadership of CDC USA
Mr. Mulbah K. Morlu, Vice Chairman, CDC
Mr. Raymond Ogunti, Chairman CDC Minnesota
Members of the Mighty CDC USA and Liberia
Members of Representatives of various
Fellow Liberians and all well-wishers of the CDC
present here.
Mr. Chairman, this is my first time in this great city
of Minneapolis. I have passed through here couple of
times on my way to Amsterdam and San Francisco.
But I never had a chance to stay in for a day. It is a
beautiful city.
I appreciate your invitation and it is my honor to
keynote this event, an event that is going to set a pace
that will bring about a new leadership in 2018. I am
not one known for mincing my words. I like to keep it
simple and straight to the issues. The theme for this
event is to Consolidate, Strategize and Win. I am
going to do my best to stay within the context of the

So let me begin. First, before I go into a more

discussion of what I want to you wonderful Liberians
and CDCians, I want to say up front that you have a
great party with a great people who deeply care about
Liberia and its people. Your heart is in the right place
for Liberia. Many CDCians are more competent than
the current set of people who are holding public
office today. You can prove me incorrect by looking at
the character and credentials of each of the current
political appointees in Government.

CDCians are truly blessed to have a greater leadership,

headed by Mr. Tukpah, a man I have known for more
than 20 years and who is very principled minded
and who does not hold anything against people who
disagreed with him.
I received numerous calls and occasional visitations
at my office from Liberians who want to talk about
their frustrations with corruption. Most of them
want me to reconfirm to them whether the current
administration is still 3x more corrupt. I simply ask
them for their own position and they say immediately
it is 10x more corrupt. And so I say to them, "You
have your own answer." So I do not want to bore
you talking about the level of corruption, because as
far as I am concerned that issue is a lost cause with
respect to the current administration. It is too late for
the president and the members of her administration
to intensely build the political will to do anything
about corruption. We have to cut our losses on this
President and prepare today for a more challenging
As Mr. Harry Greaves wrote on FrontPage Africa, this
is now injury time and so all bets are off. Let me add,
this is injury and stoppage time." The stoppage time
is January 16, 2018. Between the injury and stoppage
time, unfortunately for impoverished Liberians, the
stealing and looting by officials of Government will
increase at an astronomical height. That is a grim
projection but that is the reality and the fact of life
in Ellen Sirleafs Liberia. The good thing is that the
John Morlus of the world do not have to say much
about corruption: the Council of Churches and former
officials of the Sirleaf led Government like Attorney
Samuel Kofi Woods are now carrying on the battle

against rampant corruption in her administration.

Did anyone read the interview by Sirleaf-appointed

former minister of economic planning and economic
affairs, Sirleaf-appointed World Bank board member,
and Sirleaf-appointed ECOWAS Vice President? If
you have not read the interview conducted by one
of Liberias strongest journalists Rodney Sieh, you
should go and read it. Dr. Toga Mackintosh says that
Ellen Sirleaf and her Government are stealing and
mismanaging the economic affairs of the country
to the point that the next government will inherit a
bankrupt and cashless government that is on the
brink of collapse. NOCAL is just the tip of the iceberg.
Here are a few issues for you to ponder as you gear
up to take on the challenge of running the affairs of

This administration has sold and mortgaged all your

resources for cheap. More than 100 concessions renegotiated, negotiated, signed and ratified by this
administration and Legislature over the past 10 years
and there is nothing much to show for the so-called
$18 billion that was promised by all of the concessions.
The next government will have no concessions to sign
to get that infamous signing bonus. And if you try to
cancel or re-negotiate these concessions, you will get
clobber by the international business community.
This is like De Ja Vu when Russia's aging president,
Boris Yeltsin, oversaw the stripping of Russian assets
and sold them cheap to seven crooked capitalists.
Now it is taking President Putin years to undo the
damage. For those presidential candidates and their
supporters who are hoping that 2018 is the panacea,
I can tell you it will be unwise to blindly cancel
The current president put us in $4.9 billion debt, most
of it being accumulated interest arrears from the
OAU celebration when she served as the Minister of
Finance. The international community took pity and
waived most of the debt. Since 2010, more debt has
been accumulated to the tune of $750 million and it is
estimated that by the time she leaves power in 2018,
we will have a debt stock of over a $1 billion dollars.
Where will the money come from to fix the education
mess, the broken healthcare system and the $2.2
billion that the Government says it needs to build

roads? IMF estimates that it will cost Liberia $460

million per year over the next decade to build the
infrastructure on par with others in the sub-region.
How are you going to do that in the midst of corruption
and a meager government budget averaging about
$550 million per year.

Mr. Chairman, the next government is facing a fiscal

time bond, especially at a time of escalating debt
and its resulting debt burden. The current Liberian
Government has refused to listen to the current
American Ambassador to Liberia when she said do
not spend what you do not have. But again, the goal of
the current government is simple: Borrow, steal part
of the borrowed money, mismanage the rest and then
leave the treasury empty for the next government to
deal with it.
The next government could be forced to take President
Samuel Doe's approach of saying that it is not his
government's responsibility since it was the prior
governments that took on the loans, but when Mr. Doe
was squeezed by the international community to take
on the debt under the argument that government is a
continuity, Mr. Doe called on all Liberians to give him a
dollar to pay of the national debt to those foreigners.
But Liberians did not trust that Mr. Doe would use the
money for that purpose, so we did not see a ground
swell of Liberian nationalists running to pay $1 to
assist Mr. Doe pay off the national debt he inherited
from Ellen Sirleafs Minisstry of Finance. If the next
Government is not prepared today, the Doe scenario
will be repeated.
Mr. Chairman, let assumed that America and Europe
woke up tomorrow and said here is $10 billion to
fix your education, health, infrastructure and job
creation problems. "What will Liberia do with that
money?" I can bet that it will all be stolen and the
people of Liberia will not benefit. Today, the current
administration because of having the first woman
president in Africa at the top has received the most
international good will in our history but the country
is still stuck in poverty and despair, all because of high
level official corruption.
And some of the opposition parties that are supposed
to be speaking against corruption and all forms of
financial malpractices in the current administration

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


have lifted up high the White Flag and said to the

President that we are with you as long as you are
giving us some of the stolen money or paving the way
for us to eat our own. Look into Liberia and you
will see the Chairman of one of the political parties
boasting that he has made millions because he is the
legal counsel for the President of Liberia. Today,
some of the opposition political party leaders make
the Unity Party and its leader look like the opposition
party. I can safely say that the Unity Party looks more
like the opposition and some of the opposition parties
are more like the Ruling Party. But then they want to
tell the Liberian people that they are better than Ellen
Johnson Sirleaf.
These opposition politicians know they have sold
themselves and tried to make us believe they are still
opposition. They manufactured various names to
suit themselves: Constructive Engagement; Royal
Opposition; Partnership with the Government; and
Collaboration with the Government. They are quick
to remind us with this argument: just because we
are in opposition does not that mean we should be
an enemy to the President or we should criticize the

Who told these politicians to be enemies or criticize

the President? Liberians just want them to take a
side either with the corrupt system or be against the
corrupt system. Being lukewarm and straddling the
fence just to eat on both sides of the fence is not a
mark of integrity and demonstration being a serious
opposition. Some of them say Hilary Clinton joined
Barrack Obama after the election when both were
competitors in the primary. Well, Hilary Clinton
and Barrack Obama are from the Democratic Party.
Liberty Party, NUDP, NPP, UP and all other parties
are distinct entities. It is like the Chairman of the
Republican Party saying he is the legal counsel for
President Barrack Obama.

But we cannot be mad at some of these politicians,

because they have to feed their families; they have got
to have a job, and a place to live. So they believe they
have to kowtow and pimp themselves out to whoever
is in power for them to live. But for a Liberian voter, it
is very hard to trust these people who are running for
president and other public offices. On one hand, these
politicians and their parties are telling the Liberian
people that Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and her government
are corrupt, and if elected, they themselves will bring
change. But on the order hand, they are Nicodemus
politicians at night. They appear to differ with Ellen
Johnson Sirleaf, but at the same time, they are working
with her in the background, taking patronage jobs,
contracts and in some cases, outright cash handouts.
The truth is the Liberian people are not stupid.
They know what these politicians are doing in the
darkness. Liberians are not nave or gullible as people
claim. They are the smartest voters, and they have no
faith in nearly all of the people who want to replace
Ellen Sirleaf. So they will demand cash and bag of rice
during elections, because they know when elected
these people are going to appoint friends, colleagues
and family members who are going to continue
stealing from the government.

There are also thousands of Liberians who can give

money from $500 to $1,000 to finance a political
party. But they also do not trust lot of the current
politicians who are dining with the current corrupt
system, while promising to reform the system when
they are elected.
Liberians usually ask me who is different amongst
these people. "What do they stand for?" I, too, asked
a political leader (not CDC) who had called me to say
we should collaborate in 2017. I simply said no, and
then he asked "Why?" I said plainly, "You cannot be
trusted to do what you say you will do. You lied to
me in 2011 after getting my support and you jumped

behind Ellen Johnson Sirleaf in the second round in

exchange for a job and cash." Others have reached out
to me and I always ask these questions:

Are you going to go after people who have
stolen public money and recover those assets for the
Liberian people like President Olusegun Obasanjo
of Nigeria did, Paul Kagame of Rwanda did, and now
President Muhammadu Buhari is trying doing? We
cannot have people stealing and building mansions in
Liberia, America, Europe and other parts of the world
and then we say to them Let bygones be bygones." The
United States and Europe will help any government
that is willing to chase down corrupt criminals and
recover assets.

Are you going to prosecute all those in
audit reports, economic crimes section of the TRC,
PPCC Reports, Anti-Corruption Reports and all the
mounting Presidential Commission Reports?

Are you going to fully and categorically
implement all sections of the TRC Report, including
asking the United Nations to establish a War Crimes
Court in Liberia to end impunity once and for all? I
am glad that Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is now asking the
Legislature to establish a War Crimes Court in Liberia.
Its never too late. The opposition has been afraid
to call for it and now that Sirleaf is taking the lead,
perhaps the so-called opposition will stand up and
say no to impunity. To his credit, CDC Mulbah Morlu
has been on the frontline fighting for War Crimes
Court. And Prince Johnson refused to support CDC in
2011 because he said Cllr. Winston Tubman will bring
War Crimes Court in Liberia and so Ellen Johnson was
the lesser of the two evils.
Mr. Chairman, if CDC is ever going to win an election
in Liberia, and raise money to mount an effective
campaign, it has to distinguish itself from the current
government. CDC has to take on a clear and definite
position on some of the big ticket items, with the two
being corruption and ending impunity. A party cannot
be wishy-washy and hope to raise money.

From UN Secretary General Moon, US President

Barrack Obama, World Bank President Kim to Liberian
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, all say corruption
Sirleaf has the best plan for Liberia: Interim Poverty
Reduction Strategy, Poverty Reduction Strategy, Vision
2030 and Agenda for Transformation. Corruption
has undermined the execution of all of them, leaving,
yet still, a Liberia that is at the bottom of all poverty
indexes, with its people being the third poorest in
the world. This is a national travesty and a visible
economic injustice to the Liberian people, especially
in a country with an abundance of resources.
Essentially, instead of all the never ending talk of
partnership, collaboration and coalition, CDC should
seek out individuals with impeccable reputations and
track records, and people who will do what they say
they will do. Liberia is not a parliamentary system
where coalition government is possible.

I read about people comparing the victory of President

Buhari in Nigeria as a good example of opposition
coalition in Liberia. But what Liberian political parties
failed to say is that others joined Buhari because he
came in second to Goodluck Jonathan in the 2011
elections. So those political parties who see Buhari
as an example should fold in their parties with the
CDC. This must be on the basis of shared principles,
not just coming together to win so that the Ellen
Sirleaf bunch can be replaced with another bunch of
corrupt people, whose only purpose for a coalition
government is winning and looting the state coffers.
I propose that instead of a coalition in 2017, I see this
election as an historic opportunity to realign Liberian
politics on the basis of shared principles as Thomas


Page 9

Jefferson did for America in 1800, Andrew Jackson

1828, Abraham Lincoln 1860, William McKinley
1896, and Franklin D. Roosevelt 1832. Undoubtedly
2017 should not just be about REPLACING the
administration of Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. It should
realign Liberians on the basis of shared principles.
If CDC can take the lead in doing that, raising money
and winning elections in 2017 should be a cake walk.

CDC must not be distracted by coalition talk. Winning

is important but governing after winning is the hardest
part. Liberian political parties want jobs and contracts
in government. They will join the winning party in a
second anyway. So why waste your time discussing
political coalition at this time. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
formed what is effectively a coalition government
in 2006 and 2012. Just look at the composition of
her government. But many of those who joined her
did not believe in her and so instead of working for
her, they just worked for themselves and lined their
pockets, with the Unity Party and the president taking
all the blame for corruption and the incompetence of
her government.
Mr. Chairman, let CDC be definite on national issues
and do not surrender yourself with uncertainty. CDC
is apparently the only party in Liberia where Liberians
are playing the guessing game of who going to be
Standard bearer or Vice Standard Bearer. Because
of this uncertainty, some political leaders of other
parties try to ride on this uncertainty to gain political
relevance either directly or indirectly at the expense
of CDC. What is wrong with ending this speculation
and getting more adequate timely preparation, focus,
planning and winning strategy? In politics, time is of
essence and no room for unwarranted speculation
that will continue to delay and divert the overall focus
point of a party. Certainty is strength and it defines
the oneness of timely executing goals with much
greater impart.
Again, we can learn from the mistakes of the current
presidentNo Great plan is possible and no reform
is possible in the midst of rampant and escalating
corruption. Corruption makes all plans to fix the
infrastructure, education system and healthcare
system all useless. It is difficult to build an opportunity
society in the midst of corruption; and no democracy
has been built and sustained on a corrupt foundation.

Many Liberians are fed up with the corruption in

Monrovia. Although not a Liberian, even President
Barrack Obama is fed up to the point that when Sirleaf
visited him last, he offered two things:
1. Americas to help fight corruption and 2. To assist
in expanding economic opportunities to Liberians
outside of small Monrovia, reminding our president
that Monrovia is not Liberia, and corruption caused
some of the problems for the expansion of the
Ebola virus. We know some Liberians believed that
the government could not be trusted and was only
promoting Ebola to get more donor money to eat.
Demonstrate complete Moral Clarity on the big issues
facing and take a stand, CDC, against corruption
and fight for TRC implementation, and you will see
Liberians with impeccable credentials, know-how,
good track records, and cash joining you. Money is
not a problem for a party like CDC. Instead it is the
perception that you have not differentiated yourselves
from the current administration. Let your political
leaders - members of the legislature - begin to take a
bold stand on issues and all will follow. Until then, it is
hard to see how you will navigate your way amongst
the noise of political parties, numbering 18 and which
will be likely 30 parties by 2017.
Thank you for inviting me. God bless Liberians in
Minnesota. God bless all Liberians. God bless Liberia,
and God bless the mighty CDC.

Page 10 | Frontpage



kennedy.yangian@ 0777296781 Monrovia-

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Edwin G. Genoway, Jr (231886458910)

he Supreme Court Justice In Chamber Kabineh Janeh

is expected today to lift a stay order placed on the
murder trial of the late police officer Amos Tutu,
FrontPageAfrica has reliably learned from court

The lifting of the stay order will pave the way for the resumption
of the trial which was halted last week by Presiding Judge
Blamo Dixon of the Criminal Court A at the Temple of Justice.
Judge Blamo Dixon told parties to the case that he could not
continue hearing into the case due to the stay order placed on
all proceedings by the Justice-In Chamber Kabineh Janeh due
to a writ of Certorari filed by the prosecution.
I have acknowledged receipt of an order from the Justice
Presiding In Chambers of the Supreme Court to stay all further
proceedings in this case based upon the petition of writ of
certiorari filed against the court by the Ministry of Justice,
Judge Blamo stated
In the writ of certiorari, state prosecution Cllr. Samuel Jacob
prayed the high court to cite the management of Power TV to
produce a telegraph recording made at the scene where the
police officer was reportedly murdered.
This is the second attempt made by state prosecutors to
request the Power TV Station to produce the telegraph
recording allegedly done by the Power TV crew during the
murder of police officer Amos Tutu.
The first request to have the telegraph recording, considered
as key evidence for the prosecution, from the Power TV was
in 2013 but suffered a setback when the station management
claimed not to be in possession of the recording.
It is not clear this time around what will be the decision of
Justice Janeh for the Power TV to surrender the recording
when he ruled today to lift the stay order on the murder trial.
Court record in the possession of the FrontPageAfrica states
that on February 27, 2010 about 9:pm on the Capitol By-Pass,
the late police officer Tutu who was a member of the Police
Support Unit grabbed by immolated by angry residents.
The incident occurred when the late police officer Tutu
allegedly shot and killed a resident of the area identified as
Preston Davis following a scuffle that ensued out of rental fees
recurred by the late Preston Davis.
Seven defendants were identified to have allegedly committed
the act but presently only two of the seven defendants are on
trial while the rest are reported to be on the run with their
whereabouts still unknown.
However, the two defendants have pleaded not guilty hereby
joining issue with the state to prove its case against them.
The seven defendants that were indicted for murder by the
Grand Jury of Montserrado County are: Kwame Akakpo, Aaron
Lackey, Nicolas Wleh, Mitchell Davis, Patrick Davis, Paul
Andrews and Mathew known as Fat boy.

Monrovian an effort to promote the

Sustainable Development
Goals or SDGs, the United
partnership with the Press
Union of Liberia has ended a
day long discussion on ways of
making Liberia get on par with
its counterparts in terms of the
The program brought together
several partners including civil
society organizations, among
many others, in the West Point
Speaking at the program, the
UNDP country director Dr.
Kamil Kamaludeen stressed
that with the collaboration of

every Liberian in the country,

there will be development.
He noted that the development
of the country is in the hands
of Liberians while adding that
Liberians are the masters of
their own development and
working together will bring
development. Unlike the MDGs,
the SDGs will give a wider and
broader platform to do better
in supporting the communities
and achieving the 17 goals of
the SDGs.
For his part, the President of the
Press union of Liberia, Kamara
A. Kamara said this is the first
Social Group summit in Liberia
since it was organized in 2010.
He said there were joint forces
to end the deadly Ebola virus.

As the world leaders adopted

the SDGs few days ago in New
York, I would like to encourage
people of Liberia to take
action to end Poverty, children
diseases amongst others,
Kamara said.
The Director for Economic
Policy Unit at the Ministry
of Finance and Development
Planning Bobby E. Musah said
technology is very important
in the implementation of the
He said that ICTs can facilitate
effective governance structures
connect with citizens and civil
society as long as their role is
recognized within the SDGs.
The Rio+20 Conference in

2012 mandated UN Member

States to launch the process
to develop the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs)
which should last for 15 years
The SDGs were developed to
build upon the MDGs, focus on
the achievement of sustainable
development, social inclusion
and environment. The SDGs
are action-oriented, global
in nature, and universally
applicable to all countries,
among others; The SDGs will
succeed the MDGs at the end
of December 2015 as the new
global development goals. The
SDGs has 17 goals and 169

9 LRA Employees Receive Investigative Techniques Tips
Kennedy L. Yangian 0777296781





The petition having been heard, same is hereby
ordered granted and we now render that the name
SHERIFF beginning this 7th day of September, A.D.

Monroviait by a receipt
leaving six persons
detained with over US$1m
Revenue Authority (LRA) has
conducted a week-long training
in investigative techniques for
nine of its employees.
The training, conducted by
a facilitator from the United
States Treasury Department,
was held under the auspices of
Intensive in-house training on
investigative techniques PED
and Legal& Board Affairs Staff

took place at the headquarters

of the Liberia Revenue
Authority in Paynesville.
At the end of the training over
the weekend, nine employees,
all in a joyous mood, received
certificates. Chief facilitator
Robert Cortesi, Technical
Assistant from the United
States Treasury Department
stated that the training was
part of the US Treasury
technical assistance to the
LRA where its employees
were taught new skills of
investigative techniques.
Vera Manley, former Chief
of the Women and Children
Protection Section (WACPS) of

the Liberia National Police who

resigned her post and took
up assignment with the LRA
was the lone female employee
in the training that won the
highest award.
In response and on behalf of
her colleagues, Madam Manley
lauded the administration of
the LRA for affording them the
opportunity to go through the
training. She added that they
will remain committed in the
discharge of their duties.
We thanked the US Treasury
Department in collaboration
with the LRA as during the
training we learned a lot of new
things such as, investigative

techniques, interview that

will enhance our work, said
Following the certification
of the employees, LRA boss
Elfreda Stewart-Tamba stated
that the training was part of the
LRA administration initiative
in building its human resource.
This is one our initiatives in
building our human resource
capacity, said Madam Tamba
who promised to give a
management award to Madam
Vera Manley who emerged as
the dux of the class.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015




resident Ellen Johnson
Sirleaf has admitted
that the Ebola virus
disease was a wakeup call for Liberia that its
healthcare system was weak
and needed more attention
including primary healthcare.
deficiencies and weaknesses
of our healthcare system.
healthcare with focus on
controlling prevalent diseases
like malaria, cholera is a
critical priority along with the
training of communities as
first responders in containing
outbreaks in the future; be
it Ebola or other diseases
unknown at present.
According to a dispatch from
New York, President Sirleaf
made these comments at
a major side event on the
margins of the UN General
Assembly focused onSecuring
a Healthy Future Building
Resilient Health Systems to
Fight Epidemics and Ensure
Healthy Lives at the Westin

New York Grand Central,

Madison Ball Room on
Saturday, September 26, 2015.
She joined several world
Nations Secretary General Ban
Ki-moon, German Chancellor
Angela Merkel, Norwegian
Prime Minister Erna Solberg,
President Jakaya Kikwete,
among others.
President Sirleaf indicated
that Liberia made particular
maternal mortality, infant
mortality, and HIV/AIDS in
the implementation of the
Goals which will now be
replaced with the 2030 Global
Agenda which contains 17
Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets.
She reflected on the conflict that
kept many things backwards
system and assured that her
government is committed to
building a resilient healthcare
system consistent with the

countrys development agenda

and the SDGs which have just
be adopted by world leaders
at the United Nations General
Speaking earlier, UN Secretary
General Ban Ki-moon reflected
on the Ebola crisis that hit
Liberia, Guinea and Sierra
Liberia has defeated the virus
while Guinea and Sierra Leone
are reporting very few cases.
He praised President Sirleaf
and other leaders for their
managing the Ebola crisis
with local and international
Mr. Ban indicated that the
world must remain vigilant
for future outbreaks and
expressed gratefulness for the
support received during the
Ebola situation.
He said the work being done
now by a panel he constituted
on the global response to
the healthcare system and is
expected to make its report by
the end of the year. Though
we may not know from when,

where and at what time, the

world must also expect new
outbreaks of diseases and
a strengthened healthcare
system is key to confronting
such anticipated outbreak.
A clear roadmap with clear
thematic priorities towards
building resilient healthcare
system is required, he pointed
The UN Secretary General
said it was a good thing that
African leaders have advanced
the creation of an African
Center for Diseases Control
and Prevention, noting that
the launch of the SDGs is a
reminder about the need
to build strong healthcare
systems in the world.
Also making interventions
during special statements and
panel discussion, Ghanaian
German Chancellor Merkel,
World Health Organizations
Dr. Margaret Chan, Tanzanian
President Kikwete, Norwegian
Prime Minister Solberg, and
Microsofts founder Bill Gates,
among others defended the

performance of Liberia, Guinea

and Sierra Leone and battling
the Ebola virus diseases.
They argued that the state of
the healthcare system was
understandable due to decades
of conflicts experienced by
them compared with countries
that have enjoyed stability for
years. They pointed out that
it was now time for the world
to work with them to promote
security and stability, as well
as help develop a healthcare
system that is resilient and
They also stressed the
importance of data collection,
the scrupulous implementation
of the SDGs and the building
of strong primary healthcare
systems as key in securing a
healthy future with resilient
healthcare systems to fight
epidemics and ensure healthy
In a related development,
President Sirleaf has told
global stakeholders in the
Water Sanitation and Hygiene
(WASH) sector that Water and
Sanitation also play a very

Page 11

important role in delivering

quality healthcare to mankind
and urged concerted efforts
in bringing needed relief to a
huge number of global citizens
who need such services.
There are a lot of people who
still dont have access to WASH
service across the world and
this we must address. I am
also glad that we pushed so
hard for water, sanitation and
hygiene to have a spot in the
2030 Global Agenda. They
are well captured in goal six,
President Sirleaf said.
She told her audience that
the importance of WASH was
clearly seen in Liberia during
the Ebola crisis; noting that the
lack of proper WASH services
helped spread the disease.
Reality hit home for sure
during the Ebola crisis. Our
schools couldnt remain open
because water and sanitation
service were either poor or
non-existent in many schools.
WASH must therefore be an
integral part of the rebuilding
of our healthcare system
because access to water and
sanitation remains low in
many parts of Africa, the
Liberian President said.
The side event on Securing a
Healthy Future, sponsored by
Germany, Ghana and Norway,
was to enhance focus on
building resilient healthcare
systems; while the WASH
was organized by Water Aid
and Global Health Council
that brought together key
stakeholders in the Water and
Sanitation sector aimed at
accelerating global actions to
address the challenges in the



he Head of the
European Union (EU)
Delegation to Liberia,
Intelmann and the Mayor of
Bentol City in Montserrado
County, Christine T. Norman
today, 26 September 2015
shared thoughts on the need
to support local communities
including women endeavours,
participation in the public
and private sectors, and to
decentralize public services to
bring the Government closer to
the people.
During an informal lunch
hosted by Mayor Norman as
part of the Ambassador's visit

to the municipality, the EU

envoy and the Mayor agreed
on continuous action to ensure
that women remain part of
government and in responsible
positions both in the public
and private sectors.
While touring the historic
City along with the mayor,
Ambassador Intelmann visited
the local market and held frank
discussion with traders, mainly
women, about the everyday
problems traders encounter.
should be able to feed its
people because it is endowed
with vast potentials including
fertile soil and a good climate.

She suggested that doing so,

requires not only increasing
food production, but also
climate in the country. This
aspect, according to her, is vital
as the EU engages in multiyear
support of the agriculture
During an interview on the
Voice of Rural Montserrado
(VRM), a community FM
station in Bentol, Ambassador
that the importance of the
undertaken by the Government
cannot be overemphasized
opportunity for everyone
to benefit from the services
it provides to the public.
In support of the initiative,
she recounted that the EU,
through the United Nations
Development Program donated
to the Government, under
its Liberia Decentralization
Support Program.
The EU representative also
stressed the importance of the
EU's financial support of major
infrastructure projects such as
the ongoing Gbarnga-to-Ganta
and Ganta-to-Guinea border
thoroughfares which, she
thought if completed, would
benefit the people of Bentol and
the adjoining villages as they
would transport their goods
and services unhindered.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Page 12 | Frontpage




CREDIT NO: 52520

1.The Government of Liberia has received financing toward the cost of
the Liberia Accelerated Electricity Expansion Project, and intends to
apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract for the
Procurement of Motor Vehicles.

2. The Ministry of Lands, Mines, and Energy now invites sealed bids from
eligible bidders for the supply of the following
Item no.



Delivery period

Lot 2

4x4 Cross Country


6 to 12 weeks

Lot 1

4x4 Double Cab


6 to 12 weeks

to be delivered in Monrovia, Liberia.

3. Bidding will be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding
procedures as specified in the World Banks Guidelines: Procurement of
Goods, Works and Non-Consulting Services under IBRD Loans and IDA
Credits & Grants by World Bank Borrowers, January 2011 (Procurement
Guidelines), and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the
Procurement Guidelines. In addition, please refer to paragraphs 1.6 and
1.7 setting forth the World Banks policy on conflict of interest.
4. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from
Ministry of Lands, Mines and Energy, Liberia Accelerated Electricity
Expansion Project, Attention: Manuel Maoni, Email Address: and inspect the bidding documents during
office hours from 0900 to 1700 hours at the address given below.

5. A complete set of documents in English may be purchased by interested

eligible bidders upon submission of a written application to the address
below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of USD50.00. The
method of payment will be Cash. The document will be sent by Courier for
overseas bidders at the Bidders own cost.
6. Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before 2:00pm on
October 29, 2015. Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late bids
will be rejected. Bids will publicly be opened in the presence of bidders
designated representatives and anyone who choose to attend at the
address below on 2:00pm on October 29th, 2015.
7. All bids must be accompanied by a Bid-Securing Declaration.
8. The addresses referred to above are:

i) For inquires
Ministry of Lands, Mines, and Energy
Capitol bypass
Tel: +231 886513636
E-mail: copy:
Web site:
ii) For Bids submission
Ministry of Lands, Mines, and Energy
Capitol Bypass

The Liberian Bank for Development & Investment organized and operating under the Laws of the Republic of Liberia,
is seeking for qualified Liberians to fill the below vacancy. Duty station is at its Monrovia Offices. Successful candidates
should be willing to travel out of Monrovia.
All applications should be addressed to the Human Resource Department no later than October 12, 2015. All signed
applications should be sent to Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted for interview. For
additional information you may call: 0880 159 159.


Job Title
Grade Level: P1-P3
Reports To Vice President Treasury

Job Purpose
- Assist in the undertaking of a wide range of treasury management activities, developing long-term financial
projections, investment strategies and financial risk analysis.
Key Duties
- Measure impact of interest and exchange rates on Banks investment portfolio;
- Report/Analyze major development on global financial markets that impact the Banks portfolio;
- Raise memo to effect changes on system in exchange market, Money markets, Government and other securities;
- Conduct gap analysis and advise appropriate investment action;
- Maintain daily dashboard, measure the Banks cost of funds and advise on pricing of credit products;
- Measure, monitor and report the Banks FX exposure and resolve all transaction discrepancies to ensure settlement
by close of day and within 24 hours;
- Analyze bank cash flow requirements and identify funds available for investment;
- Advise and implement the transfer of funds and securities to implement;
- Help prepare investment proposals and contracts;
- Assist with formulation and implementation of investment policies
- Perform portfolio analysis and prepare periodic performance reports
- Perform any other duties assigned by Management
Key Performance Indicators
- Timely response to the Banks day-to-day cash requirements;
- Quantum of successful deals handled per period;
- Timely updates of exchange rates in the operating system.
Education & Experience
- Bachelors degrees in economics, finance or accounting;
- Three (3) years work experience in treasury management with at least two (2) years in treasury trading environment;
- Goal oriented, extremely capable communicator;
- Good analytical skills;
- Computer skills in Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, Word;
- Good Knowledge of financial products;
- Knowledge of regulatory and/or liquidity processes;
- Understanding of banking products-both assets and liabilities;
- Knowledge of investment principles and practices related to securities
- Understanding of cash management principles assets and liabilities;
- Ability to evaluate and interpret economic and financial information
- Capability to asses and apply economic and financial conditions to current investment decision
- Ability to negotiate the purchase and sale of investment instruments

The Liberian Bank for Development & Investment organized and operating under the Laws of the Republic
of Liberia, is seeking for qualified Liberians to fill the below vacancy. Duty station is at its Monrovia Offices.
Successful candidates should be willing to travel out of Monrovia.

All applications should be addressed to the Human Resource Department no later than October 12, 2015. All
signed applications should be sent to Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted for
interview. For additional information you may call: 0880 159 159.


Job Title
Grade Level P1-P3
Reports To Vice President/Treasury

Job Purpose
- To implement the resource mobilization initiatives of the Bank, proactively monitor and manage the Banks
liquidity portfolio.

- Monitor and measure the liquidity position against established benchmark and report exceptions;
- Monitor and report the Banks daily inflow and outflow of cash;
- Maintain daily treasury dashboard;
- Implement the approved strategies to raise funds in domestic and international capital markets;
- Provide inputs into the monthly, quarterly and annual treasury business plan;
- Prepare daily and weekly Management reports on liquidity and rate outlook;
- Inform and provide recommendations to the Treasurer of significant developments, emerging opportunities
and challenges in areas of responsibilities;
- Carryout any other duties assigned by Supervisor/Management.
Key Performance Indicators

- Timely response to the Banks day-to-day cash requirements;

- Timely reporting of exceptions;
- Timeliness in identifying and establishing hedge positions and recommendation to mitigate risk position;
Education & Experience
- Bachelors degrees in economics, finance or accounting;
- Three (3) years work experience in treasury management with emphasis in liquidity management.
- Goal oriented, extremely capable communicator;
- Good analytical skills;
- Computer skills in Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, Word;
- Good Knowledge of financial products;
- Knowledge of regulatory and/or liquidity processes;
- Understanding of banking products-both assets and liabilities;
- Understanding of issues within liquidity management and liquidity risk management

Tuesday, September 29, 2015




Page 13



n the margins of
the United Nations
General Assembly,
Johnson Sirleaf, on Sunday,
September 27, 2015, joined
several global leaders at a
special event organized by
the Clinton Global Initiative
that focused on many issues
confronting the world today.
At the event held at the
Sheraton Hotel in New
governments, private sector,

civil society, international

organizations, discussed a
wide range of issues including
refugees, disease outbreaks,
slavery, trafficking of women
education, among many others.
According to a dispatch from
New York, President Sirleaf
and the Chief Executive Officer
and Board Chairman of Merck
& Company, a vaccine company,
Mr. Kenneth C. Frazier, in
sharing a panel moderated
by former U.S. President Bill
Clinton, specifically to discuss

As regards ban on female
genital mutilation, President
Sirleaf committed to ensure
the complete adherence to
the enforcement of the ban on
female genital mutilation in
light of the backdrop that the
2011 Law on Children offers
protection against all forms of
violence including FGM which
is against such practice.
On women participation in
politics, the Liberian leader
pledged to ensure the ongoing
Constitution Review process
in Liberia guarantees womens
full participation in governance
and national affairs on a parity
Review Conference early this
year, the women of Liberia
proposed five critical issues to
be captured in the constitution
amongst which were (a)
equal representation and
participation of women in all
sectors of Liberia (elected,
appointed and selected) should
be reflected in the constitution;
(b) a Parity Bill is currently
being discussed before the
National Legislature. Taking
this into consideration, the
Women of Liberia propose
that the 30 percent quota
which was proposed in 2010

the topic: Taking the Long

View: Investing in Prevention,
with emphasis on the outbreak
of infectious diseases around
the globe and effort to prevent
President Bill Clinton told
his audience that the United
States of America has a
Liberia because the country
was created by free slaves
from America and has had
a longstanding traditional

relationship and friendship.

He praised President Sirleaf
for putting the country back
on track after the devastating
Ebola crisis; thanking her also
for the declaration of Liberia as
an Ebola free nation.
thanked former President
Clinton and others who took
the risk to visit Liberia during
the Ebola crisis. You took a
very serious risk by coming
to Liberia when the disease
was still raging and I want to
sincerely thank you for that,

she told former President

She reflected on the bitter
experiences Liberia faced as
a result of the Ebola outbreak
including the downturn of the
economy, closure of schools,
low farming activities, death
of citizens, among others, due
to the strange and unknown
nature of the disease.
President Sirleaf, however,
pointed out that with the
defeat of the virus and a
declaration of freedom from
the Ebola virus disease by the
World Health Organization,
Liberia is trying to rebuild and
Thanks to all who helped us
to overcome the Ebola virus
disease, she said, adding, We
can now put the pieces back
together because already,
contractors are back, children
are back in school, etc.
She said government is
committed to fixing the
healthcare system, reforming
fixing the infrastructure and
investing in agriculture. These
are four basic pillars of our
recovery program, President
Sirleaf indicated.
The Liberian leader urged the
world to support initiatives that
strengthen healthcare systems
and will address infection

and ensure the prevention of

diseases by ensuring there are
no outbreaks in the first place.
involvement and leadership
as key to the global effort to
prevent infectious diseases.
This, she said, involves training
healthcare workers, including
doctors and nurses.
also welcomed initiative by
many institutions including
Merck & Company towards
the production of vaccines
for many diseases, including
The CEO of Merck & Company,
Mr. Kenneth Frazier said his
company invests about US$7
billion annually on disease
prevention programs, but
noted that it requires 15 to
20 years to develop the drug.
This, he said, makes their
investment risky and urged
the world to supplement
companies such as his by
investing in prevention and
building primary healthcare
He announced that the
program still requires further
trials to be confirmed; but
the down turn of the current
outbreak makes more trials



Johnson Sirleaf has
committed Liberia to
some aspects of Goal
No. 5 of the new Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs)
adopted last weekend by
the United Nations General
Assembly in New York.
According to a dispatch, the
Liberian leader made the
commitment at an event on
gender equality and womens
empowerment on Sunday,
September 27, 2015.
Sirleaf said before the end of
her tenure, she shall endeavor
to ensure the domestic
violence bill is passed into law;
ban female genital mutilation
(FGM) and ensure women
participation in politics.
On the domestic violence
bill, the Liberian president
promised to collaborate with
the National Legislature to pass
into law the proposed Domestic
Violence Act endorsed by the
Liberian Cabinet on June 15,
2015 and currently before the
lawmakers for enactment. The
draft Bill defines Domestic
Violence pursuant to Article
2 of the Declaration on the
Elimination of Violence against

be increased to 50 percent and

that the scope is broadened to
include all sectors (public and
private) of Liberia.
The new 2030 Agenda for
which comes into effect on
January 1, 2016, has set out
17 Sustainable Development
Goals and 169 targets to achieve
over the next 15 years. This
2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development seeks to build on
the Millennium Development
Goals and complete what these
did not achieve. It seeks to
realize the human rights of all

and to achieve gender equality

and the empowerment of
women and girls. The new
SDGs are integrated, indivisible
dimensions of sustainable
development: economic, social
and environmental.
Specifically, Goal No. 5 seeks
to achieve gender equality and
empower all women and girls.
discrimination against all
women and girls everywhere;
b) Eliminate all forms of
violence against all women and
girls in the public and private

spheres, including trafficking

and sexual and other types of
c) Eliminate all harmful
practices, such as child, early
and forced marriage and
female genital mutilation;
d) Recognize and value
unpaid care and domestic
work through the provision of
public services, infrastructure
and social protection policies
and the promotion of shared
household and the family as
nationally appropriate;
e) Ensure womens full and

effective participation and

leadership at all levels of
decision-making in political,
economic and public life;
f) Ensure universal access to
sexual and reproductive health
and reproductive rights as
agreed in accordance with the
Programme of Action of the
International Conference on
Population and Development
and the Beijing Platform
for Action and the outcome
documents of their review
g) Undertake reforms to
give women equal rights
to economic resources, as
well as access to ownership
and control over land and
other forms of property,
financial services, inheritance
and natural resources, in
accordance with national laws;
h) Enhance the use of
particular information and
communication technology, to
promote the empowerment of
i) Adopt and strengthen sound
legislation for the promotion
of gender equality and the
empowerment of all women
and girls at all levels.

Page 14 | Frontpage




Tuesday, September 29, 2015



Geneva (AFP) wiss competition authorities said Monday they were

investigating UBS, HSBC, Deutsche Bank and four other
major banks for suspected price fixing in the trade of
precious metals like gold and silver.
The Swiss Competition Commission (COMCO) said it was
looking into whether seven banks had colluded to manipulate
prices in the precious metals market.
The watchdog said in a statement that it had "opened an
investigation against two Swiss banks, UBS and Julius Baer, as
well as against the foreign financial institutions Deutsche Bank,
HSBC, Barclays, Morgan Stanley and Mitsui."
COMCO, which opened a preliminary probe in February, said
it now had indications that the banks had "possibly concluded
illegal competition defying deals" in the trade of the precious
metals gold, silver, platinum and palladium.



dedicated manhunt by the CIA, the National Security
Agency and the military's Joint Special Operations
Command has been methodically finding and killing
senior militants in Syria and Iraq, in one of the few
clear success stories of the U.S. military campaign in those
The drone strikes separate from the conventional bombing
campaign run by U.S. Central Command have significantly
diminished the threat from the Khorasan Group, an al-Qaida
cell in Syria that had planned attacks on American aviation, U.S.
officials say. The group's leader, Muhsin al-Fadhli, and its top
bomb-maker, David Drugeon, were killed this past summer.
Other targeted strikes have taken out senior Islamic State
group figures, including its second in command, known as Hajji



BAPSKA, Croatia (AP)

octors treated migrant children including
newborns for exposure as dropping temperatures
Monday worsened the plight of asylum-seekers
walking for days trying to reach sanctuary in Europe.
One group of migrants crossed into Croatia near the small
village of Bapska, walking through cornfields and forests late
Sunday to pass through a small gate that marks the border with
Vladimir Bozic, a physician from Doctors without Borders, said
he had treated many young children for temperature-related


training for a solution
to Syria's civil war,
Obama on Monday
said the United States is
willing to work with Russia
as well as Iran to achieve
a "managed transition" to
remove Syrian leader Bashar
Assad from power.
However, tensions remain
high between the U.S. and
Russia, Assad's strongest
ally. The Syrian leader's
future was expected to be a
top issue during a rare faceto-face meeting late Monday
between Obama and Russian
President Vladimir Putin.
Assad must go, Obama
"We must recognize that
there cannot be, after so much
bloodshed, so much carnage,
a return to the prewar status
quo," he declared during his
annual address to the United
Nations General Assembly.
Putin was to address the
U.N. General Assembly after
Obama. He was expected to
argue that Assad's military
is the most capable force for
fighting the Islamic State
the extremist group with key

OUAGADOUGOU (Reuters) urkina

the assets of the
leader of a failed
coup and began to disarm
the presidential guard that
took the president and prime
minister hostage just weeks
before elections intended to
mark a return to democracy.
The state prosecutor said
in a statement he froze the
financial and property assets
of coup leader General Gilbert
Diendere and 13 others
suspected of links to the
He did the same to the political
party of former President
Blaise Compaore and three
other parties linked to the
former ruler.
The decision is part of a
crackdown against the coup
leaders and their perceived
supporters one day after
the cabinet dissolved the
presidential guard.
Interim President Michel
Kafando on Friday also
dismissed the minister in
charge of security and created
a commission to identify
those responsible for the coup

strongholds in Syria and Iraq

and therefore needs to be
continued support for Assad,
saying that simply arguing
that the "alternative is surely
worse" is not a solution to a
crisis that has killed more
than 250,000 people since it
began in 2011, led to a flood
of refugees and created a
vacuum for the Islamic State
and other extremist groups.
Despite Obama's staunch
remaining in power, the U.S.
has struggled to energize
a political process to push
him from power. Russia has
long been a major obstacle,
shielding Assad from U.N.
sanctions and continuing
to provide the Syrian
government with weapons.
In fact, Russia has appeared
to deepen its support for
Assad in recent weeks,
sending additional military
equipment and troops with
the justification that it is
helping the government fight
the Islamic State.
"There is no other solution
to the Syrian crisis than
strengthening the effective

government structures and

rendering them help in
fighting terrorism," Putin
said in an interview with
CBS' "60 Minutes" that aired
on the eve of his meeting
with Obama.
Obama's 43-minute address
far longer than the 15
minutes leaders are allocated
by the U.N. sought to put
the effort for a diplomatic
resolution to the Syrian crisis
in the context of other global
challenges the president
has faced during his tenure.
Summing up his approach
to vexing problems, he
said that while he wouldn't
hesitate to use military force
when necessary, the world
should not be guided by
the philosophy that "might
makes right."
Seeking to bolster a focus on
diplomacy, Obama noted his
administration's efforts to
restore ties with Cuba after
a half-century freeze and
the completion of a nuclear
accord with Iran. He noted
that Russia partnered with
the U.S. to achieve the Iran
The Syria conflict, however,
has been a stain on Obama's

Kafando took back power on

Wednesday after the coup
leaders bowed to domestic
and international opposition
and the threat of attack from
loyalist forces. In all, 11 people
died in protests against the
The West African country was
planning to hold elections
on Oct. 11, marking a return

to democracy a year after

protesters toppled Compaore
as he attempted to extend his
27-year rule, but they seem
likely to be delayed because of
the unrest.
Journalists were taken to army
base Guillaume Ouedraogo
to see five trucks loaded
with arms and ammunition
including hand grenades,

foreign policy record. A $500

million Pentagon program
to train and arm moderate
rebels to fight the Islamic
State has resulted in just a
handful of fighters to bolster
airstrikes from a U.S.-led
As Putin has built up
Russia's military presence
in Syria, he's been sharply
critical of the U.S. support
for Syrian rebels, describing
it as not only illegal but
Addressing another area of
tension with Russia, the U.S.
president defended Western
sanctions against Moscow for
its actions supporting rebels
in Ukraine. Obama said he
wasn't seeking a return to
the Cold War, but argued that
the United States couldn't
stand by while a nation's
"If that happens without
consequences in Ukraine, it
could happen to any nation
gathered here today," Obama
The Ukraine crisis has indeed
driven U.S.-Russian relations
to post-Cold War lows.
Russia annexed Crimea from
Ukraine in 2014 and a proRussian armed insurgency
continues in eastern Ukraine,
with Kiev and NATO accusing
Moscow of backing and
supplying it.
A shaky peace deal for
Ukraine was brokered in
February by France and
Germany, and Russia doesn't
want the United States to
become engaged in those
talks. Another four-way
meeting of leaders of Russia,
Ukraine, France and Germany
is set to take place in Paris
this weekend.



rocket propelled grenades and

multiple rocket launchers.
"We think we will finish
(disarming the presidential
guard) in a week, but it's not
certain because what we have
seen there represents just one
tenth of their inventory," said
an officer.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015




In a communication to FIFA Executive committee, the LFA says is seeking the immediate suspension of the President,
Mr. Joseph S. Blatter and Vice President Michel Platini and all other officials/executives implicated in the ongoing
investigations of FIFA by Swiss and US authorities and place them under disciplinary hearing by the ethics committee.

Monrovia he Liberia Football

has been a key ally
Fifa President Sepp Blatter is
leading a new charge for the
sports governing body head to
be suspended.
In a letter dated September
26, 2015, signed by LFA chief
Musa Hassan Bility, obtained
by FrontPageAfrica which
has been submitted to the
Executive Committee of FIFA
in Zurich, Switzerland, the
Liberia FA averred that recent
events relating to alleged
criminal, unethical and illegal
activities of key administrators
of FIFA including the President,
Secretary General and some
executive committee members
have further amplified the

urgent need for swift and

decisive action not just to save
FIFA from total collapse, but to
save the world most popular
sports, the Beautiful Game of
The LFA President, one of
several to have declared a
candidacy fo r and the Executive
Committee said it was taking the
decision because the credibility
of Fifa has been badly damaged
by the events of the last weeks
wherein three of the key leaders
of FIFA, including the President
and Secretary General have
been placed under criminal
investigation. Our call is meant
to save FIFA. Our call is for you
to act to save the institution
we all so dearly love, the LFA
The LFA said several months
of upheaval in FIFA have

now culminated into the

commencement of investigation
by the host country, Switzerland,
into alleged criminal activities
by the President Mr. Joseph S.
Blatter. The inquiry by Swiss
authorities also links FIFA Vice
President Michel Platini.
In light of these disturbing
events, Bility said he is
requesting that the Executive
Committee urgently convene
and implement the following
measures in keeping with the
statutes and
regulations of FIFA: 1. Effect the
immediate suspension of the
President, Mr. Joseph S. Blatter
and Vice President Michel
Platini and all other officials/
executives implicated in the
ongoing investigations of FIFA
by Swiss and US authorities and
place them under

disciplinary hearing by the

ethics committee. 2. Convene
an extraordinary congress
to set up a Special Interim
Administrative body comprised
of Eminent Individuals of
international repute to oversee
the affairs of FIFA. This body
must be given full mandate to
do a comprehensive reform of
FIFA to include its statutes;
code of ethics, and electoral
regulations. 3. To mandate
FIFA to relinquish all material
relevant to the U.S. and Swiss
led Investigation
the original, unedited and
unabridged version of the
Michael J. Garcia report.
Meanwhile, Fifa president Sepp
Blatter has insisted he has done
nothing illegal and says he
plans to remain in the role until
February's elections.

Blatter is under investigation

over allegations of criminal
misappropriation, but in a
statement from his lawyer
Lorenz Erni he made it clear
that he is not guilty of any
"President Blatter spoke to Fifa
staff today and informed the
staff that he was cooperating
with the authorities, reiterated
that he had done nothing illegal
or improper and stated that he
would remain as president of
Fifa," it read.
on Friday shared with the
Swiss authorities the fact
that Mr Platini had a valuable
employment relationship with
Fifa serving as an advisor to the
president beginning in 1998.
prosecutors that the payments
and nothing more and were
properly accounted for within
Fifa including the withholding
of Social Security contributions.
"Because of the continuing
Blatter will answer no further
questions at this time."
The Office of the Attorney
General of Switzerland (OAG)
announced on Friday its
intention to try him over his
dealings with the Caribbean
Football Union (CFU) and Uefa
chief Michel Platini.
emerged which suggested
Blatter had signed off on selling
World Cup broadcasting rights
to the CFU - which was run by
disgraced former Fifa vicepresident Jack Warner - for a
fraction of their value.


Monroviahe wishes of one

today in Liberian
football Nimba United FC
came to reality Sunday at the
Antoinette Tubman Stadium in
Monrovia after her 3-2 victory
over LISCR FC in penalty
shootout in the second leg of
the best out of two of the first
division championship.
Nimba United victory came
through penalty shootout
against LISCR after both teams
failed to score against each
other in their home and away
The Nimba boys were to win
the match on the field of play
but they failed to do so due to
their poor finishing touches.
The winning side had better
passes but 50 to 60 percent
of their shots travelled either
over the bar went far away

from target.
LISCR on the other hand
lacked proper ball possession
but they also misused several
scoring chances but the main
one was in the 73rd minute
when Dominic Jarteh slowly
kicked the ball into the hands
of goalkeeper Emmanuel
LISCR goalkeeper Tommy
Songos made the difference for
his side after denying Nimba
United from scoring against his
side during the 90-minute play
but he was not good in saving

penalty kick.
The Captain of Nimba United
Titus Cooper who was in tears
after his side victory said he
was happy for his side success
in Liberian football but added
that they really worked toward
that success.
Our success today did not
come easily but it came
through the hard work and
togetherness of the club
officials, the Head coach and
members of his technical staff,
fans and sympathizers and
I hope for more progress as

times go by, he said.

We have long been wishing
for this day to come to reality,
a day that our beloved Nimba
United would be crowned
champions in Liberian football
and I am pleased to say here
a big thank you to our Head
coach Kollie Korva, members
of his technical staff, my
fellow players, team officials,
and fans for our triumph over
our opponents, the winning
Captain said.
Nimba United will receive 1.2
million Liberian Dollars as

champions while second place

LISCR receives half of that
amount as runners up.
Nimba United and Barrack
Young Controllers (BYC) II will
now represent Liberia in the
2016 Confederation of African
Football (CAF) Champions
league and Confederation Cup
In the second division
category, Mighty Dragon of
Bong County won the second
division championship and
qualified for the first division
stage after 1 goal aggregate
advantage over ELWA United
in the second division playoff
but EKWA also made it to the
first division.
The Dragons won the first leg
2-0 against ELWA but lost 2-1
in the second leg as they are
now joined by Holder FC who
in the week qualified for the
first division.

Page 15



ele has only gone

and got himself
involved in the
Arsenal vs. Chelsea

The legendary Brazilian
striker, who alongside Diego
Maradona is believed to be
among the greatest players
to walk this planet, has
been quoted by the Metro
in London as saying that he
would play for Arsenal if
given the choice between the
Gunners and Chelsea.
Heres what Pele, 74, had to
Arsenal is a good team to
play for. I like the teams
that play open football, Pele
said. Between Chelsea and
Arsenal? I would play for
Arsenal if I had the chance.


ignite his war of
words with Jose
Mourinho and insisted he
will focus on Arsenal's title
The Gunners boss would
not rise to Mourinho's
latest jibe after seeing his
side's 5-2 win at Leicester.
Alexis Sanchez's hat-trick
at the King Power Stadium
left the Gunners just three
points behind new Barclays
Premier League leaders
Manchester United.

ayer Leverkusen
Hernandez has
stressed he cannot
take any pleasure from the
absence ofLionel Messi
in Tuesday's Champions
League encounter with
The Argentina international
famously netted five times
against Leverkusen last time
the sides met in Europe,
but he will miss Tuesday's
match due to a knee problem
that will keep him out of
action for up to two months.


Commissioning ceremony was conducted by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Liberia, His
Honor Francis S. Korkpor Sr. on behalf of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, who is currently out of
the country and by law is vested with the authority to induct into office judges.

His Honor Chief Justice Korkpor, peforming the induction

His Honor Judge Gbeisay receiving his commission from the Chief Justice

His Honor Judge Fayiah receiving his commission

Chief Justice in the middle, in a group photograph with the President of Trial Judges
Association of Liberia, His Honor James Jones, far right, the President of the Liberian National
Bar Association, Cllr. G. Moses Paygar, far left, along with the two newly inducted judges

Chief Justice Korkpor (middle) and the two newly inducted judges, right Judge Fayiah and left Judge Gbeisay

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